104 resultados para physique


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RESUME : L'athérosclérose, pathologie inflammatoire artérielle chronique, est à l'origine de la plupart des maladies cardiovasculaires qui constituent l'une des premières causes de morbidité et mortalité en France. Les études observationnelles et expérimentales montrent que l'exercice physique prévient la mortalité cardiovasculaire. Cependant, les mécanismes précisant les bénéfices cliniques de l'exercice sur l'athérosclérose sont encore largement inconnus. Le but général de ce travail a donc été d'explorer, en utilisant un modèle expérimental d'athérosclérose, la souris hypercholestérolémique génétiquement dépourvue en apolipoprotéine E (apoE-/-), les mécanismes athéroprotecteurs de l'exercice. La dysfonction endothéliale, généralement associée aux facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire, serait l'une des étapes précoces majeures de l'athérogenèse. Elle est caractérisée par une diminution de la biodisponibilité en monoxyde d'azote (NO) avec la perte de ses propriétés vasculo-protectrices, ce qui favorise un climat pro-athérogène (stress oxydatif, adhésion et infiltration des cellules inflammatoires dans la paroi artérielle...) conduisant à la formation de la plaque athéromateuse. L'objectif de notre premier travail a donc été d'explorer les effets de l'exercice d'une part, sur le développement des plaques athéromateuses et d'autre part, sur la fonction endothéliale de la souris apoE-/-. Nos résultats montrent que l'exercice réduit significativement l'extension de l'athérosclérose et prévient la dysfonction endothéliale. L'explication pharmacologique montre que l'exercice stimule la fonction endothéliale via, notamment, une plus grande sensibilité des récepteurs endothéliaux muscariniques, ce qui active les événements signalétiques cellulaires récepteurs-dépendants à l'origine d'une bioactivité accrue de NO. Les complications cliniques graves de l'athérosclérose sont induites par la rupture de la plaque instable provoquant la formation d'un thrombus occlusif et l'ischémie du territoire tissulaire en aval. L'objectif de notre deuxième travail a été d'examiner l'effet de l'exercice sur la qualité/stabilité de la plaque. Nos résultats indiquent que l'exercice de longue durée stabilise la plaque en augmentant le nombre de cellules musculaires lisses et en diminuant le nombre de macrophages intra-plaques. Nos résultats montrent aussi que la phosphorylation de la eNOS (NO Synthase endothéliale) Akt-dépendante n'est pas le mécanisme moléculaire majeur à l'origine de ce bénéfice. Enfin, dans notre troisième travail, nous avons investigué l'effet de l'exercice sur le développement de la plaque vulnérable. Nos résultats montrent, chez un modèle murin de plaque instable (modèle d'hypertension rénovasculaire à rénine et angiotensine II élevés) que l'exercice prévient l'apparition de la plaque vulnérable indépendamment d'un effet hémodynamique. Ce bénéfice serait associé à une diminution de l'expression vasculaire des récepteurs AT1 de l'Angiotensine II. Nos résultats justifient l'importance de l'exercice comme outil préventif des maladies cardiovasculaires. ABSTRACT : Atherosclerosis, a chronic inflammatory disease, is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in France. Observational and experimental data indicate that regular physical exercise has a positive impact on cardiovascular mortality. However, the mechanisms by which exercise exerts clinical benefits on atherosclerosis are still unknown. The general aim of this work was to elucidate the anti-atherosclerotic effects of exercise, using a mouse model of atherosclerosis: the apolipoprotein E-deficient mice (apoE-/- mice). Endothelial dysfunction, generally associated with cardiovascular risk factors, has been recognized to be a major and early step in atherogenesis. Endothelial dysfunction is characterized by Nitric Oxide (NO) biodisponibility reduction with loss of NO-mediated vasculoprotective actions. This leads to vascular effects such as increased oxidative stress and increased adhesion of inflammatory cells into arterial wall thus playing a role in atherosclerotic plaque development. Therefore, one of the objective of our study was to explore the effects of exercise on atherosclerotic plaque extension and on endothelial function in apoE-/- mice. Results show that exercise significantly reduces plaque progression and prevents endothelial dysfunction. Pharmacological explanation indicates that exercise stimulates endothelial function by increasing muscarinic receptors sensitivity which in turn activates intracellular signalling receptor-dependent events leading to increased NO bioactivity. The clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis are the consequences of unstable plaque rupture with thrombus formation leading to tissue ischemia. The second aim of our work was to determine the effect of exercise on plaque stability. We demonstrate that long-term exercise stabilizes atherosclerotic plaques as shown by decreased macrophage and increased Smooth Muscle Cells plaque content. Our results also suggest that the Akt-dependent eNOS phosphorylation pathway is not the primary molecular mechanism mediating these beneficial effects. Finally, we assessed a putative beneficial effect of exercise on vulnerable plaque development. In a mouse model of Angiotensine II (Ang II)-mediated vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques, we provide fist evidence that exercise prevents atherosclerosis progression and plaque vulnerability. The beneficial effect of swimming was associated with decreased aortic Ang II AT1 receptor expression independently from any hemodynamic change. These findings suggest clinical benefit of exercise in terms of cardiovascular event protection.


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[Table des matières] 1. Introduction: que vais-je apprendre? - quelques définitions - recommandations pour une activité physique favorable à la santé - comment mesure-t-on l'activité physique? - déterminants de l'activité physique. - 2. Épidémiologie de la sédentarité: prévalence de la sédentarité - coûts imputables à la sédentarité. - 3. Bénéfices pour la santé: un effet dose-réponse non linéaire - estimation des bénéfices de l'activité physique. - 4. Rôle du médecin de premier recours. - 5. Prise en charge: description générale d'un modèle de prise en charge - comment s'y prendre dans les détails - appréciation des risques liés à l'activité physique. - 6. Exemples d'outils: brochure pour les patients - podomètre: 10000 pas quotidiens pour sa santé! - 7. Autres ressources à disposition: site internet: www.paprica.ch. - glossaire [Introduction (extrait)] Ce manuel décrit la perspective et le rôle du médecin de premier recours dans la promotion d'une activité physique bénéfique pour la santé. Il s'inscrit, avec la brochure d'accompagnement destinée aux patients, dans un concept global de promotion de l'activité physique au cabinet médical. Développé pour être le plus concis possible, ce manuel fait la synthèse des connaissances et des savoir-faire utiles à la pratique du conseil en activité physique au cabinet médical.


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Regular physical activity is among the most effective interventions to prevent or delay functional decline and disability, even in older persons. Despite relatively strong scientific evidence supporting these benefits, the majority of older persons remain mostly sedentary. For these persons, concerns about injury or fear of negative consequences on their chronic diseases are among the most powerful barriers to participation in regular physical activity. Promotion of physical activity among older persons has therefore become one of the five main themes of the health promotion project "Via", a project that aims at promoting good practice in prevention and health promotion directed toward older adults in Switzerland. This paper summarizes the main recommendations issued from this national project supported by the Swiss Health Promotion Foundation.


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Résumé de: Metcalf B, et al. Effectiveness of intervention on physical activity of children: systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials with objectively measured outcomes (EarlyBird 54). BMJ. 2012 Sep 27;345:e5888. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e5888. PMID: 23044984.


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Optimum management of non-acquired neuromuscular disorders requires a multidisciplinary approach in order to prevent secondary complications related to the progression of the disease and to maintain the patient's independency in daily activities. For treatments, the physiotherapists and occupational therapists must have precise and measurable goals to quantify muscle strength and functions in conjunction with a specialist in neurorehabilitation. Examples of simple motor scores or scales are given in order to transmit precise information to the GP and the multidisciplinary team, and type of orthosis and physiotherapy programmes are given as pieces of advice to assume the follow-up of patients.


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The activity-related energy expenditure mainly depends upon body weight, the type, intensity and duration of the exercise as well as the mechanical efficiency with which the subjects perform the work. Controversy still exist about the role of hypoactivity in the aetiology of obesity both in adolescence and adulthood. A number of experimental studies based on indirect assessment of physical activity (such as pedometers, accelerometers, cinematography and heart rate) have demonstrated a significant reduction in spontaneous physical activity in certain obese groups as compared to lean matched controls. On the other hand, direct measurements of energy expenditure (by indirect calorimetry) have shown a linear relationship between body weight and 24-hour (or activity-related) energy expenditure. It therefore appears that despite the greater placidity characterising some grossly obese subjects, the absolute rate of energy expenditure - particularly in weight bearing activities - is not lower than in lean subjects, since the hypoactivity does not fully compensate for the greater gross energy cost of a given activity.


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Die Schweiz hat neue Empfehlungen für gesundheitswirksame Bewegung - aber wie bringt man eine Bevölkerung tatsächlich dazu, sich genügend zu bewegen? Einer von sieben erfolgversprechenden Ansätzen liegt in der medizinischen Grundversorgung. La Suisse a émis de nouvelles recommandations préconisant l'exercice physique comme gage de bonne santé. Mais, dans la réalité, comment parvenir à convaincre toute une population de bouger suffisamment? Les soins médicaux primaires constituent l'une des sept approches prometteuses.


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The rate of teenagers who engage in sports activity on a regular basis has decreased since ten years, whereas the rate of overweight and obesity is steadily increasing. This paper discusses the meaning as well as the limits of sports activity during adolescence. Guidelines for sports participation include: a discussion of the frequency and duration of sports training sessions, which have to be adapted to the growth and pubertal stage of the adolescent. Any symptoms suggesting overuse should be tackled seriously. Physician's counselling in the field of protective behaviour (injury prevention) is effective. Finally, the majority of chronic conditions are compatible with moderate sports activity.


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A survey was undertaken among a representative sample of the female population, aged 20 to 74, of the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland (total population 550,000) to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of women in respect to breast cancer and its prevention. The present study focuses on access by women to medical preventive measures (breast examination by physician and information on breast self-examination). The data are analyzed in relation to the individual risk factors affecting women, in particular age. While with age the risk of breast cancer grows in a linear fashion, the proportion of women having their breast examined by a physician declines. Women over 50 who had no children before the age of 30 constitute an especially high risk category, with the lowest access to information and prevention. This is explained in large part by the fact that they consult gynecologists less often. In this regard it should be noted that a visit to a gynecologist's office is associated much more often with breast examination than a visit to a family physician. It is important to take such findings into account in providing more appropriate and complete care for those groups. This involves sensitization of the physician and improved information for the women themselves.