70 resultados para major surface glycoprotein
Myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) and MARCKS-related protein (MRP; MacMARCKS) are protein kinase C substrates in diverse cell types. Activation of murine macrophages by cytokines increases MRP expression, but infection with Leishmania promastigotes during activation results in MRP depletion. We therefore examined the effect of Leishmania major LV39 on recombinant MRP. Both live promastigotes and a soluble fraction of LV39 lysates degraded MRP to yield lower molecular weight fragments. Degradation was independent of MRP myristoylation and was inhibited by protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation of MRP. MRP was similarly degraded by purified leishmanolysin (gp63), a Leishmania surface metalloprotease. Degradation was evident at low enzyme/substrate ratios, over a broad pH range, and was inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline and by a hydroxamate dipeptide inhibitor of leishmanolysin. Using mass spectrometric analysis, cleavage was shown to occur within the effector domain of MRP between Ser(92) and Phe(93), in accordance with the substrate specificity of leishmanolysin. Moreover, an MRP construct in which the effector domain had been deleted was resistant to cleavage. Thus, Leishmania infection may result in leishmanolysin-dependent hydrolysis of MRP, a major protein kinase C substrate in macrophages.
In common with many other plasma membrane glycoproteins of eukaryotic origin, the promastigote surface protease (PSP) of the protozoan parasite Leishmania contains a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) membrane anchor. The GPI anchor of Leishmania major PSP was purified following proteolysis of the PSP and analyzed by two-dimensional 1H-1H NMR, compositional and methylation linkage analyses, chemical and enzymatic modifications, and amino acid sequencing. From these results, the structure of the GPI-containing peptide was found to be Asp-Gly-Gly-Asn-ethanolamine-PO4-6Man alpha 1-6Man alpha 1-4GlcN alpha 1-6myo-inositol-1-PO4-(1-alkyl-2-acyl-glycerol). The glycan structure is identical to the conserved glycan core regions of the GPI anchor of Trypanosoma brucei variant surface glycoprotein and rat brain Thy-1 antigen, supporting the notion that this portion of GPIs are highly conserved. The phosphatidylinositol moiety of the PSP anchor is unusual, containing a fully saturated, unbranched 1-O-alkyl chain (mainly C24:0) and a mixture of fully saturated unbranched 2-O-acyl chains (C12:0, C14:0, C16:0, and C18:0). This lipid composition differs significantly from those of the GPIs of T. brucei variant surface glycoprotein and mammalian erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase but is similar to that of a family of glycosylated phosphoinositides found uniquely in Leishmania.
PURPOSE: In contrast to other human tumors, a repression of the cell-surface glycoprotein CD44 on neuroblastoma is a marker of aggressiveness that usually correlates to N-myc amplification. We thus compared the prognostic value of both markers in the initial staging of 121 children treated for neuroblastoma in collaborative institutions. METHODS: Frozen samples were analyzed by a rapid and well-standardized technique of immunostaining with monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) against epitopes in the CD44 constant region. RESULTS: In this retrospective series, CD44 was expressed on 102 specimens and strongly correlated with favorable tumor stages and histology, younger age, and normal N-myc copy numbers. In univariate analysis, CD44 expression and normal N-myc were the most powerful markers of favorable clinical outcome (P < 10(-6) and chi 2 = 65.40 and P < 10(-6) and chi 2 = 42.56, respectively), but analysis of CD44 affords significant prognostic discrimination in subgroups of patients with or without N-myc-amplified tumors. In the subgroup of stage IV neuroblastomas, CD44 was the only significant prognostic marker (P < .02, chi 2 = 5.76), whereas N-myc status was not discriminant. In multivariate analysis of five factors, ie, N-myc amplification, CD44 expression, age, tumor stage, and histology, the only independent prognostic factors of event-free survival were CD44 expression and tumor stage. CONCLUSION: The analysis of CD44 cell-surface expression must be recommended as an additional biologic marker in the initial staging of the disease.
Alpha-dystroglycan (alpha-DG) is a cell-surface glycoprotein that acts as a receptor for both extracellular matrix proteins containing laminin-G domains and certain arenaviruses. Receptor binding is thought to be mediated by a posttranslational modification, and defective binding with laminin underlies a subclass of congenital muscular dystrophy. Using mass spectrometry- and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based structural analyses, we identified a phosphorylated O-mannosyl glycan on the mucin-like domain of recombinant alpha-DG, which was required for laminin binding. We demonstrated that patients with muscle-eye-brain disease and Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy, as well as mice with myodystrophy, commonly have defects in a postphosphoryl modification of this phosphorylated O-linked mannose, and that this modification is mediated by the like-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (LARGE) protein. These findings expand our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie congenital muscular dystrophy.
Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungus belonging to a basal lineage of the Ascomycotina, the Taphrinomycotina subphylum. It is a parasite specific to humans that dwells primarily in the lung and can cause severe pneumonia in individuals with debilitated immune system. Despite its clinical importance, many aspects of its biology remain poorly understood, at least in part because of the lack of a continuous in vitro cultivation system. The present thesis consists in the genome reconstruction and comparative genomics of P. jirovecii. It is made of three parts: (i) the de novo sequencing of P. jirovecii genome starting from a single broncho- alveolar lavage fluid of a single patient (ii) the de novo sequencing of the genome of the plant pathogen Taphrina deformans, a fungus closely related to P. jirovecii, and (iii) the genome scale comparison of P. jirovecii to other Taphrinomycotina members. Enrichment in P. jirovecii cells by immuno-precipitation, whole DNA random amplification, two complementary high throughput DNA sequencing methods, and in silico sorting and assembly of sequences were used for the de novo reconstruction of P. jirovecii genome from the microbiota of a single clinical specimen. An iterative ad hoc pipeline as well as numerical simulations was used to recover P. jirovecii sequences while purging out contaminants and assembly or amplification chimeras. This strategy produced a 8.1 Mb assembly, which encodes 3,898 genes. Homology searches, mapping on biochemical pathways atlases, and manual validations revealed that this genome lacks (i) most of the enzymes dedicated to the amino acids biosyntheses, and (ii) most virulence factors observed in other fungi, e.g. the glyoxylate shunt pathway and specific peptidases involved in the degradation of the host cell membrane. The same analyses applied to the available genomic sequences from Pneumocystis carinii the species infecting rats and Pneumocystis murina the species infecting mice revealed the same deficiencies. The genome sequencing of T. deformans yielded a 13 Mb assembly, which encodes 5,735 genes. T. deformans possesses enzymes involved plant cell wall degradation, secondary metabolism, the glyoxylate cycle, detoxification, sterol biosynthesis, as well as the biosyntheses of plant hormones such as abscisic acid or indole-3-acetic acid. T. deformans also harbors gene subsets that have counterparts in plant saprophytes or pathogens, which is consistent with its alternate saprophytic and pathogenic lifestyles. Mating genes were also identified. The homothallism of this fungus suggests a mating-type switching mechanism. Comparative analyses indicated that 81% of P. jirovecii genes are shared with eight other Taphrinomycotina members, including T. deformans, P. carinii and P. murina. These genes are mostly involved in housekeeping activities. The genes specific to the Pneumocystis genus represent 8%, and are involved in RNA metabolism and signaling. The signaling is known to be crucial for interaction of Pneumocystis spp with their environment. Eleven percent are unique to P. jirovecii and encode mostly proteins of unknown function. These genes in conjunction with other ones (e.g. the major surface glycoproteins) might govern the interaction of P. jirovecii with its human host cells, and potentially be responsible of the host specificity. P. jirovecii exhibits a reduced genome in size with a low GC content, and most probably scavenges vital compounds such as amino acids and cholesterol from human lungs. Consistently, its genome encodes a large set of transporters (ca. 22% of its genes), which may play a pivotal role in the acquisition of these compounds. All these features are generally observed in obligate parasite of various kingdoms (bacteria, protozoa, fungi). Moreover, epidemiological studies failed to evidence a free-living form of the fungus and Pneumocystis spp were shown to co-evolved with their hosts. Given also the lack of virulence factors, our observations strongly suggest that P. jirovecii is an obligate parasite specialized in the colonization of human lungs, and which causes disease only in individuals with compromised immune system. The same conclusion is most likely true for all other Pneumocystis spp in their respective mammalian host. - Pneumocystis jirovecii est un champignon appartenant à ine branche basale des Ascomycotina, le sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. C'est un parasite spécifique aux humains qui réside principalement dans les poumons, et qui peut causer des pneumonies sévères chez des individus ayant un système immunitaire déficient. En dépit de son importance clinique, de nombreux aspects de sa biologie demeurent,largement méconnus, au moins en partie à cause de l'absence d'un système de culture in vitro continu. Cette thèse traite de la reconstruction du génome et de la génomique comparative de P. jirovecii. Elle comporte trois parties: (i) le séquençage de novo du génome de P. jirovecii à partir d'un lavage broncho-alvéolaire provenant d'un seul patient, (ii) le séquençage de novo du génome d'un champignon pathogène de plante Taphrina deformans qui est phylogénétiquement proche de P. jirovecii, et (iii) la comparaison du génome de P. jirovecii à celui d'autres membres du sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. Un enrichissement en cellules de P. jirovecii par immuno-précipitation, une amplification aléatoire des molécules d'ADN, deux méthodes complémentaires de séquençage à haut débit, un tri in silico et un assemblage des séquences ont été utilisés pour reconstruire de novo le génome de P. jirovecii à partir du microbiote d'un seul échantillon clinique. Un pipeline spécifique ainsi que des simulations numériques ont été utilisés pour récupérer les séquences de P. jirovecii tout en éliminant les séquences contaminants et les chimères d'amplification ou d'assemblage. Cette stratégie a produit un assemblage de 8.1 Mb, qui contient 3898 gènes. Les recherches d'homologies, de cartographie des voies métaboliques et des validations manuelles ont révélé que ce génome est dépourvu (i) de la plupart des enzymes dédiées à la biosynthèse des acides aminés, et (ii) de la plupart des facteurs de virulence observés chez d'autres champignons, par exemple, le cycle du glyoxylate ainsi que des peptidases spécifiques impliquées dans la dégradation de la membrane de la cellule hôte. Les analyses appliquées aux données génomiques disponibles de Pneumocystis carinii, l'espèce infectant les rats, et de Pneumocystis murina, l'espèce infectant les souris, ont révélé les mêmes déficiences. Le séquençage du génome de T. deformans a généré un assemblage de 13.3 Mb qui contient 5735 gènes. T. deformans possède les gènes codant pour les enzymes impliquées dans la dégradation des parois cellulaires des plantes, le métabolisme secondaire, le cycle du glyoxylate, la détoxification, la biosynthèse des stérols ainsi que la biosynthèse d'hormones de plantes telles que l'acide abscissique ou l'acide indole 3-acétique. T. deformans possède également des sous-ensembles de gènes présents exclusivement chez des saprophytes ou des pathogènes de plantes, ce qui est consistent avec son mode de vie alternatif saprophyte et pathogène. Des gènes impliqués dans la conjugaison ont été identifiés. L'homothallisme de ce champignon suggère mécanisme de permutation du type conjuguant. Les analyses comparatives ont démontré que 81% des gènes de P. jirovecii sont présent chez les autres membres du sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. Ces gènes sont essentiellement impliqués dans le métabolisme basai. Les gènes spécifiques au genre Pneumocystis représentent 8%, et sont impliqués dans le métabolisme de l'ARN et la signalisation. La signalisation est connue pour être cruciale pour l'interaction des espèces de Pneumocystis avec leur environnement. Les gènes propres à P. jirovecii représentent 11% et codent en majorité pour des protéines dont la fonction est inconnue. Ces gènes en conjonction avec d'autres (par exemple, les glycoprotéines de surface), pourraient être déterminants dans l'interaction de P. jirovecii avec les cellules de l'hôte humain, et être potentiellement responsable de la spécificité d'hôte. P. jirovecii possède un génome de taille réduite à faible pourcentage en GC et récupère très probablement des composés vitaux comme les acides aminés et le cholestérol à partir des poumons humains. De manière consistante, son génome code pour de nombreux transporteurs (22% de ses gènes), qui pourraient jouer un rôle essentiel dans l'acquisition de ces composés. Ces caractéristiques sont généralement observées chez les parasites obligatoires de plusieurs règnes (bactéries, protozoaires, champignons). De plus, les études épidémiologiques n'ont pas réussi à prouver l'existence d'ime forme vivant librement du champignon. Etant donné également l'absence de facteurs de virulence, nos observations suggèrent que P. jirovecii est un parasite obligatoire spécialisé dans la colonisation des poumons humains, ne causant une maladie que chez des individus ayant un système immunitaire compromis. La même conclusion est très probablement applicable à toutes les autres espèces de Pneumocystis dans leur hôte mammifère respectif.
The human Me14-D12 antigen is a cell surface glycoprotein regulated by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) on tumor cell lines of neuroectodermal origin. It consists of two non-convalently linked subunits with apparent mol. wt sizes of 33,000 and 38,000. Here we describe the molecular cloning of a genomic probe for the Me14-D12 gene using the gene transfer approach. Mouse Ltk- cells were stably cotransfected with human genomic DNA and the Herpes Simplex virus thymidine kinase (TK) gene. Primary and secondary transfectants expressing the Me14-D12 antigen were isolated after selection in HAT medium by repeated sorting on a fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS). A recombinant phage harboring a 14.3 kb insert of human DNA was isolated from a genomic library made from a positive secondary transfectant cell line. A specific probe derived from the phage DNA insert allowed the identification of two mRNAs of 3.5 kb and 2.2 kb in primary and secondary L cell transfectants, as well as in human melanoma cell lines expressing the Me14-D12 antigen. The regulation of Me14-D12 antigen by INF-gamma was retained in the L cell transfectants and could be detected both at the level of protein and mRNA expression.
Résumé : Le virus de la maladie de Carré (en anglais: canine distemper virus, CDV) qui est pathogène pour les chiens et autres carnivores, est très semblable au virus de la rougeole humaine (en anglais MV). Ces deux virus font partie du genre des Morbillivirus qui appartient à la famille des Paramyxoviridae. Ils induisent des complications dans le système nerveux central (SNC). Au stade précoce et aigu de l'infection du SNC, le CDV induit une démyélinisation (1). Ce stade évolue dans certains cas vers une infection chronique avec progression de la démyélinisation. Pendant le stade précoce, qui suit en général de trois semaines les premiers symptômes, le processus de démyélinisation est associé à la réplication du virus et n'est pas considéré comme inflammatoire (1). Par contre, au stade chronique, la progression des plaques de démyélinisation semble être plutôt liée à des processus immunogènes caractéristiques (2), retrouvés également dans la sclérose en plaques (SEP) chez les humains. Pour cette raison, le CDV est considéré comme un modèle pour la SEP humaine et aussi pour l'étude des maladies et complications induites par les Morbillivirus en général (3). Dans notre laboratoire, nous avons utilisé la souche A75/17-CDV, qui est considérée comme le modèle des souches neurovirulentes de CDV. Nous avons cherché en premier lieu à établir un système robuste pour infecter des cultures neuronales avec le CDV. Nous avons choisi les cultures primaires de l'hippocampe du nouveau-né de rat (4), que nous avons ensuite infecté avec une version modifiée du A75/17, appelée rgA75/17-V (5). Dans ces cultures, nous avons prouvé que le CDV infecte des neurones et des astrocytes. Malgré une infection qui se diffuse lentement entre les cellules, cette infection cause une mort massive aussi bien des neurones infectés que non infectés. En parallèle, les astrocytes perdent leur morphologie de type étoilé pour un type polygonal. Finalment, nous avons trouvé une augmentation importante de la concentration en glutamate dans le milieu de culture, qui laisse présumer une sécrétion de glutamate par les cultures infectées (6). Nous avons ensuite étudié le mécanisme des effets cytopathiques induits par le CDV. Nous avons d'abord démontré que les glycoprotéines de surface F et H du CDV s'accumulent massivement dans le réticulum endoplasmique (RE). Cette accumulation déclenche un stress du RE, qui est caractérisé par une forte expression du facteur de transcription proapoptotique CHOP/GADD 153 et de le la calreticuline (CRT). La CRT est une protéine chaperonne localisée dans le RE et impliquée dans l'homéostasie du calcium (Ca2+) et dans le repliement des protéines. En transfectant des cellules de Vero avec des plasmides codant pour plusieurs mutants de la glycoprotéine F de CDV, nous avons démontré une corrélation entre l'accumulation des protéines virales dans le RE et l'augmentation de l'expression de CRT, le stress du RE et la perte de l'homéostasie du Ca2+. Nous avons obtenu des résultats semblables avec des cultures de cellules primaires de cerveau de rat. Ces résultats suggèrent que la CRT joue un rôle crucial dans les phénomènes neurodégénératifs pendant l'infection du SNC, notamment par le relazgage du glutamate via le Ca2+. De manière intéressante, nous démontrons également que l'infection de CDV induit une fragmentation atypique de la CRT. Cette fragmentation induit une re-localisation et une exposition sélective de fragments amino-terminaux de la CRT, connus pour êtres fortement immunogènes à la surface des cellules infectées et non infectées. A partir de ce résultat et des résultats précédents, nous proposons le mécanisme suivant: après l'infection par le CDV, la rétention dans le RE des protéines F et H provoque un stress du RE et une perte de l'homéostasie du Ca2+. Ceci induit la libération du glutamate, qui cause une dégénération rapide du SNC (sur plusieurs jours ou semaines) correspondant à la phase aiguë de la maladie chez le chien. En revanche, les fragments amino-terminaux de la CRT libérés à la surface des cellules infectées peuvent avoir un rôle important dans l'établissement d'une démyélinisation d'origine immunogène, typique de la phase chronique de l'infection de CDV. Summary : The dog pathogen canine distemper virus (CDV), closely related to the human pathogen measles virus (MV), belongs to the Morbillivirus genus of the Paramyxoviridae family. Both CDV and NIV induce complications in the central nervous system (CNS). In the acute early stage of the infection in CNS, the CDV infection induces demyelination. This stage is sometimes followed by a late persistent stage of infection with a progression of the demyelinating lesions (1). The acute early stage occurs around three weeks after the infection and demyelinating processes are associated with active virus replication and are not associated to inflammation (1). In contrast during late persistent stage, the demyelination plaque progression seems to be mainly due to an immunopathological process (2), which characteristics are shared in many aspects with the human disease multiple sclerosis (MS). For these reasons, CDV is considered as a model for human multiple sclerosis, as well as for the study of Morbillivirus-mediated pathogenesis (3). In our laboratory, we used the A75/17-CDV strain that is considered to be the prototype of neurovirulent CDV strain. We first sought to establish a well characterized and robust model for CDV infection of a neuronal culture. We chose primary cultures from newborn rat hippocampes (4) that we infected with a modified version of A75/17, called rgA75/17-V (5). In these cultures, we showed that CDV infects both neurons and astrocytes. While the infection spreads only slowly to neighbouring cells, it causes a massive death of neurons, which includes also non-infected neurons. In parallel, astrocytes undergo morphological changes from the stellate type to the polygonal type. The pharmacological blocking of the glutamate receptors revealed an implication of glutamatergic signalling in the virus-mediated cytopathic effect. Finally, we found a drastic increase concentration of glutamate in the culture medium, suggesting that glutamate was released from the cultured cells (6). We further studied the mechanism of the CDV-induced cytopathic effects. We first demonstrated that the CDV surface glycoprotein F and H markedly accumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This accumulation triggers an ER stress, which is characterized by increased expression of the proapoptotic transcription factor CHOP/GADD 153 and calreticulin (CRT). CRT is an ER resident chaperon involved in the Ca2+ homeostasis and in the response to misfolded proteins. Transfections of Vero cells with plasmids encoding various CDV glycoprotein mutants reveal a correlation between accumulation of viral proteins in the ER, CRT overexpression, ER stress and alteration of ER Ca2+ homeostasis. Importantly, similar results are also obtained in primary cell cultures from rat brain. These results suggest that CRT plays a crucial role in CNS infection, particularly due to CRT involvement in Ca2+ mediated glutamate releases, and subsequent neurodegenerative disorders. Very intriguingly, we also demonstrated that CDV infection induces an atypical CRT fragmentation, with relocalisation and selective exposure of the highly immunogenic CRT N-terminal fragments at the surface of infected and neighbouring non-infected cells. Altogether our results combined with previous findings suggest the following scenario. After CDV infection, F and H retention alter Ca2+ homeostasis, and induce glutamate release, which in turn causes rapid CNS degeneration (within days or a week) corresponding to the acute phase of the disease in dogs. In contrast, the CRT N-terminal fragments released at the surface of infected cells may rather have an important role in the establishment of the autoimmune demyelination in the late stage of CDV infection.
Plasmodium sporozoites make a remarkable journey from the mosquito midgut to the mammalian liver. The sporozoite's major surface protein, circumsporozoite protein (CSP), is a multifunctional protein required for sporozoite development and likely mediates several steps of this journey. In this study, we show that CSP has two conformational states, an adhesive conformation in which the C-terminal cell-adhesive domain is exposed and a nonadhesive conformation in which the N terminus masks this domain. We demonstrate that the cell-adhesive domain functions in sporozoite development and hepatocyte invasion. Between these two events, the sporozoite must travel from the mosquito midgut to the mammalian liver, and N-terminal masking of the cell-adhesive domain maintains the sporozoite in a migratory state. In the mammalian host, proteolytic cleavage of CSP regulates the switch to an adhesive conformation, and the highly conserved region I plays a critical role in this process. If the CSP domain architecture is altered such that the cell-adhesive domain is constitutively exposed, the majority of sporozoites do not reach their target organs, and in the mammalian host, they initiate a blood stage infection directly from the inoculation site. These data provide structure-function information relevant to malaria vaccine development.
Biochemical characterization of a myelin fraction isolated from rat brain aggregating cell cultures.
Subcellular fractions isolated from rat brain aggregating cell cultures were studied by electron microscopy and showed the presence of typical myelin membranes. The chemical composition of purified culture myelin was similar to the fraction isolated from rat brain in terms of CNP specific activity, protein and lipid composition. The ratio of small to large components of myelin basic protein was comparable in culture and in vivo. These two proteins incorporated radioactive phosphorus. The major myelin glycoprotein was present and during development in culture its apparent molecular weight decreased although it never reached the position observed in myelin isolated from adult rats. In culture, the yield of myelin did not increase substantially between 33 and 50 days and was comparable to that of 15-day-old rat brain. The ratio basic protein to proteolipid protein resembled immature myelin and the cerebroside content was very low. A 'floating fraction' was isolated from the cultures and contained some myelin but mostly single membranes. Although these results indicate that myelin maturation is delayed in vitro this culture system provides substantial amounts of purified myelin to allow a complete biochemical analysis and metabolic studies during development.
Background:Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a major risk factor for both perinatal and long-term morbidity. Bovine lactoferrin (bLf) is a major milk glycoprotein considered as a pleiotropic functional nutrient. The impact of maternal supplementation with bLf on IUGR-induced sequelae, including inadequate growth and altered cerebral development, remains unknown.Methods:IUGR was induced through maternal dexamethasone infusion (100 μg/kg during last gestational week) in rats. Maternal supplementation with bLf (0.85% in food pellet) was provided during both gestation and lactation. Pup growth was monitored, and Pup brain metabolism and gene expression were studied using in vivo (1)H NMR spectroscopy, quantitative PCR, and microarray in the hippocampus at postnatal day (PND)7.Results:Maternal bLf supplementation did not change gestational weight but increased the birth body weight of control pups (4%) with no effect on the IUGR pups. Maternal bLf supplementation allowed IUGR pups to recover a normalized weight at PND21 (weaning) improving catch-up growth. Significantly altered levels of brain metabolites (γ-aminobutyric acid, glutamate, N-acetylaspartate, and N-acetylaspartylglutamate) and transcripts (brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT-1), and glutamate receptors) in IUGR pups were normalized with maternal bLf supplementation.Conclusion:Our data suggest that maternal bLf supplementation is a beneficial nutritional intervention able to revert some of the IUGR-induced sequelae, including brain hippocampal changes.
SKI-l/SlP protease is a member of the proprotein convertase family, with several functions in cellular metabolism and homeostasis. It is responsible for the processing of several cellular substrates, including ATF6, SREBPs, and GlcNAc-1- phosphotranspherase. Furthermore, SKI-1/SlP is also responsible for maturation of arenavirus surface glycoprotein into GP1 and GP2 subunits. This processing is a strict requirement in order to achieve fully mature and fusion-competent virions. Furthermore, SKI-1/SlP itself is synthesized as an inactive zymogen, requiring sequential autocatalytic processing at several sites (B'/B and C) in its prodomain in order to mature and become fully active. Our project focused on the analysis of SKI- 1/S1P prodomain in the biogenesis of the active enzyme. In this context we have additionally developed and characterized a novel cell-based sensor for assessment of cellular activity of the enzyme, with a potential application in screening for novel SKI- 1/S1P inhibitors. In a first aim we have analysed the relevance of cleavage motifs found in the enzyme prodomain. Using molecular and biochemistry tools we have identified and characterized a novel C' maturation site. Furthermore, we found that SKI-1/SlP autoprocessing results in intermediates whose catalytic domain remains associated with prodomain fragments of different lengths. Contrasting with other proprotein convertases, incompletely matured intermediates of SKI-1/SlP exhibit full catalytic activity toward selected substrates. In a second aim, we turned our attention to the structural basis of SKI-1/SlP N- terminus assisted folding. Studying the folding and activity of prodomain-truncated forms of the enzyme we found that a minimal folding unit is contained in the AB region. Deletion of the BC sequence affected auto-maturation but not folding, and partial activity was retained. However, the BC region seemed required for complete and full activity. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the AB sequence is highly conserved, while the BC fragment is variable in sequence and length. Specifically, replacement of the human prodomain with that of Drosophila, resulted in a fully mature and active chimeric enzyme, suggesting an evolution process of SKI-1/SlP prodomain towards a more complex arrangement and steps of activation. Overall, the additional data we have produced might provide fundamental knowledge crucial for the development of novel SKI-1/SlP inhibitors while also providing new SKI- 1/S1P variants with potential use in crystallization purpose. -- SKI-l/SlP est une protéase membre de la famille des proprotéines convertases (PCs), avec plusieurs fonctions dans le métabolisme cellulaire et de l'homéostasie. Il est responsable pour la maturation de plusieurs substrats cellulaires, y compris ATF6, SREBPs et GlcNAc-1-phosphotranspherase. SKI-l/SlP est également responsable pour la maturation de la glycoprotéine des arénavirus, une exigence stricte pour atteindre des virions infectieuse. Synthétisé comme un zymogène inactif, SKI-l/SlP nécessite d'un traitement autocatalytique séquentiel sur plusieurs sites (B'/B et C) de son prodomaine afin de devenir pleinement active. Notre projet était axé sur l'analyse de SKI-l/SlP prodomaine dans la biogenèse de l'enzyme. Dans ce contexte, nous avons développé un nouveau senseur-cellulaire pour l'évaluation de l'activité de l'enzyme. Ce dernier pourrait avoir une potentielle application dans l'identification de nouveaux inhibiteurs de SKI-l/SlP. Premièrement, nous avons analysé la pertinence des motifs de clivage trouvés dans le prodomaine de l'enzyme. En utilisant des outils moléculaires et biochimiques, nous avons identifié et caractérisé un nouveau site de maturation (C'). Aussi, nous avons constaté que la maturation de SKI-l/SlP a des intermédiaires dont le domaine catalytique reste associé à des fragments du prodomaine de différentes longueurs. Contrastant avec d'autres PCs, les intermédiaires partiellement matures de SKI-1 / SIP présentent une activité catalytique complète envers des substrats spécifiques. Dans un deuxième but nous avons tourné notre attention sur la base structurelle du pliage de SKI-l/SlP assisté par son N-terminus: En étudiant l'activité et pliage des formes tronquées dans le prodomaine de l'enzyme, nous avons constaté qu'une unité de pliage minimale est contenue dans la région de l'AB. La suppression de la séquence d'auto-BC affecte la maturation mais pas le pliage, et l'activité partielle est maintenue. Cependant, la région BC semble nécessaire pour une activité complète. Les analyses phylogénétiques ont montré que la séquence AB est fortement conservée, tandis que le fragment de BC est variable en longueur et en séquence. En particulier, le remplacement du prodomaine humain avec celui de la drosophile, a donné lieu à une enzyme chimérique complètement mature et active. Suggérant un processus d'évolution du prodomaine vers un arrangement et des mesures d'activation plus complexe. Globalement, ces donnees supplémentaires augment les connaissances fondamentales cruciales pour le développement de nouveaux inhibiteurs de SKI-1/ SIP, tout en offrant de nouvelles variantes SKI-1 / SIP dans le but d'obtenir la structure cristallographique de l'enzyme.
Rubella virus (RV) envelope glycoproteins E1 and E2 are targeted to the Golgi as heterodimers. While E2 contains a transmembrane Golgi retention signal, E1 is arrested in a pre-Golgi compartment in the absence of E2, and appears to require heterodimerization in order to reach the Golgi. Various forms of E1 with deletions in the ectodomain or lacking the cytoplasmic (CT) and transmembrane (TM) domains, as well as the 29 C-terminal amino acid residues of the ectodomain were also retained intracellularly. We therefore investigated the possibility of targetting E1 to the plasma membrane by addition of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. We found that E1GPI was transported to the cell surface where it retained the hemadsorption activity characteristic of the wild-type E1/E2 heterodimer. Furthermore, coexpression of a mammalian GPI-specific phospholipase D (GPI-PLD) resulted in the release of E1GPI and in constitutive expression of a soluble form of E1. This study thus demonstrates that the GPI anchor has a dominant effect over the E1 pre-Golgi retention signal and that E1 is sufficient for hemadsorption.
Arenaviruses are rodent-born world-wide distributed negative strand RNA viruses that comprise a number of important human pathogens including Lassa virus (LASV) which causes more than 3 00'000 infections annually in Western Africa. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is the prototypic member of the arenavirus family, which is divided in two major subgroups according to serological properties and geographical distribution, the Old World and New World arenaviruses. The envelope glycoprotein precursors (GPCs) of arenaviruses have to undergo proteolytic processing to acquire biological function and to be incorporated into progeny virions. A cellular enzyme is responsible for this processing: the Subtilisin Kexin Isozyme-1 or Site-1 protease (SKI- 1/S1P). In this thesis we have studied the relationship between SKI-1/S1P and the envelope GPs of arenaviruses. In a first project, we investigated the molecular interactions between SKI-1/SIP and arenavirus GPCs. Using SKI-1/SIP mutants, we confirmed previously published observations locating LCMV GPC and LASV GPC processing in the Late Golgi/TGN and ER/cis-Golgi, respectively. A single mutation in the cleavage site of LCMV was sufficient to re-locate SKI- 1/SIP-mediated processing from the late Golgi/TGN to the ER/cis-Golgi. We then demonstrated that the transmembrane domain, the C-terminal tail and the phosphorylation sites of SKI-1/S1P are dispensable for GPC processing. Additionally we identified a SKI- 1/S1P mutant defective for autoprocessing at site Β, B' that was selectively impaired in processing of viral GPCs but not cellular substrates. We also showed that a soluble variant of SKI-1/SIΡ was unable to cleave envelope GPs at the cell surface when added in the culture medium. This study highlighted a new target for small molecule inhibitors that would specifically impair GPC but not cellular substrate processing. In a second project, we identified and characterized two residues: LASV GPC Y253 and SKI-1/S1P Y285 that are important for the SKI-1/SIP-mediated LASV GPC cleavage. An alignment of GPC sequences revealed a conserved aromatic residue in P7 position in the GPCs of Old World and Clade C of New World arenaviruses. Mutations in GPC at position P7 impaired processing efficiency. In SKI-1/S1P, mutating Y285 into A negatively affected processing of substrates containing aromatic residues in P7, without affecting others. This property could be used to develop specific drugs targeting SKI-1/SIP-mediated cleavage of LASV GPC without affecting cellular substrates. As a third project we studied the role of the SKI-1/SIP-mediated processing and the unusual stable signal peptide (SSP) for the folding and secretion of soluble forms of the ectodomain of LASV and LCMV glycoproteins. We provide evidence that the transmembrane domain and the cytosolic tail are crucial for the stability of the prefusion conformation of arenavirus GP and that the SSP is required for transport and processing of full-length GP, but not the soluble ectodomain per se. Taken together, these results will lead to a better understanding of the complex interactions between arenavirus GPCs and SKI-1/S IP, paving the avenue for the development of novel anti-arenaviral therapeutics. - Les Arenavirus sont des virus à ARN négatif distribués mondialement et portés par les rongeurs. Cette famille de virus comprend des virus hautement pathogènes pour l'homme comme le virus de Lassa (LASV) qui cause plus de 300Ό00 infections par année en Afrique de l'Ouest. Le virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire (LCMV) est le représentant de cette famille qui est divisée en deux sous-groupes selon des critères sérologiques et de distributions géographiques: arenavirus du Nouveau et de l'Ancien monde. Les glycoprotéines d'enveloppe de ces virus (GPCs) doivent être clivées pour être incorporées dans le virus et ainsi lui permettre d'être infectieux. Une enzyme cellulaire est responsable de ce clivage : la Subtilisin Kexin Isozyme-1 ou protéase Site-1 (SKI-l/SlP). Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié la relation entre cette enzyme cellulaire et les GPs des arenavirus. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les interactions moléculaires entre SKI- 1/S1P et GPC. A l'aide de mutants de SKI-l/SlP, nous avons confirmé des résultats précédemment publiés montrant que les glycoprotéines d'enveloppe de LASV sont clivés dans le réticulum endoplasmique/cis-Golgi alors que celles de LCMV sont clivées dans le Golgi tardif/TGN. Une seule mutation dans le site de clivage de la glycoprotéine de LCMV est suffisante pour changer le compartiment cellulaire dans lequel est clivée cette glycoprotéine. Ensuite, nous avons démontré que le domaine transmembranaire, la partie cytosolique C-terminale ainsi que les sites de phosphorylations de cette enzyme ne sont pas indispensables pour permettre le clivage de GPC. De plus, nous avons identifié un mutant de SKI-l/SlP dans lequel Γ autoprocessing au site B,B' est impossible, incapable de cliver GPC mais toujours pleinement fonctionnelle envers ses substrats cellulaires. Nous avons également démontré qu'une forme soluble de SKI-l/SlP ajoutée dans le milieu de culture n'est pas capable de couper GPC à la surface de la cellule. Cette étude a défini une nouvelle cible potentielle pour un médicament qui inhiberait le clivage des glycoprotéines des arenavirus sans affecter les processus normaux de la cellule. Dans un second project, nous avons identifié deux acides aminés, LASV GPC Y253 et SKI-l/SlP Y285, qui sont important pour le clivage de LASV GPC. Un alignement des séquences de clivage des GPCs a montré qu'un résidu aromatique est conservé en position P7 du site de clivage chez tous les arenavirus de l'Ancien monde et dans le clade C des arenavirus du Nouveau monde. Une mutation de cet acide aminée dans GPC réduit l'efficacité de clivage par SKI-l/SlP. Mutation de la tyrosine 285 de SKI-l/SlP en alanine affecte négativement le clivage des substrats contenant un résidu aromatique en position P7 sans affecter les autres. Cette propriété pourrait être utilisée pour le développement de médicaments spécifiques ciblant le clivage de GPC. Finalement, nous avons étudié le rôle du processing accomplit par SKI-l/SlP et du signal peptide pour le pliage et la sécrétion de formes solubles des glycoprotéines de LASV et LCMV. Nous avons montré que le domaine transmembranaire et la partie cytosolique de GP sont crucials pour la stabilité de la conformation pre-fusionnelle des GPs et que SSP est nécessaire pour le transport et le processing de GP, mais pas de son ecto-domaine soluble. En conclusion, les résultats obtenus durant cette thèse permettrons de mieux comprendre les interactions complexes entre SKI-l/SlP et les glycoprotéines des arenavirus, ouvrant le chemin pour le développement de nouveaux médicaments anti-arénaviraux.
The monogenetic kinetoplastid protozoan parasite Herpetomonas samuelpessoai expresses a surface-exposed metalloprotease. Comparable to the Leishmania promastigote surface protease, or PSP, the protease of Herpetomonas is active at the surface of fixed and live organisms, and both enzymes display an identical cleavage specificity toward a nonapeptide substrate. The protease was enriched 440 times by partition into Triton X-114 followed by 2 steps of anion exchange chromatography. The 56-kDa enzyme is inhibited by the metal chelator 1,10-phenanthroline and is susceptible to cleavage by glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C (GPI-PLC). The conservation of an identical surface protease activity in these monogenetic and digenetic trypanosomatids suggests that the enzyme has a physiological function in the promastigote (insect) stage of these parasites.
During its life cycle, the protozoan parasite Leishmania major alternates from an intracellular amastigote form in the mammalian host to a flagellated promastigote form in the insect vector. The expression of the surface metalloprotease (PSP) during differentiation in vitro was investigated by Western and Northern blots, by immunoprecipitation of cells metabolically labeled with [35S]methionine or labeled at the surface with radioactive iodine, and by quantification of the proteolytic activity in substrate-containing polyacrylamide gels. We report that the surface metalloprotease is down-regulated at both the mRNA and the protein level in amastigotes, where it represents less than 1% of the equivalent proteolytic activity detected in promastigotes. A significant amount of mRNA is detected 4 hr after the onset of differentiation. The expression of the protease begins at that time and reaches steady state 8 hr later. The synthesis of PSP precedes the complete morphological differentiation to the promastigote stage and the appearance of the lipophosphoglycan, another major promastigote surface component. In contrast to PSP, a family of mercaptoethanol-activated proteases present in the amastigote exists only at a reduced level in the promastigote. The confinement of the surface metalloprotease to the insect stage of the parasite suggests that it has no physiological function in the parasitism maintenance of mammalian host macrophages.