16 resultados para Microtus oeconomus


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Previous studies addressing the importance of host gender in parasite transmission have shed light on males as the more important hosts, with the higher transmission potential of males being explained by the fact that they often harbour higher parasite loads than females. However, in some systems females are more heavily infected than males and may be responsible for driving infection under such circumstances. Using a wild population of common voles (Microtus arvalis), we showed that females were more frequently infected by the intestinal nematode Trichuris arvicolae than males (i.e. prevalence based on the presence of eggs in the faeces) and that females were shedding greater numbers of parasite eggs per gram of faeces (EPG) than males. By applying an anthelmintic treatment to either male or female voles, we demonstrated that treating females significantly reduced parasite burdens (i.e. prevalence and EPG) of both male and female hosts, while treating males only reduced parasite burden in males. These findings indicate that in this female-biased infection system females play a more important role than males in driving the dynamics of parasite transmission.


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Secondary contact zones have the potential to shed light on the mode and rate at which reproductive isolation accumulates during allopatric speciation. We investigated the population genetics of a contact zone between two highly divergent lineages of field voles (Microtus agrestis) in the Swiss Jura mountains. To shed light on the processes underlying introgression, we used maternally, paternally, and bi-parentally inherited markers. Though the two lineages maintained a strong genetic structure, we found some hybrids and evidence of gene flow. The extent of introgression varied with the mode of inheritance, being highest for mtDNA and absent for the Y chromosome. In addition, introgression was asymmetric, occurring only from the Northern to the Southern lineage. Both patterns seem parsimoniously explained by neutral processes linked to differences in effective sizes and sex-biased dispersal rates. The lineage with lower effective population size was also the more introgressed, and the mode-of-inheritance effect correlated with the male-biased dispersal rate of microtine rodents. We cannot exclude, however, that Haldane's effect contributed to the latter, as we found a marginally significant deficit in males (the heterogametic sex) among hybrids. We propose a possible demographic scenario to account for the patterns documented, and empirical extensions to further investigate this contact zone.


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Investment of resources in immune defences, despite obvious short-term benefits, may be detrimental to long-term maintenance and thus decrease longevity in absence of parasites. In addition, females and males may differ in immune investment and intrinsic longevity because they are subjected to different degrees of sexual competition and extrinsic mortality. In order to test if sex-specific investment in mounting an immune response reduced longevity, we compared the longevity of captive male and female common voles Microtus arvalis regularly challenged with keyhole limpet haemocyanin, an antigen which elicits the production of antibodies, to the longevity of voles injected with the corresponding antigen-free buffer (phosphate-buffered saline). Injections were repeated every 28 days to mimic a chronic infection. The magnitude of immune response did not vary between males and females and did not affect longevity. Overall, females lived longer than males, independently of the immune challenge. Thus, the long-term costs of immunity seem small in voles. The longevity pattern is consistent with the prediction that male-biased predation or parasitism in the wild causes reduced intrinsic lifespan, but this reduction is not mediated by a decrease in male immunity


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Résumé : Les relations entre un parasite et son hôte sont avant tout marquées par le coût pour l'hôte que représente la ponction de ressources au profit du parasite et ses conséquences sur les traits d'histoires de vie de l'hôte. Pour contenir la réduction de leur valeur reproductive, les hôtes ont acquis au cours de l'évolution des mécanismes soit de lutte contre les parasites, soit de réallocations des ressources. Curieusement les effets des ectoparasites sur la biologie de mammifères ont été peu étudiés. Dans une première expérience à long terme, nous avons examiné sous un angle intégratif si les puces Nosopsyllus fasciatus affectent certains paramètres physiologiques des campagnols des champs Microtus arvalis. Nous avons également testé si les puces peuvent réduire la longévité et si oui, si ce pourrait être dû à une accélération de la sénescence. Ensuite nous avons testé si la simple activation répétée du système immunitaire comme lors d'une infestation chronique pouvait aussi réduire la longévité. Dans une dernière expérience, nous avons d'abord testé si l'infestation par des puces de jeunes campagnols au stade néonatal (21 jours) pouvait modifier leur développement et leur phénotype adulte. Puis nous avons testé si la modification du phénotype adulte est une réponse prédite et potentiellement adaptative pour minimiser les effets des puces à l'âge adulte. Nos résultats montrent que l'infestation par des puces réduit la croissance subadulte, induit une forte anémie et une immunodépression, et augmente le métabolisme de repos. De plus les puces réduisent la longévité et la taille des testicules, réduisant fortement le succès reproducteur potentiel des individus parasités. La taille finale, c'est-à-dire le développement pré-adulte, détermine en grande part la longévité. La réduction de longévité ne devrait pas être due à l'investissement au profit du système immunitaire car l'activation chronique seule du système immunitaire ne réduit pas la longévité. L'infestation néonatale retarde légèrement le développement mais surtout modifie l'hématocrite et réduit les performances locomotrices des campagnols plus de 3 mois après l'infestation. Les effets immédiats du parasitisme sur la physiologie semblent bien supérieurs comparés aux effets à long terme. Nous n'avons pas d'éléments permettant d'affirmer que le parasitisme néonatal prépare les campagnols à faire face aux puces à l'âge adulte. Au contraire, le parasitisme néonatal interagit sur le parasitisme adulte pour augmenter le métabolisme de repos. Cette thèse offre une vision intégrative des mécanismes par lesquels les puces peuvent affecter la valeur reproductive de leurs hôtes. De façon générale, ces résultats 35 montrent l'importance des puces comme force de sélection chez les campagnols. Il est indispensable de prendre en compte les ectoparasites dans l'étude de l'écologie et des dynamiques de populations chez les mammifères. Summary : The relationship between a parasite and its host is fundamentally marked by the costs for host of the withdrawals of resources by parasite and the subsequent reduction in host life-history traits. Hosts have evolved a number of strategies to reduce these costs, either by fighting against the parasite directly or by reallocating resources to reduce costs on lifetime reproductive value. The effects of ectoparasites on burrowing mammals have been scarcely studied. In a first long-term experiment, we examined how fleas Nosopsyllus fasciatus affect physiological levels of the common vole, Microtus arvalis. We also examined whether fleas reduce longevity and if so, if it is due to an early senescence pattern. Then we tested if experimental activation of the immune system by repeated injections of an antigen could result in a shorter longevity. In the last experiment, we tested if short-lasting neonatal parasitism can have long-term effects on phenotype, and if these effects could induce a predictive response to reduce damages when parasitized at the adult stage. We found that parasitism by flea reduced subadult growth, induced anaemia and immunodepression, and increased energy consumption even when resting. Moreover fleas reduce longevity and testes size associated to splenomegaly, suggesting an overall reduction in fitness but we did not find any pattern of accelerated senescence explaining the early death of parasitized voles compared to non-parasitzed. The cost of mounting an immune response throughout life does not impair longevity, suggesting that it is the cost of parasitism that limits the longevity and not the immune investment. Neonatal infestation by fleas has long-term effects on physiology and reduces motor activity more than 3 months after infestation. The modification of physiology due to long-term effects seems weak compared to the immediate effects of adult infestation. We found no evidence that neonatal parasitism prepares voles to mount a predictive adaptive response in order to reduce effects of fleas on fitness components. On the contrary, neonatal parasitism seems to worsen the effect of adult parasitism. This thesis offers an integrative view of mechanisms by which fleas affect their host at the individual level. Overall, our results demonstrate the importance of fleas as a selective force in voles. These results highlight the importance of ectoparasitism in ecology of micromarnrnals and suggest a role in the dynamic of host populations.


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Iteroparous organisms maximize their overall fitness by optimizing their reproductive effort over multiple reproductive events. Hence, changes in reproductive effort are expected to have both short- and long-term consequences on parents and their offspring. In laboratory rodents, manipulation of reproductive efforts during lactation has however revealed few short-term reproductive adjustments, suggesting that female laboratory rodents express maximal rather than optimal levels of reproductive investment as observed in semelparous organisms. Using a litter size manipulation (LSM) experiment in a small wild-derived rodent (the common vole; Microtus arvalis), we show that females altered their reproductive efforts in response to LSM, with females having higher metabolic rates and showing alternative body mass dynamics when rearing an enlarged rather than reduced litter. Those differences in female reproductive effort were nonetheless insufficient to fully match their pups' energy demand, pups being lighter at weaning in enlarged litters. Interestingly, female reproductive effort changes had long-term consequences, with females that had previously reared an enlarged litter being lighter at the birth of their subsequent litter and producing lower quality pups. We discuss the significance of using wild-derived animals in studies of reproductive effort optimization.


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Parasites use resources from their hosts, which can indirectly affect a number of host functions because of trade-offs in resource allocation. In order to get a comprehensive view of the costs imposed by blood sucking parasites to their hosts, it is important to monitor multiple components of the development and physiology of parasitized hosts over long time periods. The effect of infestation by fleas on body mass, body length growth, haematocrit, resistance to oxidative stress, resting metabolic rate and humoral immune response were experimentally evaluated. During a 3-month period, male common voles, Microtus arvalis, were either parasitized by rat fleas (Nosopsyllus fasciatus), which are naturally occurring generalist ectoparasites of voles, or reared without fleas. Then voles were challenged twice by injecting Keyhole Limpet Haemocyanin (KLH) to assess whether the presence of fleas affects the ability of voles to produce antibodies against a novel antigen. During the immune challenge we measured the evolution of body mass, haematocrit, resistance to oxidative stress and antibody production. Flea infestation negatively influenced the growth of voles. Moreover, parasitized voles had reduced haematocrit, higher resting metabolic rate and lower production of antibodies against the KLH. Resistance to oxidative stress was not influenced by the presence of fleas. During the immune challenge with KLH, body mass decreased in both groups, while the resistance to oxidative stress remained stable. In contrast, the haematocrit decreased only in parasitized voles. Our experiment shows that infestation by a haematophageous parasite negatively affects multiple traits like growth, energy consumption and immune response. Fleas may severely reduce the survival probability and reproductive success of their host in natural conditions.


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To elucidate the evolutionary history of snow voles, genus Chionomys, we studied the phylogeography of Chionomysnivalis across its range and investigated its relationships with two congeneric species, Chionomysgud and Chionomysroberti, using independent molecular markers. Analyses were based on mitochondrial (~940 bp cyt b) and Y-chromosomal (~2020 bp from three introns) genetic variation. Our data provide conclusive evidence for a Caucasian and Middle Eastern origin for the three species and a subsequent westward expansion of C.nivalis. In addition, we discuss the taxonomic status of the genus Chionomys in relation to the genus Microtus.


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Several hypotheses might explain the evolution and maintenance of colour morphs within animal populations. The 'alternative foraging strategy' hypothesis states that alternative colour morphs exploit different ecological niches. This hypothesis predicts that morphs differ in diet, either because foraging success on alternative prey species is morph-dependent or because differently coloured individuals exploit alternative habitats. I examined this prediction in the Barn Owl Tyto alba, a bird that varies in plumage coloration continuously from dark reddish-brown to white. On the European continent, Owls are light-coloured (subspecies T. a. alba) in the south and reddish-brown (T. a. guttata) in the north; in central Europe the two subspecies interbreed, generating many colour variants. If plumage coloration indicates alternative foraging strategies, in sympatry dark- and light-coloured owls should consume prey species that are typical of the diets of T. a. guttata and T. a. alba in allopatry, respectively. In line with this prediction, both in allopatry and in sympatry in Switzerland T. a. guttata fed primarily upon Common Voles Microtus arvalis and T. a. alba upon Wood Mice Apodemus spp. Statistical analyses suggest that morph-dependent diet did not arise from a non-random habitat distribution of owls with respect to plumage coloration. This suggests that foraging success upon alternative prey is morph-dependent.


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1. Harsh environmental conditions experienced during development can reduce the performance of the same individuals in adulthood. However, the 'predictive adaptive response' hypothesis postulates that if individuals adapt their phenotype during development to the environments where they are likely to live in the future, individuals exposed to harsh conditions in early life perform better when encountering the same harsh conditions in adulthood compared to those never exposed to these conditions before. 2. Using the common vole (Microtus arvalis) as study organism, we tested how exposure to flea parasitism during the juvenile stage affects the physiology (haematocrit, resistance to oxidative stress, resting metabolism, spleen mass, and testosterone), morphology (body mass, testis mass) and motor performance (open field activity and swimming speed) of the same individuals when infested with fleas in adulthood. According to the 'predictive adaptive response' hypothesis, we predicted that voles parasitized at the adult stage would perform better if they had already been parasitized with fleas at the juvenile stage. 3. We found that voles exposed to fleas in adulthood had a higher metabolic rate if already exposed to fleas when juvenile, compared to voles free of fleas when juvenile and voles free of fleas in adulthood. Independently of juvenile parasitism, adult parasitism impaired adult haematocrit and motor performances. Independently of adult parasitism, juvenile parasitism slowed down crawling speed in adult female voles. 4. Our results suggest that juvenile parasitism has long-term effects that do not protect from the detrimental effects of adult parasitism. On the contrary, experiencing parasitism in early-life incurs additional costs upon adult parasitism measured in terms of higher energy expenditure, rather than inducing an adaptive shift in the developmental trajectory. 5. Hence, our study provides experimental evidence for long term costs of parasitism. We found no support for a predictive adaptive response in this host-parasite system.


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Only a few studies, and mostly in temperate climates in Europe, have examined the breeding and diet of long-eared owls (Asia otus) compared to studies of cavity-breeding owls, possibly because of the difficulties in reaching the nests of the former. Here we studied a population of long-eared owls, monitoring the diet of breeding owls and that of owls at a communal roost, every two to three months during 2006 -2009, in a semi-arid region in Israel. It was found that the studied owls produced more young than in most countries in Europe. Diet was not associated with breeding parameters of the owls, whereas laying date was negatively correlated with both clutch size and number of nestlings. We found that more social voles (Microtus socialis) and fewer birds and house mice (Mus musculus) made up the diet at nests than that of adults at the roosts. The diet and breeding of long-eared owls in Israel differ from that in Europe, with birds and mice comprising an important part of the diet, in addition to voles.


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La production endogène à long terme de chaleur, même au repos, est une adaptation que l'on retrouve chez les animaux à sang chaud (les oiseaux et les mammifères). Cette production de chaleur a comme but le maintien d'une température constante du corps indépendamment de la température extérieure. A cette fin, les mammifères ont développé une forme de tissu spécialisé nommé tissu adipeux brun (BAT). Ce tissu est responsable de la conversion de nourriture en chaleur, procédé appelé thermogenèse sans frisson (NST = non-shivering thermogenesis). Durant ce procédé la uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) convertit, au sein des mitochondries, la nourriture en chaleur au lieu de produire de l'ATP, molécule utilisée comme énergie cellulaire. On suppose que cette inefficacité de la conversion de la nourriture en ATP dans le BAT influence l'homéostasie de l'énergie, l'allocation des ressources ainsi que la régulation de processus gourmant en énergie comme la croissance et la reproduction. Afin de maintenir une température du corps constante, les mammifères doivent ajuster leur NST en fonction de la température ambiante. La NST devrait être donc plus importante que la croissance et la reproduction durant l'hiver que lors l'été/à haute altitude qu'à basse altitude. En effet, plusieurs études ont déjà démontré la dépendance de la NST aux divers paramètres environnementaux. Par contre, l'héritabilité de la NST ainsi que sa relation avec d'autres traits de caractère, ne sont que très peu connus, ceci malgré l'importance d'une telle information afin de pouvoir comprendre son potentiel évolutif. L'étude de l'importance évolutive et écologique sur la NST chez les campagnols des champs (Microtus arvalis) fut donc le but cette thèse de doctorat. Grâce aux informations collectées sur 4 générations de campagnols (chapitre 1), une dépendance saisonnière et journalière de la NST a été démontrée: elle augmente lors des périodes froides et diminue lors de la lactation. On a démontré que bien qu'étant plastique, la variation de la NST a une composante génétique significative. Elle est corrélée avec le taux d'activité métabolique au repos indiquant des contraintes intrinsèques. A l'aide d'une expérience de jardin commune, on a pu démontrer dans le chapitre 2 que les campagnols habitant en altitude ont une capacité génétique de thermogenèse sans frisson plus haute que celles de basse altitude. Ils produisent des portées plus petites et leur descendance grandit moins vite, surtout à partir du 10ème jour ce qui coïncide avec le début de la production de chaleur endogène. En choisissant artificiellement des campagnols avec une NST faible ou grande, on a pu démontrer une relation entre la NST et la développement de la masse corporelle. Les campagnols avec une haute NST grandissent plus lentement et sont plus légères à l'âge adulte que celles ayant une basse NST. A l'aide d'un croisement interligne entre les campagnols sélectionnés (avec basse et haute NST), on a pu montrer dans le chapitre 3 des effets « parent-of-origin >> du développement massique de la descendance, indiquant une empreinte génétique parentale. Cela veut dire que l'expression d'un allele dépend de l'origine parentale. De plus, des effets « parent-of-origin » des taux de base de norépinephrine et d'irisine ont pu être trouvés. Ces hormones sont connues pour influencer non seulement la TSF mais aussi d'autres caractéristiques. Ces influences ouvrent la voie à de nouvelles études sur la relation entre la TSF et l'histoire de vie. Dans le chapitre 4 on a démontré des effets à long terme de l'allocation des ressources en manipulant la taille des portées qui ont abouti à des différences dans l'investissement dans la reproduction et de la croissance de la descendance à la fois dans le cas de la reproduction manipulé et aussi dans le non - manipulée entre les femelles avec portées agrandies et réduites. Ensemble, ces résultats mettent en évidence le rôle central de la NST dans l'allocation des ressources sur la base d'un compromis entre le maintien et la croissance et ainsi transforme l'histoire de vie des mammifères. Ces études montrent comment les mammifères peuvent répondre rapidement à court et à long terme (c'est-à-dire par des réponses génétiques ou plastiques) à un changement rapide du climat. On montre aussi qu'il y a probablement une corrélation entre l'histoire de vie et des changements du comportement. Finalement mes résultats ont montré un lien étroit entre la NST et la croissance et les dimensions du corps. Ces résultats indiquent que le tissu adipeux brun et la NST pourraient être une cible thérapeutique intéressante pour traiter l'obésité.


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BACKGROUND: The estimation of demographic parameters from genetic data often requires the computation of likelihoods. However, the likelihood function is computationally intractable for many realistic evolutionary models, and the use of Bayesian inference has therefore been limited to very simple models. The situation changed recently with the advent of Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) algorithms allowing one to obtain parameter posterior distributions based on simulations not requiring likelihood computations. RESULTS: Here we present ABCtoolbox, a series of open source programs to perform Approximate Bayesian Computations (ABC). It implements various ABC algorithms including rejection sampling, MCMC without likelihood, a Particle-based sampler and ABC-GLM. ABCtoolbox is bundled with, but not limited to, a program that allows parameter inference in a population genetics context and the simultaneous use of different types of markers with different ploidy levels. In addition, ABCtoolbox can also interact with most simulation and summary statistics computation programs. The usability of the ABCtoolbox is demonstrated by inferring the evolutionary history of two evolutionary lineages of Microtus arvalis. Using nuclear microsatellites and mitochondrial sequence data in the same estimation procedure enabled us to infer sex-specific population sizes and migration rates and to find that males show smaller population sizes but much higher levels of migration than females. CONCLUSION: ABCtoolbox allows a user to perform all the necessary steps of a full ABC analysis, from parameter sampling from prior distributions, data simulations, computation of summary statistics, estimation of posterior distributions, model choice, validation of the estimation procedure, and visualization of the results.


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Dispersal is one of the most important, yet least understood phenomena of evolutionary ecology. Triggers and consequences of dispersal are difficult to study in natural populations since dispersers can typically only be identified a posteriori. Therefore, a lot of work on dispersal is either of a theoretical nature or based on anecdotal observation. This is especially true for cryptic species such as small mammals. We conducted an experiment on the common vole, Microtus arvalis, in semi-natural enclosures and investigated the spatial and genetic establishment success of residents and dispersers in their natal and new populations. Our study uses genetic data on the reproductive success of 1255 individuals to measure the fitness trajectories of the residents and dispersing individuals. In agreement with past studies, we found that dispersal was highly male-biased, and was most probably induced by the agonistic encounters with conspecifics, suggesting it could act as an inbreeding avoidance mechanism. There was low breeding success of dispersers into new populations. Although nearly 26% of identified dispersers reproduced in their natal populations, only seven percent reproduced in the new populations. Settlement appeared to be a pre-requisite for reproduction in both sexes, and animals that did not spatially settle into a new population dispersed again, usually on the same day of immigration. In the event that dispersers reproduced in the new population, they did so at relatively low population densities. We also found age-related differences between the sexes in breeding success, and male dispersers that subsequently established in the new population were young individuals that had not reproduced in their natal population, whereas successful females had already reproduced in their natal population. In conclusion, with our detailed field data on establishment and substantial parentage assignments to understand breeding success, we were able to gain an insight into the fitness of dispersers, and how the two sexes optimise their fitness. Taken together, our results help to further understand the relative advantages and costs of dispersal in the common vole.


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Parasitism is often a source of variation in host's fitness components. Understanding and estimating its relative importance for fitness components of hosts is fundamental from physiological, ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Host-parasite studies have often reported parasite-induced reduction of host fecundity, whereas the effect of parasitism on host survival has been largely neglected. Here, we experimentally investigated the effect of infestation by rat fleas (Nosopsyllus fasciatus) on the life span of wild-derived male common voles (Microtus arvalis) bred in captivity. We found that the mean life span of parasitized voles was reduced by 36% compared to control voles. Parasitized voles had a smaller body size, but a relatively larger heart and spleen than control voles. These results indicate an effect of flea infestation on host life span and our findings strongly suggest that ectoparasites should be taken into account in the studies of host population dynamics.