34 resultados para radius of starlikeness
We use numerical simulations to investigate how the chain length and topology of freely fluctuating knotted polymer rings affect their various spatial characteristics such as the radius of the smallest sphere enclosing momentary configurations of simulated polymer chains. We describe how the average value of a characteristic changes with the chain size and how this change depends on the topology of the modeled polymers. Although the scaling profiles of a spatial characteristic for distinct knot types do not intersect (at least, in the range of our data), the profiles for nontrivial knots intersect the corresponding profile obtained for phantom polymers, i.e., those that are free to explore all available topological states. For each knot type, this point of intersection defines its equilibrium length with respect to the spatial characteristic. At this chain length, a polymer forming a given knot type will not tend to increase or decrease. on average, the value of the spatial characteristic when the polymer is released from its topological constraint. We show interrelations between equilibrium lengths defined with respect to spatial characteristics of different character and observe that they are related to the lengths of ideal geometric configurations of the corresponding knot types.
In this paper, we study the average crossing number of equilateral random walks and polygons. We show that the mean average crossing number ACN of all equilateral random walks of length n is of the form . A similar result holds for equilateral random polygons. These results are confirmed by our numerical studies. Furthermore, our numerical studies indicate that when random polygons of length n are divided into individual knot types, the for each knot type can be described by a function of the form where a, b and c are constants depending on and n0 is the minimal number of segments required to form . The profiles diverge from each other, with more complex knots showing higher than less complex knots. Moreover, the profiles intersect with the ACN profile of all closed walks. These points of intersection define the equilibrium length of , i.e., the chain length at which a statistical ensemble of configurations with given knot type -upon cutting, equilibration and reclosure to a new knot type -does not show a tendency to increase or decrease . This concept of equilibrium length seems to be universal, and applies also to other length-dependent observables for random knots, such as the mean radius of gyration Rg.
Previous work on radius of gyration and average crossing number has demonstrated that polymers with fixed topology show a different scaling behavior with respect to these characteristics than polymers with unrestricted topology. Using numerical simulations, we show here that the difference in the scaling behavior between polymers with restricted and unrestricted topology also applies to the total curvature and total torsion. For each knot type, the equilibrium length with respect to a given spatial characteristic is the number of edges at which the value of the characteristic is the same as the average for all polygons. This number appears to be correlated to physical properties of macromolecules, for example gel mobility as measured by the separation between distinct knot types. We also find that, on average, closed polymers require slightly more total curvature and slightly less total torsion than open polymers with the corresponding number of monomers.
OBJECTIVES Little is known about the stent deformability required for optimal stented heart valve bioprosthesis design. Therefore, two bioprosthetic valves with known good long-term clinical results were tested. The strain in the radial direction of the stent posts of these valves was compared with contemporary bioprosthetic valves and a native porcine aortic root. METHODS Medtronic Intact and Carpentier-Edwards Standard (CES), and four contemporary bioprostheses, including one self-expanding prosthesis, were tested with three sonomicrometry probes per valve fixed at commissure attachment points. The mean values from 2400 data points from three measurements of the interprobe distances were used to calculate the radius of the circle circumscribed around the three probes. Changes in the radius of the aortic root at pressures 70-90 and 120-140 mmHg (pressure during diastole and systole) and that of the stent posts at 70-90 and 0-10 mmHg (transvalvular pressure gradient during diastole and systole) were compared. RESULTS An increase in radius by 7.3 ± 2.6, 8.7 ± 0.0 and 3.9 ± 0.0% for the porcine aortic root, CES and Intact valves, respectively, was observed during transition from diastolic to systolic pressure and less for contemporary bioprostheses-mean 2.5 ± 0.9%, lowest 1.2 ± 0.0. CONCLUSIONS The results indicate that the radial deformability of bioprosthetic valve stent posts can be as low as 1.2% for xenoaortic and 3.0% for xenopericardial prostheses with no compromise of valve durability. Although these results suggest that valve stent post-deformability might not be of critical importance, a concrete answer to the question of the significance of stent deformability for valve durability can be obtained only by acquiring long-term follow-up results for valve prostheses with rigid stents.
The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) belongs to a new class of channel proteins called the ENaC/DEG superfamily involved in epithelial Na+ transport, mechanotransduction, and neurotransmission. The role of ENaC in Na+ homeostasis and in the control of blood pressure has been demonstrated recently by the identification of mutations in ENaC beta and gamma subunits causing hypertension. The function of ENaC in Na+ reabsorption depends critically on its ability to discriminate between Na+ and other ions like K+ or Ca2+. ENaC is virtually impermeant to K+ ions, and the molecular basis for its high ionic selectivity is largely unknown. We have identified a conserved Ser residue in the second transmembrane domain of the ENaC alpha subunit (alphaS589), which when mutated allows larger ions such as K+, Rb+, Cs+, and divalent cations to pass through the channel. The relative ion permeability of each of the alphaS589 mutants is related inversely to the ionic radius of the permeant ion, indicating that alphaS589 mutations increase the molecular cutoff of the channel by modifying the pore geometry at the selectivity filter. Proper geometry of the pore is required to tightly accommodate Na+ and Li+ ions and to exclude larger cations. We provide evidence that ENaC discriminates between cations mainly on the basis of their size and the energy of dehydration.
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed at measuring the lipophilicity and ionization constants of diastereoisomeric dipeptides, interpreting them in terms of conformational behavior, and developing statistical models to predict them. METHODS: A series of 20 dipeptides of general structure NH(2) -L-X-(L or D)-His-OMe was designed and synthetized. Their experimental ionization constants (pK(1) , pK(2) and pK(3) ) and lipophilicity parameters (log P(N) and log D(7.4) ) were measured by potentiometry. Molecular modeling in three media (vacuum, water, and chloroform) was used to explore and sample their conformational space, and for each stored conformer to calculate their radius of gyration, virtual log P (preferably written as log P(MLP) , meaning obtained by the molecular lipophilicity potential (MLP) method) and polar surface area (PSA). Means and ranges were calculated for these properties, as was their sensitivity (i.e., the ratio between property range and number of rotatable bonds). RESULTS: Marked differences between diastereoisomers were seen in their experimental ionization constants and lipophilicity parameters. These differences are explained by molecular flexibility, configuration-dependent differences in intramolecular interactions, and accessibility of functional groups. Multiple linear equations correlated experimental lipophilicity parameters and ionization constants with PSA range and other calculated parameters. CONCLUSION: This study documents the differences in lipophilicity and ionization constants between diastereoisomeric dipeptides. Such configuration-dependent differences are shown to depend markedly on differences in conformational behavior and to be amenable to multiple linear regression. Chirality 24:566-576, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We simulate freely jointed chains to investigate how knotting affects the overall shapes of freely fluctuating circular polymeric chains. To characterize the shapes of knotted polygons, we construct enveloping ellipsoids that minimize volume while containing the entire polygon. The lengths of the three principal axes of the enveloping ellipsoids are used to define universal size and shape descriptors analogous to the squared radius of gyration and the inertial asphericity and prolateness. We observe that polymeric chains forming more complex knots are more spherical and also more prolate than chains forming less complex knots with the same number of edges. We compare the shape measures, determined by the enveloping ellipsoids, with those based on constructing inertial ellipsoids and explain the differences between these two measures of polymer shape.
BACKGROUND: So far, none of the existing methods on Murray's law deal with the non-Newtonian behavior of blood flow although the non-Newtonian approach for blood flow modelling looks more accurate. MODELING: In the present paper, Murray's law which is applicable to an arterial bifurcation, is generalized to a non-Newtonian blood flow model (power-law model). When the vessel size reaches the capillary limitation, blood can be modeled using a non-Newtonian constitutive equation. It is assumed two different constraints in addition to the pumping power: the volume constraint or the surface constraint (related to the internal surface of the vessel). For a seek of generality, the relationships are given for an arbitrary number of daughter vessels. It is shown that for a cost function including the volume constraint, classical Murray's law remains valid (i.e. SigmaR(c) = cste with c = 3 is verified and is independent of n, the dimensionless index in the viscosity equation; R being the radius of the vessel). On the contrary, for a cost function including the surface constraint, different values of c may be calculated depending on the value of n. RESULTS: We find that c varies for blood from 2.42 to 3 depending on the constraint and the fluid properties. For the Newtonian model, the surface constraint leads to c = 2.5. The cost function (based on the surface constraint) can be related to entropy generation, by dividing it by the temperature. CONCLUSION: It is demonstrated that the entropy generated in all the daughter vessels is greater than the entropy generated in the parent vessel. Furthermore, it is shown that the difference of entropy generation between the parent and daughter vessels is smaller for a non-Newtonian fluid than for a Newtonian fluid.
Static incubation tests, where microcapsules and beads are contacted with polymer and protein solutions, have been developed for the characterization of permselective materials applied for bioartificial organs and drug delivery. A combination of polymer ingress, detected by size-exclusion chromatography, and protein ingress/ egress, assessed by gel electrophoresis, provides information regarding the diffusion kinetics, molar mass cutoff(MMCO) and permeability. This represents an improvement over existing permeability measurements that are based on the diffusion of a single type of solute. Specifically, the permeability of capsules based on alginate, cellulose sulfate, polymethylene-co-guanidine were characterized as a function of membrane thickness. Solid alginate beads were also evaluated. The MMCO of these capsules was estimated to be between 80 and 90 kDa using polymers, and between 116-150 kDa with proteins. Apparently, the globular shape of the proteins (radius of gyration (Rg) of 4.2-4.6 nm) facilitates their passage through the membrane, comparatively to the polysaccharide coil conformation (Rg of 6.5-8.3 nm). An increase of the capsule membrane thickness reduced these values. The MMCO of the beads, which do not have a membrane limiting their permselective properties, was higher, between 110 and 200 kDa with dextrans, and between 150 and 220 kDa with proteins. Therefore, although the permeability estimated with biologically relevant molecules is generally higher due to their lower radius of gyration, both the MMCO of synthetic and natural watersoluble polymers correlate well, and can be used as in vitro metrics for the immune protection ability of microcapsules and microbeads. This article shows, to the authors' knowledge, the first reported concordance between permeability measures based on model natural and biological macromolecules.
Contact aureoles provide an excellent geologic environment to study the mechanisms of metamorphic reactions in a natural system. The Torres del Paine (TP) intrusion is one of the most spectacular natural laboratories because of its excellent outcrop conditions. It formed in a period from 12.59 to 12.43 Ma and consists of three large granite and four smaller mafic batches. The oldest granite is on top, the youngest at the bottom of the granitic complex, and the granites overly the mafic laccolith. The TP intruded at a depth of 2-3 km into regional metamorphic anchizone to greenschist facies pelites, sandstones, and conglomerates of the Cerro Toro and Punta Barrosa formations. It formed a thin contact aureole of 150-400 m width. This thesis focuses on the reaction kinetics of the mineral cordierite in the contact aureole using quantitative textural analysis methods. First cordierite was formed from chlorite break¬down (zone I, ca. 480 °C, 750 bar). The second cordierite forming reaction was the muscovite break-down, which is accompanied by a modal decrease in biotite and the appearance of k- feldspar (zone II, 540-550 °C, 750 bar). Crystal sizes of the roundish, poikiloblastic cordierites were determined from microscope thin section images by manually marking each crystal. Images were then automatically processed with Matlab. The correction for the intersection probability of each crystal radius yields the crystal size distribution in the rock. Samples from zone I below the laccolith have the largest crystals (0.09 mm). Cordierites from zone II are smaller, with a maximum crystal radius of 0.057 mm. Rocks from zone II have a larger number of small cordierite crystals than rocks from zone I. A combination of these quantitative analysis with numerical modeling of nucleation and growth, is used to infer nucleation and growth parameters which are responsible for the observed mineral textures. For this, the temperature-time paths of the samples need to be known. The thermal history is complex because the main body of the intrusion was formed by several intrusive batches. The emplacement mechanism and duration of each batch can influence the thermal structure in the aureole. A possible subdivision of batches in smaller increments, so called pulses, will focus heat at the side of the intrusion. Focusing all pulses on one side increases the contact aureole size on that side, but decreases it on the other side. It forms a strongly asymmetric contact aureole. Detailed modeling shows that the relative thicknesses of the TP contact aureole above and below the intrusion (150 and 400 m) are best explained by a rapid emplacement of at least the oldest granite batch. Nevertheless, temperatures are significantly too low in all models, compared to observed mineral assemblages in the hornfelses. Hence, an other important thermal mechanisms needs to take place in the host rock. Clastic minerals in the immature sediments outside the contact aureole are hydrated due to small amounts of expelled fluids during contact metamorphism. This leads to a temperature increase of up to 50 °C. The origin of fluids can be traced by stable isotopes. Whole rock stable isotope data (6D and δ180) and chlorine concentrations in biotite document that the TP intrusion induced only very small amounts of fluid flow. Oxygen whole rock data show δ180 values between 9.0 and 10.0 %o within the first 5 m of the contact. Values increase to 13.0 - 15.0 %o further away from the intrusion. Whole rock 6D values display a more complex zoning. First, host rock values (-90 to -70 %o) smoothly decrease towards the contact by ca. 20 %o, up to a distance of ca. 150 m. This is followed by an increase of ca. 20 %o within the innermost 150 m of the aureole (-97.0 to -78 %o at the contact). The initial decrease in 6D values is interpreted to be due to Rayleigh fractionation accompanying the dehydration reactions forming cordierite, while the final increase reflects infiltration of water-rich fluids from the intrusion. An over-estimate on the quantity and the corresponding thermal effect yields a temperature increase of less than 30 °C. This suggests that fluid flow might have contributed only for a small amount to the thermal evolution of the system. A combination of the numerical growth model with the thermal model, including the hydration reaction enthalpies but neglecting fluid flow and incremental growth, can be used to numerically reproduce the observed cordierite textures in the contact aureole. This yields kinetic parameters which indicate fast cordierite crystallization before the thermal peak in the inner aureole, and continued reaction after the thermal peak in the outermost aureole. Only small temperature dependencies of the kinetic parameters seem to be needed to explain the obtained crystal size data. - Les auréoles de contact offrent un cadre géologique privilégié pour l'étude des mécanismes de réactions métamorphiques associés à la mise en place de magmas dans la croûte terrestre. Par ses conditions d'affleurements excellentes, l'intrusion de Torres del Paine représente un site exceptionnel pour améliorer nos connaissances de ces processus. La formation de cette intrusion composée de trois injections granitiques principales et de quatre injections mafiques de volume inférieur couvre une période allant de 12.50 à 12.43 Ma. Le plus vieux granite forme la partie sommitale de l'intrusion alors que l'injection la plus jeune s'observe à la base du complexe granitique; les granites recouvrent la partie mafique du laccolite. L'intrusion du Torres del Paine s'est mise en place a 2-3 km de profondeur dans un encaissant métamorphique. Cet encaissant est caractérisé par un métamorphisme régional de faciès anchizonal à schiste vert et est composé de pélites, de grès, et des conglomérats des formations du Cerro Toro et Punta Barrosa. La mise en place des différentes injections granitiques a généré une auréole de contact de 150-400 m d'épaisseur autour de l'intrusion. Cette thèse se concentre sur la cinétique de réaction associée à la formation de la cordiérite dans les auréoles de contact en utilisant des méthodes quantitatives d'analyses de texture. On observe plusieurs générations de cordiérite dans l'auréole de contact. La première cordiérite est formée par la décomposition de la chlorite (zone I, environ 480 °C, 750 bar), alors qu'une seconde génération de cordiérite est associée à la décomposition de la muscovite, laquelle est accompagnée par une diminution modale de la teneur en biotite et l'apparition de feldspath potassique (zone II, 540-550 °C, 750 bar). Les tailles des cristaux de cordiérites arrondies et blastic ont été déterminées en utilisant des images digitalisées des lames minces et en marquant individuellement chaque cristal. Les images sont ensuite traitées automatiquement à l'aide du programme Matlab. La correction de la probabilité d'intersection en fonction du rayon des cristaux permet de déterminer la distribution de la taille des cristaux dans la roche. Les échantillons de la zone I, en dessous du lacolite, sont caractérisés par de relativement grands cristaux (0.09 mm). Les cristaux de cordiérite de la zone II sont plus petits, avec un rayon maximal de 0.057 mm. Les roches de la zone II présentent un plus grand nombre de petits cristaux de cordiérite que les roches de la zone I. Une combinaison de ces analyses quantitatives avec un modèle numérique de nucléation et croissance a été utilisée pour déduire les paramètres de nucléation et croissance contrôlant les différentes textures minérales observées. Pour développer le modèle de nucléation et de croissance, il est nécessaire de connaître le chemin température - temps des échantillons. L'histoire thermique est complexe parce que l'intrusion est produite par plusieurs injections successives. En effet, le mécanisme d'emplace¬ment et la durée de chaque injection peuvent influencer la structure thermique dans l'auréole. Une subdivision des injections en plus petits incréments, appelés puises, permet de concentrer la chaleur dans les bords de l'intrusion. Une mise en place préférentielle de ces puises sur un côté de l'intrusion modifie l'apport thermique et influence la taille de l'auréole de contact produite, auréole qui devient asymétrique. Dans le cas de la première injection de granite, une modélisation détaillée montre que l'épaisseur relative de l'auréole de contact de Torres del Paine au-dessus et en dessous de l'intrusion (150 et 400 m) est mieux expliquée par un emplacement rapide du granite. Néanmoins, les températures calculées dans l'auréole de con¬tact sont trop basses pour que les modèles thermiques soient cohérants par rapport à la taille de cette auréole. Ainsi, un autre mecanisme exothermique est nécessaire pour permettre à la roche encais¬sante de produire les assemblages observés. L'observation des roches encaissantes entourant les granites montre que les minéraux clastiques dans les sédiments immatures au-dehors de l'auréole sont hydratés suite à la petite quantité de fluide expulsée durant le métamorphisme de contact et/ou la mise en place des granites. Les réactions d'hydratation peuvent permettre une augmentation de la température jusqu'à 50 °C. Afin de déterminer l'origine des fluides, une étude isotopique de roches de l'auréole de contact a été entreprise. Les isotopes stables d'oxygène et d'hydrogène sur la roche totale ainsi que la concentration en chlore dans la biotite indiquent que la mise en place des granites du Torres del Paine n'induit qu'une circulation de fluide limitée. Les données d'oxygène sur roche totale montrent des valeurs δ180 entre 9.0 et 10.0%o au sein des cinq premiers mètres du contact. Les valeurs augmentent jusqu'à 13.0 - 15.0 plus on s'éloigne de l'intrusion. Les valeurs 5D sur roche totale montrent une zonation plus complexe. Les valeurs de la roche encaissante (-90 à -70%o) diminuent progressivement d'environ 20%o depuis l'extérieur de l'auréole jusqu'à une distance d'environ 150 m du granite. Cette diminution est suivie par une augmentation d'environ 20%o au sein des 150 mètres les plus proches du contact (-97.0 à -78%o au contact). La diminution initiale des valeurs de 6D est interprétée comme la conséquence du fractionnement de Rayleigh qui accompagne les réactions de déshydratation formant la cordiérite, alors que l'augmentation finale reflète l'infiltration de fluide riche en eau venant de l'intrusion. A partir de ces résultats, le volume du fluide issu du granite ainsi que son effet thermique a pu être estimé. Ces résultats montrent que l'augmentation de température associée à ces fluides est limitée à un maximum de 30 °C. La contribution de ces fluides dans le bilan thermique est donc faible. Ces différents résultats nous ont permis de créer un modèle thermique associé à la for¬mation de l'auréole de contact qui intègre la mise en place rapide du granite et les réactions d'hydratation lors du métamorphisme. L'intégration de ce modèle thermique dans le modèle numérique de croissance minérale nous permet de calculer les textures des cordiérites. Cepen¬dant, ce modèle est dépendant de la vitesse de croissance et de nucléation de ces cordiérites. Nous avons obtenu ces paramètres en comparant les textures prédites par le modèle et les textures observées dans les roches de l'auréole de contact du Torres del Paine. Les paramètres cinétiques extraits du modèle optimisé indiquent une cristallisation rapide de la cordiérite avant le pic thermique dans la partie interne de l'auréole, et une réaction continue après le pic thermique dans la partie la plus externe de l'auréole. Seules de petites dépendances de température des paramètres de cinétique semblent être nécessaires pour expliquer les don¬nées obtenues sur la distribution des tailles de cristaux. Ces résultats apportent un éclairage nouveau sur la cinétique qui contrôle les réactions métamorphiques.
OBJECTIVE: Based on the law of Laplace, transventricular tension members were designed to diminish wall stress by changing the left ventricle (LV) globular shape to a bilobular one, thus reducing the ventricular wall radius of curvature. This concept was tested in a model of congestive heart failure. METHODS: Seven calves were used for the study (74.3+/-4.2 kg). Treatment efficacy was assessed with sonomicrometric wall motion analysis coupled with intraventricular pressure measurement. Preload increase was applied stepwise with tension members in released and tightened position. RESULTS: Tightening of the tension members improved systolic function for CVP>10 mmHg (dP/dt: 828+/-122 vs. 895+/-112 mmHg/s, P=0.019, for baseline and 20% stress level reduction respectively; wall thickening: 11.6+/-1.5 vs. 13.3+/-1.7%, P<0.001) and diastolic function (LV end-diastolic pressure: 15.9+/-4.8 vs. 13.6+/-2.7 mmHg, P<0.001, for CVP>10 mmHg; peak rate of wall thinning: -12.2+/-2.2 vs. -14+/-2.3 cm(2)/s, P<0.001 and logistic time constant of isovolumic relaxation: 48.4 +/-10.9 vs. 39.8+/-9.6ms, P<0.001, for CVP>5 mmHg). CONCLUSIONS: This less aggressive LV reduction method significantly improves contractility and relaxation parameters in this model of congestive heart failure.
BACKGROUND: Reconstruction of the central aortic pressure wave from the noninvasive recording of the radial pulse with applanation tonometry has become a standard tool in the field of hypertension. It is not presently known whether recording the radial pulse on the dominant or the nondominant side has any effect on such reconstruction. METHOD: We carried out radial applanation tonometry on both forearms in young, healthy, male volunteers, who were either sedentary (n = 11) or high-level tennis players (n = 10). The purpose of including tennis players was to investigate individuals with extreme asymmetry between the dominant and nondominant upper limb. RESULTS: In the sedentary individuals, forearm circumference and handgrip strength were slightly larger on the dominant (mean +/- SD respectively 27.9 +/- 1.5 cm and 53.8 +/- 10 kg) than on nondominant side (27.3 +/- 1.6 cm, P < 0.001 vs. dominant, and 52.1 +/- 11 kg, P = NS). In the tennis players, differences between sides were more conspicuous (forearm circumference: dominant 28.0 +/- 1.7 cm nondominant 26.4 +/- 1.5 cm, P < 0.001; handgrip strength 61.4 +/- 10.8 vs. 53.4 +/- 9.7 kg, P < 0.001). We found that in both sedentary individuals and tennis players, the radial pulse had identical shape on both sides and, consequently, the reconstructed central aortic pressure waveforms, as well as derived indices of central pulsatility, were not dependent on the side where applanation tonometry was carried out. CONCLUSION: Evidence from individuals with maximal asymmetry of dominant vs. nondominant upper limb indicates that laterality of measurement is not a methodological issue for central pulse wave analysis carried out with radial applanation tonometry.
OBJECTIVES: Residual mitral regurgitation after valve repair worsens patients' clinical outcome. Postimplant adjustable mitral rings potentially address this issue, allowing the reshaping of the annulus on the beating heart under echocardiography control. We developed an original mitral ring allowing valve geometry remodelling after the implantation and designed an animal study to assess device effectiveness in correcting residual mitral regurgitation. METHODS: The device consists of two concentric rings: one internal and flexible, sutured to the mitral annulus and a second external and rigid. A third conic element slides between the two rings, modifying the shape of the flexible ring. This sliding element is remotely activated with a rotating tool. Animal model: in adult swine, under cardio pulmonary bypass and cardiac arrest, we shortened the primary chordae of P2 segment to reproduce Type III regurgitation and implanted the active ring. We used intracardiac ultrasound to assess mitral regurgitation and the efficacy of the active ring to correct it. RESULTS: Severe mitral regurgitation (3+ and 4+) was induced in eight animals, 54 ± 6 kg in weight. Vena contracta width decreased from 0.8 ± 0.2 to 0.1 cm; proximal isovelocity surface area radius decreased from 0.8 ± 0.2 to 0.1 cm and effective regurgitant orifice area decreased from 0.50 ± 0.1 to 0.1 ± 0.1 cm(2). Six animals had a reversal of systolic pulmonary flow that normalized following the activation of the device. All corrections were reversible. CONCLUSIONS: Postimplant adjustable mitral ring corrects severe mitral regurgitation through the reversible modification of the annulus geometry on the beating heart. It addresses the frequent and morbid issue of recurrent mitral valve regurgitation.
Cette thèse s'intéresse à étudier les propriétés extrémales de certains modèles de risque d'intérêt dans diverses applications de l'assurance, de la finance et des statistiques. Cette thèse se développe selon deux axes principaux, à savoir: Dans la première partie, nous nous concentrons sur deux modèles de risques univariés, c'est-à- dire, un modèle de risque de déflation et un modèle de risque de réassurance. Nous étudions le développement des queues de distribution sous certaines conditions des risques commun¬s. Les principaux résultats sont ainsi illustrés par des exemples typiques et des simulations numériques. Enfin, les résultats sont appliqués aux domaines des assurances, par exemple, les approximations de Value-at-Risk, d'espérance conditionnelle unilatérale etc. La deuxième partie de cette thèse est consacrée à trois modèles à deux variables: Le premier modèle concerne la censure à deux variables des événements extrême. Pour ce modèle, nous proposons tout d'abord une classe d'estimateurs pour les coefficients de dépendance et la probabilité des queues de distributions. Ces estimateurs sont flexibles en raison d'un paramètre de réglage. Leurs distributions asymptotiques sont obtenues sous certaines condi¬tions lentes bivariées de second ordre. Ensuite, nous donnons quelques exemples et présentons une petite étude de simulations de Monte Carlo, suivie par une application sur un ensemble de données réelles d'assurance. L'objectif de notre deuxième modèle de risque à deux variables est l'étude de coefficients de dépendance des queues de distributions obliques et asymétriques à deux variables. Ces distri¬butions obliques et asymétriques sont largement utiles dans les applications statistiques. Elles sont générées principalement par le mélange moyenne-variance de lois normales et le mélange de lois normales asymétriques d'échelles, qui distinguent la structure de dépendance de queue comme indiqué par nos principaux résultats. Le troisième modèle de risque à deux variables concerne le rapprochement des maxima de séries triangulaires elliptiques obliques. Les résultats théoriques sont fondés sur certaines hypothèses concernant le périmètre aléatoire sous-jacent des queues de distributions. -- This thesis aims to investigate the extremal properties of certain risk models of interest in vari¬ous applications from insurance, finance and statistics. This thesis develops along two principal lines, namely: In the first part, we focus on two univariate risk models, i.e., deflated risk and reinsurance risk models. Therein we investigate their tail expansions under certain tail conditions of the common risks. Our main results are illustrated by some typical examples and numerical simu¬lations as well. Finally, the findings are formulated into some applications in insurance fields, for instance, the approximations of Value-at-Risk, conditional tail expectations etc. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the following three bivariate models: The first model is concerned with bivariate censoring of extreme events. For this model, we first propose a class of estimators for both tail dependence coefficient and tail probability. These estimators are flexible due to a tuning parameter and their asymptotic distributions are obtained under some second order bivariate slowly varying conditions of the model. Then, we give some examples and present a small Monte Carlo simulation study followed by an application on a real-data set from insurance. The objective of our second bivariate risk model is the investigation of tail dependence coefficient of bivariate skew slash distributions. Such skew slash distributions are extensively useful in statistical applications and they are generated mainly by normal mean-variance mixture and scaled skew-normal mixture, which distinguish the tail dependence structure as shown by our principle results. The third bivariate risk model is concerned with the approximation of the component-wise maxima of skew elliptical triangular arrays. The theoretical results are based on certain tail assumptions on the underlying random radius.
Introduction: Vertebral fracture is one of the major osteoporotic fractures which are unfortunately very often undetected. In addition, it is well known that prevalent vertebral fracture increases dramatically the risk of future additional fracture. Instant Vertebral Assessment (IVA) has been introduced in DXA device couple years ago to ease the detection of such fracture when routine DXA are performed. To correctly use such tool, ISCD provided clinical recommendation on when and how to use it. The aim of our study was to evaluate the ISCD guidelines in clinical routine patients and see how often it may change of patient management. Methods: During two months (March and April 2010), a medical questionnaire was systematically given to our clinical routine patient to check the validity of ISCD IVA recommendations in our population. In addition, all women had BMD measurement at AP spine, Femur and 1/3 radius using a Discovery A System (Hologic, Waltham, USA). When appropriate, IVA measurement had been performed on the same DXA system and had been centrally evaluated by two trained Doctors for fracture status according to the semi-quantitative method of Genant. The reading had been performed when possible between L5 and T4. Results: Out of 210 women seen in the consultation, 109 (52%) of them (mean age 68.2 ± 11.5 years) fulfilled the necessary criteria to have an IVA measurement. Out of these 109 women, 43 (incidence 39.4%) had osteoporosis at one of the three skeletal sites and 31 (incidence 28.4%) had at least one vertebral fracture. 14.7% of women had both osteoporosis and at least one vertebral fracture classifying them as "severe osteoporosis" while 46.8% did not have osteoporosis nor vertebral fracture. 24.8% of the women had osteoporosis but no vertebral fracture while 13.8% of women did have osteoporosis and vertebral fracture (clinical osteoporosis). Conclusion: In conclusion, in 52% of our patients, IVA was needed according to ISCD criteria. In half of them the IVA test influenced of patient management either by changing the type of treatment of simply by classifying patient as "clinical osteoporosis". IVA appears to be an important tool in clinical routine but unfortunately is not yet very often used in most of the centers.