48 resultados para Screen reading
This work compares the detector performance and image quality of the new Kodak Min-R EV mammography screen-film system with the Fuji CR Profect detector and with other current mammography screen-film systems from Agfa, Fuji and Kodak. Basic image quality parameters (MTF, NPS, NEQ and DQE) were evaluated for a 28 kV Mo/Mo (HVL = 0.646 mm Al) beam using different mAs exposure settings. Compared with other screen-film systems, the new Kodak Min-R EV detector has the highest contrast and a low intrinsic noise level, giving better NEQ and DQE results, especially at high optical density. Thus, the properties of the new mammography film approach those of a fine mammography detector, especially at low frequency range. Screen-film systems provide the best resolution. The presampling MTF of the digital detector has a value of 15% at the Nyquist frequency and, due to the spread size of the laser beam, the use of a smaller pixel size would not permit a significant improvement of the detector resolution. The dual collection reading technology increases significantly the low frequency DQE of the Fuji CR system that can at present compete with the most efficient mammography screen-film systems.
Purpose: Emergency room reading performances have been a point of interest in recent studies comparing radiologists to other physician groups. Our objective was to evaluate and compare the reading performances of radiologists and surgeons in an emergency room setting of non-traumatic abdominal CTs. Methods and materials: A total of ten readers representing four groups participated in this study: three senior radiologists and visceral surgeons, respectively, and two junior radiologists and surgeons, respectively. Each observer blindedly evaluated a total of 150 multi-slice acute abdominal CTs. CTs were chosen representing established proportions of acute abdomen pathologies in a Level I trauma centre from 2003 to 2005. Each answer was interpretated as right or wrong regarding pathology location, diagnosis and need for operation. Gold standard was the intraoperative result, and the clinical patient follow-up for non-operated patients. Significance was assumed at a p <.05 level. Results: Senior radiologists had a mean score of 2.38 ± 1.14, junior radiologists a score of 2.34 ± 1.14, whereas senior surgeons scored 2.07 ± 1.30 and junior surgeons 1.62 ± 1.42. No significant difference was found between the two radiologist groups, but results were significantly better for senior surgeons as compared to junior surgeons and better for the two radiologist groups as compared to each of the surgeon groups (all p <.05). Conclusion: Abdominal CT reading in an acute abdomen setting should continue to rely on an evaluation by a radiologist, whether senior or junior. Satisfying reading results can be achieved by senior visceral surgeons, but junior surgeons need more experience for a good reading performance.
BACKGROUND:The Swiss breast cancer screening pilot programme was conducted in 3 districts of theFrench-speaking canton of Vaud (ca. 300,000 resident women) between October 1993 and January 1999.Women aged 50 to 69 were invited by mail every 2 years for a free of charge screening mammography (doubleview, multiple reading). This first ever-organised cancer screening programme in Switzerland showed thefeasibility and acceptability of this kind of public health intervention in the liberal Swiss healthcare system, whichwas the main objective of the pilot programme. This mammographic screening programme was extended to thewhole canton in 1999, and contributed to the implementation of similar programmes in 2 neighbouring cantons. OBJECTIVE:To appraise the use, the quality and the effectiveness of the Swiss screening pilot programme. METHODS:About 15,000 women (aged 50-69) were enrolled. Logistic regression analyses were performedseparately to identify determinants of initial and subsequent attendance. Standard indicators of quality,effectiveness and impact of the programme were assessed and compared with European recommendations. Tothis intent, linkage with data from the Vaud Cancer Registry was performed. RESULTS:About half the target population was screened at least once during the pilot trial. Participation washigher among Swiss than foreigners, among widowed or married women than among single, divorced or separatedones. Attendance also increased with age and decreasing distance between residence and the dedicatedscreening centre. Apart from Swiss citizenship, socio-demographic factors were not associated with reattendance.Intensity of prior recruitment, outcome of previous screening test (positive vs. negative) and indicators of women'shealth behaviour (time of last mammography prior to initial screen, smoking status) were the main determinants ofreattendance. Programme performance and quality indicators were, overall, in line with European Guidelines. Theywere overall more favourable among 60-69 than 50-59 year-olds and improved over time. CONCLUSION:The objectives of the pilot programme were met. Even if participation should increase in order toreach European standards, performance indicators overall met quality requirements. Ways to improve screeninguse, quality and effectiveness were devised and taken into account for the generalisation of the programme.
Alcohol-dependent subjects tend to report lower level of response to alcohol (LR) in the years before the disorder developed, compared to control subjects. The Self-Rating of the Effects of alcohol (SRE) score is a quick and valid retrospective estimate of LR. This study examined the associations between alcohol abuse or dependence and early experience of alcohol as measured on retrospective SRE score (relating to the first five times alcohol was imbibed), and the presence of alcohol abuse or dependence, in patients attending primary care. Higher Early SRE score (i.e. greater early tolerance of alcohol) was obtained in patients with an alcohol-related diagnosis than in patients without those diagnoses. Using a cut-off of 2 on the Early SRE score, the Early SRE score could discriminate between patients with and without an alcohol diagnosis with moderate to high sensitivity (84%) and modest specificity (57%).
Intoxications are a frequent problem in the ER. In the vast majorityof cases, supportive treatment is sufficient. Severe intoxications withunknown agents are considered an indication for a urinary drug screen,and are recommended by several toxicology centers. However, theirusefulness for patient management remains uncertain.Study objectives: Evaluation of the impact of a urinary drug screen(Biosite Triage TOX Drug Screen) testing 11 substances(acetaminophen, amphetamines, methamphetamines, barbiturates,benzodiazepines, cocaïne, methadone, opioids, phencyclidine,cannabis, tricyclic antidepressants) on initial adult patient managementin the emergency department of a university hospital with ~35.000annual admissions.Methods: Observational retrospective analysis of all tests performedbetween 09/2009 and 09/2010. A test utility was defined as useful if itresulted in the administration of a specific antidote (Flumazenil/Naloxone), the use of a quantitative confirmatory toxicologic test, or achange in patient's disposition.Results: 57 tests were performed. Patient age was 32 ± 11 (SD) years;58% were men; 30% were also intoxicated with alcohol. Two patientsdied (3.5%): the first one of a diphenhydramin overdose, the other of ahypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage believed to be caused cocaineabuse but a negative urine test. Test indications were: 54% firstpsychotic episode; 25% acute respiratory failure; 18% coma; 12%seizure; 11% opioids toxidrome; 7% sympathicomimetic toxidrome; 5%hypotension; 4% ventricular arrhythmia (VT, VF, torsades de pointes)or long QT. 75% of tests were positives for >=1 substance (mean 1.7 ±0.9). 47% of results were unexpected by history. 18% of resultsinfluenced patient management: 7% had a negative test that confirmedthe diagnosis of endogenous psychosis in a first psychotic episode, andallowed transfer to psychiatry; 5% received flumazenil/naloxone;2% had an acetaminophen blood level after a positive screen; finally,4% had an unexpected methadone abuse that required prolongationof hospital stay.Conclusions: A rapid urinary toxicologic screen was seldom used inour emergency department, and its impact on patient managementwas marginal: only one in 6 tests influenced treatment decisions.
Ambient vertical flow in long-screen wells: a case study in the Fontainebleau Sands Aquifer (France)
A tritium (H-3) profile was constructed in a long-screened well (LSW) of the Fontainebleau Sands Aquifer (France), and the data were combined with temperature logs to gain insight into the potential effects of the ambient vertical flow (AVF) of water through the well on the natural aquifer stratification. AVF is commonly taken into account in wells located in fracture aquifers or intercepting two different aquifers with distinct hydraulic heads. However, due to the vertical hydraulic gradient of the flow lines intercepted by wells, AVF of groundwater is a common process within any type of aquifer. The detection of 3H in the deeper parts of the studied well ( approximate depth 50m), where H-3-free groundwater is expected, indicates that shallow young water is being transported downwards through the well itself. The temperature logs show a nearly zero gradient with depth, far below the mean geothermal gradient in sedimentary basins. The results show that the age distribution of groundwater samples might be biased in relation to the age distribution in the surroundings of the well. The use of environmental tracers to investigate aquifer properties, particularly in LSWs, is then limited by the effects of the AVF of water that naturally occurs through the well.
The MRSA-Screen test (Denka Seiken Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), consisting of a slide latex agglutination kit that detects PBP 2a with a monoclonal antibody, was blindly compared to the oxacillin disk diffusion test, the oxacillin-salt agar screen, and PCR of the mecA gene for the detection of methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. A total of 120 methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) and 80 methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolates, defined by the absence or presence of the mecA gene, respectively, were tested. The MRSA-Screen test, the oxacillin disk diffusion test, and the oxacillin-salt agar screening test showed sensitivities of 100, 61.3, and 82.5% and specificities of 99.2, 96.7, and 98.3%, respectively. We conclude that the MRSA-Screen is a very accurate, reliable, and fast test (15 min) for differentiation of MRSA from MSSA colonies on agar plates.
Minor lymphocyte stimulating (Mls) antigens specifically stimulate T cell responses that are restricted to particular T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain variable domains. The Mls phenotype is genetically controlled by an open reading frame (orf) located in the 3' long terminal repeat of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV); however, the mechanism of action of the orf gene product is unknown. Whereas predicted orf amino acid sequences show strong overall homology, the 20-30 COOH-terminal residues are strikingly polymorphic. This polymorphic region correlates with TCR V beta specificity. We have generated monoclonal antibodies to a synthetic peptide encompassing the 19 COOH-terminal amino acid residues of Mtv-7 orf, which encodes the Mls-1a determinant. We show here that these antibodies block Mls responses in vitro and can interfere specifically with thymic clonal deletion of Mls-1a reactive V beta 6+ T cells in neonatal mice. Furthermore, the antibodies can inhibit V beta 6+ T cell responses in vivo to an infectious MMTV that shares orf sequence homology and TCR specificity with Mtv-7. These results confirm the predicted extracellular localization of the orf COOH terminus and imply that the orf proteins of both endogenous and exogenous MMTV interact directly with TCR V beta.
BACKGROUND: The European Guidelines specify a minimum of 5,000 screening cases to be read yearly by radiologists carrying out second reading in non-centralized programs. This professional requirement is difficult to reach and/or to implement in regional programs covering a sparse population with a high number of participating radiology units, so that alternative blind double reading strategies must be devised. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect on breast cancer screening performances of two second reading strategies used in non-centralized, low-volume programs. METHODS: Reading performances in two Swiss regional breast cancer screening programs (cantons of Wallis and Vaud), covering female populations, aged 50-69, of about 31'000 and 72'000 inhabitants were computed and compared. Both programs had similar screening regimens and organizations, but differed with respect to second reading. One setting applied a selective strategy whereby only experienced radiologists performed second reading; the other elicited not to restrict second readers on the basis of their individual screening activity. Analysis included some 140,000 mammograms performed between 1999 and 2005. RESULTS: Overall, screening performances improved with increasing total volume of reading, albeit not in a linear fashion. Regardless of setting, radiologists attained a higher level of screening accuracy when performing second rather than first readings, and incident rather than prevalent screening cases. The effect of a selective, small group of second readers appeared to impact favorably on the false-positive rate and other indicators of screening quality. As the learning curve depends on the number of mammograms read, these distinct strategies may bear different outcome in the long run. Implications and practical issues for low-volume programs are discussed.