209 resultados para Survival-Curve


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PURPOSE: We examined the role of smoking in the two dimensions behind the time trends in adult mortality in European countries, that is, rectangularization of the survival curve (mortality compression) and longevity extension (increase in the age-at-death). METHODS: Using data on national sex-specific populations aged 50 years and older from Denmark, Finland, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, we studied trends in life expectancy, rectangularity, and longevity from 1950 to 2009 for both all-cause and nonsmoking-related mortality and correlated them with trends in lifetime smoking prevalence. RESULTS: For all-cause mortality, rectangularization accelerated around 1980 among men in all the countries studied, and more recently among women in Denmark and the United Kingdom. Trends in lifetime smoking prevalence correlated negatively with both rectangularization and longevity extension, but more negatively with rectangularization. For nonsmoking-related mortality, rectangularization among men did not accelerate around 1980. Among women, the differences between all-cause mortality and nonsmoking-related mortality were small, but larger for rectangularization than for longevity extension. Rectangularization contributed less to the increase in life expectancy than longevity extension, especially for nonsmoking-related mortality among men. CONCLUSIONS: Smoking affects rectangularization more than longevity extension, both among men and women.


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Résumé : Ce travail porte sur l'étude rétrospective d'une série de jeunes patients opérés de glaucomes pédiatriques. Le but est d'évaluer le résultat au long cours d'une intervention chirurgicale combinant une sclérectomie profonde et une trabéculectomie (sclérectomie profonde pénétrante). Durant la période de mars 1997 à octobre 2006, 28 patients on été suivis pour évaluer le résultat de cette chirurgie effectuées sur 35 yeux. Un examen ophtalmologique complet a été pratiqué avant la chirurgie, 1 et 7 jours, puis 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12 mois, enfin tous les 6 mois après l'opération. Les critères d'évaluation du résultat postopératoire sont : les changements de pression intraoculaire, le traitement antiglaucomateux adjuvant, le taux de complication, le nombre de reprises chirurgicales,- l'erreur de réfraction, la meilleure acuité visuelle corrigée, l'état et le diamètre de la cornée. L'âge moyen est de 3.6 ± 4.5 ans et le suivi moyen de 3.6 ± 2.9 ans. La pression intraoculaire préopératoire de 31.9 ± 11.5 mmHg baisse de 58.3% (p<0.005) à la fin du suivi. Sur les 14 patients dont l'acuité visuelle a pu être mesurée, 8 (57.1 %) ont une acuité égale ou supérieure à 5/10e, 3 (21.4%) une acuité de 2/10e après intervention. Le taux de succès cumulatif complet à 9 ans est de 52.3%, le succès relatif 70.6%. Les complications menaçant la vision (8.6%) ont été plus fréquentes dans les cas de glaucome réfractaire. Pour conclure la sclérectomie profonde combinée à une trabéculectomie est une technique chirurgicale développée afin de contrôler la pression intraoculaire dans les cas de glaucomes congénitaux, juvéniles et secondaires. Les résultats intermédiaires sont encourageants et prometteurs. Les cas préalablement opérés avant cette nouvelle technique ont cependant un pronostic moins favorable. Le nombre de complications menaçant la vision est essentiellement lié à la sévérité du glaucome et au nombre d'interventions préalables. Abstract : Purpose : To evaluate the outcomes of combined deep sclerectomy and trabeculectomy (penetrating deep sclerectomy) in pediatric glaucoma. Design : Retrospective, non-consecutive, non-comparative, interventional case series. Participants : Children suffering from pediatric glaucoma who underwent surgery between March 1997 and October 2006 were included in this study. Methods : A primary combined deep sclerectomy and trabeculectomy was performed in 35 eyes of 28 patients. Complete examinations were performed before surgery, postoperatively at 1 and 7 days, at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12 months and then every 6 months after surgery. Main Outcome Measures : Surgical outcome was assessed in terms of intraocular pressure (IOP) change, additional glaucoma medication, complication rate, need for surgical revision, as well as refractive errors, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), and corneal clarity and diameters. Results : The mean age before surgery was 3.6 ± 4.5 years, and the mean follow-up was 3.5 ± 2.9 years. The mean preoperative IOP was 31.9 ± 11.5 mmHg. At the end of follow-up, the mean IOP decreased by 58.3% (p<0.005), and from 14 patients with available BCVA 8 patients (57.1 %) achieved. 0.5 (20/40) or better, 3 (21.4%) 0.2 (20/100), and 2 (14.3%) 0.1 (20/200) in their better eye. The mean refractive error (spherical equivalent) at final follow-up visits was +0.83 ± 5.4. Six patients (43%) were affected by myopia. The complete and qualified success rates, based on a cumulative survival curve, after- 9 years were 52.3% and 70.6%, respectively (p<0.05). Sight threatening complications were more common (8.6%) in refractory glaucomas. Conclusions : Combined deep sclerectomy and trabeculectomy is a surgical technique developed to control IOP in congenital, secondary and juvenile glaucomas. The intermediate results are satisfactory and promising. Previous classic glaucoma surgeries performed before this new technique had less favourable results. The number of sight threatening complications is related to the severity of glaucoma and number of previous surgeries.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the outcomes of combined deep sclerectomy and trabeculectomy (penetrating deep sclerectomy) in pediatric glaucoma. DESIGN: Retrospective, nonconsecutive, noncomparative, interventional case series. PARTICIPANTS: Children suffering from pediatric glaucoma who underwent surgery between March 1997 and October 2006 were included in this study. METHODS: A primary combined deep sclerectomy and trabeculectomy was performed in 35 eyes of 28 patients. Complete examinations were performed before surgery, postoperatively at 1 and 7 days, at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 12 months, and then every 6 months after surgery. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Surgical outcome was assessed in terms of intraocular pressure (IOP) change, additional glaucoma medication, complication rate, need for surgical revision, as well as refractive errors, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), and corneal clarity and diameters. RESULTS: The mean age before surgery was 3.6+/-4.5 years, and the mean follow-up was 3.5+/-2.9 years. The mean preoperative IOP was 31.9+/-11.5 mmHg. At the end of follow-up, the mean IOP decreased by 58.3% (P&lt;0.005), and from 14 patients with available BCVA 8 patients (57.1%) achieved 0.5 (20/40) or better, 3 (21.4%) 0.2 (20/100), and 2 (14.3%) 0.1 (20/200) in their better eye. The mean refractive error (spherical equivalent [SE]) at final follow-up visits was +0.83+/-5.4. Six patients (43%) were affected by myopia. The complete and qualified success rates, based on a cumulative survival curve, after 9 years were 52.3% and 70.6%, respectively (P&lt;0.05). Sight-threatening complications were more common (8.6%) in refractory glaucomas. CONCLUSIONS: Combined deep sclerectomy and trabeculectomy is an operative technique developed to control IOP in congenital, secondary, and juvenile glaucomas. The intermediate results are satisfactory and promising. Previous classic glaucoma surgeries performed before this new technique had less favorable results. The number of sight-threatening complications is related to the severity of glaucoma and number of previous surgeries. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.


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BACKGROUND: In low-mortality countries, life expectancy is increasing steadily. This increase can be disentangled into two separate components: the delayed incidence of death (i.e. the rectangularization of the survival curve) and the shift of maximal age at death to the right (i.e. the extension of longevity). METHODS: We studied the secular increase of life expectancy at age 50 in nine European countries between 1922 and 2006. The respective contributions of rectangularization and longevity to increasing life expectancy are quantified with a specific tool. RESULTS: For men, an acceleration of rectangularization was observed in the 1980s in all nine countries, whereas a deceleration occurred among women in six countries in the 1960s. These diverging trends are likely to reflect the gender-specific trends in smoking. As for longevity, the extension was steady from 1922 in both genders in almost all countries. The gain of years due to longevity extension exceeded the gain due to rectangularization. This predominance over rectangularization was still observed during the most recent decades. CONCLUSIONS: Disentangling life expectancy into components offers new insights into the underlying mechanisms and possible determinants. Rectangularization mainly reflects the secular changes of the known determinants of early mortality, including smoking. Explaining the increase of maximal age at death is a more complex challenge. It might be related to slow and lifelong changes in the socio-economic environment and lifestyles as well as population composition. The still increasing longevity does not suggest that we are approaching any upper limit of human longevity.


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PURPOSE: To describe methods and outcomes of excisional revision of a filtering bleb (bleb revision) using free conjunctival autologous graft either for bleb repair or for bleb reduction after trabeculectomy and deep sclerectomy with an implant. METHODS: Retrospective medical records were reviewed for a consecutive non-comparative case series comprising patients who underwent excisional revision of a filtering bleb between May 1998-January 2001. Excisional revision using free conjunctival autologous graft (bleb revision) was performed either for bleb repair, to treat early and late leaks and hypotony with maculopathy, or for bleb reduction, to improve ocular pain, discomfort, burning, foreign body sensation, tearing, and fluctuations of visual acuity. The revision consisted of bleb excision and free conjunctival autologous graft. The bleb histopathology was analyzed in patients who underwent bleb repair. RESULTS: Sixteen patients were included in the study, consisting of nine patients who had a trabeculectomy and seven patients who had a deep sclerectomy with an implant. Bleb revision was necessary in 14 patients due to leaking filtering bleb (bleb repair), and in 2 patients due to bleb dysesthesia (bleb reduction). After a follow-up of 15.1 +/- 8.4 months, the mean intraocular pressure (IOP) rose from 7.8 +/- 6.3 mm Hg to 14.3 +/- 6.5 mm Hg, and the visual acuity from 0.4 +/- 0.3 to 0.7 +/- 0.3, with a P value of 0.008 and 0.03, respectively. The complete success rate at 32 months, according to the Kaplan-Meier survival curve, was 38.3%, and the qualified success rate was 83.3%. Four patients (25%) required additional suturing for persistent bleb leak. To control IOP, antiglaucoma medical therapy was needed for six patients (37.5%) and repeated glaucoma surgery was needed for one patient. CONCLUSION: Free conjunctival autologous graft is a safe and successful procedure for bleb repair and bleb reduction. However, patients should be aware of the postoperative possibility of requiring medical or surgical intervention for IOP control after revision.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The ongoing increase in life expectancy in developed countries is associated with changes in the shape of the survival curve. These changes can be characterized by two main, distinct components: (i) the decline in premature mortality, i.e., the concentration of deaths around some high value of the mean age at death, also termed rectangularization of the survival curve; and (ii) the increase of this mean age at death, i.e., longevity, which directly reflects the reduction of mortality at advanced ages. Several recent observations suggest that both mechanisms are simultaneously taking place. METHODS: We propose a set of indicators aiming to quantify, disentangle, and compare the respective contribution of rectangularization and longevity increase to the secular increase of life expectancy. These indicators, based on a nonparametric approach, are easy to implement. RESULTS: We illustrate the method with the evolution of the Swiss mortality data between 1876 and 2006. Using our approach, we are able to say that the increase in longevity and rectangularization explain each about 50% of the secular increase of life expectancy. CONCLUSION: Our method may provide a useful tool to assess whether the contribution of rectangularization to the secular increase of life expectancy will remain around 50% or whether it will be increasing in the next few years, and thus whether concentration of mortality will eventually take place against some ultimate biological limit.


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The fully human anti-lipopolysaccharide (LPS) immunoglobulin M (IgM) monoclonal antibody panobacumab was developed as an adjunctive immunotherapy for the treatment of O11 serotype Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. We evaluated the potential clinical efficacy of panobacumab in the treatment of nosocomial pneumonia. We performed a post-hoc analysis of a multicenter phase IIa trial (NCT00851435) designed to prospectively evaluate the safety and pharmacokinetics of panobacumab. Patients treated with panobacumab (n = 17), including 13 patients receiving the full treatment (three doses of 1.2 mg/kg), were compared to 14 patients who did not receive the antibody. Overall, the 17 patients receiving panobacumab were more ill. They were an average of 72 years old [interquartile range (IQR): 64-79] versus an average of 50 years old (IQR: 30-73) (p = 0.024) and had Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) scores of 17 (IQR: 16-22) versus 15 (IQR: 10-19) (p = 0.043). Adjunctive immunotherapy resulted in an improved clinical outcome in the group receiving the full three-course panobacumab treatment, with a resolution rate of 85 % (11/13) versus 64 % (9/14) (p = 0.048). The Kaplan-Meier survival curve showed a statistically significantly shorter time to clinical resolution in this group of patients (8.0 [IQR: 7.0-11.5] versus 18.5 [IQR: 8-30] days in those who did not receive the antibody; p = 0.004). Panobacumab adjunctive immunotherapy may improve clinical outcome in a shorter time if patients receive the full treatment (three doses). These preliminary results suggest that passive immunotherapy targeting LPS may be a complementary strategy for the treatment of nosocomial O11 P. aeruginosa pneumonia.


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This paper aims to examine changes in common longevity and variability of the adult life span, and attempts to answer whether or not the compression of mortality continues in Switzerland in the years 1876-2005. The results show that the negative relationships between the large increase in the adult modal age at death, observed at least from the 1920s, and the decrease in the standard deviation of the ages at deaths occurring above it, illustrate a significant compression of adult mortality. Typical adult longevity increased by about 10% during the last fifty years in Switzerland, and adult heterogeneity in the age at death decreased in the same proportion. This analysis has not found any evidence suggesting that we are approaching longevity limits in term of modal or even maximum life spans. It ascertains a slowdown in the reduction of adult heterogeneity in longevity, already observed in Japan and other low mortality countries.


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INTRODUCTION: Ventilator-associated pneumonia remains the most common nosocomial infection in the critically ill and contributes to significant morbidity. Eventual decisions regarding withdrawal or maximal therapy are demanding and rely on physicians' experience. Additional objective tools for risk assessment may improve medical judgement. Copeptin, reflecting vasopressin release, as well as the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score, reflecting the individual degree of organ dysfunction, might qualify for survival prediction in ventilator-associated pneumonia. We investigated the predictive value of the SOFA score and copeptin in ventilator-associated pneumonia. METHODS: One hundred one patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia were prospectively assessed. Death within 28 days after ventilator-associated pneumonia onset was the primary end point. RESULTS: The SOFA score and the copeptin levels at ventilator-associated pneumonia onset were significantly elevated in nonsurvivors (P = .002 and P = .017, respectively). Both markers had different time courses in survivors and nonsurvivors (P < .001 and P = .006). Mean SOFA (average SOFA of 10 days after VAP onset) was superior in predicting 28-day survival as compared with SOFA and copeptin at ventilator-associated pneumonia onset (area under the curve, 0.90 vs 0.73 and 0.67, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The predictive value of serial-measured SOFA significantly exceeds those of single SOFA and copeptin measurements. Serial SOFA scores accurately predict outcome in ventilator-associated pneumonia.


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Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) affects mortality, morbidity and cost of critical care. Reliable risk estimation might improve end-of-life decisions, resource allocation and outcome. Several scoring systems for survival prediction have been established and optimised over the last decades. Recently, new biomarkers have gained interest in the prognostic field. We assessed whether midregional pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (MR-proANP) and procalcitonin (PCT) improve the predictive value of the Simplified Acute Physiologic Score (SAPS) II and Sequential Related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) in VAP. Specified end-points of a prospective multinational trial including 101 patients with VAP were analysed. Death &lt;28 days after VAP onset was the primary end-point. MR-proANP and PCT were elevated at the onset of VAP in nonsurvivors compared with survivors (p = 0.003 and p = 0.017, respectively) and their slope of decline differed significantly (p = 0.018 and p = 0.039, respectively). Patients with the highest MR-proANP quartile at VAP onset were at increased risk for death (log rank p = 0.013). In a logistic regression model, MR-proANP was identified as the best predictor of survival. Adding MR-proANP and PCT to SAPS II and SOFA improved their predictive properties (area under the curve 0.895 and 0.880). We conclude that the combination of two biomarkers, MR-proANP and PCT, improve survival prediction of clinical severity scores in VAP.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of our study was to assess whether a model combining clinical factors, MR imaging features, and genomics would better predict overall survival of patients with glioblastoma (GBM) than either individual data type. METHODS: The study was conducted leveraging The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) effort supported by the National Institutes of Health. Six neuroradiologists reviewed MRI images from The Cancer Imaging Archive (http://cancerimagingarchive.net) of 102 GBM patients using the VASARI scoring system. The patients' clinical and genetic data were obtained from the TCGA website (http://www.cancergenome.nih.gov/). Patient outcome was measured in terms of overall survival time. The association between different categories of biomarkers and survival was evaluated using Cox analysis. RESULTS: The features that were significantly associated with survival were: (1) clinical factors: chemotherapy; (2) imaging: proportion of tumor contrast enhancement on MRI; and (3) genomics: HRAS copy number variation. The combination of these three biomarkers resulted in an incremental increase in the strength of prediction of survival, with the model that included clinical, imaging, and genetic variables having the highest predictive accuracy (area under the curve 0.679±0.068, Akaike's information criterion 566.7, P<0.001). CONCLUSION: A combination of clinical factors, imaging features, and HRAS copy number variation best predicts survival of patients with GBM.


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BACKGROUND: Biliary tract cancer is an uncommon cancer with a poor outcome. We assembled data from the National Cancer Research Institute (UK) ABC-02 study and 10 international studies to determine prognostic outcome characteristics for patients with advanced disease. METHODS: Multivariable analyses of the final dataset from the ABC-02 study were carried out. All variables were simultaneously included in a Cox proportional hazards model, and backward elimination was used to produce the final model (using a significance level of 10%), in which the selected variables were associated independently with outcome. This score was validated externally by receiver operating curve (ROC) analysis using the independent international dataset. RESULTS: A total of 410 patients were included from the ABC-02 study and 753 from the international dataset. An overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) Cox model was derived from the ABC-02 study. White blood cells, haemoglobin, disease status, bilirubin, neutrophils, gender, and performance status were considered prognostic for survival (all with P < 0.10). Patients with metastatic disease {hazard ratio (HR) 1.56 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.20-2.02]} and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS) 2 had worse survival [HR 2.24 (95% CI 1.53-3.28)]. In a dataset restricted to patients who received cisplatin and gemcitabine with ECOG PS 0 and 1, only haemoglobin, disease status, bilirubin, and neutrophils were associated with PFS and OS. ROC analysis suggested the models generated from the ABC-02 study had a limited prognostic value [6-month PFS: area under the curve (AUC) 62% (95% CI 57-68); 1-year OS: AUC 64% (95% CI 58-69)]. CONCLUSION: These data propose a set of prognostic criteria for outcome in advanced biliary tract cancer derived from the ABC-02 study that are validated in an international dataset. Although these findings establish the benchmark for the prognostic evaluation of patients with ABC and confirm the value of longheld clinical observations, the ability of the model to correctly predict prognosis is limited and needs to be improved through identification of additional clinical and molecular markers.


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Intraspecific variation in social organization is common, yet the underlying causes are rarely known. An exception is the fire ant Solenopsis invicta in which the existence of two distinct forms of social colony organization is under the control of the two variants of a pair of social chromosomes, SB and Sb. Colonies containing exclusively SB/SB workers accept only one single queen and she must be SB/SB. By contrast, when colonies contain more than 10% of SB/Sb workers, they accept several queens but only SB/Sb queens. The variants of the social chromosome are associated with several additional important phenotypic differences, including the size, fecundity and dispersal strategies of queens, aggressiveness of workers, and sperm count in males. However, little is known about whether social chromosome variants affect fitness in other life stages. Here, we perform experiments to determine whether differential selection occurs during development and in adult workers. We find evidence that the Sb variant of the social chromosome increases the likelihood of female brood to develop into queens and that adult SB/Sb workers, the workers that cull SB/SB queens, are overrepresented in comparison to SB/SB workers. This demonstrates that supergenes such as the social chromosome can have complex effects on phenotypes at various stages of development.


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Objectives Nosocomial Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia remains a major concern in critically ill patients. We explored the potential impact of microorganism-targeted adjunctive immunotherapy in such patients. Patients and methods This multicentre, open pilot Phase 2a clinical trial (NCT00851435) prospectively evaluated the safety, pharmacokinetics and potential efficacy of three doses of 1.2 mg/kg panobacumab, a fully human monoclonal anti-lipopolysaccharide IgM, given every 72 h in 18 patients developing nosocomial P. aeruginosa (serotype O11) pneumonia. Results Seventeen out of 18 patients were included in the pharmacokinetic analysis. In 13 patients receiving three doses, the maximal concentration after the third infusion was 33.9 ± 8.0 μg/mL, total area under the serum concentration-time curve was 5397 ± 1993 μg h/mL and elimination half-life was 102.3 ± 47.8 h. Panobacumab was well tolerated, induced no immunogenicity and was detected in respiratory samples. In contrast to Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) prediction, all 13 patients receiving three doses survived, with a mean clinical resolution in 9.0 ± 2.7 days. Two patients suffered a recurrence at days 17 and 20. Conclusions These data suggest that panobacumab is safe, with a pharmacokinetic profile similar to that in healthy volunteers. It was associated with high clinical cure and survival rates in patients developing nosocomial P. aeruginosa O11 pneumonia. We concluded that these promising results warrant further trials.