181 resultados para Tracheal airway
Background: congenital and acquired airway anomalies represent a relatively common albeit challenging problem in a national tertiary care hospital. In the past, most of these patients were sent to foreign Centres because of the lack of local experience in reconstructive surgery of the paediatric airway. In 2009, a dedicated team was established at our Institute. Gaslini's Tracheal Team includes different professionals, namely anaesthetists, intensive care specialists, neonatologists, pulmonologists, radiologists, and ENT, paediatric, and cardiovascular surgeons. The aim of this project was to provide these multidisciplinary patients, at any time, with intensive care, radiological investigations, diagnostic and operative endoscopy, reconstructive surgery, ECMO or cardiopulmonary bypass. Aim of this study is to present the results of the first year of airway reconstructive surgery activity of the Tracheal Team.Methods: between September 2009 and December 2010, 97 patients were evaluated or treated by our Gaslini Tracheal Team. Most of them were evaluated by both rigid and flexible endoscopy. In this study we included 8 patients who underwent reconstructive surgery of the airways. Four of them were referred to our centre or previously treated surgically or endoscopically without success in other Centres.Results: Eight patients required 9 surgical procedures on the airway: 4 cricotracheal resections, 2 laryngotracheoplasties, 1 tracheal resection, 1 repair of laryngeal cleft and 1 foreign body removal with cardiopulmonary bypass through anterior tracheal opening. Moreover, in 1 case secondary aortopexy was performed. All patients achieved finally good results, but two of them required two surgeries and most required endoscopic manoeuvres after surgery. The most complex cases were the ones who had already been previously treated.Conclusions: The treatment of paediatric airway anomalies requires a dedicated multidisciplinary approach and a single tertiary care Centre providing rapid access to endoscopic and surgical manoeuvres on upper and lower airways and the possibility to start immediately cardiopulmonary bypass or ECMO.The preliminary experience of the Tracheal Team shows that good results can be obtained with this multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of complicated cases. The centralization of all the cases in one or few national Centres should be considered.
Application of cervical collars may reduce cervical spine movements but render tracheal intubation with a standard laryngoscope difficult if not impossible. We hypothesised that despite the presence of a Philadelphia Patriot (R) cervical collar and with the patient's head taped to the trolley, tracheal intubation would be possible in 50 adult patients using the GlideScope (R) and its dedicated stylet. Laryngoscopy was attempted using a Macintosh laryngoscope with a size 4 blade, and the modified Cormack-Lehane grade was scored. Subsequently, laryngoscopy with the GlideScope was graded and followed by tracheal intubation. All patients' tracheas were successfully intubated with the GlideScope. The median (IQR) intubation time was 50 s (43-61 s). The modified Cormack-Lehane grade was 3 or 4 at direct laryngoscopy. It was significantly reduced with the GlideScope (p < 0.0001), reaching grade 2a in most patients. Tracheal intubation in patients wearing a semi-rigid collar and having their head taped to the trolley is possible with the help of the GlideScope.
BACKGROUND: Prospective assessment of pedicled extrathoracic muscle flaps for the closure of large intrathoracic airway defects after noncircumferential resection in situations where an end-to-end reconstruction seemed risky (defects of > 4-cm length, desmoplastic reactions after previous infection or radiochemotherapy). METHODS: From 1996 to 2001, 13 intrathoracic muscle transpositions (6 latissimus dorsi and 7 serratus anterior muscle flaps) were performed to close defects of the intrathoracic airways after noncircumferential resection for tumor (n = 5), large tracheoesophageal fistula (n = 2), delayed tracheal injury (n = 1) and bronchopleural fistula (n = 5). In 2 patients, the extent of the tracheal defect required reinforcement of the reconstruction by use of a rib segment embedded into the muscle flap followed by temporary tracheal stenting. Patient follow-up was by clinical examination bronchoscopy and biopsy, pulmonary function tests, and dynamic virtual bronchoscopy by computed tomographic (CT) scan during inspiration and expiration. RESULTS: The airway defects ranged from 2 x 1 cm to 8 x 4 cm and involved up to 50% of the airway circumference. They were all successfully closed using muscle flaps with no mortality and all patients were extubated within 24 hours. Bronchoscopy revealed epithelialization of the reconstructions without dehiscence, stenosis, or recurrence of fistulas. The flow-volume loop was preserved in all patients and dynamic virtual bronchoscopy revealed no significant difference in the endoluminal cross surface areas of the airway between inspiration and expiration above (45 +/- 21 mm(2)), at the site (76 +/- 23 mm(2)) and below the reconstruction (65 +/- 40 mm(2)). CONCLUSIONS: Intrathoracic airway defects of up to 50% of the circumference may be repaired using extrathoracic muscle flaps when an end-to-end reconstruction is not feasible.
Studies in cystic fibrosis patients and mice overexpressing the epithelial Na(+) channel beta-subunit (betaENaC-Tg) suggest that raised airway Na(+) transport and airway surface liquid (ASL) depletion are central to the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis lung disease. However, patients or mice with Liddle gain-of-function betaENaC mutations exhibit hypertension but no lung disease. To investigate this apparent paradox, we compared the airway phenotype (nasal versus tracheal) of Liddle with CFTR-null, betaENaC-Tg, and double mutant mice. In mouse nasal epithelium, the region that functionally mimics human airways, high levels of CFTR expression inhibited Liddle epithelial Nat channel (ENaC) hyperfunction. Conversely, in mouse trachea, low levels of CFTR failed to suppress Liddle ENaC hyperfunction. Indeed, Na(+) transport measured in Ussing chambers ("flooded" conditions) was raised in both Liddle and betaENaC-Tg mice. Because enhanced Na(+) transport did not correlate with lung disease in these mutant mice, measurements in tracheal cultures under physiologic "thin film" conditions and in vivo were performed. Regulation of ASL volume and ENaC-mediated Na(+) absorption were intact in Liddle but defective in betaENaC-Tg mice. We conclude that the capacity to regulate Na(+) transport and ASL volume, not absolute Na(+) transport rates in Ussing chambers, is the key physiologic function protecting airways from dehydration-induced lung disease.
BACKGROUND: We reviewed the current evidence on the benefit and harm of pre-hospital tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation after traumatic brain injury (TBI). METHODS: We conducted a systematic literature search up to December 2007 without language restriction to identify interventional and observational studies comparing pre-hospital intubation with other airway management (e.g. bag-valve-mask or oxygen administration) in patients with TBI. Information on study design, population, interventions, and outcomes was abstracted by two investigators and cross-checked by two others. Seventeen studies were included with data for 15,335 patients collected from 1985 to 2004. There were 12 retrospective analyses of trauma registries or hospital databases, three cohort studies, one case-control study, and one controlled trial. Using Brain Trauma Foundation classification of evidence, there were 14 class 3 studies, three class 2 studies, and no class 1 study. Six studies were of adults, five of children, and three of both; age groups were unclear in three studies. Maximum follow-up was up to 6 months or hospital discharge. RESULTS: In 13 studies, the unadjusted odds ratios (ORs) for an effect of pre-hospital intubation on in-hospital mortality ranged from 0.17 (favouring control interventions) to 2.43 (favouring pre-hospital intubation); adjusted ORs ranged from 0.24 to 1.42. Estimates for functional outcomes after TBI were equivocal. Three studies indicated higher risk of pneumonia associated with pre-hospital (when compared with in-hospital) intubation. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the available evidence did not support any benefit from pre-hospital intubation and mechanical ventilation after TBI. Additional arguments need to be taken into account, including medical and procedural aspects.
OBJECTIVES: To refine the classic definition of, and provide a working definition for, congenital high airway obstruction syndrome (CHAOS) and to discuss the various aspects of long-term airway reconstruction, including the range of laryngeal anomalies and the various techniques for reconstruction. DESIGN: Retrospective chart review. PATIENTS: Four children (age range, 2-8 years) with CHAOS who presented to a single tertiary care children's hospital for pediatric airway reconstruction between 1995 and 2000. CONCLUSIONS: To date, CHAOS remains poorly described in the otolaryngologic literature. We propose the following working definition for pediatric cases of CHAOS: any neonate who needs a surgical airway within 1 hour of birth owing to high upper airway (ie, glottic, subglottic, or upper tracheal) obstruction and who cannot be tracheally intubated other than through a persistent tracheoesophageal fistula. Therefore, CHAOS has 3 possible presentations: (1) complete laryngeal atresia without an esophageal fistula, (2) complete laryngeal atresia with a tracheoesophageal fistula, and (3) near-complete high upper airway obstruction. Management of the airway, particularly in regard to long-term reconstruction, in children with CHAOS is complex and challenging.
Fibreoptic intubation remains a key technique for the management of difficult intubation. We randomly compared the second generation single-use Ambu(®) aScope? 2 videoscope with a standard re-usable flexible intubating fibrescope in 50 tracheal intubations in patients with a difficult airway simulated by a semirigid collar. All patients' tracheas were intubated successfully with the aScope 2 or the re-usable fibrescope. The median (IQR [range]) time to intubate was significantly longer with the aScope 2 70 (55-97 [41?-226]) s vs 50 (40-59 [27-175]) s, p = 0.0003) due to an increased time to see the carina. Quality of vision was significantly lower with the aScope 2 (excellent 24 (48%) vs 49 (98%), p = 0.0001; good 22 (44%) vs 1 (2%), p = 0.0001; poor 4 (8%) vs 0, p = 0.12) but with no difference in the subjective ease to intubate (easy score of 31 (62%) vs 38 (76%), p = 0.19; intermediate 12 (24%) vs 7 (14%), p = 0.31; difficult 7 (14%) vs 5 (5%), p = 0.76). The longer times to intubate and the poorer scores for quality of vision do not support the use of the single-use aScope 2 videoscope as an alternative to the re-usable fibrescope.
BACKGROUND: Video-laryngoscopes are marketed for intubation in difficult airway management. They provide a better view of the larynx and may facilitate tracheal intubation, but there is no adequately powered study comparing different types of video-laryngoscopes in a difficult airway scenario or in a simulated difficult airway situation. METHODS/DESIGN: The objective of this trial is to evaluate and to compare the clinical performance of three video-laryngoscopes with a guiding channel for intubation (Airtraq?, A. P. Advance?, King Vision?) and three video-laryngoscopes without an integrated tracheal tube guidance (C-MAC?, GlideScope?, McGrath?) in a simulated difficult airway situation in surgical patients. The working hypothesis is that each video-laryngoscope provides at least a 90% first intubation success rate (lower limit of the 95% confidence interval >0.9). It is a prospective, patient-blinded, multicenter, randomized controlled trial in 720 patients who are scheduled for elective surgery under general anesthesia, requiring tracheal intubation at one of the three participating hospitals. A difficult airway will be created using an extrication collar and taping the patients' head on the operating table to substantially reduce mouth opening and to minimize neck movement. Tracheal intubation will be performed with the help of one of the six devices according to randomization. Insertion success, time necessary for intubation, Cormack-Lehane grade and percentage of glottic opening (POGO) score at laryngoscopy, optimization maneuvers required to aid tracheal intubation, adverse events and technical problems will be recorded. Primary outcome is intubation success at first attempt. DISCUSSION: We will simulate the difficult airway and evaluate different video-laryngoscopes in this highly realistic and clinically challenging scenario, independently from manufacturers of the devices. Because of the sufficiently powered multicenter design this study will deliver important and cutting-edge results that will help clinicians decide which device to use for intubation of the expected and unexpected difficult airway. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT01692535.
Tracheobronchial aspergillosis is a rare entity mainly observed in immune-compromised patients or those who have undergone transplantation. It may cause airway ulcerations or bleeding. We report the case of a 17-year-old patient receiving chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia who presented with right-sided tension pneumothorax. Chest tube drainage revealed a massive air leak without reexpansion of the lung, and bronchoscopy showed a 15- × 15-mm defect of the distal trachea related to aspergillosis infection. The defect was closed by an intrathoracic transposition of a pedicled latissimus dorsi muscle flap, which was sutured into the debrided defect followed by temporary endotracheal stenting and antifungal medication.
Increasingly the development of novel therapeutic strategies is taking into consideration the contribution of the intestinal microbiota to health and disease. Dysbiosis of the microbial communities colonizing the human intestinal tract has been described for a variety of chronic diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, obesity and asthma. In particular, reduction of several so-called probiotic species including Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria that are generally considered to be beneficial, as well as an outgrowth of potentially pathogenic bacteria is often reported. Thus a tempting therapeutic approach is to shape the constituents of the microbiota in an attempt to restore the microbial balance towards the growth of 'health-promoting' bacterial species. A twist to this scenario is the recent discovery that the respiratory tract also harbors a microbiota under steady-state conditions. Investigators have shown that the microbial composition of the airway flora is different between healthy lungs and those with chronic lung diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as well as cystic fibrosis. This is an emerging field, and thus far there is very limited data showing a direct contribution of the airway microbiota to the onset and progression of disease. However, should future studies provide such evidence, the airway microbiota might soon join the intestinal microbiota as a target for therapeutic intervention. In this review, we highlight the major advances that have been made describing the microbiota in chronic lung disease and discuss current and future approaches concerning manipulation of the microbiota for the treatment and prevention of disease.
Difficult tracheal intubation assessment is an important research topic in anesthesia as failed intubations are important causes of mortality in anesthetic practice. The modified Mallampati score is widely used, alone or in conjunction with other criteria, to predict the difficulty of intubation. This work presents an automatic method to assess the modified Mallampati score from an image of a patient with the mouth wide open. For this purpose we propose an active appearance models (AAM) based method and use linear support vector machines (SVM) to select a subset of relevant features obtained using the AAM. This feature selection step proves to be essential as it improves drastically the performance of classification, which is obtained using SVM with RBF kernel and majority voting. We test our method on images of 100 patients undergoing elective surgery and achieve 97.9% accuracy in the leave-one-out crossvalidation test and provide a key element to an automatic difficult intubation assessment system.
La trachée et les bronches proximales sont de fins conduits subtils, ingénieusement structurés par une partie cartilagineuse antérieure résistante aux variations de pression et une partie membraneuse postérieure souple. Par leurs faibles volumes (espace mort) ils délivrent un grand pourcentage de l'air inspiré aux voies distales, puis au parenchyme pulmonaire, permettant les échanges de gaz. Cette belle harmonie respiratoire peut être rapidement mise à mal dès qu'un processus atteint ces voies respiratoires proximales, soit en les comprimant, processus sténosant, soit en affaiblissant leur structure, trachéo-bronchomalacie, soit en ouvrant leur paroi sur les structures médiastinales, fistule trachéo/broncho-médiastinales, pleurales ou autres. Le pronostic vital est alors rapidement engagé au vu de l'absolue nécessité du bon fonctionnement de ces fins conduits, une petite diminution du calibre de leurs fines lumières provoquant une baisse importante de leurs surfaces. Dans ces situations à haut potentiel de complication majeure les interventions endoscopiques pour restaurer l'intégrité de ces conduits sont alors fort risquées, et il est primordial de pouvoir les effectuer dans un cadre sécurisé au maximum. La réalisation de ces gestes par la technique décrite dans notre article « Use of combined suspension laryngoscopy, flexible bronchoscopy and high frequency jet ventilation forY-shaped airway stents delivery" permet la sécurité nécessaire à ces situations instable, en effet -la laryngoscopie en suspension expose les voies proximales en offrant un accès le plus large possible à l'arbre trachéobronchique ce qui permet l insertion de multiples instruments parfois volumineux, -la Jet ventilation assure une oxygénation et une ventilation adéquate par un fin cathéter placé soit dans le poumon sain, soit en distalité de la lésion -la bronchoscopie souple, passant au travers d'endroits exigus et courbes permet le déploiement sous vision direct, au millimètre près, de divers dispositifs. Cette association remplace avantageusement la technique traditionnelle qui insère les stents à l'aveugle, et en apnée, ce qui représente de haut risque de mauvais positionnement des stents avec des conséquences immédiates sur l'oxygénation et la ventilation souvent déjà bien altérées. Perspective et conclusion : cette technique est utile pour l'insertion des stents en Y, centraux, comme décrit dans notre article, et les indications peuvent être étendues aux stents distaux pour lesquels l'accès n'est parfois pas aisé avec le bronchoscope rigide, et pour d'autres interventions endoscopiques, laser, cryothérapie, radiofréquence ou l'insertion de nouveaux dispositifs.
BACKGROUND: Large intrathoracic airway defects may be closed using a pedicled latissimus dorsi (LD) flap, with rewarding results. This study addresses the question of whether this holds true for extrathoracic non-circumferential tracheal defects. METHODS: A cervical segment of the trachea of 4 x 1 cm was resected in 9 white male pigs. The defect was stented with a silicone stent for 3 months and closed either by an LD flap alone (group a, n = 3), an LD flap with an attached rib segment covered by pleura (group b, n = 3), or an LD flap reinforced by a perforated polylactide (MacroPore) plate (group c, n = 3). The trachea was assessed by rigid endoscopy at 3 and 4 months and histologically at 4 months postoperatively. RESULTS: The degree of stenosis at the level of the reconstruction at 4 months was 25, 50 and 75% in group a, 15, 50 and 60% in group b, and 20, 95 and 95% in group c, respectively. The percentage of the defect covered by columnar epithelium was 100% in all animals of group a, 60, 100 and 100% in group b, and 10, 0 and 0% in group c. Resorption of the rib was seen in all animals of group b and obstructive inflammatory polyps were found in 2 animals of group c. CONCLUSION: Pedicled LD flaps provided less satisfactory results for closure of large non-circumferential extrathoracic airway defects than observed after intrathoracic reconstruction. A pedicled rib segment added to the LD flap did not improve the results obtained from LD flap repair alone, and an embedded MacroPore prosthesis may result in severe airway stenosis due to plate migration and intense inflammatory reaction protruding into the tracheal lumen.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prefabrication of vascularized mucosa-lined composite grafts intended to replace circumferential tracheal defects. DESIGN: Plane grafts composed of ear cartilage and full-thickness oral mucosa were revascularized by the laterothoracic fascia. The use of meshed vs nonmeshed mucosa to improve the epithelial coverage was examined. We also investigated the creation of a vascular bed over the cartilage and the subsequent application of meshed mucosa. Macroscopic aspects, viability, and degree of mucosal lining were analyzed. SUBJECTS: Twenty male New Zealand white rabbits. INTERVENTIONS: Ten animals underwent placement of auricular cartilage under the laterothoracic fascia. Intact (group 1) or meshed mucosa (group 2) was applied over the fascia and protected by a silicone sheet. After 3 weeks, prefabricated grafts were removed for comparison. In 10 other animals, a sheet of perforated cartilage was placed under the laterothoracic fascia. Two weeks later, 5 grafts (group 3) were harvested. The remaining 5 grafts were reopened for mucosal application over the cartilage and revascularized for 3 additional weeks (group 4). RESULTS: Vascularized plane grafts were obtained in all groups. Mucosal lining increased significantly with meshed mucosa (14%-68%; mean, 40%) compared with nonmeshed mucosa (3%-15%; mean, 10%) (P = .008). Induction of a vascular bed over perforated cartilage was achieved, but survival of secondary implanted mucosa was variable. CONCLUSIONS: A reliable technique to prefabricate composite grafts with cartilaginous support and mucosal lining is presented. The use of meshed mucosa significantly improves epithelial coverage.
RAPPORT DE SYNTHÈSE : Chez les patients présentant une pathologie de la colonne cervicale, l'instrumentation des voies aériennes peut s'avérer délicate. En effet, l'impossibilité d'effectuer une extension de la nuque afin d'aligner correctement l'axe oro-pharyngo-trachéal, ainsi que l'ouverture de bouche limitée par la présence d'une minerve cervicale, rendent la laryngoscopie standard extrêmement difficile. Le but de cette étude est de démontrer que l'intubation oro-trachéale avec une minerve cervicale semi-rigide est possible à l'aide d'un vidéolaryngoscope récemment développé, le GlideScope®. Celui-ci est formé d'une lame courbe présentant une angulation accentuée à 60° à partir de son milieu, avec une petite caméra haute résolution et une source lumineuse enchâssées dans la partie inférieure au point d'inflexion. Différents travaux ont montré les avantages du GlideScope® par rapport à la lame de Macintosh standard "pour l'instrumentation des voies aériennes de routine ou en situation difficile. Après acceptation par la Commission d'Ethique, 50 patients, adultes consentants et programmés pour une intervention chirurgicale élective nécessitant une anesthésie générale ont été inclus dans cette étude. Malgré la présence d'une minerve cervicale semi-rigide Philadelphia® Patriot correctement positionnée et la tête fixée à la table d'opération, tous les patients ont pu être intubés a l'aide du GlideScope®. Aucune complication n'a été documentée pendant la procédure ou en post-opératoire. De plus, nous avons démontré que dans cette situation la visualisation des structures laryngées est significativement améliorée grâce au GlideScope®, par rapport à la lame de Macintosh utilisée lors de toute intubation standard. En conclusion, l'intubation oro-trachéale chez les patients ayant une minerve cervicale et la tête fixée est possible à l'aide du GlideScope®. La meilleure façon de sécuriser les voies aériennes chez les patients présentant une instabilité de la colonne cervicale est un sujet fortement débattu. L'utilisation du GlideScope® pourrait s'avérer une alternative intéressante, en particulier dans les situations d'urgence.