55 resultados para Red River Rebellion, 1869-1870.
In this study, we report the first ever large-scale environmental validation of a microbial reporter-based test to measure arsenic concentrations in natural water resources. A bioluminescence-producing arsenic-inducible bacterium based on Escherichia coli was used as the reporter organism. Specific protocols were developed with the goal to avoid the negative influence of iron in groundwater on arsenic availability to the bioreporter cells. A total of 194 groundwater samples were collected in the Red River and Mekong River Delta regions of Vietnam and were analyzed both by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and by the arsenic bioreporter protocol. The bacterial cells performed well at and above arsenic concentrations in groundwater of 7 microg/L, with an almost linearly proportional increase of the bioluminescence signal between 10 and 100 microg As/L (r2 = 0.997). Comparisons between AAS and arsenic bioreporter determinations gave an overall average of 8.0% false negative and 2.4% false positive identifications for the bioreporter prediction at the WHO recommended acceptable arsenic concentration of 10 microg/L, which is far betterthan the performance of chemical field test kits. Because of the ease of the measurement protocol and the low application cost, the microbiological arsenic test has a great potential in large screening campaigns in Asia and in other areas suffering from arsenic pollution in groundwater resources.
During blood banking, erythrocytes undergo storage lesions, altering or degrading their metabolism, rheological properties, and protein content. Carbonylation is a hallmark of protein oxidative lesions, thus of red blood cell oxidative stress. In order to improve global erythrocyte protein carbonylation assessment, subcellular fractionation has been established, allowing us to work on four different protein populations, namely soluble hemoglobin, hemoglobin-depleted soluble fraction, integral membrane and cytoskeleton membrane protein fractions. Carbonylation in erythrocyte-derived microparticles has also been investigated. Carbonylated proteins were derivatized with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNPH) and quantified by western blot analyses. In particular, carbonylation in the cytoskeletal membrane fraction increased remarkably between day 29 and day 43 (P<0.01). Moreover, protein carbonylation within microparticles released during storage showed a two-fold increase along the storage period (P<0.01). As a result, carbonylation of cytoplasmic and membrane protein fractions differs along storage, and the present study allows explaining two distinct steps in global erythrocyte protein carbonylation evolution during blood banking. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Integrated omics.
Depuis plus de 10 ans les modèles numériques d'altitude (MNA) produits par technologie de « light detection and ranging » (« LIDAR ») ont fourni de nouveaux outils très utiles pour des études géomorphologiques, particulièrement dans le cas des glissements de terrain. Le balayage laser terrestre (« TLS ») permet une utilisation très souple. Le TLS peut être employé pour la surveillance ou dans des situations d'urgence qui nécessitent une acquisition rapide d'un MNA afin d'évaluer l'aléa. Au travers de trois exemples, nous démontrons l'utilité du TLS pour la quantification de volumes de glissements de terrain, la création de profils et l'analyse de séries temporelles. Ces études de cas sont des glissements de terrain situés dans les argiles sensibles de l'est du Canada (Québec, Canada) ou de petits glissements rotationnels dans les berges d'une rivière (Suisse).
Résumé du document de thèse Quito, capitale andine de près de deux millions d'habitants, a vu se développer des quartiers ghettos réunissant une population en constante évolution. Mouvements migratoires mal connus, hétérogénéité ethnique et socioculturelle, accès limité aux services publics et conditions de vie difficiles jouent un rôle essentiel mais complexe dans la planification des services de santé. L'étude ciblée de cette problématique est un sérieux défi à relever car les mégalopoles latino-américaines connaissent une importante urbanisation avec pour corollaire une augmentation de la pauvreté urbaine. Les indicateurs de santé tels que mortalité infantile, espérance de vie ou incidence des maladies infectieuses montrent une amélioration globale qui ne reflète toutefois pas les importantes disparités caractéristiques du continent. La démarche exposée dans ce document est une réponse à la demande d'un appui médical par une communauté urbaine défavorisée, pour laquelle peu de données étaient disponibles. Une évaluation des conditions de vie et des besoins en soins a donc été effectuée par trois étudiants en médecine de Lausanne au moyen d'une enquête et d'ateliers qui ont permis de réunir les opinions des différents acteurs sociaux et sanitaires. Cette étude a pu identifier et mesurer les déterminants de santé, comprendre certaines dynamiques locales pour enfin cibler les principales lignes d'actions d'un centre de santé communautaire. Ce document décrit l'ensemble du processus conduit durant cinq ans et expose les données brutes ainsi que leur analyse ; il propose des recommandations concrètes pour une promotion de la santé adaptée aux besoins d'une communauté urbaine défavorisée d'Amérique du Sud. Son objectif est de fournir des données utilisables par les acteurs de santé locaux et de participer ainsi à la réflexion en cours sur la réforme du système de santé équatorien. Il comporte également une bibliographie, point de départ pour d'autres études sur le sujet. Le dossier, construit de manière chronologique, présente l'information de façon accessible et cohérente. Il se veut un témoignage utile, avec ses forces et ses faiblesses, à l'action locale sous forme d'une publication en espagnol qui sera distribuée aux différents acteurs sociaux et sanitaires concernés.
Because environmental conditions within a given basin are different for each season and at different water depth, knowledge of the life history and depth distribution of target species is important for environmental and palaeoenvironmental interpretations based on ostracod species assemblages and/or the geochemical compositions of their valves. In order to determine the distribution of species with depth as well as the life history of species from Lake Geneva, a one year sampling campaign of living ostracods was conducted at five sites (2, 5, 13, 33 and 70 m water depth) on a monthly basis in the Petit-Lac (western basin of Lake Geneva, Switzerland). Based on the results, the different species can be classified into three groups. Littoral taxa are found at 2 and 5 m water depth and include, in decreasing numbers of individuals, Cypridopsis vidua (O. F.Müller, 1776), Pseudocandona compressa (Koch, 1838), Limnocythere inopinata (Baird, 1843), Herpetocypris reptans (Baird, 1835), Potamocypris smaragdina (Vávra, 1891), Potamocypris similis (G. W. Müller, 1912), Plesiocypridopsis newtoni (Brady & Robertson, 1870), Prionocypris zenkeri (Chyzer & Toth, 1858) and Ilyocypris sp. Brady & Norman, 1889. Sublittoral species are found in a majority at 13 m water depth and to a lesser extend at 33 m water depth and include, in decreasing numbers of individuals, Fabaeformiscandona caudata (Kaufmann, 1900), Limnocytherina sanctipatricii, Candona candida (O. F. Müller, 1776) and Isocypris beauchampi (Paris, 1920). Profundal species are found equally at 13, 33 and 70 m water depth and includes, in decreasing numbers of individuals, Cytherissa lacustris (Sars, 1863), Candona neglecta Sars, 1887 and Cypria lacustris Lilljeborg, 1890. The occurrence of Limnocytherina sanctipatricii (Brady & Robertson, 1869) is restricted from late winter to late spring when temperatures are low, while C. vidua, L. inopinata, P. smaragdina, P. similis, P. newtoni and Ilyocypris sp. occur predominantly from spring to early autumn when temperatures are high. Individuals of C. neglecta, C. candida, F. caudata, P. compressa, C. lacustris, H. reptans and Cp. lacustris occur throughout the year with juveniles and adults occurring during the same period (C. neglecta at 70 m, C. lacustris at 13, 33 and 70 m, and H. reptans at 2, 5 and 13 m water depth) or with juveniles occurring during a different period of the year than adults (C. neglecta at 13 and 33 m and C. candida, F. caudata and P. compressa at their respective depth of occurrence). Among the environmental parameters investigated, an estimate of the relationship between ostracod autoecology and environmental parameters suggests that in the Petit-Lac: (i) water temperature and substrate characteristics are important factors controlling the distribution of species with depth, (ii) water temperature is also important for determining the timing of species development and, hence, its specific life history, and (iii) water oxygen and sedimentary organic matter content is less important compared to the other environmental parameter monitored.
There has been a long debate since the introduction of blood analysis prior to major sports events, to find out whether blood samples should be analysed right away on the site of competition or whether they should be transported and analysed in an anti-doping laboratory. Therefore, it was necessary to measure blood samples and compare the results obtained right after the blood withdrawal with those obtained after a few hours delay. Furthermore, it was interesting to determine the effect of temperature on the possible deterioration of red blood cell analytes used for testing recombinant erythropoietin abuse. Healthy volunteers were asked to give two blood samples and one of these was kept at room temperature whereas the second one was put into a refrigerator. On a regular basis, the samples were rolled for homogenisation and temperature stabilisation and were analysed with the same haematological apparatus. The results confirmed that blood controls prior to competition should be performed as soon as possible with standardised pre-analytical conditions to avoid too many variations notably on the haematocrit and the reticulocyte count. These recommendations should ideally also be applied to the all the blood controls compulsory for the medical follow up, otherwise unexplainable values could be misinterpreted and could for instance lead to a period of incapacity.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The mechanisms involved in the formation of red blood cell (RBC) microparticles in vivo as well as during erythrocyte storage are reviewed, and the potential role of microparticles in transfusion medicine is described. RECENT FINDINGS: Microparticles release is an integral part of the erythrocyte ageing process, preventing early removal of RBCs. Proteomics analyses have outlined the key role of band 3-ankyrin anchoring complex and the occurrence of selective RBC membrane remodelling mechanisms in microparticles formation. The presence of several RBC antigens, expressed on microparticles, has been demonstrated. The potential deleterious effects of RBC microparticles in transfused recipients, including hypercoagulability, microcirculation impairment and immunosuppression, are discussed. SUMMARY: Formation and role of RBC microparticles are far from being completely understood. Combining various approaches to elucidate these mechanisms could improve blood product quality and transfusion safety. Implementation of RBC microparticles as biomarkers in the laboratory routine needs to overcome technical barriers involved in their analysis.
PURPOSE: We characterized the pupil responses that reflect rod, cone, and melanopsin function in a genetically homogeneous cohort of patients with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP). METHODS: Nine patients with Gly56Arg mutation of the NR2E3 gene and 12 control subjects were studied. Pupil and subjective visual responses to red and blue light flashes over a 7 log-unit range of intensities were recorded under dark and light adaptation. The pupil responses were plotted against stimulus intensity to obtain red-light and blue-light response curves. RESULTS: In the dark-adapted blue-light stimulus condition, patients showed significantly higher threshold intensities for visual perception and for a pupil response compared to controls (P = 0.02 and P = 0.006, respectively). The rod-dependent, blue-light pupil responses decreased with disease progression. In contrast, the cone-dependent pupil responses (light-adapted red-light stimulus condition) did not differ between patients and controls. The difference in the retinal sensitivity to blue and red stimuli was the most sensitive parameter to detect photoreceptor dysfunction. Unexpectedly, the melanopsin-mediated pupil response was decreased in patients (P = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Pupil responses of patients with NR2E3-associated adRP demonstrated reduced retinal sensitivity to dim blue light under dark adaptation, presumably reflecting decreased rod function. Rod-dependent pupil responses were quantifiable in all patients, including those with non-recordable scotopic electroretinogram, and correlated with the extent of clinical disease. Thus, the chromatic pupil light reflex can be used to monitor photoreceptor degeneration over a larger range of disease progression compared to standard electrophysiology.
Analyse comparée de la formation et des effets des régimes institutionnels de ressources naturelles en Suisse. Partant du constat de l'accroissement significatif et généralisé de la consommation des ressources naturelles, le projet a pour ambition d'examiner, dans le cas de la Suisse, quels sont les types de régimes institutionnels -régimes composés de l'ensemble des droits de propriété de disposition et d'usages s'appliquant aux différentes ressources naturelles, de même que des politiques publiques d'exploitation et de protection les régulant- susceptibles de prévenir des processus de surexploitation et de dégradation de ces ressources. Dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche financé par le Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique (FNRS), il s'agit, dans un premier temps, d'analyser les trajectoires historiques d'adaptation et de changements des régimes institutionnels des différentes ressources sur une durée d'environ un siècle (1900-2000). C'est l'objet des différents screenings. Dans un second temps et à l'aide d'études de cas, ces transformations de (ou au sein des) régimes institutionnels sont analysées sous l'angle de leurs effets sur l'état de la ressource. L'ambition finale de cette recherche est de comprendre les conditions l'émergence de "régimes intégrés" capables de prendre en compte un nombre croissant de groupes d'usagers agissant à différents niveaux (géographiques et institutionnels) et ayant des usages de plus en plus hétérogènes et concurrents de ces différentes ressources. Le champ empirique de la recherche porte plus particulièrement sur cinq ressources que sont: l'eau,l'air, le sol, le paysage et la forêt.
Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) is a technique that allows obtaining, from a single recorded hologram, quantitative phase image of living cell with interferometric accuracy. Specifically the optical phase shift induced by the specimen on the transmitted wave front can be regarded as a powerful endogenous contrast agent, depending on both the thickness and the refractive index of the sample. Thanks to a decoupling procedure cell thickness and intracellular refractive index can be measured separately. Consequently, Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), two highly relevant clinical parameters, have been measured non-invasively at a single cell level. The DHM nanometric axial and microsecond temporal sensitivities have permitted to measure the red blood cell membrane fluctuations (CMF) on the whole cell surface. ©2009 COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering.