111 resultados para balance scales
Inflammation can promote or inhibit cancer progression. In this study we have addressed the role of the proinflammatory cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) during skin carcinogenesis. Using conditional loss- and gain-of-function mouse models for Notch and Wnt signaling, respectively, we demonstrate that TSLP-mediated inflammation protects against cutaneous carcinogenesis by acting directly on CD4 and CD8 T cells. Genetic ablation of TSLP receptor (TSLPR) perturbs T-cell-mediated protection and results in the accumulation of CD11b(+)Gr1(+) myeloid cells. These promote tumor growth by secreting Wnt ligands and augmenting β-catenin signaling in the neighboring epithelium. Epithelial specific ablation of β-catenin prevents both carcinogenesis and the accumulation of CD11b(+)Gr1(+) myeloid cells, suggesting tumor cells initiate a feed-forward loop that induces protumorigenic inflammation.
Introduction: Several scores are commonly used to evaluate patients' postoperative satisfaction after lateral ankle ligament repair, including: AOFAS, FAAM, CAIT and CAIS. Comparing published studies in the literature is difficult, as the same patient can have markedly different results depending on which scoring system is used. The current study aims to address this gap in the literature by developing a system to compare these tests, to allow better analysis and comparison of published studies. Patients and methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of 47 patients following lateral ankle ligament repair using a modified Broström-Gould technique. All patients were operated between 2005 and 2010 by a single surgeon and followed the same post operative rehabilitation protocol. Six patients were excluded from the study because of concomitant surgery. Patients were assessed by an independent observer. We used the Pearson correlation coefficient to analyse the concordance of the scores, as well as scatter plots to assess the linear relationship between them. Results: A linear distribution between the scores was found when the results were analysed using scatter plots. We were thus able to use the Pearson correlation coefficient to evaluate the relationship between each of the different postoperative scores. The correlation was found to be above 0.5 in all cases except for the comparison between the CAIT and the FAAM for the activities of daily living (0.39). We were, therefore, able to compare the results obtained and assess the relative concordance of the scoring systems. The results showed that the more specific the scale is, the worst the score is and inversely. So the CAIT and the CAIS appeared to be more severe than the AOFAS and the FAAM measuring the activities of daily living. The sports subscale of the FAAM demonstrated intermediate results. Conclusion: This study outlines a system to compare different postoperative scores commonly used to evaluate outcome after ankle stabilization surgery. The impact of this study is that it makes comparison of published studies easier, even though they use a variety of different clinical scores, thus facilitating better outcome analysis of operative techniques.
Knowledge of the spatial distribution of hydraulic conductivity (K) within an aquifer is critical for reliable predictions of solute transport and the development of effective groundwater management and/or remediation strategies. While core analyses and hydraulic logging can provide highly detailed information, such information is inherently localized around boreholes that tend to be sparsely distributed throughout the aquifer volume. Conversely, larger-scale hydraulic experiments like pumping and tracer tests provide relatively low-resolution estimates of K in the investigated subsurface region. As a result, traditional hydrogeological measurement techniques contain a gap in terms of spatial resolution and coverage, and they are often alone inadequate for characterizing heterogeneous aquifers. Geophysical methods have the potential to bridge this gap. The recent increased interest in the application of geophysical methods to hydrogeological problems is clearly evidenced by the formation and rapid growth of the domain of hydrogeophysics over the past decade (e.g., Rubin and Hubbard, 2005).
Energy balance is the difference between metabolizable energy intake and total energy expenditure. Energy intake is difficult to measure accurately; changes in body weight, for example, are not a good measure of the adequacy of energy intake, because fluctuations in body weight are common even if the overall trend is toward weight loss. It is now customary to assess energy requirements indirectly from total energy expenditure. Total energy expenditure consists of basal metabolism, postprandial thermogenesis, and physical activity. Energy expenditure is related to both body weight and body composition. A reduction in total energy expenditure accompanies weight loss, because basal metabolic rate decreases with the loss of lean tissue mass. Similarly, with weight gain, there is an increase in basal metabolic rate, because lean tissue mass grows to support the increase in fat tissue mass. Excess energy intake over energy expenditure causes weight gain and an accompanying increase in total energy expenditure. Following a period of adaptation, total energy expenditure will match energy intake and body weight will stabilize at a higher level. This same relationship holds for weight loss. Respiratory quotient (measured in steady state) is an indication of the proportion of energy expenditure derived from fat and carbohydrate oxidation. Over long periods of time, fat balance is equivalent to energy balance, as an excess of fat intake over fat oxidation causes fat storage.
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the smallest changes in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) scores in the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer quality of life questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) and the EORTC Brain Cancer Module (QLQ-BN20), which could be considered as clinically meaningful in brain cancer patients. Methods: World Health Organization (WHO) performance status (PS) and the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) were used as clinical anchors to determine minimal clinically important differences (MCID) in HRQOL change scores (range 0 - 100) in the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BN20. Anchor-based MCID estimates less than 0.2SD (small effect) were not recommended for interpretation. Other selected distribution-based methods were also used for comparison purposes. Results: Based on WHO PS, our findings support the following whole number estimates of the MCID for improvement and deterioration respectively: physical functioning (6, 9), role functioning (14, 12), cognitive functioning (8, 8), global health status (7, 4*), fatigue (12, 9) and motor dysfunction (4*, 5). Anchoring with MMSE, cognitive functioning MCID estimates for improvement and deterioration were (11, 2*) and those for communication deficit were (9, 7). The estimates with asterisks were less that the set 0.2 SD threshold and are therefore not recommended for interpretation. Our MCID estimates therefore range from 5-14. Conclusion: These estimates can help clinicians to evaluate changes in HRQOL over time and, in conjunction with other measures of efficacy, help to assess the value of a health care intervention or to compare treatments. Furthermore, the estimates can be useful in determining sample sizes in the design of future clinical trials.
BACKGROUND: Prediction of clinical course and outcome after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is important. OBJECTIVE: To examine whether clinical scales (Glasgow Coma Scale [GCS], Injury Severity Score [ISS], and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II [APACHE II]) or radiographic scales based on admission computed tomography (Marshall and Rotterdam) were associated with intensive care unit (ICU) physiology (intracranial pressure [ICP], brain tissue oxygen tension [PbtO2]), and clinical outcome after severe TBI. METHODS: One hundred one patients (median age, 41.0 years; interquartile range [26-55]) with severe TBI who had ICP and PbtO2 monitoring were identified. The relationship between admission GCS, ISS, APACHE II, Marshall and Rotterdam scores and ICP, PbtO2, and outcome was examined by using mixed-effects models and logistic regression. RESULTS: Median (25%-75% interquartile range) admission GCS and APACHE II without GCS scores were 3.0 (3-7) and 11.0 (8-13), respectively. Marshall and Rotterdam scores were 3.0 (3-5) and 4.0 (4-5). Mean ICP and PbtO2 during the patients' ICU course were 15.5 ± 10.7 mm Hg and 29.9 ± 10.8 mm Hg, respectively. Three-month mortality was 37.6%. Admission GCS was not associated with mortality. APACHE II (P = .003), APACHE-non-GCS (P = .004), Marshall (P < .001), and Rotterdam scores (P < .001) were associated with mortality. No relationship between GCS, ISS, Marshall, or Rotterdam scores and subsequent ICP or PbtO2 was observed. The APACHE II score was inversely associated with median PbtO2 (P = .03) and minimum PbtO2 (P = .008) and had a stronger correlation with amount of time of reduced PbtO2. CONCLUSION: Following severe TBI, factors associated with outcome may not always predict a patient's ICU course and, in particular, intracranial physiology.
To study energy and protein balances in elderly patients after surgery, spontaneous energy and protein intake and resting energy expenditure (REE) were measured in 20 elderly female patients with a femoral neck fracture (mean age 81 +/- 4, SD, range 74-87 years; weight 53 +/- 8, range 42-68 kg) during a 5-6 day period following surgery. REE, measured over 20-40 min by indirect calorimetry using a ventilated canopy, averaged 0.98 +/- 0.15 kcal/min on day 3 and decreased to 0.93 +/- 0.15 kcal/min on day 8-9 postsurgery (p less than 0.02). REE was positively correlated with body weight (r = 0.69, p less than 0.005). Mean REE extrapolated to 24 hr (24-REE) was 1283 +/- 194 kcal/day. Mean daily food energy intake measured over the 5-day follow-up period was 1097 +/- 333 kcal/day and was positively correlated with 24-REE (r = 0.50, p less than 0.05). Daily energy balance was -235 +/- 351 kcal/day on day 3 (p less than 0.01 vs zero) and -13 +/- 392 kcal/day on day 8-9 postsurgery (NS vs zero) with a mean over the study period of -185 +/- 289 kcal/day (p less than 0.01 vs zero). When an extra 100 kcal/day was allowed for the energy cost of physical activity, mean daily energy balance over the 5-day study period was calculated to be -285 +/- 289 kcal/day (p less than 0.01 vs zero). Measurements of total 24-hr urinary nitrogen (N) excretion were obtained in a subgroup of 14 patients.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The oxalate-carbonate pathway (OCP) is a biogeochemical process, which has been described in Milicia excelsa tree ecosystems of Africa. This pathway involves biological and geological parameters at different scales: oxalate, as a by-product of photosynthesis, is oxidized by oxalotrophic bacteria leading to a local pH increase, and eventually to carbonate accumulation through time in previously acidic and carbonate-free tropical soils. Former studies have shown that this pedogenic process can potentially lead to the formation of an atmospheric carbon sink. Considering that 80% of plant species are known to produce oxalate, it is reasonable to assume that M. excelsa is not the only tree that can support OCP ecosystems. The search for similar conditions on another continent led us to South America, in an Amazon forest ecosystem (Alto Beni, Bolivia). This area was chosen because of the absence of local inherited carbonate in the bedrock, as well as its expected acidic soil conditions. Eleven tree species and associated soils were tested positive for the presence of carbonate with a more alkaline soil pH close to the tree than at a distance from it. A detailed study of Pentaplaris davidsmithii and Ceiba speciosa trees showed that oxalotrophy impacted soil pH in a similar way to at African sites (at least with 1 pH unit increasing). African and South American sites display similar characteristics regarding the mineralogical assemblage associated with the OCP, except for the absence of weddellite. The amount of carbonate accumulated is 3 to 4 times lower than the values measured in African sites related to M. excelsa ecosystems. Still, these secondary carbonates remain critical for the continental carbon cycle, as they are unexpected in the acidic context of Amazonian soils. Therefore, the present study demonstrates the existence of an active OCP in South America. The three critical components of an operating OCP are the presence of: i) local alkalinization, ii) carbonate accumulations, and iii) oxalotrophic bacteria, which were identified associated to the oxalogenic tree C. speciosa. If the question of a potential carbon sink related to oxalotrophic-oxalogenic ecosystems in the Amazon Basin is still pending, this study highlights the implication of OCP ecosystems on carbon and calcium biogeochemical coupled cycles. As previously mentioned for M. excelsa tree ecosystems in Africa, carbonate accumulations observed in the Bolivian tropical forest could be extrapolated to part or the whole Amazon Basin and might constitute an important reservoir that must be taken into account in the global carbon balance of the Tropics.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Critically ill patients with complicated evolution are frequently hypermetabolic, catabolic, and at risk of underfeeding. The study aimed at assessing the relationship between energy balance and outcome in critically ill patients. METHODS: Prospective observational study conducted in consecutive patients staying > or = 5 days in the surgical ICU of a University hospital. Demographic data, time to feeding, route, energy delivery, and outcome were recorded. Energy balance was calculated as energy delivery minus target. Data in means+/-SD, linear regressions between energy balance and outcome variables. RESULTS: Forty eight patients aged 57+/-16 years were investigated; complete data are available in 669 days. Mechanical ventilation lasted 11+/-8 days, ICU stay 15+/-9 was days, and 30-days mortality was 38%. Time to feeding was 3.1+/-2.2 days. Enteral nutrition was the most frequent route with 433 days. Mean daily energy delivery was 1090+/-930 kcal. Combining enteral and parenteral nutrition achieved highest energy delivery. Cumulated energy balance was between -12,600+/-10,520 kcal, and correlated with complications (P < 0.001), already after 1 week. CONCLUSION: Negative energy balances were correlated with increasing number of complications, particularly infections. Energy debt appears as a promising tool for nutritional follow-up, which should be further tested. Delaying initiation of nutritional support exposes the patients to energy deficits that cannot be compensated later on.
Introduction: Les résultats d'une chirurgie du pied et de la cheville peuvent être évalués par des scores spécifiques à la région anatomique ainsi que par des scores spécifiques à la pathologie. Beaucoup de scores existent rendant la comparaison entre les études difficile. La présente étude se focalise sur une pathologie fréquente du pied et de la cheville et compare les résultats obtenu par deux scores spécifiques à la région et deux scores spécifiques à la pathologie. Méthode: Nous avons revu 41 patients ayant bénéficié d'une plastie ligamentaire externe de la cheville. Quatre scores ont été administrés simultanément: the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) et the Chronic Ankle Instability Scale (CAIS), spécifiques à la pathologie, the American Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) hindfoot scale et the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure comprenant deux parties (FAAM1 et FAAM2), spécifiques à la région anatomique. Le degré de corrélation entre les scores a été évalué par le coefficient de corrélation de Pearson. L'analyse graphique des variances a été utilisée pour le choix de tests paramétriques versus non paramétriques. Des tests non paramétriques, le Kruskal-Wallis pour éliminer l'hypothèse nulle et le Mann-Whitney pour la comparaison entre les scores deux à deux, ont été utilisés. Résultats: Une différence significative (p<.005) a été démontrée entre le CAIS et l'AOFAS (p=.0002), entre le CAIS et le FAAM1 (p=.0001) et entre le CAIT et l'AOFAS (p=.0003) Conclusions: Cette étude compare les performances de quatre scores dont deux spécifiques à la région anatomique et deux spécifiques à la pathologie. Nous avons démontré une bonne corrélation entre les scores ainsi que des différences significatives entre les résultats obtenus par chacun d'eux. Les résultats obtenus par les scores spécifiques à la pathologie semblent être plus précis que ceux obtenus par les scores spécifiques à la région anatomique. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence une forte corrélation entre l'AOFAS et les autres scores. Le FAAM semble être un bon compromis car il offre la possibilité, du fait de ses deux parties, d'évaluer le résultat en fonction de la demande fonctionnelle du patient. Perspectives: Un algorithme est proposé qui permet d'évaluer la littérature spécifique de manière plus critique et peut s'adapter également à la recherche et à la clinique relative à d'autres pathologies du pied et de la cheville
Every day, hospital doctors spend time at conducting ward rounds. Rounds are a core clinical activity during which doctors interact with patients, synthetise a whole set of informations and make many decisions. In addition, rounds can become a crucial teaching moment, when a trainee gets supervised by an attending physician. However, litterature on the topic of rounds is scarce. This paper summarizes the results of the few key studies focusing on ward rounds. The results are presented in four sections, each one being dedicated to one of the round stakeholders: the trainee or resident, the trainer, the patient and the nurse. An emphasis is put on ward rounds involving both a trainee and a trainer, since such rounds always mean striking a balance between care and teaching.