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In the Cape Caribou River allochthon (CCRA), metaigneous and gneissic units occur as a shallowly plunging synform in the hanging wall of the Grand Lake thrust system (GLTS), a Grenvillian structure that forms the boundary between the Mealy Mountains and Groswater Bay terranes. The layered rocks of the CCRA are cut by a stockwork of monzonite dykes related to the Dome Mountain suite and by metadiabase-amphibolite dykes that probably form part of the ca. 1380 Ma Mealy swarm. The mafic dykes appear to postdate much of the development of subhorizontal metamorphic layering within the lower parts of the CCRA. The uppermost (least metamorphosed) units of the CCRA, the North West River anorthosite-metagabbro and the Dome Mountain monzonite suite, have been dated at 1625 +/- 6 and 1626 +/- 2 Ma, respectively. An amphibolite unit that concordantly underlies the anorthosite-metagabbro and is intruded discordantly by monzonite dykes has given metamorphic ages of 1660 +/- 3 and 1631 +/- 2 Ma. Granitoid gneisses that form the lowest level of the CCRA have given a migmatization age of 1622 +/- 6 Ma. The effects of Grenvillian metamorphism become apparent in the lower levels of the allochthon where gneisses, amphibolite, and mafic dykes have given new generation zircon ages of 1008 +/- 2, 1012 +/- 3, and 1011 +/- 3 Ma, respectively. A posttectonic pegmatite has also given zircon and monazite ages of 1016(-3)(+7) and 1013 +/- 3 Ma, respectively. Although these results indicate new growth of Grenvillian zircon, this process was generally not accompanied by penetrative deformation or melting. Thus, the formation of gneissic fabrics and the overall layered nature of the lower CCRA are a result primarily of Labradorian (1660-1620 Ma) tectonism and intrusion, and probably reflect early movement on an ancestral GLTS. Grenvillian heating and metamorphism (up to granulite facies) was strongly concentrated towards the base of the CCRA and probably occurred during northwestward thrusting of the allochthon over the Groswater Bay terrane.
New geochronological data which clarify the timing of syn-orogenic magmatism and regional metamorphism in the Connemara Dalradian are presented. U-Pb zircon data on four intermediate to acid foliated magmatic rocks show important inherited components but the most concordant fractions demonstrate that major magmatism continued until 465 Ma whereas the earliest, basic magmatism has been dated previously at 490 Ma; a fine-grained, fabric-cutting granite contains discordant zircons which also appear to be 465 Ma old. Are magmatism in Connemara therefore spanned a period of at least 25 Ma. Recent U-Pb data on titanite from central Connemara which gave a peak metamorphic age of 478 Ma are supplemented by U-Pb data on titanite and monazite from metamorphic veins in the east of Connemara which indicate that low-P, high-T regional metamorphism ism continued there to 465 Ma, i.e. at least 10 Ma later than in the central region dated previously. New Rb-Sr data on muscovites from coarse-grained segregations in different structural settings range from 475 to 435 Ma; in part this range probably also reflects differences in age from west to east, with three ages close to 455 Ma from the eastern area, which is also the site of the lowest pressure metamorphism. Thermal modelling indicates that at any one locality the duration of metamorphism was probably as little as 1-2 Ma. The new dates emphasize the complexity in the spatial and temporal distribution of high-level regional metamorphism caused by magmatic activity. The relatively simple overall distribution of mineral-appearance isograds revealed by regional mapping masks the complexity of a prolonged but punctuated metamorphic history related to multiple intrusions, primarily in the southern part of Connemara. The later stages of magmatic activity followed progressive uplift and erosion after the onset of magmatism, and were localized in the eastern part of the region.
Permo-Mesozoic Canavese sediments are pinched in between the pre-Alpine high-grade metamorphic Ivrea Zone and the Alpine metamorphosed Sesia Zone along the Insubric Line W of Locarno. According to the ``illite crystallinity'' these sediments were deformed under anchi- and epizonal conditions. Synkinematically formed white mica in the mylonitized Canavese sediments yields the following K-Ar age ranges: 60-76 Ma at the southwestern end, 28-43 Ma in the central part and 19-26 Ma in the northeastern part of the Insubric Line W of Locarno. The youngest age group dates the main uplift and dextral strike-slip movements of the Insubric Line, comprising mylonites in the NE and cataclasites in the SW. This activity correlates with Late Oligocene to Early Miocene rapid cooling and uplift of the Central Alps.
We would like to comment this study recently published in JFS. It is a short technical note proposing an artificial aging technique for the dating of ballpoint pen inks. This is a very difficult and controversial topic, and we are worried about the nature of this paper. The authors propose several ideas to differentiate fast aging and slow aging inks, but their experimental data is not validly represented and/or discussed. The data is insufficient to draw any conclusions about any potential of the method for ink dating purposes. This lack of information on the subject must be filled before proposing such methods for practical caseworks. These are preliminary and unconvincing results from development research performed in a laboratory on controlled samples without due warnings about potential shortcomings. They cannot be used or even compared to results obtained in real situations on uncontrolled specimens of limited size, unknown composition and undefined storage conditions. This can leave an undeserved feeling that these methods are ready for implementation when the task of ensuring their scientific validity is still far away.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Chronic exposure of pancreatic beta cells to proinflammatory cytokines leads to impaired insulin secretion and apoptosis. ARE/poly(U)-binding factor 1 (AUF1) belongs to a protein family that controls mRNA stability and translation by associating with adenosine- and uridine-rich regions of target messengers. We investigated the involvement of AUF1 in cytokine-induced beta cell dysfunction. METHODS: Production and subcellular distribution of AUF1 isoforms were analysed by western blotting. To test for their role in the control of beta cell functions, each isoform was overproduced individually in insulin-secreting cells. The contribution to cytokine-mediated beta cell dysfunction was evaluated by preventing the production of AUF1 isoforms by RNA interference. The effect of AUF1 on the production of potential targets was assessed by western blotting. RESULTS: MIN6 cells and human pancreatic islets were found to produce four AUF1 isoforms (p42>p45>p37>p40). AUF1 isoforms were mainly localised in the nucleus but were partially translocated to the cytoplasm upon exposure of beta cells to cytokines and activation of the ERK pathway. Overproduction of AUF1 did not affect glucose-induced insulin secretion but promoted apoptosis. This effect was associated with a decrease in the production of the anti-apoptotic proteins, B cell leukaemia/lymphoma 2 (BCL2) and myeloid cell leukaemia sequence 1 (MCL1). Silencing of AUF1 isoforms restored the levels of the anti-apoptotic proteins, attenuated the activation of the nuclear factor-κB (NFκB) pathway, and protected the beta cells from cytokine-induced apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Our findings point to a contribution of AUF1 to the deleterious effects of cytokines on beta cell functions and suggest a role for this RNA-binding protein in the early phases of type 1 diabetes.
Most studies about the higher-order dimensions to be considered in order to parsimoniously describe Personality Disorders (PDs) have identified between two and four factors but there is still no consensus about their exact number. In this context, the cultural stability of these structures might be a criterion to be considered. The aim of this study was to identify stable higher-order structures of PD traits in a French-speaking African and Swiss sample (N = 2,711). All subject completed the IPDE screening questionnaire. Using Everett's criterion and conducting a series of principal component analyses, a cross-culturally stable two- and four-factor structure were identified, associated with a total congruence coefficient of respectively .98 and .94 after Procrustes rotation. Moreover, these two structures were also highly replicable across the four African regions considered, North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, and Mauritius, with a mean total congruence coefficient of respectively .97 and .87. The four-factor structure presented the advantage of being similar to Livesely's four components and of describing the ten PDs more accurately.
Time-expanded echolocation calls were recorded from 29 species of Neotropical bats in lowland moist tropical forest in Trinidad, West Indies with three aims (I) to describe the echolocation calls of the members of a diverse Neotropical bat community, especially members of the family Phyllostomidae, whose calls are not well documented (2) to investigate whether multivariate analysis of calls allows species and foraging guilds to be identified and (3) to evaluate the use of bat detectors in surveying the phyllostomids of Neotropical forests. The calls of 12 species of the family Phyllostomidae are described here for the first time and a total of 29 species, belonging to five families (Emballonuridae, Mormoopidae, Phyllostomidae, Molossidae and Vespertilionidae) were recorded Quadratic discriminant function analysis (DFA) was used to obtain classification rates for each one of 11 individual species and for six guilds (based on diet, foraging mode and habitat) comprising 26 species Overall classification rates were low compared to similar studies conducted in the Palaeotropics We suggest that this may be due to a combination of ecological plasticity for certain species and a loose relationship between echolocation call shape, fine-grained resource partitioning and resource acquisition in phyllostomids
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factor structure and the reliability of the French versions of the Identity Style Inventory (ISI-3) and the Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS) in a sample of college students (N = 457, 18 to 25 years old). Confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the hypothesized three-factor solution of the ISI-3 identity styles (i.e. informational, normative, and diffuse-avoidant styles), the one-factor solution of the ISI-3 identity commitment, and the three-factor structure of the U-MICS (i.e. commitment, in-depth exploration, and reconsideration of commitment). Additionally, theoretically consistent and meaningful associations among the ISI-3, U-MICS, and Ego Identity Process Questionnaire (EIPQ) confirmed convergent validity. Overall, the results of the present study indicate that the French versions of the ISI-3 and UMICS are useful instruments for assessing identity styles and processes, and provide additional support to the cross-cultural validity of these tools.