53 resultados para overview
To make a diagnostic of cancer in a young adult (15-30 years of age) has important physical, psychological and social implications. The most frequent cancers seen at this age are cancer of the thyroid, testicular germ cell tumours, 'melanoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, leukaemia, cerebral tumours and sarcomas. Even if the prognostic of most of these cancers is excellent, treatments are difficult and often associated with long-term side effects. A multidisciplinary approach of these patients is essential. A long-term follow-up by a general practicioner or an oncologist is indispensable.
Les cancers du cavum ont une incidence d'environ 0,5 cas par an et par 100 000 habitants pour les hommes en France, mais sont endémiques dans des régions comme l'Asie du Sud-Est. La prise en charge thérapeutique par radiothérapie exclusive, qui a longtemps été le standard, permet d'obtenir des taux de contrôle local pour les stades T3-T4 de l'ordre de 50 à 75 % des cas. Les techniques d'irradiation en modulation d'intensité permettent une excellente couverture dosimétrique avec une meilleure protection des organes à risque et doivent être privilégiées. L'apport d'une chimiothérapie concomitante à l'IMRT améliore significativement les taux de survie globale qui sont supérieurs ou égaux à 75 % à cinq ans dans les stades avancés. Dans la pratique courante, une radiochimiothérapie concomitante à base de sels de platine est réalisée mais la place des cures néoadjuvantes et/ou adjuvantes est discutée dans le but principal de diminuer les rechutes à distance, des études sont en cours. Enfin, la surveillance doit être axée sur la détection précoce de rechutes locales potentiellement curables et sur la prise en charge des séquelles thérapeutiques à long terme. Cancer of the nasopharynx is an uncommon malignancy in France (incidence = 0.5/year/100,000 men) but is endemic in areas like in South-East Asia. Exclusive radiation therapy used to be the standard and results in local control rates for T3-T4 tumors around 50-75 %. Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) improves tumor coverage with a sparing of organs at risk and has to be privileged. Concurrent chemotherapy with IMRT achieved significant survival benefice with 5-year overall survival above 75 %. Concurrent radiochemotherapy with platinium is the most frequent scheme but induction and adjuvant chemotherapies are discussed to reduce distant failure: studies are currently ongoing. Follow-up aims to detect early local failures with a chance of cure and to manage long-term toxicities.
The significant development of immunosuppressive drug therapies within the past 20 years has had a major impact on the outcome of clinical solid organ transplantation, mainly by decreasing the incidence of acute rejection episodes and improving short-term patient and graft survival. However, long-term results remain relatively disappointing because of chronic allograft dysfunction and patient morbidity or mortality, which is often related to the adverse effects of immunosuppressive treatment. Thus, the induction of specific immunological tolerance of the recipient towards the allograft remains an important objective in transplantation. In this article, we first briefly describe the mechanisms of allograft rejection and immune tolerance. We then review in detail current tolerogenic strategies that could promote central or peripheral tolerance, highlighting the promises as well as the remaining challenges in clinical transplantation. The induction of haematopoietic mixed chimerism could be an approach to induce robust central tolerance, and we describe recent encouraging reports of end-stage kidney disease patients, without concomitant malignancy, who have undergone combined bone marrow and kidney transplantation. We discuss current studies suggesting that, while promoting peripheral transplantation tolerance in preclinical models, induction protocols based on lymphocyte depletion (polyclonal antithymocyte globulins, alemtuzumab) or co-stimulatory blockade (belatacept) should, at the current stage, be considered more as drug-minimization rather than tolerance-inducing strategies. Thus, a better understanding of the mechanisms that promote peripheral tolerance has led to newer approaches and the investigation of individualized donor-specific cellular therapies based on manipulated recipient regulatory T cells.
A survey was undertaken among Swiss occupational health and safety specialists in 2004 to identify uses, difficulties, and possible developments of exposure models. Occupational hygienists (121), occupational physicians (169), and safety specialists (95) were surveyed with an in depth questionnaire. Results obtained indicate that models are not used very much in practice in Switzerland and are reserved to research groups focusing on specific topics. However, various determinants of exposure are often considered important by professionals (emission rate, work activity), and in some cases recorded and used (room parameters, operator activity). These parameters cannot be directly included in present models. Nevertheless, more than half of the occupational hygienists think that it is important to develop quantitative exposure models. Looking at research institutions, there is, however, a big interest in the use of models to solve problems which are difficult to address with direct measurements; i. e. retrospective exposure assessment for specific clinical cases and prospective evaluation for new situations or estimation of the effect of selected parameters. In a recent study about cases of acutepulmonary toxicity following water proofing spray exposure, exposure models have been used to reconstruct exposure of a group of patients. Finally, in the context of exposure prediction, it is also important to report about a measurement database existing in Switzerland since 1991. [Authors]
The number of physical activity measures and indexes used in the human literature is large and may result in some difficulty for the average investigator to choose the most appropriate measure. Accordingly, this review is intended to provide information on the utility and limitations of the various measures. Its primary focus is the objective assessment of free-living physical activity in humans based on physiological and biomechanical methods. The physical activity measures have been classified into three categories: Measures based on energy expenditure or oxygen uptake, such as activity energy expenditure, activity-related time equivalent, physical activity level, physical activity ratio, metabolic equivalent, and a new index of potential interest, daytime physical activity level. Measures based on heart rate monitoring, such as net heart rate, physical activity ratio heart rate, physical activity level heart rate, activity-related time equivalent, and daytime physical activity level heart rate. Measures based on whole-body accelerometry (counts/U time). Quantification of the velocity and duration of displacement in outdoor conditions by satellites using the Differential Global Positioning System may constitute a surrogate for physical activity, because walking is the primary activity of man in free-living conditions. A general outline of the measures and indexes described above is presented in tabular form, along with their respective definition, usual applications, advantages, and shortcomings. A practical example is given with typical values in obese and non-obese subjects. The various factors to be considered in the selection of physical activity methods include experimental goals, sample size, budget, cultural and social/environmental factors, physical burden for the subject, and statistical factors, such as accuracy and precision. It is concluded that no single current technique is able to quantify all aspects of physical activity under free-living conditions, requiring the use of complementary methods. In the future, physical activity sensors, which are of low-cost, small-sized, and convenient for subjects, investigators, and clinicians, are needed to reliably monitor, during extended periods in free-living situations, small changes in movements and grade as well as duration and intensity of typical physical activities.