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In the last two decades, the third-dimension has become a focus of attention in electron microscopy to better understand the interactions within subcellular compartments. Initially, transmission electron tomography (TEM tomography) was introduced to image the cell volume in semi-thin sections (∼500nm). With the introduction of the focused ion beam scanning electron microscope, a new tool, FIB-SEM tomography, became available to image much larger volumes. During TEM tomography and FIB-SEM tomography, the resin section is exposed to a high electron/ion dose such that the stability of the resin embedded biological sample becomes an important issue. The shrinkage of a resin section in each dimension, especially in depth, is a well-known phenomenon. To ensure the dimensional integrity of the final volume of the cell, it is important to assess the properties of the different resins and determine the formulation which has the best stability in the electron/ion beam. Here, eight different resin formulations were examined. The effects of radiation damage were evaluated after different times of TEM irradiation. To get additional information on mass-loss and the physical properties of the resins (stiffness and adhesion), the topography of the irradiated areas was analysed with atomic force microscopy (AFM). Further, the behaviour of the resins was analysed after ion milling of the surface of the sample with different ion currents. In conclusion, two resin formulations, Hard Plus and the mixture of Durcupan/Epon, emerged that were considerably less affected and reasonably stable in the electron/ion beam and thus suitable for the 3-D investigation of biological samples.


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OBJECTIVE: We examined the correlation between clinical wear rates of restorative materials and enamel (TRAC Research Foundation, Provo, USA) and the results of six laboratory test methods (ACTA, Alabama (generalized, localized), Ivoclar (vertical, volumetric), Munich, OHSU (abrasion, attrition), Zurich). METHODS: Individual clinical wear data were available from clinical trials that were conducted by TRAC Research Foundation (formerly CRA) together with general practitioners. For each of the n=28 materials (21 composite resins for intra-coronal restorations [20 direct and 1 indirect], 5 resin materials for crowns, 1 amalgam, enamel) a minimum of 30 restorations had been placed in posterior teeth, mainly molars. The recall intervals were up to 5 years with the majority of materials (n=27) being monitored, however, only for up to 2 years. For the laboratory data, the databases MEDLINE and IADR abstracts were searched for wear data on materials which were also clinically tested by TRAC Research Foundation. Only those data for which the same test parameters (e.g. number of cycles, loading force, type of antagonist) had been published were included in the study. A different quantity of data was available for each laboratory method: Ivoclar (n=22), Zurich (n=20), Alabama (n=17), OHSU and ACTA (n=12), Munich (n=7). The clinical results were summed up in an index and a linear mixed model was fitted to the log wear measurements including the following factors: material, time (0.5, 1, 2 and 3 years), tooth (premolar/molar) and gender (male/female) as fixed effects, and patient as random effect. Relative ranks were created for each material and method; the same was performed with the clinical results. RESULTS: The mean age of the subjects was 40 (±12) years. The materials had been mostly applied in molars (81%) and 95% of the intracoronal restorations were Class II restorations. The mean number of individual wear data per material was 25 (range 14-42). The mean coefficient of variation of clinical wear data was 53%. The only significant correlation was reached by OHSU (abrasion) with a Spearman r of 0.86 (p=0.001). Zurich, ACTA, Alabama generalized wear and Ivoclar (volume) had correlation coefficients between 0.3 and 0.4. For Zurich, Alabama generalized wear and Munich, the correlation coefficient improved if only composites for direct use were taken into consideration. The combination of different laboratory methods did not significantly improve the correlation. SIGNIFICANCE: The clinical wear of composite resins is mainly dependent on differences between patients and less on the differences between materials. Laboratory methods to test conventional resins for wear are therefore less important, especially since most of them do not reflect the clinical wear.


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Background: Acrylates and methacrylates (salts and esters of acrylic and metacrylic acid respectively), are monomers commonly found in polymer plastics, resins and glues, and are widely used in many industry sectors. The first adverse health effects described were skin reactions and asthma. Exposure to acrylates, for instance when using multicomponent glues, is now a well known cause of occupational asthma. Methods: We report the case of a rhinitis - and possible asthma - to acrylates, in a 38-year-old woman, working in a nail beauty salon. She was currently treated for hypertension, and otherwise known for obesity and seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis, but did not have any respiratory problem. Two years after starting this activity, she progressively started to complain of anosmia, rhinitis, and intermittent dyspnea. Her job consisted in decorating nails with a mixture of a polymer powder and a liquid monomer, after removing the previous artificial nail with a small sander. We assessed exposure to acrylates at her working place, both as dust (from sanded nails) and volatile compound (from the mixture described above), and she was asked to measure her peak flow values twice a day for ten days, in order to detect a possible relationship between her occupational activities, the symptoms and the peak flow values. Results: Measures made during the visit of the patient's place of work showed that the existing aspiration system was efficient for eliminating the dust produced by nail sanding, but not for eliminating the volatile components. Thus, occupational exposure to acrylates was demonstrated. Moreover, the peak flow measures showed an average decrease of almost 10 percent when the patient was at work, compared to when she stayed home. We concluded that she actually suffered from professional rhinitis and, possibly, professional asthma (not certain because of the limited number of peak flow measures per day). Conclusion: Although exposure to acrylates is a well known cause of occupational asthma, it should be emphasized that the exact mechanisms of action remain unknown, despite the abundant literature about it. Some professions, which tend to be more frequent nowadays (such as working in a nail beauty salon), can expose the worker to particular risks. This highlights the need of always inquiring not only about the profession, but also the related activities, when facing a case of suspected asthma.


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RESUME L'architecture nucléaire ainsi que l'ultrastructure des microtubules ont été abondamment étudiées par des méthodes cytochimiques utilisant des échantillons fixés chimiquement, enrobés dans des résines ou fixés à basse température. Les échantillons fixés à basse température pouvant aussi avoir été substitués, déshydratés et enrobés dans des résines pour la plupart hydrophiles. Ici, nous avons étendu ces études en utilisant la microscopie électronique effectuée sur des sections hydratées (CEMOVIS) permettant d'observer les échantillons dans un état le plus proche de leur état natif. De plus, nous avons effectué de la tomographie électronique sur des sections hydratées (TOVIS) afin d'obtenir une vision tridimensionnelle de : 1) la périphérie du noyau et de la région périchromatinienne et 2) de la lumière des microtubules. Concernant l'architecture nucléaire Nos observations montrent que le nucléole et la chromatine condensée sont facilement visualisés grâce à la texture spécifique qu'ils arborent. Au contraire, la visualisation de domaines nucléaires importants et spécialement ceux qui contiennent des ribonucléoprotéines, est rendue difficile, à cause du faible contraste qui caractérise l'espace interchromatinien. Ceci est essentiellement dû à la quantité d'information présente dans le volume de la section qui semble être superposée, lorsque observée sur des micrographies en deux dimensions. La tomographie nous a permis de mieux visualiser les différentes régions du noyau. Les mottes de chromatine condensée sont décorées à leur périphérie (région périchromatinienne), par nombre de fibrilles et granules. Des tunnels d'espace interchromatinien sont occasionnellement observés en train de traverser des régions de chromatine condensée favorisant l'accès aux pores nucléaires. Enfin, nous avons pu, au niveau d'un pore unique, observer la plupart des structures caractéristiques du complexe de pore nucléaire. Concernant l'ultrastructure des microtubules: Nous avons démontré que la polarité d'un microtubule observé in situ en section transversale, par CEMOVIS, est directement déduite de l'observation de la chiralité de ses protofilaments. Cette chiralité, a été établie précédemment comme étant liée à la morphologie des sous unités de tubuline. La tomographie électronique effectuée sur des sections hydratées, nous a permis d'observer les microtubules dans leur contexte cellulaire avec une résolution suffisante pour visualiser des détails moléculaires, comme les monomères de tubuline. Ainsi, des molécules n'ayant pas encore été caractérisées, ont été observées dans la lumière des microtubules. Ces observations ont été effectuées autant sur des cellules observées en coupe par CEMOVIS que sur des cellules congelées dans leur totalité par immersion dans un bain d'éthane liquide. Enfin, nous avons montré que les microtubules étaient aussi de formidables objets, permettant une meilleure compréhension des artéfacts de coupe occasionnés lors de la préparation des échantillons par CEMOVIS. Les buts des études qui seront menées â la suite de ce travail seront de 1) essayer de localiser des domaines nucléaires spécifiques par des approches cytochimiques avant la congélation des cellules. 2) Appliquer des méthodes de moyennage afin d'obtenir un modèle tridimensionnel de la structure du complexe de pore nucléaire dans son contexte cellulaire. 3) Utiliser des approches biochimiques afin de déterminer la nature exacte des particules qui se trouvent dans la lumière des microtubules. ABSTRACT Nuclear architecture as well as microtubule ultrastructure have been extensively investigated by means of different methods of ultrastructural cytochemistry using chemically fixed and resin embedded samples or following cryofixation, cryosubstitution and embedding into various, especially partially hydrophilic resins. Here, we extend these studies using cryoelectron microscopy of vitreous sections (CEMOVIS) which allows one to observe the specimen as close as possible to its native state. Furthermore, we applied cryoelectron tomography of vitreous sections (TOVIS) in order to obtain athree-dimensional view of: 1) the nuclear periphery, and of the perichromatin region, and 2) the microtubule lumen. Concerning the nuclear architecture: Our observations show that nucleoli and condensed chromatin are well recognisable due to their specific texture. Conversely, the visualisation of other important nuclear domains, especially those containing ribonucleoproteins, is seriously hampered by a generally low contrast of the interchromatin region. This is mainly due to the plethora of information superposed in the volume of the section observed on two-dimensional micrographs. Cryoelectron tomography allowed us to better visualise nuclear regions. Condensed chromatin clumps are decorated on their periphery, the perichromatin region, by numerous fibrils and granules. Tunnels of interchromatin space can occasionally be found as crossing condensed chromatin regions, thus, allowing the access to nuclear pores. Finally, we were able to use TOVIS to directly distinguish most of the nuclear pore complex structures, at the level of a single pore. Concerning the microtubule ultrastructure: We have demonstrated that the polarity of across-sectioned microtubule observed in situ by CEMOVIS wás directly deducible from the visualisation of the tubulin protofiíaments' chirality. This chirality has been established before as related to the shape. of the tubulin subunits. Cryoelectron tomography allowed us to observe microtubules in their cellular context at a resolution sufficient to resolve molecular details such as their tubulin monomers. In this way, uncharacterized molecules were visualised in the microtubule lumen. These observations were made either on samples prepared by CEMOVIS or plunge freezing of whole cells. Finally, we have shown that microtubules are also relevant objects for the understanding of cutting artefacts, when performing CEMOVIS. The goals of our further studies will be to: 1) try to speciifically target different nuclear domains by cytochemical approaches in situ, prior to cryofixation. 2) Apply averaging methods in order to obtain a three-dimensional model of the nuclear pore complex at work, in its cellular context. 3) Use biochemical analysis combined in a second time to immunocytochemical approaches, to determine the exact nature of the microtubule's luminal particles.


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The neuronal monocarboxylate transporter, MCT2, is not only an energy substrate carrier but it is also purported to be a binding partner for the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor GluR2 subunit. To unravel a putative role of MCT2 in the regulation of GluR2 subcellular distribution, Neuro2A cells and primary cultures of mouse cortical neurons were co-transfected with plasmids containing sequences to express the fluorescent proteins mStrawberry (mStb)-fused MCT2 and Venus-fused GluR2. Subsequently, their subcellular distribution was visualized by fluorescence microscopy. GluR2 was led to form perinuclear and dendritic clusters together with MCT2 when co-transfected in Neuro2A cells or in neurons, following the original distribution of MCT2. MCT2 co-transfection had no effect on the intracellular distribution of several other post-synaptic proteins, although it partially affected the intracellular distribution of GluR1 similarly to GluR2. Both cell surface and total protein expression levels of GluR2 were significantly reduced by co-expression with MCT2. Finally, partial perinuclear and dendritic co-localization between MCT2 and Rab8, a member of the small GTPase family involved in membrane trafficking of AMPA receptors, was also observed in co-transfected neurons. These results suggest that MCT2 could influence AMPA receptor trafficking within neurons by modulating GluR2 sorting between different subcellular compartments.


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OBJECTIVES: To carry out a meta-analysis in order to assess the influencing factors on retention loss and marginal discoloration of cervical restorations made of composites and glass ionomer (derivates). METHODS: The literature was searched for prospective clinical studies on cervical restorations with an observation period of at least 18 months. RESULTS: Fifty clinical studies involving 40 adhesive systems matched the inclusion criteria. On average, 10% of the cervical fillings were lost and 24% exhibited marginal discoloration after 3 years. The variability ranged from 0% to 50% for retention loss and from 0% to 74% for marginal discoloration. Hardly any secondary caries was detected. When linear mixed models with a study and experiment effect were used, the analysis revealed that the adhesive/restorative class had the most significant influence, with 2-step self-etching adhesive systems performing best and 1-step self-etching adhesive systems performing worst; 3-step etch-and-rinse systems, glass ionomers/resin-modified glass ionomers, 2-step etch-and-rinse systems and polyacid-modified resin composites were ranked in between. Restorations placed in teeth whose dentin/enamel had been prepared/roughened showed a statistically significant higher retention rate than those placed in teeth with unprepared dentin (p<0.05). Beveling of the enamel and the type of isolation used (rubberdam/cotton rolls) had no significant influence. SIGNIFICANCE: The clinical performance of cervical restorations is significantly influenced by the type of adhesive system used and/or the adhesive class to which the system belonged and whether the dentin/enamel is prepared or not. 2-Step self-etching- and 3-step etch&rinse systems shall be chosen over 1-step self-etching systems and glass ionomer derivates. The dentin (and enamel) surface shall be roughened before placement of the restoration.


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PURPOSE: To analyze outcomes after right portal vein embolization extended to segment IV (right PVE + IV) before extended right hepatectomy, including liver hypertrophy, resection rates, and complications after embolization and resection, and to assess differences in outcomes with two different particulate embolic agents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1998 and 2004, transhepatic ipsilateral right PVE + IV with particles and coils was performed in 44 patients with malignant hepatobiliary disease, including metastases (n = 24), biliary cancer (n = 14), and hepatocellular carcinoma (n = 6). Right PVE + IV was considered if the future liver remnant (FLR; segments II/III with or without I) was less than 25% of the total estimated liver volume (TELV). Tris-acryl microspheres (100-700 microm; n = 21) or polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) particles (355-1,000 microm; n = 23) were administered in a stepwise fashion. Smaller particles were used to occlude distal branches, followed by larger particles to occlude proximal branches until near-complete stasis. Coils were then placed in secondary portal branches. Computed tomographic volumetry was performed before and 3-4 weeks after right PVE + IV to assess FLR hypertrophy. Liver volumes and postembolization and postoperative outcomes were measured. RESULTS: After right PVE + IV with PVA particles, FLR volume increased 45.5% +/- 40.9% and FLR/TELV ratio increased 6.9% +/- 5.6%. After right PVE + IV with tris-acryl microspheres, FLR volume increased 69.0% +/- 30.7% and FLR/TELV ratio increased 9.7% +/- 3.3%. Differences in FLR volume (P = .0011), FLR/TELV ratio (P = .027), and resection rates (P = .02) were statistically significant. Seventy-one percent of patients underwent extended right hepatectomy (86% after receiving tris-acryl microspheres, 57% after receiving PVA). Thirteen patients (29%) did not undergo resection (extrahepatic spread [n = 9], inadequate hypertrophy [n = 3], other reasons [n = 1]). No patient developed postembolization syndrome or progressive liver insufficiency after embolization or resection. One death after resection occurred as a result of sepsis and hemorrhage. Median hospital stays were 1 day after right PVE + IV and 7 days after resection. CONCLUSION: Transhepatic ipsilateral right PVE + IV with use of particles and coils is a safe, effective method for inducing contralateral hypertrophy before extended right hepatectomy. Embolization with small spherical particles provides improved hypertrophy and resection rates compared with larger, nonspherical particles.


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OBJECTIVES: (1) To evaluate the changes in surface roughness and gloss after simulated toothbrushing of 9 composite materials and 2 ceramic materials in relation to brushing time and load in vitro; (2) to assess the relationship between surface gloss and surface roughness. METHODS: Eight flat specimens of composite materials (microfilled: Adoro, Filtek Supreme, Heliomolar; microhybrid: Four Seasons, Tetric EvoCeram; hybrid: Compoglass F, Targis, Tetric Ceram; macrohybrid: Grandio), two ceramic materials (IPS d.SIGN and IPS Empress polished) were fabricated according to the manufacturer's instructions and optimally polished with up to 4000 grit SiC. The specimens were subjected to a toothbrushing (TB) simulation device (Willytec) with rotating movements, toothpaste slurry and at three different loads (100g/250g/350g). At hourly intervals from 1h to 10h TB, mean surface roughness Ra was measured with an optical sensor and the surface gloss (Gl) with a glossmeter. Statistical analysis was performed for log-transformed Ra data applying two-way ANOVA to evaluate the interaction between load and material and load and brushing time. RESULTS: There was a significant interaction between material and load as well as between load and brushing time (p<0.0001). The microhybrid and hybrid materials demonstrated more surface deterioration with higher loads, whereas with the microfilled resins Heliomolar and Adoro it was vice versa. For ceramic materials, no or little deterioration was observed over time and independent of the load. The ceramic materials and 3 of the composite materials (roughness) showed no further deterioration after 5h of toothbrushing. Mean surface gloss was the parameter which discriminated best between the materials, followed by mean surface roughness Ra. There was a strong correlation between surface gloss and surface roughness for all the materials except the ceramics. The evaluation of the deterioration curves of individual specimens revealed a more or less synchronous course suspecting hinting specific external conditions and not showing the true variability in relation to the tested material. SIGNIFICANCE: The surface roughness and gloss of dental materials changes with brushing time and load and thus results in different material rankings. Apart from Grandio, the hybrid composite resins were more prone to surface changes than microfilled composites. The deterioration potential of a composite material can be quickly assessed by measuring surface gloss. For this purpose, a brushing time of 10h (=72,000 strokes) is needed. In further comparative studies, specimens of different materials should be tested in one series to estimate the true variability.


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Bacteria are generally difficult specimens to prepare for conventional resin section electron microscopy and mycobacteria, with their thick and complex cell envelope layers being especially prone to artefacts. Here we made a systematic comparison of different methods for preparing Mycobacterium smegmatis for thin section electron microscopy analysis. These methods were: (1) conventional preparation by fixatives and epoxy resins at ambient temperature. (2) Tokuyasu cryo-section of chemically fixed bacteria. (3) rapid freezing followed by freeze substitution and embedding in epoxy resin at room temperature or (4) combined with Lowicryl HM20 embedding and ultraviolet (UV) polymerization at low temperature and (5) CEMOVIS, or cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections. The best preservation of bacteria was obtained with the cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections method, as expected, especially with respect to the preservation of the cell envelope and lipid bodies. By comparison with cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections both the conventional and Tokuyasu methods produced different, undesirable artefacts. The two different types of freeze-substitution protocols showed variable preservation of the cell envelope but gave acceptable preservation of the cytoplasm, but not lipid bodies, and bacterial DNA. In conclusion although cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections must be considered the 'gold standard' among sectioning methods for electron microscopy, because it avoids solvents and stains, the use of optimally prepared freeze substitution also offers some advantages for ultrastructural analysis of bacteria.


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Measurements and simulations were performed to assess workers' exposure to solvent vapors and aerosols during the waterproofing of a tiled surface. This investigation followed two recent incidents in the same company where workers experienced acute respiratory illness after spraying a stain-repellent resin containing fluorinated polymers on stone-tiled walls and floors. Because the waterproofing activity had been done for years at the tile company without encountering any exposure problems prior to these cases, it was strongly suspected that the incidents were linked to a recent change in the composition of the coating mixture. Experimental measurements and simulations indicated that the emission rate of particles smaller than 10 microm may be estimated at 0.66 mg/sec (SD 0.10) for the old resin and at 0.37 mg/sec (SD 0.04) for the new one. The measurement of the solvent emission rate from surfaces coated with the two resins indicated that shortly after spraying, the emission was in the range of 18 to 20 mg/sec x m2 and was similar for both products. Solvent and overspray emission rates were introduced in a two-zone compartment model. The results obtained in the near-field indicate significant exposure to overspray mist (7 and 34 mg/m3 for new resin) and solvent vapors (80 to 350 ppm for the new resin). It was also shown that the introduction of the new resin tended to significantly decrease the levels of solvents and particulates in the workers' breathing zone. These results strongly suggest that cases of acute respiratory illness are related to the specific toxicity of the fluorinated polymer itself. The fact that the same polymer is used in various commercial products raises concern regarding other possible occupational and domestic exposures.


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A radiochemical procedure was developed for the sequential determination of Pu and Am radioisotopes in environmental samples. The radioisotope activities were then used to assess the origin and release date of the environmental plutonium. The radioanalytical procedure is based on the separation of Pu and Am on selective extraction chromatographic resins (Eichrom TEVA and DGA). Alpha sources were prepared by electrodeposition on stainless steel discs, and the alpha emitting radionuclides (238Pu, 239,240Pu and 241Am) were measured by alpha spectrometry. For the determination of the beta emitting 241Pu, the Pu alpha source was leached in hot concentrated nitric acid and the Pu fraction further purified by extraction chromatography on a small column of TEVA resin (100 μg of resin in a pipette tip). 241Pu is then measured by ultra low level liquid scintillation counting. Due to the lack of reference material for 241Pu, the proposed radiochemical method was nevertheless validated using four IAEA reference sediments with information values of 241Pu. The proposed method was then used to determine the 238Pu, 239,240Pu, 241Pu and 241Am activity concentrations in alpine soils of France and Switzerland. The soil is the primary receptor of the atmospheric radioactive fallout and, because of the strong binding interaction with soils particles, the isotopes are little fractionated. Therefore, the activity ratios 241Pu/239+240Pu and 238Pu/239,240Pu in soil samples were used to determine the origin (source) and date of the Pu contamination in the investigated alpine sites. The 241Pu/239,240Pu and 238Pu/239,240Pu activity ratios confirmed that the main origin of Pu in the alpine soils was the global fallout from the nuclear bomb tests (NBT) in the fifties and sixties. Furthermore, the 241Pu/241Am activity ratios were used to determine the age of the Pu contamination, which is also an important data for distinguishing the Pu sources. The estimation of the date of the contamination, by the 241Pu/241Am age-dating method, further confirmed the NBT as the Pu source. However, the 241Pu/241Am dating method was limited to samples where Pu-Am fractionation was insignificant. If any, the contribution of the Chernobyl accident in the studied sites is negligible.


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The evaluation of radioactivity accidentally released into the atmosphere involves determining the radioactivity levels of rainwater samples. Rainwater scavenges atmospheric airborne radioactivity in such a way that surface contamination can be deduced from rainfall rate and rainwater radioactivity content. For this purpose, rainwater is usually collected in large surface collectors and then measured by gamma-spectrometry after such treatments as evaporation or iron hydroxide precipitation. We found that collectors can be adapted to accept large surface (diameter 47mm) cartridges containing a strongly acidic resin (Dowex AG 88) which is able to quantitatively extract radioactivity from rainwater, even during heavy rainfall. The resin can then be measured by gamma-spectrometry. The detection limit is 0.1Bq per sample of resin (80g) for (137)Cs. Natural (7)Be and (210)Pb can also be measured and the activity ratio of both radionuclides is comparable with those obtained through iron hydroxide precipitation and air filter measurements. Occasionally (22)Na has also been measured above the detection limit. A comparison between the evaporation method and the resin method demonstrated that 2/3 of (7)Be can be lost during the evaporation process. The resin method is simple and highly efficient at extracting radioactivity. Because of these great advantages, we anticipate it could replace former rainwater determination methods. Moreover, it does not necessitate the transportation of large rainwater volumes to the laboratory.


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Plutonium and americium are radionuclides particularly difficult to measure in environmental samples because they are alpha-emitters and therefore necessitate a careful separation before any measurement, either using radiometric methods or ICP-SMS. Recent developments in extraction chromatography resins such as Eichrom (R) TRU and TEVA have resolved many of the analytical problems but drawbacks such as low recovery and spectral interferences still occasionally occur. Here, we report on the use of the new Eichrom (R) DGA resin in association with TEVA resin and high pressure microwave acid leaching for the sequential determination of plutonium and americium in environmental samples. The method results in average recoveries of 83 +/- 15% for plutonium and 73 +/- 22% for americium (n = 60), and a less than 10% deviation from reference values of four IAEA reference materials and three samples from intercomparisons exercises. The method is also suitable for measuring Pu-239 in water samples at the mu Bq/l level, if ICP-SMS is used for the measurement.


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Social life is generally associated with an increased exposure to pathogens and parasites, due to factors such as high population density, frequent physical contact and the use of perennial nest sites. However, sociality also permits the evolution of new collective behavioural defences. Wood ants, Formica paralugubris, commonly bring back pieces of solidified coniferous resin to their nest. Many birds and a few mammals also incorporate green plant material into their nests. Collecting plant material rich in volatile compounds might be an efficient way to fight bacteria and fungi. However, no study has demonstrated that this behaviour has a positive effect on survival. Here, we provide the first experimental evidence that animals using plant compounds with antibacterial and antifungal properties survive better when exposed to detrimental micro-organisms. The presence of resin strongly improves the survival of F. paralugubris adults and larvae exposed to the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens, and the survival of larvae exposed to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. These results show that wood ants capitalize on the chemical defences which have evolved in plants to collectively protect themselves against pathogens.