96 resultados para Protein production
One of the major hurdles of isolating stable, inducible or constitutive high-level producer cell lines is the time-consuming selection, analysis and characterization of the numerous clones required to identify one with the desired characteristics. Various boundary elements, matrix attachment regions, and locus control regions were screened for for their ability to augment the expression of heterologous genes in CHO and other cells. The 5'-matrix-attachment region (MAR) of the chicken lysozyme gene was found to significantly increase stable gene expression, in culture dishes and in bioreactors. These MAR elements can be easily combined with various existing expression systems, as they can be added in trans (i.e. on a separate plasmid) in co-transfections with previously constructed expression vectors. Using cell population analysis, we found that the use of the MAR increases the proportion of high-producing CHO cell clones, thus reducing the number of cell lines that need to be screened while increasing maximal productivity. Random cDNA cloning and sequencing indicated that over 12% of the ESTs correspond to the transgene. Thus, productivity is no longer limited by transcriptional events in such MAR-containing cell lines. The identification of small and more convenient active MAR portions will also be summarized. Finally, we will show examples of how MAR elements can be combined with short term expression to increase the simultaneous synthesis of many proteins in parallel by CHO cells. Overall, we conclude that the MAR sequence is a versatile tool to increase protein expression in short and long term production processes.
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are the system of choice for the production of complex molecules, such as monoclonal antibodies. Despite significant progress in improving the yield from these cells, the process to the selection, identification, and maintenance of high-producing cell lines remains cumbersome, time consuming, and often of uncertain outcome. Matrix attachment regions (MARs) are DNA sequences that help generate and maintain an open chromatin domain that is favourable to transcription and may also facilitate the integration of several copies of the transgene. By incorporating MARs into expression vectors, an increase in the proportion of high-producer cells as well as an increase in protein production are seen, thereby reducing the number of clones to be screened and time to production by as much as 9 months. In this chapter, we describe how MARs can be used to increase transgene expression and provide protocols for the transfection of CHO cells in suspension and detection of high-producing antibody cell clones.
The generation of a high productivity cell line is a critical step in the production of a therapeutic protein. Many innovative engineering strategies have been devised in order to maximize the expression rate of production cells for increased process efficiency. Less effort has focused on improvements to the cell line generation process, which is typically long and laborious when using mammalian cells. Based on unexpected findings when generating stable CHO cell lines expressing human IL-17F, we studied the benefit of expressing this protein during the establishment of production cell lines. We demonstrate that IL-17F expression enhances the rate of selection and overall number of selected cell lines as well as their transgene expression levels. We also show that this benefit is observed with different parental CHO cell lines and selection systems. Furthermore, IL-17F expression improves the efficiency of cell line subcloning processes. IL-17F can therefore be exploited in a standard manufacturing process to obtain higher productivity clones in a reduced time frame.
Disturbances of the cholesterol metabolism are associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk and related cerebral pathology. Experimental studies found changing levels of cholesterol and its metabolites 24S-hydroxycholesterol (24S-OHC) and 27-hydroxycholesterol (27-OHC) to contribute to amyloidogenesis by increasing the production of soluble amyloid precursor protein (sAPP). The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the CSF and circulating cholesterol 24S-OHC and 27-OHC, and the sAPP production as measured by CSF concentrations of sAPP forms in humans. The plasma and the CSF concentrations of cholesterol, 24S-OHC and 27-OHC, and the CSF concentrations of sAPPα, sAPPβ, and Aß1-42 were assessed in subjects with AD and controls with normal cognition. In multivariate regression tests including age, gender, albumin ratio, and apolipoprotein E (APOE)ε4 status CSF cholesterol, 24S-OHC, and 27-OHC independently predicted the concentrations of sAPPα and sAPPβ. The associations remained significant when analyses were separately performed in the AD group. Furthermore, plasma 27-OHC concentrations were associated with the CSF sAPP levels. The results suggest that high CSF concentrations of cholesterol, 24S-OHC, and 27-OHC are associated with increased production of both sAPP forms in AD.
Successful generation of high producing cell lines requires the generation of cell clones expressing the recombinant protein at high levels and the characterization of the clones' ability to maintain stable expression levels. The use of cis-acting epigenetic regulatory elements that improve this otherwise long and uncertain process has revolutionized recombinant protein production. Here we review and discuss new insights into the molecular mode of action of the matrix attachment regions (MARs) and ubiquitously-acting chromatin opening elements (UCOEs), i.e. cis-acting elements, and how these elements are being used to improve recombinant protein production. These elements can help maintain the chromatin environment of the transgene genomic integration locus in a transcriptionally favorable state, which increases the numbers of positive clones and the transgene expression levels. Moreover, the high producing clones tend to be more stable in long-term cultures even in the absence of selection pressure. Therefore, by increasing the probability of isolating a high producing clone, as well as by increasing transcription efficiency and stability, these elements can significantly reduce the time and cost required for producing large quantities of recombinant proteins.
Functional Characterization of a n NTPase Activity of the Hepatitis C Virus Nonstructural Protein 4B
Background: Nonstructural p rotein 4 B (NS4B) i s the m asterorganizer of hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication complexformation. It is a multispanning membrane protein that has beenreported to p ossess NTPase activity. This enzymatic functionhas been poorly studied so far and its role in the HCV life cycleis u nknown. T he present w ork-in-progress a ims at validatingand functionally c haracterizing this a ctivity a nd its r ole in t heviral life cycle.Methods: B ioinformatic analyses were performed to i dentifykey residues for site-directed mutagenesis, both in t he contextof s ubgenomic r eplicons a s well as recombinant v iruses.Mutants were investigated with respect to R NA replication andinfectious particle p roduction. In p arallel, expression andpurification of recombinant wild-type and mutant NS4B proteinsare being pursued to characterize enzymatic activity in vitro.Results: B ioinformatic a nalyses revealed t hat p redictedNTPase features are conserved only in H CV NS4B b ut n ot i nNS4B from other Flaviviridae f amily m embers. A laninesubstitutions were designed to target predicted key Walker A, Band C motifs. These substitutions affected RNA replication andinfectious virus production to v arying degrees. Optimization ofrecombinant protein production is i n progress both in b acterialas well as mammalian expression systems.Conclusions: These studies should yield new insights into thefunctions of this hitherto poorly characterized viral nonstructuralprotein and may reveal novel targets for antiviral intervention inthe future.
Many research projects in life sciences require purified biologically active recombinant protein. In addition, different formats of a given protein may be needed at different steps of experimental studies. Thus, the number of protein variants to be expressed and purified in short periods of time can expand very quickly. We have therefore developed a rapid and flexible expression system based on described episomal vector replication to generate semi-stable cell pools that secrete recombinant proteins. We cultured these pools in serum-containing medium to avoid time-consuming adaptation of cells to serum-free conditions, maintain cell viability and reuse the cultures for multiple rounds of protein production. As such, an efficient single step affinity process to purify recombinant proteins from serum-containing medium was optimized. Furthermore, a series of multi-cistronic vectors were designed to enable simultaneous expression of proteins and their biotinylation in vivo as well as fast selection of protein-expressing cell pools. Combining these improved procedures and innovative steps, exemplified with seven cytokines and cytokine receptors, we were able to produce biologically active recombinant endotoxin free protein at the milligram scale in 4-6weeks from molecular cloning to protein purification.
Digital holography microscopy (DHM) is an optical microscopy technique which allows recording non-invasively the phase shift induced by living cells with nanometric sensitivity. Here, we exploit the phase signal as an indicator of dry mass (related to the protein concentration). This parameter allows monitoring the protein production rate and its evolution during the cell cycle. ©2008 COPYRIGHT SPIE
Matrix attachment regions are DNA sequences found throughout eukaryotic genomes that are believed to define boundaries interfacing heterochromatin and euchromatin domains, thereby acting as epigenetic regulators. When included in expression vectors, MARs can improve and sustain transgene expression, and a search for more potent novel elements is therefore actively pursued to further improve recombinant protein production. Here we describe the isolation of new MARs from the mouse genome using a modified in silico analysis. One of these MARs was found to be a powerful activator of transgene expression in stable transfections. Interestingly, this MAR also increased GFP and/or immunoglobulin expression from some but not all expression vectors in transient transfections. This effect was attributed to the presence or absence of elements on the vector backbone, providing an explanation for earlier discrepancies as to the ability of this class of elements to affect transgene expression under such conditions.
Matrix attachment regions (MARs) are DNA sequences that may be involved in anchoring DNA/chromatin to the nuclear matrix and they have been described in both mammalian and plant species. MARs possess a number of features that facilitate the opening and maintenance of euchromatin. When incorporated into viral or non-viral vectors MARs can increase transgene expression and limit position-effects. They have been used extensively to improve transgene expression and recombinant protein production and promising studies on the potential use of MAR elements for mammalian gene therapy have appeared. These illustrate how MARs may be used to mediate sustained or higher levels of expression of therapeutic genes and/or to reduce the viral vector multiplicity of infection required to achieve consistent expression. More recently, the discovery of potent MAR elements and the development of improved vectors for transgene delivery, notably non-viral episomal vectors, has strengthened interest in their use to mediate expression of therapeutic transgenes. This article will describe the progress made in this field, and it will discuss future directions and issues to be addressed.
Due to its small size and particular isolating barriers, the eye is an ideal target for local therapy. Recombinant protein ocular delivery requires invasive and painful repeated injections. Alternatively, a transfected tissue might be used as a local producer of transgene-encoded therapeutic protein. We have developed a nondamaging electrically mediated plasmid delivery technique (electrotransfer) targeted to the ciliary muscle, which is used as a reservoir tissue for the long-lasting expression and secretion of therapeutic proteins. High and long-lasting reporter gene expression was observed, which was restricted to the ciliary muscle. Chimeric TNF-alpha soluble receptor (hTNFR-Is) electrotransfer led to elevated protein secretion in aqueous humor and to drastic inhibition of clinical and histological inflammation scores in rats with endotoxin-induced uveitis. No hTNFR-Is was detected in the serum, demonstrating the local delivery of proteins using this method. Plasmid electrotransfer to the ciliary muscle, as performed in this study, did not induce any ocular pathology or structural damage. Local and sustained therapeutic protein production through ciliary muscle electrotransfer is a promising alternative to repeated intraocular protein administration for a large number of inflammatory, degenerative, or angiogenic diseases.
Transfection with polyethylenimine (PEI) was evaluated as a method for the generation of recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO DG44) cell lines by direct comparison with calcium phosphate-DNA coprecipitation (CaPO4) using both green fluorescent protein (GFP) and a monoclonal antibody as reporter proteins. Following transfection with a GFP expression vector, the proportion of GFP-positive cells as determined by flow cytometry was fourfold higher for the PEI transfection as compared to the CaPO4 transfection. However, the mean level of transient GFP expression for the cells with the highest level of fluorescence was twofold greater for the CaPO4 transfection. Fluorescence in situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes from pools of cells grown under selective pressure demonstrated that plasmid integration always occurred at a single site regardless of the transfection method. Importantly, the copy number of integrated plasmids was measurably higher in cells transfected with CaPO4. The efficiency of recombinant cell line recovery under selective pressure was fivefold higher following PEI transfection, but the average specific productivity of a recombinant antibody was about twofold higher for the CaPO4-derived cell lines. Nevertheless, no difference between the two transfection methods was observed in terms of the stability of protein production. These results demonstrated the feasibility of generating recombinant CHO-derived cell lines by PEI transfection. However, this method appeared inferior to CaPO4 transfection with regard to the specific productivity of the recovered cell lines.
The untargeted integration of foreign DNA into the mammalian cell genome, extensively used in gene therapy and biotechnology, remains an incompletely understood process. It is believed to be based on cellular DNA double strand break (DSB) repair machinery and to involve two major steps: i) the formation of long gene arrays (concatemers), and ii) recombination of the resulting concatemer with the genome. The main DSB repair pathways in eukaryotes include non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), homologous recombination (HR), and microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ). However, it is still not clear, which of these pathways are responsible for transgene integration. Here, we show that NHEJ is not the primary pathway used by mammalian cells in the transgene integration process, while the components of the HR pathway seem to be important for genomic integration but not concatemerization. Instead, concatemer formation appears to be mediated by a subset of the MMEJ pathway, termed synthesis-dependent MMEJ (SD-MMEJ). This mechanism also seems to be preferentially used for plasmid integration into the genome, as confirmed by the analysis of plasmid-to-genome junction sequences, which were found to display an SD-MMEJ pattern. Therefore, we propose the existence of two distinct SD-MMEJ subpathways, relying on different subsets of enzymes. One of these mechanisms appears to be responsible for concatemerization, while the other mechanism, partially dependent in HR enzymes, seems to mediate recombination with the genome. Previous studies performed by our group suggested that matrix attachment regions (MARs), which are epigenetic regulatory DNA elements that participate in the formation of chromatin boundaries and augment transcription, may mediate increased plasmid integration into the genome of CHO cells by stimulating DNA recombination. In the present work, we demonstrate that MAR-mediated plasmid integration results from the enhanced SD-MMEJ pathway. Analysis of transgene integration loci and junction DNA sequences validated the prevalent use of this pathway by the MAR elements to target plasmid DNA into gene-rich areas of the CHO genome. We propose that this finding should in the future help to engineer cells for improved recombinant protein production. In addition to investigating the process of transgene integration, we designed recombination assays to better characterize the components of the MMEJ and SD-MMEJ pathways. We also used CHO cells expressing cycle-sensitive reporter genes to demonstrate a potential role of HR proteins in the cell cycle regulation.