205 resultados para late careers
Late career is often seen as a more vulnerable life-stage in the labour market, in which workers may experience a deterioration in job quality. Using a life course perspective and longitudinal data, this article analyses the vulnerability associated with late career by focusing on four occupational dimensions: working-time, career continuity, retirement timing and income change. The research is carried out using data from Switzerland, a country where the age profile of the labour force is an increasing issue. The paper also adopts a cumulative disadvantage perspective to examine the impact of previous work and family life experiences on work life vulnerability at older age. Our data come from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARELIFE). The paper uses cluster analysis, sequence analysis and ordered logistic regression. Results show that women with previous family responsibilities resulting in long-term unemployment or caring, often with health complications, are more likely to be vulnerable to deterioration in job quality in late career. This suggests that experiences in the last period of the working life may be just as gendered as earlier periods.
A substantial body of life-course research has considered occupational trajectories in Switzerland focusing either on early or middle adulthood careers. However, the issue of the last working period and the retirement transition is receiving increasing attention for several reasons: the permanence of low birth rates associated with an ageing population, a high proportion of active old workers, continuous changes in the timing of retirements, and active ageing policies aiming at keeping people working after the state pension age. Moving forward on this topic, the present doctoral thesis aimed to offer new insights on the dynamics of the final career phase and the transition to retirement in Switzerland through a life-course approach. Concerning the main results, this thesis provides consistent evidences on the great influence of longterm familial and employment trajectories as well as individual positional factors on (i) the vulnerability during the last working period, (ii) the timing of retirement, (iii) the voluntariness of late retirement, and (iv) the financial well-being of retirees. In this way, this thesis offers significant contributions to the life-course, gender, and social policy research focused on ageing processes. -- Un ensemble considérable de recherches sur les parcours de vie a examiné les trajectoires professionnelles en Suisse, en mettant l'accent sur la carrière professionnelle des jeunes et, plus tard, à l'âge adulte. Toutefois, l'étude de la fin de la carrière professionnelle (c'est-à-dire de 50 ans jusqu'à la retraite) reçoit une attention croissante pour plusieurs raisons: la persistance du faible taux de natalité associé à une population vieillissante, la forte proportion de travailleurs âgés actifs, des évolutions continues dans le moment du départ à la retraite, et des politiques visant à maintenir les personnes âgées au travail après l'âge légal de la retraite. Pour aller de l'avant sur ce sujet, la présente thèse de doctorat vise à offrir de nouvelles perspectives sur la fin de carrière et la transition à la retraite en Suisse, en mobilisant les outils de la sociologie des parcours de vie. En ce qui concerne les principaux résultats, cette thèse fournit des preuves cohérentes sur la grande influence des trajectoires professionnelles et familiales ainsi que des facteurs positionnels sur (i) la vulnérabilité au cours de la période de travail avant la retraite, (ii) le moment de départ à la retraite, (iii) le caractère volontaire de la retraite tardive, et (iv) le bien-être financier des retraités. Ainsi, cette thèse fournit d'importantes contributions à la recherche sur les parcours de vie, sur les étu es genre, et sur les politiques sociales, focalisées sur le processus de vieillissement.
This study examines how plant closure affected individuals' careers and lives about two years after they lost their job. We analyze the displaced workers' reemployment prospects and study for reemployed workers the characteristics of their new jobs in terms of reemployment sectors, wages, and job quality. Additionally, we inquire how workers' sociability and subjective well-being were affected by job loss. Our analysis is based on our own survey conducted in Switzerland in 2011. The survey included the workforce of five manufacturing companies that had closed down two years earlier. We addressed the risk of biases typically prevailing with observational data by complementing it with register data from the public unemployment insurance. Moreover, we use a control group based on matched data from the Swiss Household Panel. We find that workers experience strongly diverging outcomes after plant closure: on the one hand, high proportions of the workers experience a smooth transition after plant closure. More than two-thirds of the workers returned to employment, more than half of them within less than six months. With respect to their social lives, we find that positive changes in relationships with their spouse, family and friends are more frequent than negative changes. On the other hand, for a small group of workers plant closure had a detrimental effect. Close to twenty percent remained unemployed. About ten percent of the workers were long-term unemployed and subsequently often were reemployed in jobs of lower quality. Unemployed workers and workers who dropped out of the labor force were particularly prone to find their subjective well-being decreasing. The most vulnerable subgroup in our study were workers over 55. This result stands in striking contrast to a large body of literature that considers labor market institutions to be primarily biased against young workers. Our findings show that older workers not only take longer to find a job but are also less likely to return to employment. Moreover, if they manage to find a job, they experience the severest cuts in wages and job quality of all cohorts. From a life-course perspective this result is remarkable since it shows that workers are not protected from hardship in their late careers. In light of the current demographic changes this finding may have important policy implications. -- Cette étude analyse l'impact des fermetures d'entreprises sur les travailleurs licenciés. Plus précisément, nous examinons les chances de réinsertion des travailleurs dans le marché du travail et - pour ceux qui l'ont fait avec succès - dans quels secteurs, pour quels salaires et avec quelle qualité d'emploi ils sont réengagés. Nous nous intéressons également aux répercussions engendrées par la perte de l'emploi sur la sociabilité et le bien-être subjectif des travailleurs concernés. Notre analyse se base sur les données d'une enquête que nous avons menée en 2011. Cette enquête cible le personnel de cinq entreprises industrielles suisses qui avaient fermé leurs portes deux ans auparavant. Pour dépasser les biais typiques liés aux données d'observation, nous utilisons en complément des données administratives issues de l'assurance chômage publique. De plus, nous utilisons un groupe de contrôle basé sur des données appariées provenant du Panel Suisse de Ménage. Nos analyses montrent des résultats fortement contrastés. D'un côté, la majeure partie des travailleurs ont vécu une transition professionnelle plutôt facile : plus des deux tiers des personnes ont retrouvé un travail et parmi elles plus de la moitié en moins de six mois. Par rapport aux relations sociales, tant avec leur partenaire, qu'avec les membres de leur famille et leurs amis, les changements expérimentés étaient plus fréquemment positifs que négatifs. De l'autre côté, cependant, pour une petite partie de travailleurs la fermeture de leur entreprise a eu des conséquences très négatives sur leur carrière et leur bien-être. Au moment de notre enquête, presque vingt pourcents des travailleurs étaient au chômage. Les personnes au chômage et celles qui avaient quitté le marché du travail ont été particulièrement affectées par une diminution de leur bien-être subjectif. Les plus vulnérables parmi les travailleurs licenciés étaient ceux qui étaient âgés de plus de 55 ans. Notre analyse montre que les travailleurs âgés ont beaucoup moins fréquemment retrouvé un travail. Pour les personnes de plus de 55 ans qui ont tout de même retrouvé un emploi, la réinsertion a durée plus longtemps, les pertes de salaire étaient plus conséquentes et la diminution de la qualité de l'emploi plus grande que pour les autres cohortes. Au vu des changements démographiques actuels, ce résultat interpellant peut avoir des implications politiques importantes.
We report a case of a 71-year-old man with a long coronary artery disease history and two sets of coronary artery bypass grafts. He developed large aortocoronary saphenous vein graft aneurysms in the two grafts from the first set of aortocoronary saphenous venous 20 years later. During the previous 3 years, the aneurysms grew in diameter from 22 to 50 mm. Because of severe renal insufficiency, and in order to avoid jeopardizing the late normal coronary artery bypass grafts by further thoracic surgery, we excluded successfully these altered grafts percutaneously by using 13 coils during the same procedure.
Job protection and cash benefits are key elements of parental leave (PL) systems. We study how these two policy instruments affect return-to-work and medium-run labour market outcomes of mothers of newborn children. Analysing a series of major PL policy changes in Austria, we find that longer cash benefits lead to a significant delay in return-to-work, particularly so in the period that is job-protected. Prolonged parental leave absence induced by these policy changes does not appear to hurt mothers' labour market outcomes in the medium run. We build a non-stationary model of job search after childbirth to isolate the role of the two policy instruments. The model matches return-to-work and return to same employer profiles under the various factual policy configurations. Counterfactual policy simulations indicate that a system that combines cash with protection dominates other systems in generating time for care immediately after birth while maintaining mothers' medium-run labour market attachment.
We present a radiolarian biostratigraphic study of the metacherts of the El Tambor Group ophiolites (South Motagua Unit), Guatemala. The ophiolite sequence comprises MOR pillow metabasalts, massive metabasalts, metacherts and micaschists. The age of the studied metacherts is referable to the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian). The radiolarian assemblage described in this paper is the first Jurassic finding in the ophiolitic MOR succession of the Motagua zone and represents a valuable tool to constrain the geodynamic evolution of the Caribbean area. A review of the ages of Jurassic rocks associated with the ophiolites from the Caribbean area is also reported.
Purpose - In recent years, several countries and/or higher education institutions have adopted equal opportunity policies to promote women's access to the upper levels of the academic career structure. The purpose of this paper is to argue that there is no universal solution to the glass ceiling that women face within academia. Insofar as the feminisation process evolves according to a variety of models, according to national and occupational context, the solutions adopted in one context may prove to be ineffective elsewhere. Design/methodology/approach - Analysis of the different models of occupational feminisation is based on a secondary analysis of the sociological literature on the subject, combined with recent data on women's access to academic positions in France and Germany. Findings - Although there are similarities in the structure of the academic labour market across countries and in the rate of feminisation of the most prestigious academic positions, the precise mechanisms through which women gain access to an academic career vary significantly from one national context to another. This cross-national variation would tend to suggest that there will also be variation when it comes to defining the most effective policy measures for increasing women's access to the upper echelons of the academic hierarchy. Indeed, different models of gender equality in academia may lead to very different results with regard to existing gender relations. Originality/value - The paper uses the available sociological literature on the feminisation process to examine how different measures adopted to promote women's access to the highest echelons of the academic career structure may have different effects on the reproduction and/or transformation of the dominant sex/gender system.
During adult thymus development immature CD4(-)CD8(-) [double-negative (DN)] precursor cells pass through four phenotypically distinct stages defined by expression of CD44 and CD25: CD44(hi)CD25(-) (DN1), CD44(hi)CD25(+) (DN2), CD44(lo)CD25(+) (DN3) and CD44(lo)CD25(-) (DN4). Although it is well established that the TCR beta, gamma and delta genes are rearranged and expressed in association with the CD3 components in DN thymocytes, the precise timing of expression of the TCR and CD3 proteins has not been determined. In this report we have utilized a sensitive intracellular (ic) staining technique to analyze the expression of ic CD3epsilon, TCR beta and TCR gammadelta proteins in immature DN subsets. As expected from previous studies of TCR beta rearrangement and mRNA expression, icTCR beta(+) cells were first detected in the DN3 subset and their proportion increased thereafter. Surprisingly, however, both icCD3epsilon(+) and icTCR gammadelta(+) cells were detected at later stages of development than was predicted by molecular studies. In particular icCD3epsilon protein expression coincided with the transition from the DN2 to DN3 stage of development, whereas icTCR gammadelta protein expression was only detected in a minor subset of DN4 cells. The implications of these findings for alphabeta lineage divergence will be discussed.
A first episode of depression after 65 years of age has long been associated with both severe macrovascular and small microvascular pathology. Among the three more frequent forms of depression in old age, post-stroke depression has been associated with an abrupt damage of cortical circuits involved in monoamine production and mood regulation. Late-onset depression (LOD) in the absence of stroke has been related to lacunes and white matter lesions that invade both the neocortex and subcortical nuclei. Recurrent late-life depression is thought to induce neuronal loss in the hippocampal formation and white matter lesions that affect limbic pathways. Despite an impressive number of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies in this field, the presence of a causal relationship between structural changes in the human brain and LOD is still controversial. The present article provides a critical overview of the contribution of neuropathology in post-stroke, late-onset, and late-life recurrent depression. Recent autopsy findings challenge the role of stroke location in the occurrence of post-stroke depression by pointing to the deleterious effect of subcortical lacunes. Despite the lines of evidences supporting the association between MRI-assessed white matter changes and mood dysregulation, lacunes, periventricular and deep white matter demyelination are all unrelated to the occurrence of LOD. In the same line, neuropathological data show that early-onset depression is not associated with an acceleration of aging-related neurodegenerative changes in the human brain. However, they also provide data in favor of the neurotoxic theory of depression by showing that neuronal loss occurs in the hippocampus of chronically depressed patients. These three paradigms are discussed in the light of the complex relationships between psychosocial determinants and biological vulnerability in affective disorders.
This book explores the perceptions of academic staff and representatives of institutional leadership about the changes in academic careers and academic work experienced in recent years. It emphasizes standardization and differentiation of academic career paths, impact of new forms of quality management on academic work, changes in recruitment, employment and working conditions, and academics' perceptions of their professional contexts. The book demonstrates a growing diversity within the academic profession and new professional roles inhabiting a space which is neither located in the core business of teaching and research nor at the top level management and leadership. The new higher education professionals tend to be important change agents within the higher education institutions not only fulfilling service and bridging functions but also streamlining academic work to make a contribution to the reputation and competitiveness of the institutions as a whole. Based on interviews with academic staff, this book explores the situation in eight European countries: Austria, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Romania, and Switzerland.
AIMS: The purpose of the present study was to probe sensitivity to potentially misleading negative feedback on cognitive tasks as a possible mechanism of cognitive impairment in elderly patients with mild depression. METHODS: A total of 22 mildly depressed elderly subjects were compared to 22 healthy controls, using a computerized Tower-of-London task. RESULTS: Failure and magnitude of failure were significantly worse after negative but not positive feedback. Depression predicted failure after negative feedback but not the magnitude of failure. Neither failure nor magnitude of failure increased as a consequence of repeated negative feedback. CONCLUSIONS: Altered sensitivity to negative feedback occurs in mild late-life unipolar depression and may represent a subtle context-specific phenomenon.