35 resultados para Joyce, Horace Howard Furness,


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Résumé Ce travail poursuit deux buts. Le premier objectif, d'ordre théorique et méthodologique, est d'aborder les phénomènes d'intertextualité selon une perspective jusqu'ici négligée, qui prend à rebours le problème de l'intentionnalité, particulièrement aigu dans les études classiques plutôt que de partir du texte plus récent pour remonter à ses «modèles », il s'agit d'observer la circulation d'un corpus plus ancien dans l'espace et dans le temps et son interaction avec d'autres discours dans différents contextes. Le second but, lié à l'histoire littéraire, consiste à étudier la manière dont Sappho, seule femme au canon alexandrin des neuf poètes lyriques et assimilée pour cela à un Homère féminin ou à une dixième Muse, a joué à Rome un rôle de référence en matière de poésie d'amour. Pour ce faire, l'enquête s'articule autour d'un poème emblématique de Sappho, le fameux fragment 31 avec sa liste de symptômes de passion érotique, et de trois de ses échos marqués, chez Catulle, Lucrèce et Horace, à une époque où l'on assiste à un développement intense de la poésie d'amour latine. Chaque chapitre propose une analyse comparative systématique en cercles concentriques, partant de l'énoncé comparable - la pathographie - et abordant ensuite son insertion à des poèmes différents pour élargir enfin l'investigation aux contextes. Entre la Lesbos du VIIe-VIe et la Rome du Ier siècle avant notre ère intervient un changement majeur dans le type de contexte déterminant pour la fonction et la signification des poèmes d'une situation de communication orale, où chaque chant prend son sens dans une occasion particulière de performance, on passe à un environnement principalement écrit, où l'élément décisif est plutôt le co-texte, le recueil où le poème s'insère et entre en relation avec d'autres. À la pragmatique des chants de Sappho, liée à la vie de son groupe féminin à Lesbos, puis aux banquets par le biais desquels ils ont été transmis, répondent les poétiques de Catulle, Lucrèce et Horace, qui se définissent notamment par rapport à eux avec des réseaux d'échos reflétant souvent, de façon plus ou moins contrastée, différentes traditions de réception des textes de la poétesse, voire la structure du recueil alexandrin de ses poèmes.


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Background: Leptin is produced primarily by adipocytes. Although originally associated with the central regulation of satiety and energy metabolism, increasing evidence indicates that leptin may be an important factor for congestive heart faire (CHF). In the study, we aimed to test the hypothesis that leptin may influence CHF pathophysiology via a pathway of increasing body mass index (BMI). Methods: We studied 2,389 elderly participants aged 70 and older (M; 1161, F: 1228) without CHF and with serum leptin measures at the Health Aging, and Body Composition study. We analyzed the association between serum leptin level and risk of incident CHF using Cox hazard proportional regression models. Elevated leptin level was defined as more than the highest quartile (Q4) of leptin distribution in the total sample for each gender. Adjusted-covariates included demographic, behavior, lipid and inflammation variables (partially-adjusted models), and further included BMI (fully-adjusted models). Results: In a mean 9-year follow-up, 316 participants (13.2%) developed CHF. The partially-adjusted models indicated that men and women with elevated serum leptin levels (>=9.89 ng/ml in men and >=25 ng/ml in women) had significantly higher risks of developing CHF than those with leptin level of less than Q4. The adjusted hazard ratios (95%CI) for incident CHF was 1.49 (1.04 -2.13) in men and 1.71 (1.12 -2.58) in women. However, these associations became non-significant after adjustment for including BMI for each gender. The fully-adjusted hazard ratios (95%CI) were 1.43 (0.94 -2.18) in men and 1.24 (0.77-1.99) in women. Conclusion: Subjects with elevated leptin levels have a higher risk of CHF. The study supports the hypothesis that the influence of leptin level on risk of CHF may be through a pathway related to increasing BMI.


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Partant du concept de « politique des petites choses », cette contribution éclaire les coulisses de la précampagne de l'élection présidentielle américaine de 2004. D'abord centrée sur la campagne du démocrate Howard Dean, l'enquête documente ensuite les activités de la droite chrétienne, et montre la redoutable efficacité de cet acteur politique, ainsi que les problèmes qu'il pose à la démocratie. Si la droite chrétienne est habile à mobiliser ses fidèles et à attiser leur participation, son mode de fonctionnement est éminemment problématique, les réseaux d'Églises sur lesquels elle s'appuie n'étant pas des modèles de fonctionnement et d'éthos démocratiques.


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Blood pressure is a heritable trait influenced by several biological pathways and responsive to environmental stimuli. Over one billion people worldwide have hypertension (≥140 mm Hg systolic blood pressure or  ≥90 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure). Even small increments in blood pressure are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This genome-wide association study of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which used a multi-stage design in 200,000 individuals of European descent, identified sixteen novel loci: six of these loci contain genes previously known or suspected to regulate blood pressure (GUCY1A3-GUCY1B3, NPR3-C5orf23, ADM, FURIN-FES, GOSR2, GNAS-EDN3); the other ten provide new clues to blood pressure physiology. A genetic risk score based on 29 genome-wide significant variants was associated with hypertension, left ventricular wall thickness, stroke and coronary artery disease, but not kidney disease or kidney function. We also observed associations with blood pressure in East Asian, South Asian and African ancestry individuals. Our findings provide new insights into the genetics and biology of blood pressure, and suggest potential novel therapeutic pathways for cardiovascular disease prevention.


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We report on a consanguineous, Afghani family with two sisters affected with characteristic facial features, multiple contractures, progressive joint and skin laxity, hemorrhagic diathesis following minor trauma and multisystem fragility-related manifestations suggestive of a diagnosis of musculocontractural Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). This novel form of connective tissue disorder was recently reported in patients of Japanese, Turkish, and Indian descent who were formerly classified as having EDS type VIB and has now been recognized to be a part of spectrum including patients previously classified as having adducted thumb-clubfoot syndrome. We identified a previously unreported mutation in the CHST14 gene, which codes for the enzyme dermatan 4-O-sulfotransferase. We discuss the prenatal presentation, detailed clinical manifestations, and neurological findings in two sisters with this newly described musculocontractural EDS-CHST14 type. We demonstrate that fibroblasts from one of our patients produce more chondroitin sulfate than normal and show lower than normal deposition of collagens I and II and fibrillin 1-containing microfibrills. These findings suggest that the imbalance in the glycosaminoglycan content in developing tissues might interfere with normal deposition of other extracellular matrix components and ultimately contribute to the development of the phenotype observed in these patients. Furthermore, we ruled out the contribution of intrinsic platelet factors to the bleeding diathesis observed in some affected individuals. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Les récits de conversion religieuse présentent plusieurs traits communs avec les récits de découvertes scientifiques (Aha-Erlebnisse, expériences de eurêka): événement instantané, exceptionnel, inattendu, marquant une rupture par rapport au passé. Or, il s'agit dans les deux cas de reconstructions a posteriori qui ont tendance à survaloriser le caractère instantané d'un événement au détriment du processus organisant la mise en place d'une nouvelle vision du monde. Howard Gruber l'a très bien montré dans son étude consacrée à Charles Darwin. Là où le récit autobiographique, formulé une quarantaine d'années après l'énoncé de la théorie de la sélection naturelle, donne l'impression d'une intuition subite, les carnets de notes, rédigés à l'époque où s'élabore la théorie, permettent de mettre en évidence un processus créatif qui s'étale sur près d'un an et demi. Ce constat peut être étendu aux récits de conversion religieuse. Le cas de Martin Luther en est une excellente illustration. Ce parallèle entre découverte scientifique et conversion religieuse jette un éclairage nouveau sur cette dernière: l'événement inattendu où tout bascule doit être articulé avec un processus psychologique qui le porte et même le décompose sur une durée bien plus longue que ce que la mémoire ne le reconstruit après-coup. Au point qu'il n'est pas exagéré de voir dans le récit d'une conversion religieuse, ne serait-ce que pour une part, l'expression de la créativité d'un sujet qui invente une solution au problème de sa vie.


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Raised blood pressure (BP) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have identified 47 distinct genetic variants robustly associated with BP, but collectively these explain only a few percent of the heritability for BP phenotypes. To find additional BP loci, we used a bespoke gene-centric array to genotype an independent discovery sample of 25,118 individuals that combined hypertensive case-control and general population samples. We followed up four SNPs associated with BP at our p < 8.56 × 10(-7) study-specific significance threshold and six suggestively associated SNPs in a further 59,349 individuals. We identified and replicated a SNP at LSP1/TNNT3, a SNP at MTHFR-NPPB independent (r(2) = 0.33) of previous reports, and replicated SNPs at AGT and ATP2B1 reported previously. An analysis of combined discovery and follow-up data identified SNPs significantly associated with BP at p < 8.56 × 10(-7) at four further loci (NPR3, HFE, NOS3, and SOX6). The high number of discoveries made with modest genotyping effort can be attributed to using a large-scale yet targeted genotyping array and to the development of a weighting scheme that maximized power when meta-analyzing results from samples ascertained with extreme phenotypes, in combination with results from nonascertained or population samples. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and transcript expression data highlight potential gene regulatory mechanisms at the MTHFR and NOS3 loci. These results provide candidates for further study to help dissect mechanisms affecting BP and highlight the utility of studying SNPs and samples that are independent of those studied previously even when the sample size is smaller than that in previous studies.


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Multiple Aspergillus fumigatus isolates from a patient with two aspergillomas complicating chronic pulmonary aspergillosis were pan-azole resistant. Microsatellite typing was identical for all isolates despite major phenotypic and some growth rate differences. Three different cyp51A mutations were found (G138C, Y431C, and G434C), of which the first two were demonstrated by heterologous expression in a hypersusceptible Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain to be at least partly responsible for elevated MICs. cyp51A and cyp51B gene duplication was excluded, but increased expression of cyp51A was demonstrated in three isolates selected for additional study (7-to 13-fold increases). In the isolate with the greatest cyp51A expression, an Aft1 transposon was found inserted 370 bp upstream of the start codon of the cyp51A gene, an integration location never previously demonstrated in Aspergillus. Two transcription start sites were identified at 49 and 136 bp upstream of the start codon. The role of the Aft1 transposon, if any, in modulating cyp51A expression remains to be established. Increased mRNA expression of the transporters AfuMDR1 and AfuMDR4 also was demonstrated in some isolates, which could contribute to azole resistance or simply represent a stress response. The diversity of confirmed and possible azole resistance mechanisms demonstrated in a single series of isogenic isolates is remarkable, indicating the ability of A. fumigatus to adapt in the clinical setting.


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Raised blood pressure (BP) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have identified 47 distinct genetic variants robustly associated with BP, but collectively these explain only a few percent of the heritability for BP phenotypes. To find additional BP loci, we used a bespoke gene-centric array to genotype an independent discovery sample of 25,118 individuals that combined hypertensive case-control and general population samples. We followed up four SNPs associated with BP at our p < 8.56 × 10(-7) study-specific significance threshold and six suggestively associated SNPs in a further 59,349 individuals. We identified and replicated a SNP at LSP1/TNNT3, a SNP at MTHFR-NPPB independent (r(2) = 0.33) of previous reports, and replicated SNPs at AGT and ATP2B1 reported previously. An analysis of combined discovery and follow-up data identified SNPs significantly associated with BP at p < 8.56 × 10(-7) at four further loci (NPR3, HFE, NOS3, and SOX6). The high number of discoveries made with modest genotyping effort can be attributed to using a large-scale yet targeted genotyping array and to the development of a weighting scheme that maximized power when meta-analyzing results from samples ascertained with extreme phenotypes, in combination with results from nonascertained or population samples. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and transcript expression data highlight potential gene regulatory mechanisms at the MTHFR and NOS3 loci. These results provide candidates for further study to help dissect mechanisms affecting BP and highlight the utility of studying SNPs and samples that are independent of those studied previously even when the sample size is smaller than that in previous studies.


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Paul Howard-Flanders et al proposed a molecular model of RecA-mediated recombination reaction six years ago. How does this model stand at present? In answering this question, we focus on two leading ideas of the original model, namely the proposal of the coaxial arrangement of the aligned DNA molecules within helical RecA filaments and the proposal of the ATP independence of the pairing stage of the recombination reaction. Results obtained after the model was proposed are reviewed and compared with these original assumptions and postulates of the model. EM visualization of recombining DNA molecules, studies of the energetics of the RecA-mediated recombination reaction and biochemical analysis of deproteinized joint molecules are fully consistent with a triple-stranded DNA arrangement during the RecA-mediated recombination reaction and demonstrate the ATP independence of the pairing stage of the reaction.


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The aim of this study was to determine whether multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNCT) are taken up by and are toxic to human intestinal enterocytes using the Caco-2 cell model. Caco-2 cells were exposed to 50 ?g/ml MWCNT (oxidized or pristine) for 24 h, and experiments were repeated in the presence of 2.5 mg/L natural organic matter. Cells displayed many of the properties that characterize enterocytes, such as apical microvilli, basolateral basement membrane, and glycogen. The cell monolayers also displayed tight junctions and electrical resistance. Exposure to pristine and oxidized MWCNT, with or without natural organic matter, did not markedly affect viability, which was assessed by measuring activity of released lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and staining with propidium iodide. Ultrastructural analysis revealed some damage to microvilli colocalized with the MWCNT; however, neither type of MWCNT was taken up by Caco-2 cells. In contrast, pristine and oxidized MWCNT were taken up by the macrophage RAW 264.7 line. Our study suggests that intestinal enterocytes cells do not take up MWCNT. [Authors]