85 resultados para bioprospection mixed forest
The traditionally coercive and state-controlled governance of protected areas for nature conservation in developing countries has in many cases undergone change in the context of widespread decentralization and liberalization. This article examines an emerging "mixed" (coercive, community- and market-oriented) conservation approach in managed-resource protected areas and its effects on state power through a case study on forest protection in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. The findings suggest that imperfect decentralization and partial liberalization resulted in changed forms, rather than uniform loss, of state power. A forest co-management program paradoxically strengthened local capacity and influence of the Forest Department, which generally maintained its territorial and knowledge-based control over forests and timber management. Furthermore, deregulation and reregulation enabled the state to withdraw from uneconomic activities but also implied reduced place-based control of non-timber forest products. Generally, the new policies and programs contributed to the separation of livelihoods and forests in Madhya Pradesh. The article concludes that regulatory, community- and market-based initiatives would need to be better coordinated to lead to more effective nature conservation and positive livelihood outcomes.
Payments for Environmental Services (PES) are praised as innovative policy instruments and they influence the governance of forest restoration efforts in two major ways. The first is the establishment of multi-stakeholder agencies as intermediary bodies between funders and planters to manage the funds and to distribute incentives to planters. The second implication is that specific contracts assign objectives to land users in the form of conditions for payments that are believed to increase the chances for sustained impacts on the ground. These implications are important in the assessment of the potential of PES to operate as new and effective funding schemes for forest restoration. They are analyzed by looking at two prominent payments for watershed service programs in Indonesia-Cidanau (Banten province in Java) and West Lombok (Eastern Indonesia)-with combined economic and political science approaches. We derive lessons for the governance of funding efforts (e.g., multi-stakeholder agencies are not a guarantee of success; mixed results are obtained from a reliance on mandatory funding with ad hoc regulations, as opposed to voluntary contributions by the service beneficiary) and for the governance of financial expenditure (e.g., absolute need for evaluation procedures for the internal governance of farmer groups). Furthermore, we observe that these governance features provide no guarantee that restoration plots with the highest relevance for ecosystem services are targeted by the PES
Semliki Forest virus (SFV) vectors have been efficiently used for rapid high level expression of several G protein-coupled receptors. Here we describe the use of SFV vectors to express the alpha 1b-adrenergic receptor (AR) alone or in the presence of the G protein alpha q and/or beta 2 and gamma 2 subunits. Infection of baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells with recombinant SFV-alpha 1b-AR particles resulted in high specific binding activity of the alpha 1b-AR (24 pmol receptor/mg protein). Time-course studies indicated that the highest level of receptor expression was obtained 30 hours post-infection. The stimulation of BHK cells, with epinephrine led to a 5-fold increase in inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation, confirming the functional coupling of the receptor to G protein-mediated activation of phospholipase C. The SFV expression system represents a rapid and reproducible system to study the pharmacological properties and interactions of G protein coupled receptors and of G protein subunits.
In contemporary society, religious signification and secular systems mix and influence each other. Holistic conceptions of a world in which man is integrated harmoniously with nature meet representations of a world run by an immanent God. On the market of the various systems, the individual goes from one system to another, following his immediate needs and expectations without necessarily leaving any marks in a meaningful long term system. This article presents the first results of an ongoing research in Switzerland on contemporary religion focusing on (new) paths of socialization of modern that individuals and the various (non-) belief systems that they simultaneously develop
Spatio-temporal clusters in 1997?2003 fire sequences of Tuscany region (central Italy) have been identified and analysed by using the scan statistic, a method which was devised to evidence clusters in epidemiology. Results showed that the method is reliable to find clusters of events and to evaluate their significance via Monte Carlo replication. The evaluation of the presence of spatial and temporal patterns in fire occurrence and their significance could have a great impact in forthcoming studies on fire occurrences prediction.
The ability to identify the species origin of an unknown biological sample is relevant in the fields of human and wildlife forensics. However, the detection of several species mixed in the same sample still remains a challenge. We developed and tested a new approach for mammal DNA identification in mixtures of two or three species, based on the analysis of mitochondrial DNA control region interspecific length polymorphism followed by direct sequencing. Contrary to other published methods dealing with species mixtures, our protocol requires a single universal primer pair and is not based on a pre-defined panel of species. Amplicons can be separated either on agarose gels or using CE. The advantages and limitations of the assay are discussed under different conditions, such as variable template concentration, amplicon sizes and size difference among the amplicons present in the mixture. For the first time, this protocol provides a simple, reliable and flexible method for simultaneous identification of multiple mammalian species from mixtures, without any prior knowledge of the species involved.
The sensitivity of altitudinal and latitudinal tree-line ecotones to climate change, particularly that of temperature, has received much attention. To improve our understanding of the factors affecting tree-line position, we used the spatially explicit dynamic forest model TreeMig. Although well-suited because of its landscape dynamics functions, TreeMig features a parabolic temperature growth response curve, which has recently been questioned. and the species parameters are not specifically calibrated for cold temperatures. Our main goals were to improve the theoretical basis of the temperature growth response curve in the model and develop a method for deriving that curve's parameters from tree-ring data. We replaced the parabola with an asymptotic curve, calibrated for the main species at the subalpine (Swiss Alps: Pinus cembra, Larix decidua, Picea abies) and boreal (Fennoscandia: Pinus sylvestris, Betula pubescens, P. abies) tree-lines. After fitting new parameters, the growth curve matched observed tree-ring widths better. For the subalpine species, the minimum degree-day sum allowing, growth (kDDMin) was lowered by around 100 degree-days; in the case of Larix, the maximum potential ring-width was increased to 5.19 mm. At the boreal tree-line, the kDDMin for P. sylvestris was lowered by 210 degree-days and its maximum ring-width increased to 2.943 mm; for Betula (new in the model) kDDMin was set to 325 degree-days and the maximum ring-width to 2.51 mm; the values from the only boreal sample site for Picea were similar to the subalpine ones, so the same parameters were used. However, adjusting the growth response alone did not improve the model's output concerning species' distributions and their relative importance at tree-line. Minimum winter temperature (MinWiT, mean of the coldest winter month), which controls seedling establishment in TreeMig, proved more important for determining distribution. Picea, P. sylvestris and Betula did not previously have minimum winter temperature limits, so these values were set to the 95th percentile of each species' coldest MinWiT site (respectively -7, -11, -13). In a case study for the Alps, the original and newly calibrated versions of TreeMig were compared with biomass data from the National Forest Inventor), (NFI). Both models gave similar, reasonably realistic results. In conclusion, this method of deriving temperature responses from tree-rings works well. However, regeneration and its underlying factors seem more important for controlling species' distributions than previously thought. More research on regeneration ecology, especially at the upper limit of forests. is needed to improve predictions of tree-line responses to climate change further.
OBJECTIVE: Although the maximal quetiapine doses in the published studies were restricted to 800 mg/day, higher quetiapine doses are not unusual in clinical practice. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness, tolerability and clinical reasons associated to the use of high dosage of quetiapine (>800 mg), when used under routine clinical conditions, in a sample of bipolar disorder and schizoaffective bipolar inpatients. METHODS: Charts of all bipolar and schizoaffective adult inpatients, who had received quetiapine for a mood episode between 1999 and 2005 were retrospectively reviewed. These charts also included the assessment of manic and depressive symptoms on admission and at discharge using the Beck-Rafaelsen Mania Scale (MAS) and the Montgomery Asberg depression rating scale (MADRS), respectively. RESULTS: Data of 50 patients were analyzed. The overall F in repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant MAS scores reduction between admission and discharge. MAS scores reduction did not differ between the high and low quetiapine groups. Similarly, a significant MADRS reduction was found. Again, no differences between the high and the low dose group were found. Logistic regression analysis of the 50 patients revealed only mixed episodes predicted high quetiapine dosage. CONCLUSIONS: The present study confirms quetiapine efficiency and tolerability in the treatment of bipolar episodes, even in doses > to 800 mg and found a link between quetiapine doses and mixed episodes
Understanding the drivers of population divergence, speciation and species persistence is of great interest to molecular ecology, especially for species-rich radiations inhabiting the world's biodiversity hotspots. The toolbox of population genomics holds great promise for addressing these key issues, especially if genomic data are analysed within a spatially and ecologically explicit context. We have studied the earliest stages of the divergence continuum in the Restionaceae, a species-rich and ecologically important plant family of the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) of South Africa, using the widespread CFR endemic Restio capensis (L.) H.P. Linder & C.R. Hardy as an example. We studied diverging populations of this morphotaxon for plastid DNA sequences and >14 400 nuclear DNA polymorphisms from Restriction site Associated DNA (RAD) sequencing and analysed the results jointly with spatial, climatic and phytogeographic data, using a Bayesian generalized linear mixed modelling (GLMM) approach. The results indicate that population divergence across the extreme environmental mosaic of the CFR is mostly driven by isolation by environment (IBE) rather than isolation by distance (IBD) for both neutral and non-neutral markers, consistent with genome hitchhiking or coupling effects during early stages of divergence. Mixed modelling of plastid DNA and single divergent outlier loci from a Bayesian genome scan confirmed the predominant role of climate and pointed to additional drivers of divergence, such as drift and ecological agents of selection captured by phytogeographic zones. Our study demonstrates the usefulness of population genomics for disentangling the effects of IBD and IBE along the divergence continuum often found in species radiations across heterogeneous ecological landscapes.
Objective. Vibration training (VT) is a new exercise method, with good acceptance among sedentary subjects, due to its passive principle: the machine moves the subject, not the opposite. We hypothesize that untrained subjects can benefit from a greater cardiovascular and metabolic stimulation than trained athletes, resembling classical aerobic-type activity, in addition of eliciting strength gains shown in diverse studies. Methods. 3 group of male subjects, inactive (SED), endurance trained athletes (END) and strength trained athletes (STR) underwent fitness (VO2max) and lower-body strength tests (isokinetic). Subjects were submitted to a session of oscillating VT, composed of 3 exercises (isometric half-squat, dynamic squat, dynamic squat with added load), each of 3 minutes duration, and repeated at 3 frequencies. VO2, heart rate and Borg scale were monitored. Results. 27 healthy subjects (10 SED, 9 END and 8 STR), mean age 24.5 (SED), 25.0 (STR) and 29.8 (END) were included. VO2max was significantly different as expected (47.9 vs. 52.9 vs. 63.9 ml/kg/min, resp. for SED, STR and END). Isokinetic dominant leg extensors strength was higher in STR (3.32 Nm/kg vs. 2.60 and 2.74 in SED and END). During VT, peak oxygen consumption (% of VO2max) attained was 59.3 in SED, 50.8 in STR and 48.0 in END (P<0.001 between SED and other subjects). Peak heart rate (% of heart rate max) was 82.7 in SED, 80.4 in STR and 72.4 in END. In SED, dynamic exercises without extra load elicited 51.0% of VO2max and 72.1% of heart rate max, and perceived effort reached 15.1/20. Conclusions. VT is an unconventional type of exercise, which has been shown to enhance strength, bone density, balance and flexibility. Users are attracted by the relative passivity. In SED, we show that VT elicits sufficient cardiovascular response to benefit overall fitness in addition to the known strength effects. VT's higher acceptance as an exercise in sedentary people, compared to jogging or cycling for example, can lead to better adherence to physical activity. Although long-term effects of VT on health are not avalaible, we believe this type of combination of aerobic and resistance-type exercise can be beneficial on multiple health parameters, especially cardiovascular health.
Establishment of mixed chimerism through transplantation of allogeneic donor bone marrow (BM) into sufficiently conditioned recipients is an effective experimental approach for the induction of transplantation tolerance. Clinical translation, however, is impeded by the lack of feasible protocols devoid of cytoreductive conditioning (i.e. irradiation and cytotoxic drugs/mAbs). The therapeutic application of regulatory T cells (Tregs) prolongs allograft survival in experimental models, but appears insufficient to induce robust tolerance on its own. We thus investigated whether mixed chimerism and tolerance could be realized without the need for cytoreductive treatment by combining Treg therapy with BM transplantation (BMT). Polyclonal recipient Tregs were cotransplanted with a moderate dose of fully mismatched allogeneic donor BM into recipients conditioned solely with short-course costimulation blockade and rapamycin. This combination treatment led to long-term multilineage chimerism and donor-specific skin graft tolerance. Chimeras also developed humoral and in vitro tolerance. Both deletional and nondeletional mechanisms contributed to maintenance of tolerance. All tested populations of polyclonal Tregs (FoxP3-transduced Tregs, natural Tregs and TGF-beta induced Tregs) were effective in this setting. Thus, Treg therapy achieves mixed chimerism and tolerance without cytoreductive recipient treatment, thereby eliminating a major toxic element impeding clinical translation of this approach.