50 resultados para cognate objects


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Previous studies have demonstrated that a region in the left ventral occipito-temporal (LvOT) cortex is highly selective to the visual forms of written words and objects relative to closely matched visual stimuli. Here, we investigated why LvOT activation is not higher for reading than picture naming even though written words and pictures of objects have grossly different visual forms. To compare neuronal responses for words and pictures within the same LvOT area, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging adaptation and instructed participants to name target stimuli that followed briefly presented masked primes that were either presented in the same stimulus type as the target (word-word, picture-picture) or a different stimulus type (picture-word, word-picture). We found that activation throughout posterior and anterior parts of LvOT was reduced when the prime had the same name/response as the target irrespective of whether the prime-target relationship was within or between stimulus type. As posterior LvOT is a visual form processing area, and there was no visual form similarity between different stimulus types, we suggest that our results indicate automatic top-down influences from pictures to words and words to pictures. This novel perspective motivates further investigation of the functional properties of this intriguing region.


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The human auditory system is comprised of specialized but interacting anatomic and functional pathways encoding object, spatial, and temporal information. We review how learning-induced plasticity manifests along these pathways and to what extent there are common mechanisms subserving such plasticity. A first series of experiments establishes a temporal hierarchy along which sounds of objects are discriminated along basic to fine-grained categorical boundaries and learned representations. A widespread network of temporal and (pre)frontal brain regions contributes to object discrimination via recursive processing. Learning-induced plasticity typically manifested as repetition suppression within a common set of brain regions. A second series considered how the temporal sequence of sound sources is represented. We show that lateralized responsiveness during the initial encoding phase of pairs of auditory spatial stimuli is critical for their accurate ordered perception. Finally, we consider how spatial representations are formed and modified through training-induced learning. A population-based model of spatial processing is supported wherein temporal and parietal structures interact in the encoding of relative and absolute spatial information over the initial ∼300ms post-stimulus onset. Collectively, these data provide insights into the functional organization of human audition and open directions for new developments in targeted diagnostic and neurorehabilitation strategies.


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SOUND OBJECTS IN TIME, SPACE AND ACTIONThe term "sound object" describes an auditory experience that is associated with an acoustic event produced by a sound source. At cortical level, sound objects are represented by temporo-spatial activity patterns within distributed neural networks. This investigation concerns temporal, spatial and action aspects as assessed in normal subjects using electrical imaging or measurement of motor activity induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).Hearing the same sound again has been shown to facilitate behavioral responses (repetition priming) and to modulate neural activity (repetition suppression). In natural settings the same source is often heard again and again, with variations in spectro-temporal and spatial characteristics. I have investigated how such repeats influence response times in a living vs. non-living categorization task and the associated spatio-temporal patterns of brain activity in humans. Dynamic analysis of distributed source estimations revealed differential sound object representations within the auditory cortex as a function of the temporal history of exposure to these objects. Often heard sounds are coded by a modulation in a bilateral network. Recently heard sounds, independently of the number of previous exposures, are coded by a modulation of a left-sided network.With sound objects which carry spatial information, I have investigated how spatial aspects of the repeats influence neural representations. Dynamics analyses of distributed source estimations revealed an ultra rapid discrimination of sound objects which are characterized by spatial cues. This discrimination involved two temporo-spatially distinct cortical representations, one associated with position-independent and the other with position-linked representations within the auditory ventral/what stream.Action-related sounds were shown to increase the excitability of motoneurons within the primary motor cortex, possibly via an input from the mirror neuron system. The role of motor representations remains unclear. I have investigated repetition priming-induced plasticity of the motor representations of action sounds with the measurement of motor activity induced by TMS pulses applied on the hand motor cortex. TMS delivered to the hand area within the primary motor cortex yielded larger magnetic evoked potentials (MEPs) while the subject was listening to sounds associated with manual than non- manual actions. Repetition suppression was observed at motoneuron level, since during a repeated exposure to the same manual action sound the MEPs were smaller. I discuss these results in terms of specialized neural network involved in sound processing, which is characterized by repetition-induced plasticity.Thus, neural networks which underlie sound object representations are characterized by modulations which keep track of the temporal and spatial history of the sound and, in case of action related sounds, also of the way in which the sound is produced.LES OBJETS SONORES AU TRAVERS DU TEMPS, DE L'ESPACE ET DES ACTIONSLe terme "objet sonore" décrit une expérience auditive associée avec un événement acoustique produit par une source sonore. Au niveau cortical, les objets sonores sont représentés par des patterns d'activités dans des réseaux neuronaux distribués. Ce travail traite les aspects temporels, spatiaux et liés aux actions, évalués à l'aide de l'imagerie électrique ou par des mesures de l'activité motrice induite par stimulation magnétique trans-crânienne (SMT) chez des sujets sains. Entendre le même son de façon répétitive facilite la réponse comportementale (amorçage de répétition) et module l'activité neuronale (suppression liée à la répétition). Dans un cadre naturel, la même source est souvent entendue plusieurs fois, avec des variations spectro-temporelles et de ses caractéristiques spatiales. J'ai étudié la façon dont ces répétitions influencent le temps de réponse lors d'une tâche de catégorisation vivant vs. non-vivant, et les patterns d'activité cérébrale qui lui sont associés. Des analyses dynamiques d'estimations de sources ont révélé des représentations différenciées des objets sonores au niveau du cortex auditif en fonction de l'historique d'exposition à ces objets. Les sons souvent entendus sont codés par des modulations d'un réseau bilatéral. Les sons récemment entendus sont codé par des modulations d'un réseau du côté gauche, indépendamment du nombre d'expositions. Avec des objets sonores véhiculant de l'information spatiale, j'ai étudié la façon dont les aspects spatiaux des sons répétés influencent les représentations neuronales. Des analyses dynamiques d'estimations de sources ont révélé une discrimination ultra rapide des objets sonores caractérisés par des indices spatiaux. Cette discrimination implique deux représentations corticales temporellement et spatialement distinctes, l'une associée à des représentations indépendantes de la position et l'autre à des représentations liées à la position. Ces représentations sont localisées dans la voie auditive ventrale du "quoi".Des sons d'actions augmentent l'excitabilité des motoneurones dans le cortex moteur primaire, possiblement par une afférence du system des neurones miroir. Le rôle des représentations motrices des sons d'actions reste peu clair. J'ai étudié la plasticité des représentations motrices induites par l'amorçage de répétition à l'aide de mesures de potentiels moteurs évoqués (PMEs) induits par des pulsations de SMT sur le cortex moteur de la main. La SMT appliquée sur le cortex moteur primaire de la main produit de plus grands PMEs alors que les sujets écoutent des sons associée à des actions manuelles en comparaison avec des sons d'actions non manuelles. Une suppression liée à la répétition a été observée au niveau des motoneurones, étant donné que lors de l'exposition répétée au son de la même action manuelle les PMEs étaient plus petits. Ces résultats sont discuté en termes de réseaux neuronaux spécialisés impliqués dans le traitement des sons et caractérisés par de la plasticité induite par la répétition. Ainsi, les réseaux neuronaux qui sous-tendent les représentations des objets sonores sont caractérisés par des modulations qui gardent une trace de l'histoire temporelle et spatiale du son ainsi que de la manière dont le son a été produit, en cas de sons d'actions.


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cis-natural antisense transcripts (cis-NATs) are widespread in plants and are often associated with downregulation of their associated sense genes. We found that a cis-NAT positively regulates the level of a protein critical for phosphate homeostasis in rice (Oryza sativa). PHOSPHATE1;2 (PHO1;2), a gene involved in phosphate loading into the xylem in rice, and its associated cis-NATPHO1;2 are both controlled by promoters active in the vascular cylinder of roots and leaves. While the PHO1;2 promoter is unresponsive to the plant phosphate status, the cis-NATPHO1;2 promoter is strongly upregulated under phosphate deficiency. Expression of both cis-NATPHO1;2 and the PHO1;2 protein increased in phosphate-deficient plants, while the PHO1;2 mRNA level remained stable. Downregulation of cis-NATPHO1;2 expression by RNA interference resulted in a decrease in PHO1;2 protein, impaired the transfer of phosphate from root to shoot, and decreased seed yield. Constitutive overexpression of NATPHO1;2 in trans led to a strong increase of PHO1;2, even under phosphate-sufficient conditions. Under all conditions, no changes occurred in the level of expression, sequence, or nuclear export of PHO1;2 mRNA. However, expression of cis-NATPHO1;2 was associated with a shift of both PHO1;2 and cis-NATPHO1;2 toward the polysomes. These findings reveal an unexpected role for cis-NATPHO1;2 in promoting PHO1;2 translation and affecting phosphate homeostasis and plant fitness.


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The production of object and action words can be dissociated in aphasics, yet their anatomical correlates have been difficult to distinguish in functional imaging studies. To investigate the extent to which the cortical neural networks underlying object- and action-naming processing overlap, we performed electrostimulation mapping (ESM), which is a neurosurgical mapping technique routinely used to examine language function during brain-tumor resections. Forty-one right-handed patients who had surgery for a brain tumor were asked to perform overt naming of object and action pictures under stimulation. Overall, 73 out of the 633 stimulated cortical sites (11.5%) were associated with stimulation-induced language interferences. These interference sites were very much localized (<1 cm(2) ), and showed substantial variability across individuals in their exact localization. Stimulation interfered with both object and action naming over 44 sites, whereas it specifically interfered with object naming over 19 sites and with action naming over 10 sites. Specific object-naming sites were mainly identified in Broca's area (Brodmann area 44/45) and the temporal cortex, whereas action-naming specific sites were mainly identified in the posterior midfrontal gyrus (Brodmann area 6/9) and Broca's area (P = 0.003 by the Fisher's exact test). The anatomical loci we emphasized are in line with a cortical distinction between objects and actions based on conceptual/semantic features, so the prefrontal/premotor cortex would preferentially support sensorimotor contingencies associated with actions, whereas the temporal cortex would preferentially underpin (functional) properties of objects. Hum Brain Mapp 35:429-443, 2014. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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PURPOSE: Recent work practices in the conservation and restoration involve the use of cyclododecane (CDD, CAS 294-62-2) to protect fragile artifacts during their handling or transportation. Little is known about its toxicity, and no previous exposure has been reported. A short field investigation was conducted to characterize the exposure conditions to both CDD vapors and aerosols.METHODS: Measurements were conducted in the laboratory of conservation and restoration of the archeological service in Bern (Switzerland). Three indoor and four outdoor typical work situations, either during brush or spray gun applications, were investigated. Measurements were performed on charcoal adsorbent tube and analyzed by a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector.RESULTS: Measurements have been conducted during both brush and spray gun applications. Indoor exposures were of 0.75-15.5 mg/m(3), while outdoors exposures were 19.5-53.9 mg/m(3). Exposures appear to be extremely localized due to both physicochemical properties and application methods of the CDD. Vapor exposure increases dramatically with the confinement of the workplace.CONCLUSION: Preventive measures should be undertaken to limit as much as possible these exposures. Field work in confined areas (ditches, underground) is of particular concern. CDD-coated artifacts or materials should be stored in ventilated areas to avoid delayed exposures. [Authors]


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Through a rational design approach, we generated a panel of HLA-A*0201/NY-ESO-1(157-165)-specific T cell receptors (TCR) with increasing affinities of up to 150-fold from the wild-type TCR. Using these TCR variants which extend just beyond the natural affinity range, along with an extreme supraphysiologic one having 1400-fold enhanced affinity, and a low-binding one, we sought to determine the effect of TCR binding properties along with cognate peptide concentration on CD8(+) T cell responsiveness. Major histocompatibility complexes (MHC) expressed on the surface of various antigen presenting cells were peptide-pulsed and used to stimulate human CD8(+) T cells expressing the different TCR via lentiviral transduction. At intermediate peptide concentration we measured maximum cytokine/chemokine secretion, cytotoxicity, and Ca(2+) flux for CD8(+) T cells expressing TCR within a dissociation constant (K(D)) range of ∼1-5 μM. Under these same conditions there was a gradual attenuation in activity for supraphysiologic affinity TCR with K(D) < ∼1 μM, irrespective of CD8 co-engagement and of half-life (t(1/2) = ln 2/k(off)) values. With increased peptide concentration, however, the activity levels of CD8(+) T cells expressing supraphysiologic affinity TCR were gradually restored. Together our data support the productive hit rate model of T cell activation arguing that it is not the absolute number of TCR/pMHC complexes formed at equilibrium, but rather their productive turnover, that controls levels of biological activity. Our findings have important implications for various immunotherapies under development such as adoptive cell transfer of TCR-engineered CD8(+) T cells, as well as for peptide vaccination strategies.


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BACKGROUND: Several studies have established Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) prognostic and predictive models based on age and Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS), while very few studies evaluated the prognostic and predictive significance of preoperative MR-imaging. However, to date, there is no simple preoperative GBM classification that also correlates with a highly prognostic genomic signature. Thus, we present for the first time a biologically relevant, and clinically applicable tumor Volume, patient Age, and KPS (VAK) GBM classification that can easily and non-invasively be determined upon patient admission. METHODS: We quantitatively analyzed the volumes of 78 GBM patient MRIs present in The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) corresponding to patients in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) with VAK annotation. The variables were then combined using a simple 3-point scoring system to form the VAK classification. A validation set (N = 64) from both the TCGA and Rembrandt databases was used to confirm the classification. Transcription factor and genomic correlations were performed using the gene pattern suite and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. RESULTS: VAK-A and VAK-B classes showed significant median survival differences in discovery (P = 0.007) and validation sets (P = 0.008). VAK-A is significantly associated with P53 activation, while VAK-B shows significant P53 inhibition. Furthermore, a molecular gene signature comprised of a total of 25 genes and microRNAs was significantly associated with the classes and predicted survival in an independent validation set (P = 0.001). A favorable MGMT promoter methylation status resulted in a 10.5 months additional survival benefit for VAK-A compared to VAK-B patients. CONCLUSIONS: The non-invasively determined VAK classification with its implication of VAK-specific molecular regulatory networks, can serve as a very robust initial prognostic tool, clinical trial selection criteria, and important step toward the refinement of genomics-based personalized therapy for GBM patients.


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For the recognition of sounds to benefit perception and action, their neural representations should also encode their current spatial position and their changes in position over time. The dual-stream model of auditory processing postulates separate (albeit interacting) processing streams for sound meaning and for sound location. Using a repetition priming paradigm in conjunction with distributed source modeling of auditory evoked potentials, we determined how individual sound objects are represented within these streams. Changes in perceived location were induced by interaural intensity differences, and sound location was either held constant or shifted across initial and repeated presentations (from one hemispace to the other in the main experiment or between locations within the right hemispace in a follow-up experiment). Location-linked representations were characterized by differences in priming effects between pairs presented to the same vs. different simulated lateralizations. These effects were significant at 20-39 ms post-stimulus onset within a cluster on the posterior part of the left superior and middle temporal gyri; and at 143-162 ms within a cluster on the left inferior and middle frontal gyri. Location-independent representations were characterized by a difference between initial and repeated presentations, independently of whether or not their simulated lateralization was held constant across repetitions. This effect was significant at 42-63 ms within three clusters on the right temporo-frontal region; and at 165-215 ms in a large cluster on the left temporo-parietal convexity. Our results reveal two varieties of representations of sound objects within the ventral/What stream: one location-independent, as initially postulated in the dual-stream model, and the other location-linked.


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Malignant gliomas, including the most common and fatal form glioblastoma (GBM, WHO grade IV astrocytoma), remain a challenge to treat. In the United States and Europe, more than 30,000 patients per year are newly diagnosed with GBM. Despite ongoing trials, the best currently available multimodal treatment approaches include surgical resection followed by concomitant and adjuvant radiation (RT) and temozolomide (TMZ) therapy, resulting in a low median overall survival (OS) rate ranging from 12.2 - 15.9 months. The important role of genetic and epigenetic changes in DNA, RNA, and protein alteration as well as epigenetic changes secondary to the tumor microenvironment and outside selection pressure (therapeutic interventions), are increasingly being recognized. In GBM treatment, the focus is shifting toward a more patient-centered (personalized) therapy. In this regard, in particular, microRNAs are being increasingly studied. MicroRNAs are non¬protein coding small RNAs that serve as negative gene regulators by binding to a specific sequence in the promoter region of a target gene, thus regulating gene expression. A single microRNA potentially targets hundreds of genes; thus, microRNAs and their cognate target genes have important roles as tumor suppressors and oncogenes as well as regulators of various cancer- specific cellular features, such as proliferation, apoptosis, invasion, and metastasis. The identification of distinct microRNA-gene regulatory networks in GBM patients can be expected to provide novel therapeutic insights by identifying candidate patients for targeted therapies. To this end, in this work we identified and validated clinically relevant and meaningful novel gene- microRNA regulatory networks that correlated with MR tumor phenotypes, histopathology, and patient survival and response rates to therapy. - Le traitement des gliomes malins, y compris sous leur forme la plus commune et meurtrière, le glioblastome (GBM, ou astrocytome de grade IV selon l'OMS), demeure à ce jour un défi. Aux États-Unis et en Europe, un nouveau diagnostic de GBM est prononcé dans plus de 30Ό00 cas par an. En dépit de tests en cours, les meilleures approches thérapeutiques combinées actuellement disponibles comprennent la résection chirurgicale de la tumeur, suivie d'une radiothérapie adjuvante ainsi que d'un traitement au temozolomide (RT/TMZ), thérapies dont résulte une médiane de survie globale basse (overall survival, OS), comprise entre 12.2 et 15.9 mois. On reconnaît de plus en plus le rôle majeur de l'ADN, de l'ARN et de l'altération des protéines ainsi que des modifications épigénétiques, secondaires par rapport au microenvironnement de la tumeur et à la pression de sélection extérieure (les interventions thérapeutiques). Dans le traitement du GBM, le centre d'intérêt se déplace vers une thérapie centrée sur le cas individuel du patient. Dans ce but, en particulier les microARN sont de plus en plus analysés. Les microARN sont de petits ARN non-codants (les protéines) qui servent de régulateurs négatifs de gènes en s'attachant à une séquence spécifique dans la région promotrice d'un gène-cible, régulant ainsi l'expression du gène. Un seul microARN cible potentiellement des centaines de gènes; on a ainsi découvert que les microARN et leurs gènes-cibles apparentés ont une fonction importante en tant que suppresseurs de tumeurs et d'oncogènes, ainsi que comme régulateurs de diverses caractéristiques cellulaires spécifiques du cancer, comme la prolifération, l'apoptose, l'invasion et la métastase. On peut s'attendre à ce que l'identification de réseaux microARN régulateurs de gènes, distincts selon les patients de GBM, fournisse une approche thérapeutique inédite par la détermination des patients susceptibles de réagir favorablement à des thérapies ciblées.