42 resultados para Utero-Enfermedades
The number of pregnant women receiving immunosuppressants for anti-rejection therapy or autoimmune diseases is increasing. All immunosuppressive drugs cross the placenta, raising questions about the long-term outcome of the children exposed in utero. There is no higher risk of congenital anomalies. However, an increased incidence of prematurity, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and generally low birth weight has been reported, as well as maternal hypertension and preeclampsia. The most frequent neonatal complications are those associated with prematurity and IUGR, as well as adrenal insufficiency with corticosteroids, immunological disturbances with azathioprine and cyclosporine, and hyperkalemia with tacrolimus. The long-term follow-up of infants exposed to immunosuppressants in utero is still limited and experimental studies raise the question whether there could be an increased incidence at adult age of some pathologies including renal insufficiency, hypertension and diabetes.
BACKGROUND: Isolated congenital atrioventricular block (CAVB) diagnosed in utero is associated with a high morbidity and mortality. Prognosis is especially poor when heart rate drops below 55 beats per minute (bpm) and when fetal hydrops develops. We describe the natural history and outcome of 24 infants with isolated CAVB diagnosed in utero, review the literature, and assess the risk factors that could predict outcome. METHODS: This was a retrospective multicenter study of 24 patients with isolated CAVB diagnosed in utero. RESULTS: CAVB was detected at a mean gestational age (GA) of 24.7 +/- 5.1 weeks. Ten fetuses initially presented with complete heart block. Low heart rate or incomplete heart block was the first documentation of bradyarrhythmia in the other 14 fetuses. In 11 of them, CAVB developed during pregnancy after a median time of 3 (range 1-16) weeks. Fetal hydrops developed in 10 of 24 (42%) fetuses at a mean GA of 27.6 +/- 5.1 weeks. Hydropic fetuses showed lower heart rates during pregnancy (47 +/- 10 bpm) than non-hydropic fetuses (57 +/- 10 bpm). There were three intrauterine deaths; all were hydropic and female. Nine viable females and 12 males were born at a mean GA of 37.1 +/- 6.1 weeks with an average birth weight of 3097 +/- 852 g. Fifteen CAVB patients required pacemaker (PM) intervention, 10 of them immediately after birth. Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) developed in three infants of whom two died of congestive heart failure, shortly after the diagnosis was made; one is still alive. Mortality before or after birth was 21%, and was associated with heart rates below 50 bpm and development of fetal hydrops. Poor outcome, defined as death, PM implantation, or development of DCM, occurred in 83% of cases and was associated with heart rates below 60 bpm during pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: Isolated CAVB diagnosed in utero is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Patients who develop fetal hydrops show lower heart rates during pregnancy than patients who do not. A fetal heart rate below 50 bpm and development of fetal hydrops is associated with increased mortality. Rates below 60 bpm are associated with PM requirement and/or DCM.
The number of pregnant women receiving immunosuppressive therapy is increasing. Use of immunosuppressants during pregnancy is indicated for anti-rejection therapy in transplantation patients and treatment of autoimmune diseases. Despite the maternal and fetal risks of these pregnancies, the proportion of surviving infants is improving and the possibility that a pregnancy could occur in these women during their childbearing years should be considered. All immunosuppressant drugs and their metabolites cross the placenta, raising questions about the long-term outcome of the children exposed to these agents in utera. There is no increased risk of congenital anomalies. However, there is an elevated incidence of prematurity, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and therefore low birthweight, as well as maternal hypertension and preeclampsia. The most frequent neonatal complications are those associated with prematurity and IUGR, as well as adrenal insufficiency with corticosteroids, immunological disturbances with azathioprine and cyclosporin, and hyperkalemia with tacrolimus. The long-term follow-up of infants exposed to immunosuppressants in utero is still limited and experimental studies raise the question whether there could be an increased incidence at adult age of some pathologies including renal insufficiency, hypertension and diabetes. The follow-up of these infants should be carefully organized and multidisciplinary, taking the perinatal context into account.
RÉSUMÉ Objectifs : Evaluer l'intérêt des examens paracliniques prescrits dans les morts du foetus in utéro pour aboutir à l'établissement d'un nouvel algorithme de prise en charge du bilan des morts in utero. Matériel et méthodes : Analyse rétrospective d'une série de 106 morts in utero recensées entre septembre 1989 et décembre 1998 dans le département de gynécologie - obstétrique du CHUV (maternité de type 3) à Lausanne. Nous avons défini la mort in utero à partir de la date limite de viabilité foetale. Seules les grossesses de 24 semaines ou plus ont été inclues dans cette série. Nous avons exclu les morts in utero survenues en cours d'interruption thérapeutique de grossesse ainsi que les cas présentant un dossier incomplet. La classification étiologique utilisée est celle décrite par Fretts. L'analyse a porté sur les différents examens demandés, ainsi que sur l'évaluation de leur pertinence dans l'établissement du diagnostic étiologique de chaque cas. La recherche de facteurs de risque significatifs a également été prise en considération. Nous avons comparé notre prise en charge aux données de la littérature, afin de proposer un nouvel algorithme. Résultats : L'étiologie de la mort foetale a pu être définie dans 90% des cas. Les causes principales en étaient les retards de croissance in utero (19,8 %), les anomalies congénitales et chromosomiques foetales (18,9%), les infections (15,1%), le décollement placentaire (7,5%), la prééclampsie (5,6%), le diabète maternel (3,8%). Le 18,9% restant se répartissant par petits nombres entre diverses autres causes. Dans 10,4% des cas nous n'avons pas trouvé d'explication à la mort in utero. Les examens les plus profitables dans le bilan de la mort in utero était l'autopsie foetale, qui était anormale dans 92,7% des cas examinés, l'anatomopathologie placentaire, anormale dans 93% des cas et le babygramme (radiographie du squelette foetal), pathologique dans 53% des cas. La sérologie maternelle infectieuse était informative dans 6,6% des cas. Conclusion : Nous présentons un protocole de prise en charge du bilan de la mort in utero différencié en fonction des circonstances entourant l'événement, afin de limiter les examens superflus.
Ubiquitination of proteins is a post-translational modification, which decides on the cellular fate of the protein. Addition of ubiquitin moieties to proteins is carried out by the sequential action of three enzymes: E1, ubiquitin-activating enzyme; E2, ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme; and E3, ubiquitin ligase. The TRAF-interacting protein (TRAIP, TRIP, RNF206) functions as Really Interesting New Gene (RING)-type E3 ubiquitin ligase, but its physiological substrates are not yet known. TRAIP was reported to interact with TRAF [tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factors] and the two tumor suppressors CYLD and Syk (spleen tyrosine kinase). Ectopically expressed TRAIP was shown to inhibit nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signalling. However, recent results suggested a role for TRAIP in biological processes other than NF-κB regulation. Knock-down of TRAIP in human epidermal keratinocytes repressed cellular proliferation and induced a block in the G1/S phase of the cell cycle without affecting NF-κB signalling. TRAIP is necessary for embryonal development as mutations affecting the Drosophila homologue of TRAIP are maternal effect-lethal mutants, and TRAIP knock-out mice die in utero because of aberrant regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis. These findings underline the tight link between TRAIP and cell proliferation. In this review, we summarize the data on TRAIP and put them into a larger perspective regarding the role of TRAIP in the control of tissue homeostasis.
Adverse events in utero are associated with the occurrence of chronic diseases in adulthood. We previously demonstrated in mice that perinatal hypoxia resulted in altered pulmonary circulation in adulthood, with a decreased endothelium-dependent relaxation of pulmonary arteries, associated with long-term alterations in the nitric oxide (NO)/cyclic GMP pathway. The present study investigated whether inhaled NO (iNO) administered simultaneously to perinatal hypoxia could have potential beneficial effects on the adult pulmonary circulation. Indeed, iNO is the therapy of choice in humans presenting neonatal pulmonary hypertension. Long-term effects of neonatal iNO therapy on adult pulmonary circulation have not yet been investigated. Pregnant mice were placed in hypoxia (13% O2) with simultaneous administration of iNO 5 days before delivery until 5 days after birth. Pups were then raised in normoxia until adulthood. Perinatal iNO administration completely restored acetylcholine-induced relaxation, as well as endothelial nitric oxide synthase protein content, in isolated pulmonary arteries of adult mice born in hypoxia. Right ventricular hypertrophy observed in old mice born in hypoxia compared to controls was also prevented by perinatal iNO treatment. Therefore, simultaneous administration of iNO during perinatal hypoxic exposure seems able to prevent adverse effects of perinatal hypoxia on the adult pulmonary circulation.
Prenatal heart valve interventions aiming at the early and systematic correction of congenital cardiac malformations represent a promising treatment option in maternal-fetal care. However, definite fetal valve replacements require growing implants adaptive to fetal and postnatal development. The presented study investigates the fetal implantation of prenatally engineered living autologous cell-based heart valves. Autologous amniotic fluid cells (AFCs) were isolated from pregnant sheep between 122 and 128 days of gestation via transuterine sonographic sampling. Stented trileaflet heart valves were fabricated from biodegradable PGA-P4HB composite matrices (n = 9) and seeded with AFCs in vitro. Within the same intervention, tissue engineered heart valves (TEHVs) and unseeded controls were implanted orthotopically into the pulmonary position using an in-utero closed-heart hybrid approach. The transapical valve deployments were successful in all animals with acute survival of 77.8% of fetuses. TEHV in-vivo functionality was assessed using echocardiography as well as angiography. Fetuses were harvested up to 1 week after implantation representing a birth-relevant gestational age. TEHVs showed in vivo functionality with intact valvular integrity and absence of thrombus formation. The presented approach may serve as an experimental basis for future human prenatal cardiac interventions using fully biodegradable autologous cell-based living materials.
In 2011, new oral anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation are available and the ABCD3-I score predicting stroke after TIA updates the ABCD2 score. New McDonald criteria allow faster MS diagnosis and the first oral treatment (fingolimod) for MS can be prescribed. A new anti-antiepileptic drug (retigabine) is available and sodium valproate has long term neurological adverse effects after in utero exposure. Among Parkinson disease treatments, deep brain stimulation is extending applications and dopamine agonists with extended release are as efficient and well tolerated as standard forms at long term scale. Monoclonal antibodies and immunosuppressant agents are proposed as good alternatives in the treatment of chronic dysimmune polyneuropathies. Gene therapy for the treatment of genetic myopathies is progressing.
The aim of this work is to describe the techniques that have been used for preparation and analysis of whole fetal liver extracts destined for in utero transplantation. Nine fetal livers between 12 and 17 weeks of gestation were prepared: cell counts and assessment of the hematopoietic cell viability were performed on cell suspensions. Hepatocytes represented 40 to 80% of the whole cell population. The remaining cells were constituted by hematopoietic cells (mainly erythroblasts), as well as by endothelial cells. The latter expressed CD34 on their surface, interfering with the assessment of CD34+ hematopoietic cells by flow cytometry. Direct visual morphologic control using alkaline phosphatase anti-alkaline phosphatase techniques was needed to differentiate hematopoietic from extra-hematopoietic CD34+ cells. Between 3.0 and 34.6 x 10(6) CD34+ viable hematopoietic cells were collected per fetal liver. Adequate differentiation of these cells into burst-forming units erythroid (BFU-E), colony-forming units granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM), and colony-forming units granulocyte erythroid macrophage megakaryocyte (CFU-GEMM) has been shown for each sample in clonogeneic cultures. In conclusion, fetal liver is a potential source of hematopoietic stem cells. Their numeration, based on the presence of CD34, is hampered by the expression of this antigen on other cells contained in the liver cell extract, in particular endothelial cells.
Approximately 1% of the fetuses present some dilatation of their urinary tract in utero. More than 50% of these antenatally detected hydronephrosis will disappear spontaneously after birth. The other 50% comprises ureteropelvic junction obstruction, vesico-ureteral reflux and primary megaureters. Postnatal radiological evaluation (renal ultrasonography and VCUG) is performed in every infant with a significantly dilated renal pelvis (> 8 mm between 20 and 30 weeks or > 10 mm after 30 weeks in utero). Renal nuclear scan should be done in every child with significant/worsening post-natal hydronephrosis. Antibioprophylaxis will be started from birth to prevent urinary tract infection. Medical or surgical approach will be chosen in the light of the uroradiological exam results and the clinical progress.