75 resultados para filter cake
Independent regulatory agencies (IRAs) were created in various sectors and on different governmental levels to implement liberalization policies. This paper investigates the link between IRAs' independence, which is said to promote regulatory credibility and the use of technical expertise, and their accountability, which is related to the need for controlling and legitimizing independent regulators. The literature on the regulatory state anticipates a positive relation between the independence and accountability of IRAs, but systematic empirical evidence is still lacking. To tackle this question, this paper measures and compares the independence and the accountability of IRAs in three differentially liberalized sectors in Switzerland (telecommunications, electricity and railways). With the application of Social Network Analysis, this piece of research shows that IRAs can be de facto independent and accountable at the same time, but the two features do not necessarily co-evolve in the same direction.
The epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC), located in the apical membrane of tight epithelia, allows vectorial Na(+) absorption. The amiloride-sensitive ENaC is highly selective for Na(+) and Li(+) ions. There is growing evidence that the short stretch of amino acid residues (preM2) preceding the putative second transmembrane domain M2 forms the outer channel pore with the amiloride binding site and the narrow ion-selective region of the pore. We have shown previously that mutations of the alphaS589 residue in the preM2 segment change the ion selectivity, making the channel permeant to K(+) ions. To understand the molecular basis of this important change in ionic selectivity, we have substituted alphaS589 with amino acids of different sizes and physicochemical properties. Here, we show that the molecular cutoff of the channel pore for inorganic and organic cations increases with the size of the amino acid residue at position alpha589, indicating that alphaS589 mutations enlarge the pore at the selectivity filter. Mutants with an increased permeability to large cations show a decrease in the ENaC unitary conductance of small cations such as Na(+) and Li(+). These findings demonstrate the critical role of the pore size at the alphaS589 residue for the selectivity properties of ENaC. Our data are consistent with the main chain carbonyl oxygens of the alphaS589 residues lining the channel pore at the selectivity filter with their side chain pointing away from the pore lumen. We propose that the alphaS589 side chain is oriented toward the subunit-subunit interface and that substitution of alphaS589 by larger residues increases the pore diameter by adding extra volume at the subunit-subunit interface.
Because of the various matrices available for forensic investigations, the development of versatile analytical approaches allowing the simultaneous determination of drugs is challenging. The aim of this work was to assess a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) platform allowing the rapid quantification of colchicine in body fluids and tissues collected in the context of a fatal overdose. For this purpose, filter paper was used as a sampling support and was associated with an automated 96-well plate extraction performed by the LC autosampler itself. The developed method features a 7-min total run time including automated filter paper extraction (2 min) and chromatographic separation (5 min). The sample preparation was reduced to a minimum regardless of the matrix analyzed. This platform was fully validated for dried blood spots (DBS) in the toxic concentration range of colchicine. The DBS calibration curve was applied successfully to quantification in all other matrices (body fluids and tissues) except for bile, where an excessive matrix effect was found. The distribution of colchicine for a fatal overdose case was reported as follows: peripheral blood, 29 ng/ml; urine, 94 ng/ml; vitreous humour and cerebrospinal fluid, < 5 ng/ml; pericardial fluid, 14 ng/ml; brain, < 5 pg/mg; heart, 121 pg/mg; kidney, 245 pg/mg; and liver, 143 pg/mg. Although filter paper is usually employed for DBS, we report here the extension of this alternative sampling support to the analysis of other body fluids and tissues. The developed platform represents a rapid and versatile approach for drug determination in multiple forensic media.
We present an open-source ITK implementation of a directFourier method for tomographic reconstruction, applicableto parallel-beam x-ray images. Direct Fourierreconstruction makes use of the central-slice theorem tobuild a polar 2D Fourier space from the 1D transformedprojections of the scanned object, that is resampled intoa Cartesian grid. Inverse 2D Fourier transform eventuallyyields the reconstructed image. Additionally, we providea complex wrapper to the BSplineInterpolateImageFunctionto overcome ITKâeuro?s current lack for image interpolatorsdealing with complex data types. A sample application ispresented and extensively illustrated on the Shepp-Loganhead phantom. We show that appropriate input zeropaddingand 2D-DFT oversampling rates together with radial cubicb-spline interpolation improve 2D-DFT interpolationquality and are efficient remedies to reducereconstruction artifacts.
We launched a cryptoendolithic habitat, made of a gneissic impactite inoculated with Chroococcidiopsis sp., into Earth orbit. After orbiting the Earth for 16 days, the rock entered the Earth's atmosphere and was recovered in Kazakhstan. The heat of entry ablated and heated the rock to a temperature well above the upper temperature limit for life to below the depth at which light levels are insufficient for photosynthetic organisms ( approximately 5 mm), thus killing all of its photosynthetic inhabitants. This experiment shows that atmospheric transit acts as a strong biogeographical dispersal filter to the interplanetary transfer of photosynthesis. Following atmospheric entry we found that a transparent, glassy fusion crust had formed on the outside of the rock. Re-inoculated Chroococcidiopsis grew preferentially under the fusion crust in the relatively unaltered gneiss beneath. Organisms under the fusion grew approximately twice as fast as the organisms on the control rock. Thus, the biologically destructive effects of atmospheric transit can generate entirely novel and improved endolithic habitats for organisms on the destination planetary body that survive the dispersal filter. The experiment advances our understanding of how island biogeography works on the interplanetary scale.
Cocktail parties, busy streets, and other noisy environments pose a difficult challenge to the auditory system: how to focus attention on selected sounds while ignoring others? Neurons of primary auditory cortex, many of which are sharply tuned to sound frequency, could help solve this problem by filtering selected sound information based on frequency-content. To investigate whether this occurs, we used high-resolution fMRI at 7 tesla to map the fine-scale frequency-tuning (1.5 mm isotropic resolution) of primary auditory areas A1 and R in six human participants. Then, in a selective attention experiment, participants heard low (250 Hz)- and high (4000 Hz)-frequency streams of tones presented at the same time (dual-stream) and were instructed to focus attention onto one stream versus the other, switching back and forth every 30 s. Attention to low-frequency tones enhanced neural responses within low-frequency-tuned voxels relative to high, and when attention switched the pattern quickly reversed. Thus, like a radio, human primary auditory cortex is able to tune into attended frequency channels and can switch channels on demand.
Methylene blue (MB) and light are used for virus inactivation of plasma for transfusion. However, the presence of MB has been the subject of concern, and efforts have been made to efficiently remove the dye after photo-treatment. For this study, plasma was collected by apheresis from 10 donors (group A), then treated using the MacoPharma THERAFLEX procedure (MB; 1 microM, and light exposure; 180 J/cm(2)) (group B), and finally filtered in order to remove the dye (group C). Proteins were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis, and peptides showing modifications were characterized by mass spectrometry. Clottable and antigenic fibrinogen levels, as well as fibrin polymerization time were measured. Analyses of the gels focused on a region corresponding to pI between 4.5 and 6.5, and M(r) from 7000 to 58 000. In this area, 387 +/- 47 spots matched, and four of these spots presented significant modifications. They corresponded to changes of the gamma-chain of fibrinogen, of transthyretin, and of apolipoprotein A-I, respectively. A decrease of clottable fibrinogen and a prolongation of fibrin polymerization time were observed in groups B and C. Removal of MB by filtration was not responsible for additional protein alterations. The effect of over-treatment of plasma by very high concentrations of MB (50 microM) in association with prolonged light exposure (3 h) was also analyzed, and showed complex alterations of most of the plasma proteins, including fibrinogen gamma-chain, transthyretin, and apolipoprotein A-I. Our data indicates that MB treatment at high concentration and prolonged illumination severely injure plasma proteins. By contrast, at the MB concentration used to inactivate viruses, damages are apparently very restricted.
BACKGROUND: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) systems are widely used tools to verify and correct the target position before each fraction, allowing to maximize treatment accuracy and precision. In this study, we evaluate automatic three-dimensional intensity-based rigid registration (RR) methods for prostate setup correction using CBCT scans and study the impact of rectal distension on registration quality. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 115 CBCT scans of 10 prostate patients. CT-to-CBCT registration was performed using (a) global RR, (b) bony RR, or (c) bony RR refined by a local prostate RR using the CT clinical target volume (CTV) expanded with 1-to-20-mm varying margins. After propagation of the manual CT contours, automatic CBCT contours were generated. For evaluation, a radiation oncologist manually delineated the CTV on the CBCT scans. The propagated and manual CBCT contours were compared using the Dice similarity and a measure based on the bidirectional local distance (BLD). We also conducted a blind visual assessment of the quality of the propagated segmentations. Moreover, we automatically quantified rectal distension between the CT and CBCT scans without using the manual CBCT contours and we investigated its correlation with the registration failures. To improve the registration quality, the air in the rectum was replaced with soft tissue using a filter. The results with and without filtering were compared. RESULTS: The statistical analysis of the Dice coefficients and the BLD values resulted in highly significant differences (p<10(-6)) for the 5-mm and 8-mm local RRs vs the global, bony and 1-mm local RRs. The 8-mm local RR provided the best compromise between accuracy and robustness (Dice median of 0.814 and 97% of success with filtering the air in the rectum). We observed that all failures were due to high rectal distension. Moreover, the visual assessment confirmed the superiority of the 8-mm local RR over the bony RR. CONCLUSION: The most successful CT-to-CBCT RR method proved to be the 8-mm local RR. We have shown the correlation between its registration failures and rectal distension. Furthermore, we have provided a simple (easily applicable in routine) and automatic method to quantify rectal distension and to predict registration failure using only the manual CT contours.
The complex ecology of free-living amoebae (FLA) and their role in spreading pathogenic microorganisms through water systems have recently raised considerable interest. In this study, we investigated the presence of FLA and amoebae-resisting bacteria (ARB) at various stages of a drinking water plant fed with river water. We isolated various amoebal species from the river and from several points within the plant, mostly at early steps of water treatment. Echinamoeba- and Hartmannella-related amoebae were mainly recovered in the drinking water plant whereas Acanthamoeba- and Naegleria-related amoebae were recovered from the river water and the sand filtration units. Some FLA isolates were recovered immediately after the ozonation step, thus suggesting resistance of these microorganisms to this disinfection procedure. A bacterial isolate related to Mycobacterium mucogenicum was recovered from an Echinamoeba-related amoeba isolated from ozone-treated water. Various other ARB were recovered using co-culture with axenic Acanthamoeba castellanii, including mycobacteria, legionella, Chlamydia-like organisms and various proteobacteria. Noteworthy, a new Parachlamydia acanthamoebae strain was recovered from river water and from granular activated carbon (GAC) biofilm. As amoebae mainly multiply in sand and GAC filters, optimization of filter backwash procedures probably offers a possibility to better control these protists and the risk associated with their intracellular hosts
Introduction : The redox properties of fine/ultrafine particles as well as nanoparticles (NP) are suggested to be important to explain their biological activity and could constitute a novel and promising metric for hazard evaluation. The acellular in vitro dithiothreitol (DTT) assay allows measuring this property. Objectives : (1) to evaluate sampling requirements for fine/ultrafine particle allowing measurement of their oxidative potential (2) to apply the methodology to occupational situations where particle from combustion sources are generated. Material and method : Sampling parameters (type of filters and loaded amount) and storage duration affecting the DTT measurements were evaluated. Based on these results, a methodological approach was defined and applied in two occupational situations where diesel and other combustion particles are present (toll station in a tunnel and mechanical yard for bus reparation). Results : Teflon filters loaded with diesel particles were found more suitable for the DTT assay, due to their better chemical inertness compared to quartz filters: after storage durations larger than 150 hours, an increased reactivity toward DTT was observed only with quartz filters. Reactivity was linearly correlated to the loaded mass until about 1000 μg/filter. Different redox reactivities were determined in both working places, with the mechanical yard presenting a higher DTT consumption rate. Discussion and conclusions : These results demonstrate the feasibility of this method to determine the oxidative potential of fine/ultrafine particles in occupational situations. We propose to include this approach for hazard assessment of work places with exposure to manufactured and other NP.
An active, solvent-free solid sampler was developed for the collection of 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) aerosol and prepolymers. The sampler was made of a filter impregnated with 1-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine contained in a filter holder. Interferences with HDI were observed when a set of cellulose acetate filters and a polystyrene filter holder were used; a glass fiber filter and polypropylene filter cassette gave better results. The applicability of the sampling and analytical procedure was validated with a test chamber, constructed for the dynamic generation of HDI aerosol and prepolymers in commercial two-component spray paints (Desmodur(R) N75) used in car refinishing. The particle size distribution, temporal stability, and spatial uniformity of the simulated aerosol were established in order to test the sample. The monitoring of aerosol concentrations was conducted with the solid sampler paired to the reference impinger technique (impinger flasks contained 10 mL of 0.5 mg/mL 1-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine in toluene) under a controlled atmosphere in the test chamber. Analyses of derivatized HDI and prepolymers were carried out by using high-performance liquid chromatography and ultraviolet detection. The correlation between the solvent-free and the impinger techniques appeared fairly good (Y = 0.979X - 0.161; R = 0.978), when the tests were conducted in the range of 0.1 to 10 times the threshold limit value (TLV) for HDI monomer and up to 60-mu-g/m3 (3 U.K. TLVs) for total -N = C = O groups.
Detection and discrimination of visuospatial input involve at least extracting, selecting and encoding relevant information and decision-making processes allowing selecting a response. These two operations are altered, respectively, by attentional mechanisms that change discrimination capacities, and by beliefs concerning the likelihood of uncertain events. Information processing is tuned by the attentional level that acts like a filter on perception, while decision-making processes are weighed by subjective probability of risk. In addition, it has been shown that anxiety could affect the detection of unexpected events through the modification of the level of arousal. Consequently, purpose of this study concerns whether and how decision-making and brain dynamics are affected by anxiety. To investigate these questions, the performance of women with either a high (12) or a low (12) STAI-T (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Spielberger, 1983) was examined in a decision-making visuospatial task where subjects have to recognize a target visual pattern from non-target patterns. The target pattern was a schematic image of furniture arranged in such a way as to give the impression of a living room. Non-target patterns were created by either the compression or the dilatation of the distances between objects. Target and non-target patterns were always presented in the same configuration. Preliminary behavioral results show no group difference in reaction time. In addition, visuo-spatial abilities were analyzed trough the signal detection theory for quantifying perceptual decisions in the presence of uncertainty (Green and Swets, 1966). This theory treats detection of a stimulus as a decision-making process determined by the nature of the stimulus and cognitive factors. Astonishingly, no difference in d' (corresponding to the distance between means of the distributions) and c (corresponds to the likelihood ratio) indexes was observed. Comparison of Event-related potentials (ERP) reveals that brain dynamics differ according to anxiety. It shows differences in component latencies, particularly a delay in anxious subjects over posterior electrode sites. However, these differences are compensated during later components by shorter latencies in anxious subjects compared to non-anxious one. These inverted effects seem indicate that the absence of difference in reaction time rely on a compensation of attentional level that tunes cortical activation in anxious subjects, but they have to hammer away to maintain performance.
A better understanding of the factors that mould ecological community structure is required to accurately predict community composition and to anticipate threats to ecosystems due to global changes. We tested how well stacked climate-based species distribution models (S-SDMs) could predict butterfly communities in a mountain region. It has been suggested that climate is the main force driving butterfly distribution and community structure in mountain environments, and that, as a consequence, climate-based S-SDMs should yield unbiased predictions. In contrast to this expectation, at lower altitudes, climate-based S-SDMs overpredicted butterfly species richness at sites with low plant species richness and underpredicted species richness at sites with high plant species richness. According to two indices of composition accuracy, the Sorensen index and a matching coefficient considering both absences and presences, S-SDMs were more accurate in plant-rich grasslands. Butterflies display strong and often specialised trophic interactions with plants. At lower altitudes, where land use is more intense, considering climate alone without accounting for land use influences on grassland plant richness leads to erroneous predictions of butterfly presences and absences. In contrast, at higher altitudes, where climate is the main force filtering communities, there were fewer differences between observed and predicted butterfly richness. At high altitudes, even if stochastic processes decrease the accuracy of predictions of presence, climate-based S-SDMs are able to better filter out butterfly species that are unable to cope with severe climatic conditions, providing more accurate predictions of absences. Our results suggest that predictions should account for plants in disturbed habitats at lower altitudes but that stochastic processes and heterogeneity at high altitudes may limit prediction success of climate-based S-SDMs.
Madin-Darby canine kidney cells (MDCK) were transfected with a cDNA encoding the glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein mouse Thy-1 in order to study the steady-state surface distribution of exogenous and endogenous GPI-linked proteins. Immunofluorescence of transfected cells grown on collagen-coated coverslips showed that expression of Thy-1 was variable throughout the epithelium, with some cells expressing large amounts of Thy-1 adjacent to very faintly staining cells. Selective surface iodination of cells grown on collagen-coated or uncoated transwell filters followed by immunoprecipitation of Thy-1 demonstrated that all the Thy-1 was present exclusively in the apical plasma membrane. Although cells grown on uncoated filters had much smaller amounts of Thy-1, it was consistently localized on the apical surfaces. Immunofluorescent localization of Thy-1 on 1 micron frozen sections of filter-grown cells demonstrated that all the Thy-1 was on the apical surface and there was no detectable intracellular pool. Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C digestion of intact iodinated monolayers released Thy-1 only into the apical medium, indicating that Thy-1 was processed normally in transfected cells and was anchored by a GPI-tail. In agreement with previous findings, endogenous GPI-linked proteins were found only on the apical plasma membrane. These results suggest that there is a common mechanism for sorting and targeting of GPI-linked proteins in polarized epithelial cells.