242 resultados para chest tightness
OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to analyze the duration of chest tube drainage on pain intensity and distribution after cardiac surgery. METHODS: Two groups of 80 cardiac surgery adult patients, operated on in two different hospitals, by the same group of cardiac surgeons, and with similar postoperative strategies, were compared. However, in one hospital (long drainage group), a conservative policy was adopted with the removal the chest tubes by postoperative day (POD) 2 or 3, while in the second hospital (short drainage group), all the drains were usually removed on POD 1. RESULTS: There was a trend toward less pain in the short drainage group, with a statistically significant difference on POD 2 (P=0.047). There were less patients without pain on POD 3 in the long drainage group (P=0. 01). The areas corresponding to the tract of the pleural tube, namely the epigastric area, the left basis of the thorax, and the left shoulder were more often involved in the long drainage group. There were three pneumonias in each group and no patient required repeated drainage. CONCLUSIONS: A policy of early chest drain ablation limits pain sensation and simplifies nursing care, without increasing the need for repeated pleural puncture. Therefore, a policy of short drainage after cardiac surgery should be recommended.
Pulmonary involvement is the most frequent extra-articular manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis. The occurrence of a chronic hydro-pneumo-thorax associated with pulmonary nodules is rare. Cavitation of the most superficial nodules and their rupture into the pleural cavity are most likely involved in this complication. The presence of broncho-pleural fistulae may be responsible for the persistence of the phenomenon in our patient.
BACKGROUND: Chest pain is a common complaint in primary care, with coronary heart disease (CHD) being the most concerning of many potential causes. Systematic reviews on the sensitivity and specificity of symptoms and signs summarize the evidence about which of them are most useful in making a diagnosis. Previous meta-analyses are dominated by studies of patients referred to specialists. Moreover, as the analysis is typically based on study-level data, the statistical analyses in these reviews are limited while meta-analyses based on individual patient data can provide additional information. Our patient-level meta-analysis has three unique aims. First, we strive to determine the diagnostic accuracy of symptoms and signs for myocardial ischemia in primary care. Second, we investigate associations between study- or patient-level characteristics and measures of diagnostic accuracy. Third, we aim to validate existing clinical prediction rules for diagnosing myocardial ischemia in primary care. This article describes the methods of our study and six prospective studies of primary care patients with chest pain. Later articles will describe the main results. METHODS/DESIGN: We will conduct a systematic review and IPD meta-analysis of studies evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of symptoms and signs for diagnosing coronary heart disease in primary care. We will perform bivariate analyses to determine the sensitivity, specificity and likelihood ratios of individual symptoms and signs and multivariate analyses to explore the diagnostic value of an optimal combination of all symptoms and signs based on all data of all studies. We will validate existing clinical prediction rules from each of the included studies by calculating measures of diagnostic accuracy separately by study. DISCUSSION: Our study will face several methodological challenges. First, the number of studies will be limited. Second, the investigators of original studies defined some outcomes and predictors differently. Third, the studies did not collect the same standard clinical data set. Fourth, missing data, varying from partly missing to fully missing, will have to be dealt with.Despite these limitations, we aim to summarize the available evidence regarding the diagnostic accuracy of symptoms and signs for diagnosing CHD in patients presenting with chest pain in primary care. REVIEW REGISTRATION: Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (University of York): CRD42011001170.
Summary : Aim: To assess the number of immigrants with pulmonary tuberculosis detected by chest x-ray screening at the Swiss border. Method: All adult immigrants entering Switzerland in 2004 were screened by chest x-ray (CXR). The number of radiological abnormalities suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis, and the proportion requiring treatment for tuberculosis, were assessed retrospectively. The frequency of symptoms among immigrants with documented TB was compared with a sample of immigrants with a normal CXR. Results: Among 8995 immigrants, 8240 had a normal CXR, 630 had some abnormality not suggestive of active TB and 125 (1.4%) had a CXR suggestive of pulmonary TB. A final diagnosis of tuberculosis requiring treatment was made in SO (1 l with positive smear and culture, 16 with positive culture and 23 with negative culture), 57 had fibrotic lesions and 18 had another disease or a normal x-ray on control. The prevalence of symptoms did not differ between 27 immigrants with documented TB (smear+/culture+: 82%, smear-/ culture+: 75%), and 23 with smear-/culturetuberculosis (91%), but lower in 57 immigrants with fibrotic lesions (60%). Cough was more frequent among the 27 immigrants with documented TB (70%) than among 198 smokers without TB (37%) and among 229 non-smokers without TB (15%) Conclusions: Only 22% (27/125) of immigrants with CXR abnormalities suggestive of pulrnonary tuberculosis were documented by smear and/or culture and 40% (50/125) needed antituberculous treatment. 2/11 smear-positive immigrants would not have been detected by a questionnaire on symptoms. Rapport de synthèse : Le but de l'étude est d'évaluer le rendement du dépistage radiologique de la tuberculose pulmonaire chez les immigrés à l'entrée en Suisse. Méthode: parmi les immigrés adultes entrés en Suisse en 2004, qui ont tous passé un contrôle radiologique, le nombre de porteurs de clichés thoraciques suspects de tuberculose et la proportion de cas chez lesquels un traitement antituberculeux a été prescrit ont été évalués rétrospectivement. La fréquence des symptômes chez les immigrés atteints de tuberculose a été comparée à celle d'un groupe contrôle sans tuberculose. Résultats: parmi 8995 immigrés, 8240 avaient un cliché thoracique normal, 630 étaient porteurs d'une anomalie non suspecte de tuberculose active et 125 (1.4%) montraient des signes radiologiques suspects de tuberculose. Un diagnostic final de tuberculose nécessitant un traitement a été posé dans 50 cas (11 cas à frottis et culture positifs, 16 cas à culture positive, 23 cas à culture négative), 57 présentaient des lésions cicatricielles compatibles avec une ancienne tuberculose et 18 avaient une autre affection pulmonaire ou un cliché normal au contrôle. La prévalence des plaintes n'était pas différente entre les 27 immigrés porteurs d'une tuberculose documentée (frottis+ /culture+: 82%, frottis-/culture+ : 75%) et les 23 immigrés atteints d'une tuberculose non documentée (frottis-/culture-: 91%), mais elle était plus élevée que chez les 57 immigrés porteurs de lésions cicatricielles (59%). La toux était plus fréquente chez les 27 tuberculeux documentés (70%) que chez 198 fumeurs sans tuberculose (37%) et chez 229 non fumeurs sans tuberculose (15%). Conclusions: seuls 22% (27/125) des immigrés dont le cliché thoracique est suspect de tuberculose sont porteurs d'une tuberculose documentée par examen direct ou culture et 40% (50/125) nécessitent un traitement antituberculeux. Deux immigrants sur les 11 cas frottis positifs n'auraient pas été dépistés par un questionnaire.
Introduction: Myocardial infarction is rare in children, if it occurs, findings are almost similar to adults. In Ouchenne muscular dystrophy (OMO), ST segment displacement associated with typical chest pain can occur. We report the case of a young boy with OMO presenting symptoms suggestive of myocardial ischemia. Case report: 7 year old boy, diagnosed with OMO, eoming to the emergency department with complaints of acute chest pain, dyspnoea and anxiety the night before. Clinical examination was not remarkable, with exception of findings of the OMO. ECG showed important ST-segment elevation in right precordial leads. Major increase in troponin 1 42.33 mcg/(normal, <0.04 mcg/I) was found. Echocardiography revealed slight yskinesia of postero-septal wall without decrease in ventricular function. As acute pain had happened more han 12 hours before referral and as the child was asymptomatic, he received anti-platelets therapy. The serum level of troponin 1 declined and the ECG normalised in a few days. Cardiac catheterization did not show any coronary anomaly or eardiac dysfunction. Cardiac biopsy revealed myocardial cell damaged compatible with OMO cardiomyopathy. Tc99m myocardial single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) did not show any radionuclide uptake defect. Conclusions: ln this particular context of children with OMO, the classical signs of myocardial ischemia could be misleading, standard investigation failed to demonstrate the cause of chest pain and inerease of troponin l, there was also no evidence of myocarditis. Role of late enhancement (LE) signal in eontrast-enhanced MRI in the understanding of the occurring process has to be evaluated.
Posterior chest wall defects are frequently encountered after excision of tumors as a result of trauma or in the setting of wound dehiscence after spine surgery. Various pedicled fasciocutaneous and musculocutaneous flaps have been described for the coverage of these wounds. The advent of perforator flaps has allowed the preservation of muscle function but their bulk is limited. Musculocutaneous flaps remain widely employed. The trapezius and the latissimus dorsi (LD) flaps have been used extensively for upper and middle posterior chest wounds, respectively. Their bulk allows for obliteration of the dead space in deep wounds. The average width of the LD skin paddle is limited to 10-12 cm if closure of the donor site is expected without skin grafting. In 2001 a modification of the skin paddle design was introduced in order to allow large flaps to be raised without requiring grafts or flaps for donor site closure. This V-Y pattern allows coverage of large anterior chest defects after mastectomy. We have modified this flap to allow its use for posterior chest wall defects. We describe the flap design, its indications, and its limitations with three clinical cases. Level of Evidence V This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors at www.springer.com/00266 .
We report a 26-year-old female patient who was diagnosed within 4 years with chest sarcoma, lung adenocarcinoma, and breast cancer. While her family history was unremarkable, DNA sequencing of TP53 revealed a germline de novo non-sense mutation in exon 6 p.Arg213X. One year later, she further developed a contralateral ductal carcinoma in situ, and 18 months later a jaw osteosarcoma. This case illustrates the therapeutic pitfalls in the care of a young cancer patient with TP53 de novo germline mutations and the complications related to her first-line therapy. Suggestion is made to use the less stringent Chompret criteria for germline TP53 mutation screening. Our observation underlines the possibly negative effect of radiotherapy in generating second tumors in patients with a TP53 mutation. We also present a review of six previously reported cases, comparing their cancer phenotypes with those generally produced by TP53 mutations.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Dose reduction may compromise patients because of a decrease of image quality. Therefore, the amount of dose savings in new dose-reduction techniques needs to be thoroughly assessed. To avoid repeated studies in one patient, chest computed tomography (CT) scans with different dose levels were performed in corpses comparing model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) as a tool to enhance image quality with current standard full-dose imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-five human cadavers were scanned (CT HD750) after contrast medium injection at different, decreasing dose levels D0-D5 and respectively reconstructed with MBIR. The data at full-dose level, D0, have been additionally reconstructed with standard adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR), which represented the full-dose baseline reference (FDBR). Two radiologists independently compared image quality (IQ) in 3-mm multiplanar reformations for soft-tissue evaluation of D0-D5 to FDBR (-2, diagnostically inferior; -1, inferior; 0, equal; +1, superior; and +2, diagnostically superior). For statistical analysis, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the Wilcoxon test were used. RESULTS: Mean CT dose index values (mGy) were as follows: D0/FDBR = 10.1 ± 1.7, D1 = 6.2 ± 2.8, D2 = 5.7 ± 2.7, D3 = 3.5 ± 1.9, D4 = 1.8 ± 1.0, and D5 = 0.9 ± 0.5. Mean IQ ratings were as follows: D0 = +1.8 ± 0.2, D1 = +1.5 ± 0.3, D2 = +1.1 ± 0.3, D3 = +0.7 ± 0.5, D4 = +0.1 ± 0.5, and D5 = -1.2 ± 0.5. All values demonstrated a significant difference to baseline (P < .05), except mean IQ for D4 (P = .61). ICC was 0.91. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to ASIR, MBIR allowed for a significant dose reduction of 82% without impairment of IQ. This resulted in a calculated mean effective dose below 1 mSv.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Chest pain raises concern for the possibility of coronary heart disease. Scoring methods have been developed to identify coronary heart disease in emergency settings, but not in primary care. METHODS: Data were collected from a multicenter Swiss clinical cohort study including 672 consecutive patients with chest pain, who had visited one of 59 family practitioners' offices. Using delayed diagnosis we derived a prediction rule to rule out coronary heart disease by means of a logistic regression model. Known cardiovascular risk factors, pain characteristics, and physical signs associated with coronary heart disease were explored to develop a clinical score. Patients diagnosed with angina or acute myocardial infarction within the year following their initial visit comprised the coronary heart disease group. RESULTS: The coronary heart disease score was derived from eight variables: age, gender, duration of chest pain from 1 to 60 minutes, substernal chest pain location, pain increases with exertion, absence of tenderness point at palpation, cardiovascular risks factors, and personal history of cardiovascular disease. Area under the receiver operating characteristics curve was of 0.95 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.92; 0.97. From this score, 413 patients were considered as low risk for values of percentile 5 of the coronary heart disease patients. Internal validity was confirmed by bootstrapping. External validation using data from a German cohort (Marburg, n = 774) revealed a receiver operating characteristics curve of 0.75 (95% confidence interval, 0.72; 0.81) with a sensitivity of 85.6% and a specificity of 47.2%. CONCLUSIONS: This score, based only on history and physical examination, is a complementary tool for ruling out coronary heart disease in primary care patients complaining of chest pain.
BACKGROUND: All patients with extensive resection of the anterolateral chest wall and the sternum followed by reconstruction with methylmethacrylate substitutes were assessed prospectively 6 months after the operation to delineate chest wall integrity with pulmonary function and cine-magnetic resonance imaging. METHODS: Twenty-six patients underwent chest wall reconstruction by use of methylmethacrylate between 1994 and 1998 due to primary tumors in 35%, metastases in 27%, T3 lung cancer in 19%, and debridement for radionecrosis and osteomyelitis in 19% of patients. Three to eight ribs were resected and additional sternum resection was performed in 39% of patients. RESULTS: There was no 30-day mortality. All patients were extubated after the operation without need for reintubation. Prosthesis dislocation occurred in 1 patient and infection in 2 patients during follow-up. Nineteen patients (73%) suffered no restrictions of daily activities. Clinical examination revealed normal shoulder girdle function in 77% of patients. There was no significant difference between preoperative and postoperative FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) measurements in patients with lobectomy or wedge resections. Cinemagnetic resonance imaging revealed concordant chest wall movements during respiration in 92% of patients without paradoxical movements or implant dislocations being observed. CONCLUSIONS: Large defects of the anterolateral chest wall and sternum can be reconstructed efficiently with methylmethacrylate substitutes with minimal morbidity and excellent cosmetic and functional outcome.
Mitral valve injury after blunt chest trauma is a rare occurrence. We recently admitted a patient with severe traumatic mitral regurgitation who was successfully treated with surgery. Review of the literature aimed at taking an inventory of cases of traumatic nonpenetrating mitral insufficiency that were operated on, since the earliest report in 1964. Eighty-two cases were found and analyzed allowing for a better understanding of the epidemiology, etiology, natural history, pathology, and treatment of this rare condition. The most common lesions reach the papillary muscles (PM), followed by the chordae and then the mitral valve leaflets. Among the 82 cases reported that have been treated with surgery, 57% required a valve replacement. More than half of the patients had a PM injury with a complete or partial rupture. When the rupture is complete, and especially when it involves the anterior PM, the clinical picture is most always acute with clinically important hemodynamic repercussions, often necessitating emergency surgery, most of the time with mitral valve replacement. One must always suspect traumatic mitral injury after blunt chest trauma. The most common mitral lesions affect the PM. The clinical course can be indolent or devastating, and most often requires urgent or delayed surgical treatment, either with mitral valve repair or replacement.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The intuitive early diagnostic guess could play an important role in reaching a final diagnosis. However, no study to date has attempted to quantify the importance of general practitioners' (GPs) ability to correctly appraise the origin of chest pain within the first minutes of an encounter. METHODS: The validation study was nested in a multicentre cohort study with a one year follow-up and included 626 successive patients who presented with chest pain and were attended by 58 GPs in Western Switzerland. The early diagnostic guess was assessed prior to a patient's history being taken by a GP and was then compared to a diagnosis of chest pain observed over the next year. RESULTS: Using summary measures clustered at the GP's level, the early diagnostic guess was confirmed by further investigation in 51.0% (CI 95%; 49.4% to 52.5%) of patients presenting with chest pain. The early diagnostic guess was more accurate in patients with a life threatening illness (65.4%; CI 95% 64.5% to 66.3%) and in patients who did not feel anxious (62.9%; CI 95% 62.5% to 63.3%). The predictive abilities of an early diagnostic guess were consistent among GPs. CONCLUSIONS: The GPs early diagnostic guess was correct in one out of two patients presenting with chest pain. The probability of a correct guess was higher in patients with a life-threatening illness and in patients not feeling anxious about their pain.
Chest physiotherapy (CP) using passive expiratory manoeuvres is widely used in Western Europe for the treatment of bronchiolitis, despite lacking evidence for its efficacy. We undertook an open randomised trial to evaluate the effectiveness of CP in infants hospitalised for bronchiolitis by comparing the time to clinical stability, the daily improvement of a severity score and the occurrence of complications between patients with and without CP. Children <1 year admitted for bronchiolitis in a tertiary hospital during two consecutive respiratory syncytial virus seasons were randomised to group 1 with CP (prolonged slow expiratory technique, slow accelerated expiratory flow, rarely induced cough) or group 2 without CP. All children received standard care (rhinopharyngeal suctioning, minimal handling, oxygen for saturation ≥92%, fractionated meals). Ninety-nine eligible children (mean age, 3.9 months), 50 in group 1 and 49 in group 2, with similar baseline variables and clinical severity at admission. Time to clinical stability, assessed as primary outcome, was similar for both groups (2.9 ± 2.1 vs. 3.2 ± 2.8 days, P = 0.45). The rate of improvement of a clinical and respiratory score, defined as secondary outcome, only showed a slightly faster improvement of the respiratory score in the intervention group when including stethoacoustic properties (P = 0.044). Complications were rare but occurred more frequently, although not significantly (P = 0.21), in the control arm. In conclusion, this study shows the absence of effectiveness of CP using passive expiratory techniques in infants hospitalised for bronchiolitis. It seems justified to recommend against the routine use of CP in these patients.
Objective: The chance of obtaining a conclusive DNA profile strongly depends on the quantity of biological material that can be recovered from a crime scene sample. Optimizing the collection strategy is therefore of prime interest. A difference in the level of tightness of the cotton meshed around the shaft has been observed between manufacturers and is hypothesized to affect the collection and subsequent release capacity of cotton swabs. Consequently, we compared the performance of cotton swabs from two different suppliers: Applimed SA and DryswabTM. Methods: These swabs were used to recover 50 ml of blood, either pure or diluted (1:1000 and 1:5000), deposited on both smooth and absorbent surfaces. Performance was compared in terms of ease of use, concentration of extracted DNA, and quality of DNA profiles. DNA quantification was obtained by real-time PCR using the QuantifilerTM Human DNA Quantification Kit. Evaluation of DNA profiles was based on profiles obtained using AmpFlSTR® NGM SElectTM PCR Amplification kit. Results: When considering smooth surfaces, recovered DNA was more concentrated when using the DryswabTM than the Applimed SA cotton swab. More precisely, DNA concentrations ranged from 15.7 to 28.8 ng/ml and 6.7 to 21.2 ng/ml, respectively for samples of pure blood. The same trend was observed for the absorbent surface, with 2.0 to 5.0 ng/ml and 0.9 to 1.4 ng/ml, respectively. Conclusion: Our results illustrate that different cotton swabs produce different results in terms of ease of use and quantity of recovered DNA and this should be taken into consideration when choosing which swab to use at both the crime scene and laboratory. More specifically, results from the present study suggest that looser meshing of the cotton fibres