33 resultados para imperative


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The physical-activity and sporting at the child and the teenager is probably, in these years 2000, in full change. In a paradoxical way, extremely sporting children or teenagers are living beside extremely sedentary school-boys, neglecting the majority of the physical-activities and preferring a home-lifestyle. In the evaluation of overload sporting lesion of at teenager, it is thus imperative to take into account not only the individual characteristics of the child: its sex, its age, its stage of growth, its psychology, the presence or not of preexistent pathologies or anatomical disorders. It is naturally necessary to wonder about the training methods of the activity, but it appears fundamental to me to evaluate the child from a sensitivo-motor point of view and this can be carried out by assessments physio-therapeutic or aptitude tests carried out by doctors of the sport.


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Using event-related potentials (ERPs), we investigated the neural response associated with preparing to switch from one task to another. We used a cued task-switching paradigm in which the interval between the cue and the imperative stimulus was varied. The difference between response time (RT) to trials on which the task switched and trials on which the task repeated (switch cost) decreased as the interval between cue and target (CTI) was increased, demonstrating that subjects used the CTI to prepare for the forthcoming task. However, the RT on repeated-task trials in blocks during which the task could switch (mixed-task blocks) were never as short as RTs during single-task blocks (mixing cost). This replicates previous research. The ERPs in response to the cue were compared across three conditions: single-task trials, switch trials, and repeat trials. ERP topographic differences were found between single-task trials and mixed-task (switch and repeat) trials at approximately 160 and approximately 310 msec after the cue, indicative of changes in the underlying neural generator configuration as a basis for the mixing cost. In contrast, there were no topographic differences evident between switch and repeat trials during the CTI. Rather, the response of statistically indistinguishable generator configurations was stronger at approximately 310 msec on switch than on repeat trials. By separating differences in ERP topography from differences in response strength, these results suggest that a reappraisal of previous research is appropriate.


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Cultured primary fetal cells from one organ donation could possibly meet the exigent and stringent technical aspects for development of therapeutic products. These cell types have fewer technological limitations for cellular proliferation capacity (simple culture conditions) and maintenance of differentiated phenotype, and they also have low probability for transmission of communicable diseases. Master and Working Cell Banks (MCB, WCB) can be obtained from one fetal organ donation, permitting multiple tissues (skin, bone, cartilage, muscle and intervertebral disc) to be processed in short periods of time with identical methods to assure a stringent tracing of the processes for the production of standardized therapeutic agents. Clinical use of biologics from embryo and fetal tissues is relatively new and current legislation and ethics have some differences between countries to date. In addition, specific cell delivery systems for each tissue type can be adapted to the clinical application. Since it is the intention that banked primary fetal cells enhance the prospective treatment of hundreds of thousands of patients with only one organ donation, it is imperative to show consistency, traceability and safety of the processes including donor tissue selection, cell banking, cell testing and growth of cells in out-scaling for the preparation of bio-engineered products for clinical application.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) What are the relations between sociology and the different religions - Christianity with its various branches, Judaism, Islam, Oriental religions, sects and New Religious Movements ? That is the question which this work, - conceived on the occasion of the XXVth Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion/Société Internationale de Sociologie des Religions (SISR) - wishes to clarify. The book retraces the varied and troubled history of these relations and also reveals how in opening up its research to other religions besides the Christan, sociology is forced to redefine the very object of its field of study. What is the religious? This question, which until recently was considered impertinent, informs this book throughout. If confronts the necessity of rethinking theories and methodological appoaches which, constructed in the context of 19th and early 20th century Western Europe, prove to be rather inadequate for encompassing contemporary religious phenomena and religious manifestations in other contexts. To these new theoretical and methodological demands is added, for the sociologist, a deontological imperative, which takes on all the more importance today as the religious provokes passionate social debate.


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Within the framework of a retrospective study of the incidence of hip fractures in the canton of Vaud (Switzerland), all cases of hip fracture occurring among the resident population in 1986 and treated in the hospitals of the canton were identified from among five different information sources. Relevant data were then extracted from the medical records. At least two sources of information were used to identify cases in each hospital, among them the statistics of the Swiss Hospital Association (VESKA). These statistics were available for 9 of the 18 hospitals in the canton that participated in the study. The number of cases identified from the VESKA statistics was compared to the total number of cases for each hospital. For the 9 hospitals the number of cases in the VESKA statistics was 407, whereas, after having excluded diagnoses that were actually "status after fracture" and double entries, the total for these hospitals was 392, that is 4% less than the VESKA statistics indicate. It is concluded that the VESKA statistics provide a good approximation of the actual number of cases treated in these hospitals, with a tendency to overestimate this number. In order to use these statistics for calculating incidence figures, however, it is imperative that a greater proportion of all hospitals (50% presently in the canton, 35% nationwide) participate in these statistics.


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The genetic characterization of unbalanced mixed stains remains an important area where improvementis imperative. Most cases of aggression, homicide and sexual assault produce biological traces withrelatively large amount of the victim's DNA and small amount of the aggressor's DNA. If this ratio issmaller than 1:10 it is currently not possible to obtain a conventional autosomal DNA profile of the minorcontributor, with potential loss of crucial DNA evidence. Y-STR analysis represents a solution for somecases but has several limitations. We propose here a method based on a new compound genetic markerformed by a Deletion/Insertion Polymorphism (DIP) linked to a Short Tandem Repeat polymorphism(STR), that we name DIP-STR. By means of allele-specific amplifications of DIP-STR haplotypes, we canproduce a high resolution autosomal DNA profile of a donor that contributes less than 0.1% to a DNAmixture. Based on these features DIP-STR markers may outperform conventional Y-STR markers inmixed stain analysis.


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Excitotoxic insults induce c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation, which leads to neuronal death and contributes to many neurological conditions such as cerebral ischemia and neurodegenerative disorders. The action of JNK can be inhibited by the D-retro-inverso form of JNK inhibitor peptide (D-JNKI1), which totally prevents death induced by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) in vitro and strongly protects against different in vivo paradigms of excitotoxicity. To obtain optimal neuroprotection, it is imperative to elucidate the prosurvival action of D-JNKI1 and the death pathways that it inhibits. In cortical neuronal cultures, we first investigate the pathways by which NMDA induces JNK activation and show a rapid and selective phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7 (MKK7), whereas the only other known JNK activator, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 (MKK4), was unaffected. We then analyze the action of D-JNKI1 on four JNK targets containing a JNK-binding domain: MAPK-activating death domain-containing protein/differentially expressed in normal and neoplastic cells (MADD/DENN), MKK7, MKK4 and JNK-interacting protein-1 (IB1/JIP-1).


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The genetic characterization of unbalanced mixed stains remains an important area where improvement is imperative. In fact, with current methods for DNA analysis (Polymerase Chain Reaction with the SGM Plus™ multiplex kit), it is generally not possible to obtain a conventional autosomal DNA profile of the minor contributor if the ratio between the two contributors in a mixture is smaller than 1:10. This is a consequence of the fact that the major contributor's profile 'masks' that of the minor contributor. Besides known remedies to this problem, such as Y-STR analysis, a new compound genetic marker that consists of a Deletion/Insertion Polymorphism (DIP), linked to a Short Tandem Repeat (STR) polymorphism, has recently been developed and proposed elsewhere in literature [1]. The present paper reports on the derivation of an approach for the probabilistic evaluation of DIP-STR profiling results obtained from unbalanced DNA mixtures. The procedure is based on object-oriented Bayesian networks (OOBNs) and uses the likelihood ratio as an expression of the probative value. OOBNs are retained in this paper because they allow one to provide a clear description of the genotypic configuration observed for the mixed stain as well as for the various potential contributors (e.g., victim and suspect). These models also allow one to depict the assumed relevance relationships and perform the necessary probabilistic computations.


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Abstract Stroke or cerebrovascular accident, whose great majority is of ischemic nature, is the third leading cause of mortality and long lasting disability in industrialised countries. Resulting from the loss of blood supply to the brain depriving cerebral tissues of oxygen and glucose, it induces irreversible neuronal damages. Despite the large amount of research carried out into the causes and pathogenic features of cerebral ischemia the progress toward effective treatments has been poor. Apart the clot-busting drug tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) as effective therapy for acute stroke (reperfusion by thrombolysis) but limited to a low percentage of patients, there are currently no other approved medical treatments. The need for new therapy strategies is therefore imperative. Neuronal death in cerebral ischemia is among others due to excitotoxic mechanisms very early after stroke onset. One of the main involved molecular pathways leading to excitotoxic cell death is the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway. Several studies have already shown the efficacy of a neuroprotective agent of a new type, a dextrogyre peptide synthesized in the retro inverso form (XG102, formerly D-JNKI1), which is protease-resistant and cell-penetrating and that selectively and strongly blocks the access of JNK to many of its targets. A powerful protection was observed with this compound in several models of ischemia (Borsello et al. 2003;Hirt et al. 2004). This chimeric compound, made up of a 10 amino acid TAT transporter sequence followed by a 20 amino acids JNK binding domain (JBD) sequence from JNK inhibitor protein (JIP) molecule, induced both a major reduction in lesion size and improved functional outcome. Moreover it presents a wide therapeutic window. XG-102 has proved its powerful efficacy in an occlusion model of middle cerebral artery in mice with intracérebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection but in order to be able to consider the development of this drug for human ischemic stroke it was therefore necessary to determine the feasibility of its systemic administration. The studies being the subject of this thesis made it possible to show a successful neuroprotection with XG-102 administered systemically after transient mouse middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo). Moreover our data. provided information about the feasibility to combine XG-102 with tPA without detrimental action on cell survival. By combining the benefits from a reperfusion treatment with the effects of a neuroprotective compound, it would represent the advantage of bringing better chances to protect the cerebral tissue. Résumé L'attaque cérébrale ou accident vasculaire cérébral, dont la grande majorité est de nature ischémique, constitue la troisième cause de mortalité et d'infirmité dans les pays industrialisés. Résultant de la perte d'approvisionnement de sang au cerveau privant les tissus cérébraux d'oxygène et de glucose, elle induit des dommages neuronaux irréversibles. En dépit du nombre élevé de recherches effectuées pour caractériser les mécanismes pathogènes de l'ischémie. cérébrale, les progrès vers des traitements efficaces restent pauvres. Excepté l'activateur tissulaire du plasminogène (tPA) dont le rôle est de désagréger les caillots sanguins et employé comme thérapie efficace contre l'attaque cérébrale aiguë (reperfusion par thrombolyse) mais limité à un faible pourcentage de patients, il n'y a actuellement aucun autre traitement médical approuvé. Le besoin de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques est par conséquent impératif. La mort neuronale dans l'ischémie cérébrale est entre autres due à des mécanismes excitotoxiques survenant rapidement après le début de l'attaque cérébrale. Une des principales voies moléculaires impliquée conduisant à la mort excitotoxique des cellules est la voie de la c-Jun NH2terminal kinase (JNK). Plusieurs études ont déjà montré l'efficacité d'un agent neuroprotecteur d'un nouveau type, un peptide dextrogyre synthétisé sous la forme retro inverso (XG-102, précédemment D-JNKI1) résistant aux protéases, capable de pénétrer dans les cellules et de bloquer sélectivement et fortement l'accès de JNK à plusieurs de ses cibles. Une puissante protection a été observée avec ce composé dans plusieurs modèles d'ischémie (Borsello et al. 2003;Hirt et al. 2004). Ce composé chimérique, construit à partir d'une séquence TAT de 10 acides aminés suivie par une séquence de 20 acides aminés d'un domaine liant JNK (JBD) issu de la molécule JNK protéine inhibitrice. (JIP), induit à la fois une réduction importante de la taille de lésion et un comportement fonctionnel amélioré. De plus il présente une fenêtre thérapeutique étendue. XG-102 a prouvé sa puissante efficacité dans un modèle d'occlusion de l'artère cérébrale moyenne chez la souris avec injection intracerebroventriculaire (i.c.v.) mais afin de pouvoir envisager le développement de ce composé pour l'attaque cérébrale chez l'homme, il était donc nécessaire de déterminer la faisabilité de son administration systémique. Les études faisant l'objet de cette thèse ont permis de montrer une neuroprotection importante avec XG-102 administré de façon systémique après l'occlusion transitoire de l'artère cérébrale moyenne chez la souris (MCAo). De plus nos données ont fourni des informations quant à la faisabilité de combiner XG-102 et tPA, démontrant une protection efficace par XG-102 malgré l'action nuisible du tPA sur la survie des cellules. En combinant les bénéfices de la reperfusion avec les effets d'un composé neurooprotecteur, cela représenterait l'avantage d'apporter des meilleures chances de protéger le tissu cérébral.


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The genetic characterization of unbalanced mixed stains remains an important area where improvement is imperative. In fact, using the standard tools of forensic DNA profiling (i.e., STR markers), the profile of the minor contributor in mixed DNA stains cannot be successfully detected if its quantitative share of DNA is less than 10% of the mixed trace. This is due to the fact that the major contributor's profile "masks" that of the minor contributor. Besides known remedies to this problem, such as Y-STR analysis, a new compound genetic marker that consists of a Deletion/Insertion Polymorphism (DIP) linked to a Short Tandem Repeat (STR) polymorphism, has recently been developed and proposed [1]. These novel markers are called DIP-STR markers. This paper compares, from a statistical and forensic perspective, the potential usefulness of these novel DIP-STR markers (i) with traditional STR markers in cases of moderately unbalanced mixtures, and (ii) with Y-STR markers in cases of female-male mixtures. This is done through a comparison of the distribution of 100,000 likelihood ratio values obtained using each method on simulated mixtures. This procedure is performed assuming, in turn, the prosecution's and the defence's point of view.


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A crucial method for investigating patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) is the calculation of the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). It is, consequently, imperative to precisely estimate the value of LVEF--a process that can be done with myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. Therefore, the present study aimed to establish and compare the estimation performance of the quantitative parameters of the reconstruction methods filtered backprojection (FBP) and ordered-subset expectation maximization (OSEM). METHODS: A beating-heart phantom with known values of end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, and LVEF was used. Quantitative gated SPECT/quantitative perfusion SPECT software was used to obtain these quantitative parameters in a semiautomatic mode. The Butterworth filter was used in FBP, with the cutoff frequencies between 0.2 and 0.8 cycles per pixel combined with the orders of 5, 10, 15, and 20. Sixty-three reconstructions were performed using 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 16 OSEM subsets, combined with several iterations: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 32, and 64. RESULTS: With FBP, the values of end-diastolic, end-systolic, and the stroke volumes rise as the cutoff frequency increases, whereas the value of LVEF diminishes. This same pattern is verified with the OSEM reconstruction. However, with OSEM there is a more precise estimation of the quantitative parameters, especially with the combinations 2 iterations × 10 subsets and 2 iterations × 12 subsets. CONCLUSION: The OSEM reconstruction presents better estimations of the quantitative parameters than does FBP. This study recommends the use of 2 iterations with 10 or 12 subsets for OSEM and a cutoff frequency of 0.5 cycles per pixel with the orders 5, 10, or 15 for FBP as the best estimations for the left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction quantification in myocardial perfusion scintigraphy.


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Selection of action may rely on external guidance or be motivated internally, engaging partially distinct cerebral networks. With age, there is an increased allocation of sensorimotor processing resources, accompanied by a reduced differentiation between the two networks of action selection. The present study examines the age effects on the motor-related oscillatory patterns related to the preparation of externally and internally guided movements. Thirty-two older and 30 younger adults underwent three delayed motor tasks with S1 as preparatory and S2 as imperative cue: Full, laterality instructed by S1 (external guidance); Free, laterality freely selected (internal guidance); None, laterality instructed by S2 (no preparation). Electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded using 64 surface electrodes. Motor-Related Amplitude Asymmetries (MRAA), indexing the lateralization of oscillatory activities, were analyzed within the S1-S2 interval in the mu (9-12 Hz) and low beta (15-20 Hz) motor-related frequency bands. Reaction times to S2 were slower in older than younger subjects, and slower in the Free than in the Full condition in older subjects only. In the Full condition, there were significant mu MRAA in both age groups, and significant low beta MRAA only in older adults. The Free condition was associated with large mu MRAA in younger adults and limited low beta MRAA in older adults. In younger subjects, the lateralization of mu activity in both Full and Free conditions indicated effective external and internal motor preparation. In older subjects, external motor preparation was associated with lateralization of low beta in addition with mu activity, compatible with an increase of motor-related resources. In contrast, absence of mu and limited low beta lateralization in internal motor preparation was concomitant with reaction time slowing and suggested less efficient cerebral processes subtending free movement selection in older adults, indicating reduced capacity for internally driven action with age.


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A major challenge in community ecology is a thorough understanding of the processes that govern the assembly and composition of communities in time and space. The growing threat of climate change to the vascular plant biodiversity of fragile ecosystems such as mountains has made it equally imperative to develop comprehensive methodologies to provide insights into how communities are assembled. In this perspective, the primary objective of this PhD thesis is to contribute to the theoretical and methodological development of community ecology, by proposing new solutions to better detect the ecological and evolutionary processes that govern community assembly. As phylogenetic trees provide by far, the most advanced tools to integrate the spatial, ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plant communities, they represent the cornerstone on which this work was based. In this thesis, I proposed new solutions to: (i) reveal trends in community assembly on phylogenies, depicted by the transition of signals at the nodes of the different species and lineages responsible for community assembly, (ii) contribute to evidence the importance of evolutionarily labile traits in the distribution of mountain plant species. More precisely, I demonstrated that phylogenetic and functional compositional turnover in plant communities was driven by climate and human land use gradients mostly influenced by evolutionarily labile traits, (iii) predict and spatially project the phylogenetic structure of communities using species distribution models, to identify the potential distribution of phylogenetic diversity, as well as areas of high evolutionary potential along elevation. The altitudinal setting of the Diablerets mountains (Switzerland) provided an appropriate model for this study. The elevation gradient served as a compression of large latitudinal variations similar to a collection of islands within a single area, and allowed investigations on a large number of plant communities. Overall, this thesis highlights that stochastic and deterministic environmental filtering processes mainly influence the phylogenetic structure of plant communities in mountainous areas. Negative density-dependent processes implied through patterns of phylogenetic overdispersion were only detected at the local scale, whereas environmental filtering implied through phylogenetic clustering was observed at both the regional and local scale. Finally, the integration of indices of phylogenetic community ecology with species distribution models revealed the prospects of providing novel and insightful explanations on the potential distribution of phylogenetic biodiversity in high mountain areas. These results generally demonstrate the usefulness of phylogenies in inferring assembly processes, and are worth considering in the theoretical and methodological development of tools to better understand phylogenetic community structure.


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Essential hypertension is a very heterogeneous disease. The availability of antihypertensive drugs lowering blood pressure by various mechanisms allows most often to tailor the treatment, i.e. to find for each patient a drug regimen that is both efficient and well tolerated. Frequently medications given as monotherapy are not effective enough so that the use of drug combinations is required. When combined, low doses of antihypertensive agents are generally sufficient, so that tolerability is optimally preserved. Unfortunately many patients do not have their blood pressure controlled during antihypertensive therapy. These patients therefore do not benefit maximally from the cardiovascular protection afforded by blood pressure lowering. It is also imperative to correct all cardiovascular risk factors in each hypertensive patient. Such a multifactorial approach is known to improve effectively the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.