82 resultados para mantle temperature
To constrain deformation temperatures of mantle shear zones, we studied a strike-slip shear zone (Hilti massif, Semail ophiolite, Oman) and focused on the interaction between microstructural mechanisms and chemical equilibration processes. Quantitative microfabric analysis on harzburgites with different deformation intensity (porphyroclastic tectonite, mylonite, and ultramylonite) was combined with orthopyroxene geothermometry. The average grain size of all phases decreases with decreasing shear zone thickness. Dynamic recrystallization of porphyroclasts in combination with dissolution-precipitation and nucleation result in small-sized, chemically equilibrated pyroxenes. The composition of orthopyroxene was used to calculate deformation temperatures. In the case of the porphyroclastic tectonites, the chemical composition of orthopyroxene has been reset by diffusion yielding temperature estimates of 880-900 degrees C. The mylonites were deformed by dislocation creep of olivine and show a broad range of calculated temperatures, which result from a combination of grain size reduction and inheritance of equilibrium compositions from earlier high-temperature events and diffusion. In mylonites, diffusion profiles combined with geothermometry and grain size analysis indicate a mylonitic deformation temperature of 800-900 degrees C possibly followed by diffusion. In ultramylonites, the smallest grains (<30 mu m) reveal equilibration at temperatures of similar to 700 degrees C during the last stages of ductile deformation, which was dominated by diffusion creep of olivine. Our results provide a crucial link between temperature and evolution of microstructures from dislocation creep to diffusion creep in mantle shear zones.
Results of a field and microstructural study between the northern and the central bodies of the Lanzo plagioclase peridotite massif (NW Italy) indicate that the spatial distribution of deformation is asymmetric across kilometre-scale mantle shear zones. The southwestern part of the shear zone (footwall) shows a gradually increasing degree of deformation from porphyroclastic peridotites to mylonite, whereas the northeastern part (hanging wall) quickly grades into weakly deformed peridotites. Discordant gabbroic and basaltic dykes are asymmetrically distributed and far more abundant in the footwall of the shear zone. The porphyroclastic peridotite displays porphyroclastic zones and domains of igneous crystallization whereas mylonites are characterized by elongated porphyroclasts, embedded between fine-grained, polycrystalline bands of olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, spinel, rare titanian pargasite, and domains of recrystallized olivine. Two types of melt impregnation textures have been found: (1) clinopyroxene porphyroclasts incongruently reacted with migrating melt to form orthopyroxene plagioclase; (2) olivine porphyroclasts are partially replaced by interstitial orthopyroxene. The meltrock reaction textures tend to disappear in the mylonites, indicating that deformation in the mylonite continued under subsolidus conditions. The pyroxene chemistry is correlated with grain size. High-Al pyroxene cores indicate high temperatures (11001030C), whereas low-Al neoblasts display lower final equilibration temperatures (860C). The spinel Cr-number [molar Cr/(Cr Al)] and TiO2 concentrations show extreme variability covering almost the entire range known from abyssal peridotites. The spinel compositions of porphyroclastic peridotites from the central body are more variable than spinel from mylonite, mylonite with ultra-mylonite bands, and porphyroclastic rocks of the northern body. The spinel compositions probably indicate disequilibrium and would favour rapid cooling, and a faster exhumation of the central peridotite body, relative to the northern one. Our results indicate that melt migration and high-temperature deformation are juxtaposed both in time and space. Meltrock reaction may have caused grain-size reduction, which in turn led to localization of deformation. It is likely that melt-lubricated, actively deforming peridotites acted as melt focusing zones, with permeabilities higher than the surrounding, less deformed peridotites. Later, under subsolidus conditions, pinning in polycrystalline bands in the mylonites inhibited substantial grain growth and led to permanent weak zones in the upper mantle peridotite, with a permeability that is lower than in the weakly deformed peridotites. Such an inversion in permeability might explain why actively deforming, fine-grained peridotite mylonite acted as a permeability barrier and why ascending mafic melts might terminate and crystallize as gabbros along actively deforming shear zones. Melt-lubricated mantle shear zones provide a mechanism for explaining the discontinuous distribution of gabbros in oceancontinent transition zones, oceanic core complexes and ultraslow-spreading ridges.
Melt-rock reaction in the upper mantle is recorded in a variety of ultramafic rocks and is an important process in modifying melt composition on its way from the source region towards the surface. This experimental study evaluates the compositional variability of tholeiitic basalts upon reaction with depleted peridotite at uppermost-mantle conditions. Infiltration-reaction processes are simulated by employing a three-layered set-up: primitive basaltic powder ('melt layer') is overlain by a 'peridotite layer' and a layer of vitreous carbon spheres ('melt trap'). Melt from the melt layer is forced to move through the peridotite layer into the melt trap. Experiments were conducted at 0.65 and 0.8 GPa in the temperature range 1,170-1,290 degrees C. In this P-T range, representing conditions encountered in the transition zone (thermal boundary layer) between the asthenosphere and the lithosphere underneath oceanic spreading centres, the melt is subjected to fractionation, and the peridotite is partially melting (T (s) similar to 1,260 degrees C). The effect of reaction between melt and peridotite on the melt composition was investigated across each experimental charge. Quenched melts in the peridotite layers display larger compositional variations than melt layer glasses. A difference between glasses in the melt and peridotite layer becomes more important at decreasing temperature through a combination of enrichment in incompatible elements in the melt layer and less efficient diffusive equilibration in the melt phase. At 1,290A degrees C, preferential dissolution of pyroxenes enriches the melt in silica and dilutes it in incompatible elements. Moreover, liquids become increasingly enriched in Cr(2)O(3) at higher temperatures due to the dissolution of spinel. Silica contents of liquids decrease at 1,260 degrees C, whereas incompatible elements start to concentrate in the melt due to increasing levels of crystallization. At the lowest temperatures investigated, increasing alkali contents cause silica to increase as a consequence of reactive fractionation. Pervasive percolation of tholeiitic basalt through an upper-mantle thermal boundary layer can thus impose a high-Si 'low-pressure' signature on MORB. This could explain opx + plag enrichment in shallow plagioclase peridotites and prolonged formation of olivine gabbros.
The origin and evolution of CO2 inclusions and calcite veins in peridotite xenoliths of the Pannonian Basin, Hungary, were investigated by means of petrographic investigation and stable isotope analyses. The fluid inclusions recovered in paragenetic olivine and clinopyroxene belong to distinct populations: type A (texturally early) inclusions with regular shapes (often with negative crystal forms) forming intragranular trails, type B (texturally late) inclusions defining randomly oriented trails that reach grain boundaries Type B inclusions are often associated with silicate melt (type C) inclusions Stable carbon isotope compositions in inclusion-hosted CO2 were obtained by vacuum crushing followed by conventional dual inlet as well as continuous flow mass spectrometry in order to eliminate possible lab artifacts. Olivines, clino- and orthopyroxenes of the host peridotite have oxygen isotope compositions from 5.3 to 6.0 parts per thousand (relative to V-SMOW). without any relationship with xenolith texture. Some of the xenoliths contained calcite in various forms veins and infillings in silicate globules in veins, secondary carbonate veins filling cracks and metasomatic veins with diffuse margins The former two carbonate types have delta C-13 values around -13 parts per thousand (relative to V-PDB) and low Sr contents (<05 wt %), whereas the third type,veins with high-temperature metasomatic features have a delta C-13 value of -5 0 parts per thousand and high Sr contents up to 34 wt.% In spite of the mantle-like delta C-13 value and the unusually high Sr content typical for mantle-derived carbonate, trace element compositions have proven a crustal origin. This observation supports the conclusions of earlier studies that the carbonate melt droplets found on peridotite xenoliths in the alkaline basalts represent mobilized sedimentary carbonate. The large delta C-13 range and the C-12-enrichment in the carbonates can be attributed to devolanlization of the migrating carbonate or infiltration of surficial fluids containing C-12-rich dissolved carbon Carbon isotope compositions of inclusion-hosted CO2 range from -17 8 to -4.8 parts per thousand (relative to V-PDB) with no relation to the amount of CO2 released by vacuum crushing. Low-delta C-13 values measured by stepwise heating under vacuum suggest that the carbon component is pristine and not related to surficial contamination, and that primary mantle fluids with delta C-13 values around -5 parts per thousand were at least partly preserved in the xenoliths Tectonic reworking and heating by the basaltic magma resulted in partial CO2 release and local C-13-depletion. (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
The influence of second phases (e.g., pyroxenes) on olivine grain size was studied by quantitative microfabric analyses of samples of the Hilti massif mantle shear zone (Semail ophiolite, Oman). The microstructures range from porphyroclastic tectonites to ultramylonites, from outside to the center of the shear zone. Starting at conditions of ridge-related flow, they formed under continuous cooling leading to progressive strain localization. The dependence of the average olivine grain size on the second-phase content can be split into a second-phase controlled and a dynamic recrystallization-controlled field. In the former, the olivine grain size is related to the ratio between the second-phase grain size and volume fraction (Zener parameter). In the latter, dynamic recrystallization manifested by a balance between grain growth and grain size reduction processes yields a stable olivine grain size. In both fields the average olivine and second-phase grain size decreases with decreasing temperature. Combining the microstructural information with deformation mechanism maps suggests that the porphyroclastic tectonites (similar to 1100 degrees C) and mylonites (similar to 800 degrees C) formed under the predominance of dislocation creep. Since olivine-rich layers are intercalated with layer parallel, polymineralic bands in the mylonites, nearly equiviscous conditions can be assumed. In the ultramylonites, diffusion creep represents the major deformation mechanism in the polymineralic layers. It is this switch in deformation mechanism from dislocation creep to diffusion creep that forces strain to localize in the fine-grained polymineralic domains at low temperatures (<similar to 700 degrees C), underlining the role of the second phases on strain localization in cooling mantle rocks.
Résumé: Le complexe du Mont Collon (nappe de la Dent Blanche, Austroalpin) est l'un des exemples les mieux préservés du magmatisme mafique permien des Alpes occidentales. Il est composé d'affleurements discontinus et d'une stratification magmatique en son centre (Dents de Bertol) et est composé à 95% de roches mafiques cumulatives (gabbros à olivine et/ou cpx, anorthositiques, troctolites, wehrlites et wehrlites à plagioclase) et localement de quelques gabbros pegmatitiques. Ces faciès sont recoupés par de nombreux filons acides (aphtes, pegmatites quartziques, microgranodiorites et filons anorthositiques) et mafiques tardifs (dikes mélanocrates riches en Fe et Ti). Les calculs thermométriques (équilibre olivine-augite) montrent des températures de 1070-1120 ± 6°C, tandis que le thermomètre amphibole-plagioclase indique une température de 740 ± 40°C à 0.5 GPa pour les amphiboles magmatiques tardives. La geobarométrie sur pyroxène donne des pressions moyennes de 0.3-0.6 GPa, indiquant un emplacement dans la croûte moyenne. De plus, les températures obtenues sur des amphiboles coronitiques indiquent des températures de l'ordre de 700 ± 40°C confirmant que les réactions coronitiques apparaissent dans des conditions subsolidus. Les âges concordants U/Pb sur zircons de 284.2 ± 0.6 et 282.9 ± 0.6 Ma obtenus sur un gabbro pegmatitique et une pegmatitique quartzique, sont interprétés comme des âges de cristallisation. Les datations 40Ar/39Ar sur amphiboles des filons mélanocrates donnent un âge plateau de 260.2 ± 0.7 Ma, qui est probablement très proche de l'âge de cristallisation. Ainsi, cet age 40Ar/39Ar indique un second évènement magmatique au sein du complexe. Les compositions des roches totales en éléments majeurs et traces montrent peu de variations, ainsi que le Mg# (75-80). Les éléments traces enregistrent le caractère cumulatif des roches (anomalie positive en Eu) et révèlent des anomalies négatives systématiques en Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf et Ti dans les faciès basiques. Le manque de corrélation entre éléments majeurs et traces est caractéristique d'un processus de cristallisation in situ impliquant une quantité variable de liquide interstitiel (L) entre les phases cumulus. Les distributions des éléments traces dans les minéraux sont homogènes, indiquant une rééquilibration .subsolidus entre cristaux et liquide interstitiel. Un modèle quantitatif basé sur les équations de cristallisation in situ de Langmuir reproduisent correctement les concentrations en terres rares légères des minéraux cumulatifs montrant la présence de 0 à 35% de liquide interstitiel L pour des degrés de différenciation F de 0 à 45%, par rapport au faciès les moins évolués du complexe. En outre, les valeurs de L sont bien corrélées avec les proportions modales d'amphibole interstitielle et les concentrations en éléments incompatibles des roches (Zr, Nb). Le liquide parental calculé des cumulats du Mont Collon est caractérisé par un enrichissement relatif en terres rares légères et Th, un appauvrissement en terres rares lourdes typique d'une affinité transitionnelle (T-MORB) et une forte anomalie négative en Nb-Ta. Les roches cumulatives montrent des compositions isotopiques en Nd-Sr proches de la terre globale silicatée (BSE), soit 0.6<εNdi<+3.2, 0.7045<87Sr/86Sri<0.7056. Les rapports initiaux en Pb indiquent une source dans le manteau enrichi subcontinental lithosphérique, préalablement contaminé par des sédiments océaniques. Les dikes mélanocrates Fe-Ti sont représentatifs de liquides et ont des spectres de terres rares enrichis, une anomalie positive en Nb-Ta et des εNdi de +7, des 87Sr/86Sri de 0.703 et des rapports initiaux en Pb, similaires à ceux des basaltes d'île océanique, indiquant une source asthénosphérique modérément appauvrie. Ainsi, la fusion partielle du manteau lithosphérique subcontinental est induite par l'amincissement post-orogénique et la remontée de l'asthénosphère. Les filons mélanocrates proviennent, après délamination du manteau lithosphérique, de la fusion de l'asthénosphère. Abstract The early Permian Mont Collon mafic complex (Dent Blanche nappe, Austroalpine nappe system) is one of the best preserved examples of the Permian mafic magmatism in the Western Alps. It is composed of discontinuous exposures and a well-preserved magmatic layering (the Dents de Bertol cliff) crops out in the center part of the complex. It mainly consists of cumulative mafic rocks, which represent 95 vol-% of the mafic complex (ol- and cpx-bearing gabbros and rare anorthositic layers, troctolites, wehrlites and plagioclase-wehrlites) and locally pegmatitic gabbros. All these facies are crosscut by widespread acidic (aplites, quartz-rich pegmatites, microgranodiorites) and late mafic Fe-Ti melanocratic dikes. Olivine-augite thermometric calculations yield a range of 1070-1120 ± 6°C, while amphibole-plagioclase thermometer yields a temperature of 740 ± 40°C at 0.5 GPa. Pyroxene geobarometry points to a pressure of 0.3-0.6 GPa, indicating a middle crustal level of emplacement. Moreover, temperature calculations on the Mont Conon coronitic amphiboles indicate temperatures of 700 ± 40°C, close to those calculated for magmatic amphiboles. These temperatures confirm that coronitic reactions occurred at subsolidus conditions. ID-TIMS U/Pb zircon ages of 284.2 ± 0.6 and 282.9 ± 0.6 Ma obtained on a pegmatitic gabbro and a quartz-pegmatitic dike, respectively, were interpreted as the crystallization ages of these rocks. 40Ar/39Ar dating on amphiboles from Fe-Ti melanocratic dikes yields a plateau age of 260.2 ± 0.7 Ma, which is probably very close to the crystallization age. Consequently, this 40Ar/P39Ar age indicates a second magmatic event. Whole-rock major- and trace-element compositions show little variation across the whole intrusion and Mg-number stays within a narrow range (75-80). Trace-element concentrations record the cumulative nature of the rocks (e.g. positive Eu anomaly) and reveal systematic Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Ti negative anomalies for all basic facies. The lack of correlation between major and trace elements is characteristic of an in situ crystallization process involving variable amounts of interstitial liquid (L) trapped between the cumulus mineral phases. LA-ICPMS measurements show that trace-element distributions in minerals are homogeneous, pointing to subsolidus re-equilibration between crystals and interstitial melts. A quantitative modeling based on Langmuir's in situ crystallization equation successfully reproduced the Rare Earth Element (REE) concentrations in cumulitic minerals. The calculated amounts of interstitial liquid L vary between 0 and 35% for degrees of differentiation F of 0 to 45%, relative to the least evolved facies of the intrusion. Furthermore, L values are well correlated with the modal proportions of interstitial amphibole and whole-rock incompatible trace-element concentrations (e.g. Zr, Nb) of the tested samples. The calculated parental melt of the Mont Collon cumulates is characterized by a relative enrichment in Light REE and Th, a depletion in Heavy REE, typical of a transitional affinity (T-MORB), and strong negative Nb-Ta anomaly. Cumulative rocks display Nd-Sr isotopic compositions close to the BSE (-0.6 < εNdi < +3.2, 0.7045 < 87Sr/86Sri < 0.7056). Initial Pb ratios point to an origin from the melting of an enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle source, previously contaminated at the source by oceanic sediments. The contrasted alkaline Fe-Ti melanocratic dikes are representative of liquids. They display enriched fractionated REE patterns, a positive Nb-Ta anomaly and εNdi of +7, 87Sr/86Sri of 0.703 and initial Pb ratios, all reminiscent of Ocean Island Basalt-type rocks, pointing to a moderately
The mechanisms responsible for cytokinesis and its coordination with other events of the cell cycle are poorly understood. Genetic studies of cytokinesis in fission yeast are one useful approach to this problem. A number of conditional mutants of fission yeast that show defects in the formation of the septum of cytokinesis have been identified. Cloning of the genes affected in these mutants has begun to shed light upon the elements required to direct the construction of the division septum and also upon how the initiation of septum formation may be coordinated with mitosis.
The sensitivity of altitudinal and latitudinal tree-line ecotones to climate change, particularly that of temperature, has received much attention. To improve our understanding of the factors affecting tree-line position, we used the spatially explicit dynamic forest model TreeMig. Although well-suited because of its landscape dynamics functions, TreeMig features a parabolic temperature growth response curve, which has recently been questioned. and the species parameters are not specifically calibrated for cold temperatures. Our main goals were to improve the theoretical basis of the temperature growth response curve in the model and develop a method for deriving that curve's parameters from tree-ring data. We replaced the parabola with an asymptotic curve, calibrated for the main species at the subalpine (Swiss Alps: Pinus cembra, Larix decidua, Picea abies) and boreal (Fennoscandia: Pinus sylvestris, Betula pubescens, P. abies) tree-lines. After fitting new parameters, the growth curve matched observed tree-ring widths better. For the subalpine species, the minimum degree-day sum allowing, growth (kDDMin) was lowered by around 100 degree-days; in the case of Larix, the maximum potential ring-width was increased to 5.19 mm. At the boreal tree-line, the kDDMin for P. sylvestris was lowered by 210 degree-days and its maximum ring-width increased to 2.943 mm; for Betula (new in the model) kDDMin was set to 325 degree-days and the maximum ring-width to 2.51 mm; the values from the only boreal sample site for Picea were similar to the subalpine ones, so the same parameters were used. However, adjusting the growth response alone did not improve the model's output concerning species' distributions and their relative importance at tree-line. Minimum winter temperature (MinWiT, mean of the coldest winter month), which controls seedling establishment in TreeMig, proved more important for determining distribution. Picea, P. sylvestris and Betula did not previously have minimum winter temperature limits, so these values were set to the 95th percentile of each species' coldest MinWiT site (respectively -7, -11, -13). In a case study for the Alps, the original and newly calibrated versions of TreeMig were compared with biomass data from the National Forest Inventor), (NFI). Both models gave similar, reasonably realistic results. In conclusion, this method of deriving temperature responses from tree-rings works well. However, regeneration and its underlying factors seem more important for controlling species' distributions than previously thought. More research on regeneration ecology, especially at the upper limit of forests. is needed to improve predictions of tree-line responses to climate change further.
There has been a long debate since the introduction of blood analysis prior to major sports events, to find out whether blood samples should be analysed right away on the site of competition or whether they should be transported and analysed in an anti-doping laboratory. Therefore, it was necessary to measure blood samples and compare the results obtained right after the blood withdrawal with those obtained after a few hours delay. Furthermore, it was interesting to determine the effect of temperature on the possible deterioration of red blood cell analytes used for testing recombinant erythropoietin abuse. Healthy volunteers were asked to give two blood samples and one of these was kept at room temperature whereas the second one was put into a refrigerator. On a regular basis, the samples were rolled for homogenisation and temperature stabilisation and were analysed with the same haematological apparatus. The results confirmed that blood controls prior to competition should be performed as soon as possible with standardised pre-analytical conditions to avoid too many variations notably on the haematocrit and the reticulocyte count. These recommendations should ideally also be applied to the all the blood controls compulsory for the medical follow up, otherwise unexplainable values could be misinterpreted and could for instance lead to a period of incapacity.
A new hypothesis is formulated to explain the development of rapakivi texture in and around the mafic enclaves of porphyritic granitoids, i.e. in environments involving magma mixing and mingling. The formation of a plagioclase mantle around alkali feldspar megacrysts is attributed to the localized presence of a melt resulting from the reaction of these megacrysts, with host hybrid magma with which they are in disequilibrium. This feldspathic melt adheres to the resorbed crystals and is virtually immiscible with the surrounding magma. Its composition is modified in terms of the relative proportions of K2O, Na2O, and CaO through selective diffusion of these elements, thus allowing the specific crystallization of andesine. With decreasing temperature, the K-feldspar, again stable, crystallizes along with the plagioclase, leading to mixed mantle structures.
The metasomatism observed in the oceanic and continental lithosphere is generally interpreted to represent a continuous differentiation process forming anhydrous and hydrous veins plus a cryptic enrichment in the surrounding peridotite. In order to constrain the mechanisms of vein formation and potentially clarify the nature and origin of the initial metasomatic agent, we performed a series of high-pressure experiments simulating the liquid line of descent of a basanitic magma differentiating within continental or mature oceanic lithosphere. This series of experiments has been conducted in an end-loaded piston cylinder apparatus starting from an initial hydrous ne-normative basanite at 1.5 GPa and temperature varying between 1,250 and 980°C. Near-pure fractional crystallization process was achieved in a stepwise manner in 30°C temperature steps and starting compositions corresponding to the liquid composition of the previous, higher-temperature glass composition. Liquids evolve progressively from basanite to peralkaline, aluminum-rich compositions without significant SiO2 variation. The resulting cumulates are characterized by an anhydrous clinopyroxene + olivine assemblage at high temperature (1,250-1,160°C), while at lower temperature (1,130-980°C), hydrous cumulates with dominantly amphibole + minor clinopyroxene, spinel, ilmenite, titanomagnetite and apatite (1,130-980°C) are formed. This new data set supports the interpretation that anhydrous and hydrous metasomatic veins could be produced during continuous differentiation processes of primary, hydrous alkaline magmas at high pressure. However, the comparison between the cumulates generated by the fractional crystallization from an initial ne-normative liquid or from hy-normative initial compositions (hawaiite or picrobasalt) indicates that for all hydrous liquids, the different phases formed upon differentiation are mostly similar even though the proportions of hydrous versus anhydrous minerals could vary significantly. This suggests that the formation of amphibole-bearing metasomatic veins observed in the lithospheric mantle could be linked to the differentiation of initial liquids ranging from ne-normative to hy-normative in composition. The present study does not resolve the question whether the metasomatism observed in lithospheric mantle is a precursor or a consequence of alkaline magmatism; however, it confirms that the percolation and differentiation of a liquid produced by a low degree of partial melting of a source similar or slightly more enriched than depleted MORB mantle could generate hydrous metasomatic veins interpreted as a potential source for alkaline magmatism by various authors.
Very large subsidence, with up to 20 km thick sediment layers, is observed in the East Barents Sea basin. Subsidence started in early Paleozoic, accelerated in Permo-Triassic times, finished during the middle Cretaceous, and was followed by moderate uplift in Cenozoic times. The observed gravity signal suggests that the East Barents Sea is at present in isostatic balance and indicates that a mass excess is required in the lithosphere to produce the observed large subsidence. Several origins have been proposed for the mass excess. We use 1-D thermokinematic modeling and 2-D isostatic density models of continental lithosphere to evaluate these competing hypotheses. The crustal density in 2-D thermokinematic models resulting from pressure-, temperature-, and composition-dependent phase change models is computed along transects crossing the East Barents Sea. The results indicate the following. (1) Extension can only explain the observed subsidence provided that a 10 km thick serpentinized mantle lens beneath the basin center is present. We conclude that this is unlikely given that this highly serpentinized layer should be formed below a sedimentary basin with more than 10 km of sediments and crust at least 10 km thick. (2) Phase changes in a compositionally homogeneous crust do not provide enough mass excess to explain the present-day basin geometry. (3) Phase change induced densification of a preexisting lower crustal gabbroic body, interpreted as a mafic magmatic underplate, can explain the basin geometry and observed gravity anomalies. The following model is proposed for the formation of the East Barents Sea basin: (1) Devonian rifting and extension related magmatism resulted in moderate thinning of the crust and a mafic underplate below the central basin area explaining initial late Paleozoic subsidence. (2) East-west shortening during the Permian and Triassic resulted in densification of the previously emplaced mafic underplated body and enhanced subsidence dramatically, explaining the present-day deep basin geometry.