61 resultados para Miniature painting, Iranian


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This article analyses how Radha was depicted in miniature paintings between the 16th and 19th century in North India. Interrogating the link between text and image, contrasting poetry, style and historical settings with the visual representations of this central figure, my reflections focus on the changing nature of Radha. Through various examples from miniature paintings of different periods and schools, this article analyses the way the rich personality of Radha was transposed into images. In order to stress the changes brought to this female figure, I compare her to Krishna, the masculine figure who is always at her side. The main goal of the article is to show the normative power of images on the figure of Radha, with normativity being understood as the simplification, iconisation, aestheticisation and stereotypification of a figure with polysemous references.


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There are many paths to reach Rome, immense field open to the eye through the centuries and days, where the presence of the story is haunting. All the artists came to Rome: Italians of various Italian and also French, Dutch, Flemish, Spanish, English and Americans. These painters whose works tell its long history for having lived in the glare of light forever are the Roman pantheon of arts: what are all the anonymous authors of the frescoes of ancient Rome and medieval, but Fabriano, Cimabue , Giotto, Botticelli, Raphael, Giulio Romano, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Guido Reni, Guercino, Titian, Vasari, Velasquez, Le Nain, Poussin, Zuccari, Van Wittel, Eckersberg, Giraudet, David, Panini, Hubert Robert, Reynolds, Fuseli, Ingres, Sargent, Caffi, Vernet, Turner, Corot, Caffi, De Chirico, etc..


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An active, solvent-free solid sampler was developed for the collection of 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) aerosol and prepolymers. The sampler was made of a filter impregnated with 1-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine contained in a filter holder. Interferences with HDI were observed when a set of cellulose acetate filters and a polystyrene filter holder were used; a glass fiber filter and polypropylene filter cassette gave better results. The applicability of the sampling and analytical procedure was validated with a test chamber, constructed for the dynamic generation of HDI aerosol and prepolymers in commercial two-component spray paints (Desmodur(R) N75) used in car refinishing. The particle size distribution, temporal stability, and spatial uniformity of the simulated aerosol were established in order to test the sample. The monitoring of aerosol concentrations was conducted with the solid sampler paired to the reference impinger technique (impinger flasks contained 10 mL of 0.5 mg/mL 1-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine in toluene) under a controlled atmosphere in the test chamber. Analyses of derivatized HDI and prepolymers were carried out by using high-performance liquid chromatography and ultraviolet detection. The correlation between the solvent-free and the impinger techniques appeared fairly good (Y = 0.979X - 0.161; R = 0.978), when the tests were conducted in the range of 0.1 to 10 times the threshold limit value (TLV) for HDI monomer and up to 60-mu-g/m3 (3 U.K. TLVs) for total -N = C = O groups.


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Miniature is an extracellular zona pellucida domain-containing protein, required for flattening of pupal wing epithelia in Drosophila. Here, we show that Miniature also plays an important role in the post-eclosion wing maturation processes triggered by the neurohormone bursicon. Wing expansion and epithelial apoptosis are drastically delayed in miniature loss-of-function mutants, and sped up upon overexpression of the protein in wings. Miniature acts upstream from the heterotrimeric Gs protein transducing the bursicon signal in wing epithelia. We propose that Miniature interacts with bursicon and regulates its diffusion through or stability within the wing tissue.


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Foreland sedimentary rocks from the northern Fars region of Iran contain a record of deformation associated with the Cenozoic collision between Arabia and Eurasia that resulted in formation of the Zagros orogen. The timing of the deformation associated with this event is poorly known. To address this we conducted a study of Miocene foreland sedimentary rocks (19.7-14.8 Ma) of the Chahar-Makan syncline using clast composition, clay mineralogy and low-temperature fission-track dating. The results showed that most of the sedimentary rocks were sourced from ophiolitic rocks. Detrital apatite fission-track (AFT) age signatures of Miocene sedimentary rocks record exhumation in the hanging wall of the Main Zagros Thrust and confirm that the change from underthrusting of the stretched Arabian margin to widespread crustal thickening and deformation in the Zagros region is no younger than 19.7 Ma. A transition from Late Oligocene to Mesozoic-Eocene AFT detrital age signatures between 19.7-16.6 Ma and 16.6-13.8 Ma is interpreted to reflect a possible rearrangement of palaeodrainage distribution that resulted from folding and expansion-uplift of the Zagros-Iranian Plateau region.


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Miniature diffusion size classifiers (miniDiSC) are novel handheld devices to measure ultrafine particles (UFP). UFP have been linked to the development of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases; thus, detection and quantification of these particles are important for evaluating their potential health hazards. As part of the UFP exposure assessments of highwaymaintenance workers in western Switzerland, we compared a miniDiSC with a portable condensation particle counter (P-TRAK). In addition, we performed stationary measurements with a miniDiSC and a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) at a site immediately adjacent to a highway. Measurements with miniDiSC and P-TRAK correlated well (correlation of r = 0.84) but average particle numbers of the miniDiSC were 30%âeuro"60% higher. This difference was significantly increased for mean particle diameters below 40 nm. The correlation between theminiDiSC and the SMPSduring stationary measurements was very high (r = 0.98) although particle numbers from the miniDiSC were 30% lower. Differences between the three devices were attributed to the different cutoff diameters for detection. Correction for this size dependent effect led to very similar results across all counters.We did not observe any significant influence of other particle characteristics. Our results suggest that the miniDiSC provides accurate particle number concentrations and geometric mean diameters at traffic-influenced sites, making it a useful tool for personal exposure assessment in such settings.


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Rapport de synthèse : Le glaucome à angle ouvert est une neuropathie optique chronique progressive pour laquelle de nombreux traitements tant médicaux que chirurgicaux ont été proposés. La prise en charge chirurgicale s'articule principalement autour de deux chirurgies filtrantes, la trabéculectomie et la sclérectomie profonde avec implant de collagène. Cependant, les complications postopératoires de ces deux interventions étant relativement fréquentes, la recherche s'est orientée vers des traitements alternatifs dont la mise en place de micro-drains. Ces implants de drainage diminuent la pression intraoculaire en créant un court-circuit du flux d'humeur aqueuse de la chambre antérieure vers l'espace sous-conjonctival avec formation d'une bulle de filtration. L'implant Ex-PRESS R-50 est un implant miniature (2.5 mm de long pour 400 µm de diamètre) en acier inoxydable et biocompatible. La présente étude s'est proposée d'étudier l'efficacité et la sécurité de l'implant miniature Ex-Press R-50 lors d'une opération combinée cataracte-glaucome. Trente-cinq yeux de 35 patients (âge moyen: 75 ans) ont été inclus dans l'étude. Tous les patients ont bénéficié d'une opération de la cataracte par phacoemulsification et mise en place d'un implant de chambre postérieure suivie de l'implantation du micro-drain. Les pressions intraoculaires préopératoires et postopératoires, la meilleure acuité visuelle corrigée, le nombre de médicaments anti-glaucomateux ainsi que le type et le nombre de complications ont été évalués mensuellement puis tous les 6 mois pendant 4 ans. Le succès total a été défini par une pression postopératoire finale inférieure à 18mmHg sans traitement médical associé, le succès partiel par une pression postopératoire finale inférieure à 18mmHg avec ou sans traitement médical associé.. Le suivi moyen a été de 36.9 mois avec une baisse de la pression intraoculaire significative d'environ 25%. Une augmentation de l'acuité visuelle a été observée après l'opération de la cataracte et le nombre de médicaments anti-glaucomateux a été réduit de 57%. Dix patients ont bénéficié d'un traitement supplémentaire de la bulle de filtration par injection d'anti-métabolite (mitomycine C). Nous avons observé 8 complications majeures (4 érosions conjonctivales et 4 obstructions de l'orifice interne du micro-drain), toutes suivies de l'ablation de l'implant et de la réalisation d'une chirurgie classique du glaucome. En se basant sur les courbes de Kaplan-Meier à 48 mois, le taux de succès total était de 32.7% et le succès partiel de 53.7%. Nous pouvons conclure suite à ce travail que l'implant miniature Ex-PRESS R-50 est associé à un nombre trop élevé de complications, même si les cas non compliqués ont bénéficié d'une baisse significative de la pression intraoculaire. La modification de l'architecture du micro-drain ainsi que de la technique chirurgicale devrait augmenter le taux de succès.


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Wood mice of the genus Apodemus are widely distributed in Eurasia, with the Eastern Mediterranean being considered as a hotspot. Indeed, numerous species have been documented in Iran, including A. witherbyi, A. hyrcanicus, A. uralensis, A. avicennicus, A. hermonensis, and A. arianus. In this study, 129 specimens were collected from different Iranian localities and two specimens from Afghanistan. The animals were identified taxonomically and their phylogenetic relationships were investigated using cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA sequences. Five species of the genus Apodemus were identified in Iran, including A. hyrcanicus, A. witherbyi, A. cf. ponticus, A. uralensis, and A. mystacinus, beside, A. pallipes from Afghanistan. This study found no evidence of A. flavicollis or A. sylvaticus in Iran, despite their occurrence in Turkey, shedding doubt on the status of A. flavicollis in Iran, Asia Minor, and the Levant. Phylogenetic analyses imply that A. witherbyi has priority over A. avicennicus, A. hermonensis, and A. iconicus. Estimation of the divergence time for these taxa suggests a separation at around 7.2 Ma for the subgenera Karstomys (including A. mystacinus and A. epimelas) and Sylvaemus (including A. flavicollis, A. sylvaticus, A. uralensis, A. pallipes, A. hyrcanicus, A. witherbyi, and A. cf. ponticus). Within the subgenus Karstomys, the divergence times for A. mystacinus and A. epimelas were between 3.0 and 6.1 Ma, and divergence times within the subgenus Sylvaemus were between 5.2 and 6.9 Ma for A. witherbyi and other species in this subgenus. It is postulated that vicariance events including the uplifting of the Zagros Mountains and Anatolian Plateau in the middle Miocene and climate oscillations during the Messinian Salinity Crisis besides formation of the Hyrcanian tertiary forests during the Neogene probably played substantial roles in the radiation and distribution of the genus Apodemus in the Eastern Mediterranean.