137 resultados para adaptation autonome


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The "Europeanization" of non-EU countries' laws is predominantly seen as an "export" of the EU acquis, especially in the case of so-called "quasi-member" states such as Switzerland. Based on an examination of the Swiss experience, this paper highlights the flaws of this conceptualization: the Europeanization of Swiss Law is a highly differentiated phenomenon, encompassing several forms of approximation to EU Law. All of these forms fall short of an "export" of norms, and result in the creation of something new: a "Europeanized law" that is similar to, but qualitatively different from, EU Law. Another drawback of the "export" metaphor is the emphasis it places on the isomorphism of positive legislation. Europeanization goes deeper than that. As shown in this paper, it is a process of transformation involving not only positive law, but also legal thinking. The Swiss case demonstrates how significant such deeper transformations can be: the Europeanization of positive law has induced an alteration of the traditional canon of legal interpretation. It also demonstrates how problematic such transformations can be: the above-mentioned alteration has not given rise to a new and universally accepted canon of interpretation. This reflects the tension between the need for clear "rules of reference" for EU legal materials - which are required in order to restore coherence and predictability to an extensively Europeanized legal system - and the reluctance to give a legal value to foreign legal materials - which is rooted in a traditional understanding of the concept of "law". Such tension, in turn, shows what deep and difficult transformations are required in order to establish a viable model of legal integration outside supranational structures.


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This article presents the legislative and judicial practice relating to the "autonomous implementation" of EU law in Switzerland. Given that "euro-compatibility" is the central consideration behind this legislative policy, one would expect Swiss authorities to have devised legislative and hermeneutical techniques guaranteeing high fidelity to EU "mother law". That is not the case, however, and as this article shows much is lost in the translation from EU to Swiss Law


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«Sélective» et «statique» en théorie, la reprise de l'acquis de l'Union européenne dans le cadre de la voie bilatérale n'en donne pas moins lieu à une dynamique évolutive et expansive, exigeant un travail constant de coordination entre le droit européen, le droit bilatéral et le droit interne. Appelés à gérer ce travail de coordination, le juge et le législateur fédéraux ont traditionnellement opté pour un suivi «au cas par cas» de l'acquis, propre à préserver leur marge de manoeuvre ou à tout le moins l'image qu'il est politiquement convenable d'en donner. Cette approche pragmatique est toutefois inapte à maîtriser les dynamiques de la voie bilatérale. Elle est par ailleurs dommageable pour la cohérence de l'ordre juridique suisse tout comme pour sa lisibilité et prévisibilité, comportant de surcroît un risque accru de courts-circuits entre droit et politique. Les vicissitudes du régime du regroupement familial en Suisse, sous l'impulsion de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne et notamment de l'arrêt Metock de 2007, fournissent une illustration exemplaire de ces propos. En retraçant les étapes de cette saga politico-judiciaire, le présent article met en exergue les choix stratégiques effectués par les autorités fédérales et, surtout, l'évolution de leur approche à l'égard du «suivi» du droit européen - évolution dont l'ATF 136 II 5, qui énonce la «nouvelle doctrine» du Tribunal fédéral en la matière, représente à ce jour l'aboutissement.


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Local adaptation is a major mechanism underlying the maintenance of phenotypic variation in spatially heterogeneous environments. In the barn owl (Tyto alba), dark and pale reddish-pheomelanic individuals are adapted to conditions prevailing in northern and southern Europe, respectively. Using a long-term dataset from Central Europe, we report results consistent with the hypothesis that the different pheomelanic phenotypes are adapted to specific local conditions in females, but not in males. Compared to whitish females, reddish females bred in sites surrounded by more arable fields and less forests. Colour-dependent habitat choice was apparently beneficial. First, whitish females produced more fledglings when breeding in wooded areas, whereas reddish females when breeding in sites with more arable fields. Second, cross-fostering experiments showed that female nestlings grew wings more rapidly when both their foster and biological mothers were of similar colour. The latter result suggests that mothers should particularly produce daughters in environments that best match their own coloration. Accordingly, whiter females produced fewer daughters in territories with more arable fields. In conclusion, females displaying alternative melanic phenotypes bred in habitats providing them with the highest fitness benefits. Although small in magnitude, matching habitat selection and local adaptation may help maintain variation in pheomelanin coloration in the barn owl.


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Background and aims: Family-centred care is an expected standard in PICU and parent reported outcomes are rarely measured. The Dutch validated EMPATHIC questionnaire provides accurate measures of parental perceptions of family-centred care in PICU. A French version would provide an important resource for quality control and benchmarking with other PICUs. The study aimed to translate and to assess the French cultural adaptation of the EMPATHIC questionnaire. Methods: In September 2012, following approval from the developer, translation and cultural adaptation were performed using a structured method (Wild et al. 2005). This included forward-backward translation and reconciliation by an official translator, harmonization assessed by the research team, and cognitive debriefing with the target users' population. In this last step, a convenience sample of parents with PICU experience assessed the comprehensibility and cultural relevance of the 65-item French EMPATHIC questionnaire. The PICUs in Lausanne, Switzerland and Lille, France participated. Results: Seventeen parents, including 13 French native and 4 French as second language speakers, tested the cognitive equivalence and cultural relevance of the French EMPATHIC questionnaire. The mean agreement for comprehensibility of all 65 items reached 90.2%. Three items fell below the cut-off 80% agreement and were revised for inclusion in the final French version. Conclusions: The translation and the cultural adaptation permitted to highlight a few cultural differences that did not interfere with the main construct of the EMPATHIC questionnaire. Reliability and validity testing with a new sample of parents is needed to strengthen the psychometric properties of the French EMPATHIC questionnaire.


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Many new gene copies emerged by gene duplication in hominoids, but little is known with respect to their functional evolution. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GLUD) is an enzyme central to the glutamate and energy metabolism of the cell. In addition to the single, GLUD-encoding gene present in all mammals (GLUD1), humans and apes acquired a second GLUD gene (GLUD2) through retroduplication of GLUD1, which codes for an enzyme with unique, potentially brain-adapted properties. Here we show that whereas the GLUD1 parental protein localizes to mitochondria and the cytoplasm, GLUD2 is specifically targeted to mitochondria. Using evolutionary analysis and resurrected ancestral protein variants, we demonstrate that the enhanced mitochondrial targeting specificity of GLUD2 is due to a single positively selected glutamic acid-to-lysine substitution, which was fixed in the N-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence (MTS) of GLUD2 soon after the duplication event in the hominoid ancestor approximately 18-25 million years ago. This MTS substitution arose in parallel with two crucial adaptive amino acid changes in the enzyme and likely contributed to the functional adaptation of GLUD2 to the glutamate metabolism of the hominoid brain and other tissues. We suggest that rapid, selectively driven subcellular adaptation, as exemplified by GLUD2, represents a common route underlying the emergence of new gene functions.


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Based on ecological and metabolic arguments, some authors predict that adaptation to novel, harsh environments should involve alleles showing negative (diminishing return) epistasis and/or that it should be mediated in part by evolution of maternal effects. Although the first prediction has been supported in microbes, there has been little experimental support for either prediction in multicellular eukaryotes. Here we use a line-cross design to study the genetic architecture of adaptation to chronic larval malnutrition in a population of Drosophila melanogaster that evolved on an extremely nutrient-poor larval food for 84 generations. We assayed three fitness-related traits (developmental rate, adult female weight and egg-to-adult viability) under the malnutrition conditions in 14 crosses between this selected population and a nonadapted control population originally derived from the same base population. All traits showed a pattern of negative epistasis between alleles improving performance under malnutrition. Furthermore, evolutionary changes in maternal traits accounted for half of the 68% increase in viability and for the whole of 8% reduction in adult female body weight in the selected population (relative to unselected controls). These results thus support both of the above predictions and point to the importance of nonadditive effects in adaptive microevolution.


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The aim of this paper is to present McHale's coparenting scale,a self-administered questionnaire enabling assessment of the quality of coparenting, and first steps in structural and construct validation of the French version. A total of 41 French speaking Swiss families and 84 US families completed this questionnaire and the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, a measure of marital satisfaction. The results of the Swiss families correspond to those of US families: first, items distributed into four factors (family integrity, conflict, affection and disparagement) and second, a partial link was found between quality of coparenting and marital adjustment. This finding supports the construct validity of the questionnaire, reflecting the established link between these two family sub-systems. Given that coparenting quality has a major influence on children's socio-affective development, the questionnaire will find great use in assessing not just negative features of coparenting, such as conflicts and disparagement, but also positive components such as warmth and support. This will be an important asset for research as well as clinical purposes.


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OBJECTIVES: We examined the correlation between the quantitative margin analysis of two laboratory test methods (Berlin, Zurich) and the clinical outcome in Class V restorations. METHODS: Prospective clinical studies with an observation period of at least 18 months were searched in the literature, for which laboratory data were also available. The clinical outcome variables were retention loss, marginal discoloration, detectable margins and secondary caries. Forty-four clinical studies matched the inclusion criteria, including 34 adhesive systems for which laboratory data were also present. For both laboratory test methods and the clinical studies, an index was formulated to better compare the in vitro and in vivo results. Linear mixed models which included a random study effect were calculated. As most clinical data were available for 12 and 24 months, the main analysis was restricted to these recall intervals. RESULTS: The comparative analysis revealed a weak correlation between the clinical index and both in vitro indices. The correlation was statistically significant for the Berlin method but not for the Zurich method and only present if studies were compared which used the same composite in the in vitro and in vivo study. When defining specific cut-off values, the prognosis for the good clinical performance of an adhesive system based on in vitro results was 78% (Berlin) or 100% (Zurich). For poor performance it was 67% and 60%, respectively. No correlation was found between both in vitro methods. SIGNIFICANCE: The surrogate parameter "marginal adaptation" of restorations placed in extracted teeth has a mediocre value to predict the clinical performance of an adhesive system in cervical cavities. The composite is an important factor for a successful prediction. The comparison between in vitro/in vivo is sometimes hampered by the great variability of clinical results on the same adhesive system.


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Heart transplantation remains the best therapeutic option for the treatment of end-stage heart failure. However, good survival rates can be obtained only if patients are closely monitored, particularly for their immunosuppressive regimens. Currently, a triple-drug regimen usually based on calcineurin-inhibitors (cyclosporin A or tacrolimus), anti-proliferative agents and steroids is used in most recipients. New agents such as the mTOR inhibitors, a more recently developed class of immunosuppressive drugs, can also be used in some patients. The aim of this article is to review currently used immunosuppressive regimens after heart transplantation, and to propose some individualized options depending on specific patient characteristics and recent pharmacological developments in the field.


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Both stress during development and response to directional selection were proposed to lead to reduced developmental stability of an organism, commonly measured as fluctuating asymmetry. Here, we investigated the direct physiological (plastic) effect of larval malnutrition and the effect of evolutionary adaptation to this form of stress on developmental stability, measured as fluctuating asymmetry of several wing measurements. The measurements were made on female Drosophila melanogaster from populations which, in the course of 84 generations of experimental evolution, adapted to malnutrition and from non-adapted controls, raised either under standard conditions or under nutritional stress. We detected no changes in the levels of fluctuating asymmetry as either a plastic or an evolutionary response. Thus, neither nutritional stress within lifetime nor directional selection it imposes seems to affect developmental stability in flies.


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Soil acidification is a major agricultural problem that negatively affects crop yield. Root systems counteract detrimental passive proton influx from acidic soil through increased proton pumping into the apoplast, which is presumably also required for cell elongation and stimulated by auxin. Here, we found an unexpected impact of extracellular pH on auxin activity and cell proliferation rate in the root meristem of two Arabidopsis mutants with impaired auxin perception, axr3 and brx. Surprisingly, neutral to slightly alkaline media rescued their severely reduced root (meristem) growth by stimulating auxin signaling, independent of auxin uptake. The finding that proton pumps are hyperactive in brx roots could explain this phenomenon and is consistent with more robust growth and increased fitness of brx mutants on overly acidic media or soil. Interestingly, the original brx allele was isolated from a natural stock center accession collected from acidic soil. Our discovery of a novel brx allele in accessions recently collected from another acidic sampling site demonstrates the existence of independently maintained brx loss-of-function alleles in nature and supports the notion that they are advantageous in acidic soil pH conditions, a finding that might be exploited for crop breeding.


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L'échec des tentatives de juguler les émissions globales de gaz à effet de serre a mené au renforcement d'un discours sur la nécessité de l'adaptation au changement climatique. Il est de plus souvent considéré qu'une transformation de l'action publique serait nécessaire afin de réduire les impacts de grande magnitude qui découlent du changement climatique. Depuis les années 2000, on constate ainsi un développement des activités étatiques dans le domaine de l'adaptation. Cette évolution suscite une question centrale: quels sont les effets réels que provoque l'intégration de l'adaptation au changement climatique dans la conduite des politiques publiques et comment expliquer les éventuelles limites à ces processus? La littérature spécialisée sur l'adaptation fait preuve d'un certain réductionnisme à l'égard de la complexité de l'action publique en considérant que lorsque la capacité d'agir contre le problème de la vulnérabilité au changement climatique existe, toute forme d'inaction publique serait un déficit de mise en oeuvre provoqué par des barrières à l'action qu'il faudrait lever. A contrario, cette thèse considère l'adaptation comme une norme de politique publique dont l'intégration est susceptible de provoquer des changements institutionnels dans la forme et le contenu des politiques publiques, et des effets concrets sur les acteurs vulnérables au changement climatique. Afin de mesurer les effets de l'intégration politique de l'adaptation, un concept est formulé sur la base d'un idéal-type du régime institutionnel adaptatif, soit une construction théorique des régulations qu'impliquerait une gestion cohérente du système socioécologique complexe dans lequel s'insère le système climatique. L'auteur propose un cadre d'analyse empirique des processus publics d'adaptation qu'il applique ensuite à deux États: l'Inde (politique agricole) et la Suisse (politique du tourisme hivernal), avec pour objectif de repérer des mécanismes explicatifs communs aux effets de l'intégration dans ces deux contextes extrêmement dissemblables. L'étude débouche sur six résultats qui constituent une contribution appréciable à la littérature. L'auteur montre: premièrement, que l'intégration politique de l'adaptation conduit à une production d'actes symboliques, qui s'explique notamment par le manque de pression publique à agir sur le problème de la vulnérabilité au changement climatique; deuxièmement, que le processus d'intégration agit sur la réalité sociale par le biais d'un mécanisme d'attribution de ressources publiques à certains acteurs du champ politique; troisièmement, que les groupes sociaux qui bénéficient de ces ressources publiques ne sont pas nécessairement les plus vulnérables, mais ceux détenant les ressources d'action nécessaires à l'activation de l'intervention publique; quatrièmement, que l'absence de clefs de répartition des coûts de l'adaptation, de procédures de monitoring et d'instruments d'action contraignants limitent les effets des programmes publics d'adaptation; cinquièmement, que la faible articulation institutionnelle entre objectif d'adaptation et objectifs de protection de l'environnement accentue le risque de processus d'adaptation produisant des externalités environnementales; sixièmement, que les transformations dont la littérature souligne la nécessité ne sont pas nécessairement faisables ni désirables. Sur la base de cette analyse, cette thèse s'écarte de la littérature dominante en concluant que les processus publics d'adaptation ne souffrent pas d'un déficit de mise en oeuvre, mais d'un déficit de légitimité lié à leurs effets pernicieux. L'auteur formule alors trois recommandations pour améliorer la légitimité de ces politiques et trois questions ouvertes sur le futur politique de l'adaptation.