35 resultados para Gold functionalized electrode
Water-dispersible gold nanoparticles functionalized with paramagnetic gadolinium have been fully characterized, and the NMRD profiles show very high relaxivities up to 1.5 T. Characterization using TEM images and dynamic light scattering indicate a particle size distribution from 2 to 15 nm. The gold cores of the nanoparticles do not contribute significantly to the overall magnetic moment.
Background: Nanoparticle (NPs) functionalization has been shown to affect their cellular toxicity. To study this, differently functionalized silver (Ag) and gold (Au) NPs were synthesised, characterised and tested using lung epithelial cell systems. Mehtods: Monodispersed Ag and Au NPs with a size range of 7 to 10 nm were coated with either sodium citrate or chitosan resulting in surface charges from ¿50 mV to +70 mV. NP-induced cytotoxicity and oxidative stress were determined using A549 cells, BEAS-2B cells and primary lung epithelial cells (NHBE cells). TEER measurements and immunofluorescence staining of tight junctions were performed to test the growth characteristics of the cells. Cytotoxicity was measured by means of the CellTiter-Blue ® and the lactate dehydrogenase assay and cellular and cell-free reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was measured using the DCFH-DA assay. Results: Different growth characteristics were shown in the three cell types used. A549 cells grew into a confluent mono-layer, BEAS-2B cells grew into a multilayer and NHBE cells did not form a confluent layer. A549 cells were least susceptible towards NPs, irrespective of the NP functionalization. Cytotoxicity in BEAS-2B cells increased when exposed to high positive charged (+65-75 mV) Au NPs. The greatest cytotoxicity was observed in NHBE cells, where both Ag and Au NPs with a charge above +40 mV induced cytotoxicity. ROS production was most prominent in A549 cells where Au NPs (+65-75 mV) induced the highest amount of ROS. In addition, cell-free ROS measurements showed a significant increase in ROS production with an increase in chitosan coating. Conclusions: Chitosan functionalization of NPs, with resultant high surface charges plays an important role in NP-toxicity. Au NPs, which have been shown to be inert and often non-cytotoxic, can become toxic upon coating with certain charged molecules. Notably, these effects are dependent on the core material of the particle, the cell type used for testing and the growth characteristics of these cell culture model systems.
The Ajjanahalli gold mine is spatially associated with a Late Archean craton-scale shear zone in the eastern Chitradurga greenstone belt of the Dharwar craton, India. Gold mineralization is hosted by an similar to100-m-wide antiform in a banded iron formation. Original magnetite and siderite are replaced by a peak metamorphic alteration assemblage of chlorite, stilpnomelane, minnesotaite, sericite, ankerite, arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, and gold at ca. 300degrees to 350degreesC. Elements enriched in the banded iron formation include Ca, Mg, C, S, An, As, Bi. Cu, Sb, Zn, Pb, Se, Ag, and Te, whereas in the wall rocks As, Cu, Zn, Bi, Ag, and An are only slightly enriched. Strontium correlates with CaO, MgO, CO2, and As, which indicates cogenetic formation of arsenopyrite and Mg-Ca carbonates. The greater extent of alteration in the Fe-rich banded iron formation layers than in the wall rock reflects the greater reactivity of the banded iron formation layers. The ore fluids, as interpreted from their isotopic composition (delta(18)O = 6.5-8.5parts per thousand; initial Sr-87/Sr-86 = 0.7068-0.7078), formed by metamorphic devolatilization of deeper levels of the Chitradurga greenstone belt. Arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite have delta(34)S values within a narrow range between 2.1 and 2.7 per mil, consistent with a sulfur source in Chitradurga greenstone belt lithologies. Based on spatial and temporal relationships between mineralization, local structure development, and sinistral strike-slip deformation in the shear zone at the eastern contact of the Chitradurga greenstone belt, we suggest that the Ajjanahalli gold mineralization formed by fluid infiltration into a low strain area within the first-order structure. The ore fluids were transported along this shear zone into relatively shallow crustal levels during lateral terrane accretion and a change from thrust to transcurrent tectonics. Based on this model of fluid flow, exploration should focus on similar low strain areas or potentially connected higher order splays of the first-order shear zone.
Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) invade the tumor stroma in many cancers, yet their role is incompletely understood. To visualize and better understand these critical cells in tumor progression, we screened a portfolio of rationally selected, injectable agents to image endogenous TAMs ubiquitously in three different cancer models (colon carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, and soft tissue sarcoma). AMTA680, a functionally derivatized magneto-fluorescent nanoparticle, labeled a subset of myeloid cells with an "M2" macrophage phenotype, whereas other neighboring cells, including tumor cells and a variety of other leukocytes, remained unlabeled. We further show that AMTA680-labeled endogenous TAMs are not altered and can be tracked noninvasively at different resolutions and using various imaging modalities, e.g., fluorescence molecular tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and multiphoton and confocal intravital microscopy. Quantitative assessment of TAM distribution and activity in vivo identified that these cells cluster in delimited foci within tumors, show relatively low motility, and extend cytoplasmic protrusions for prolonged physical interactions with neighboring tumor cells. Noninvasive imaging can also be used to monitor TAM-depleting regimen quantitatively. Thus, AMTA680 or related cell-targeting agents represent appropriate injectable vehicles for in vivo analysis of the tumor microenvironment.
PURPOSE: In Burkina Faso, gold ore is one of the main sources of income for an important part of the active population. Artisan gold miners use mercury in the extraction, a toxic metal whose human health risks are well known. The aim of the present study was to assess mercury exposure as well as to understand the exposure determinants of gold miners in Burkinabe small-scale mines.METHODS: The examined gold miners' population on the different selected gold mining sites was composed by persons who were directly and indirectly related to gold mining activities. But measurement of urinary mercury was performed on workers most susceptible to be exposed to mercury. Thus, occupational exposure to mercury was evaluated among ninety-three workers belonging to eight different gold mining sites spread in six regions of Burkina Faso. Among others, work-related exposure determinants were taken into account for each person during urine sampling as for example amalgamating or heating mercury. All participants were medically examined by a local medical team in order to identify possible symptoms related to the toxic effect of mercury.RESULTS: Mercury levels were high, showing that 69% of the measurements exceeded the ACGIH (American Conference of Industrial Hygienists) biological exposure indice (BEI) of 35 µg per g of creatinine (µg/g-Cr) (prior to shift) while 16% even exceeded 350 µg/g-Cr. Basically, unspecific but also specific symptoms related to mercury toxicity could be underlined among the persons who were directly related to gold mining activities. Only one-third among the studied subpopulation reported about less than three symptoms possibly associated to mercury exposure and nearly half of them suffered from at least five of these symptoms. Ore washers were more involved in the direct handling of mercury while gold dealers in the final gold recovery activities. These differences may explain the overexposure observed in gold dealers and indicate that the refining process is the major source of exposure.CONCLUSIONS: This study attests that mercury exposure still is an issue of concern. North-South collaborations should encourage knowledge exchange between developing and developed countries, for a cleaner artisanal gold mining process and thus for reducing human health and environmental hazards due to mercury use.
PURPOSE: To study the clinical outcome in hippocampal deep brain stimulation (DBS) for the treatment of patients with refractory mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) according to the electrode location. METHODS: Eight MTLE patients implanted in the hippocampus and stimulated with high-frequency DBS were included in this study. Five underwent invasive recordings with depth electrodes to localize ictal onset zone prior to chronic DBS. Position of the active contacts of the electrode was calculated on postoperative imaging. The distances to the ictal onset zone were measured as well as atlas-based hippocampus structures impacted by stimulation were identified. Both were correlated with seizure frequency reduction. RESULTS: The distances between active electrode location and estimated ictal onset zone were 11±4.3 or 9.1±2.3mm for patients with a >50% or <50% reduction in seizure frequency. In patients (N=6) showing a >50% seizure frequency reduction, 100% had the active contacts located <3mm from the subiculum (p<0.05). The 2 non-responders patients were stimulated on contacts located >3mm to the subiculum. CONCLUSION: Decrease of epileptogenic activity induced by hippocampal DBS in refractory MTLE: (1) seems not directly associated with the vicinity of active electrode to the ictal focus determined by invasive recordings; (2) might be obtained through the neuromodulation of the subiculum.
Screening for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is recommended prior to organ transplantation. The Quantiferon-TB Gold assay (QFT-G) may be more accurate than the tuberculin skin test (TST) in the detection of LTBI. We prospectively compared the results of QFT-G to TST in patients with chronic liver disease awaiting transplantation. Patients were screened for LTBI with both the QFT-G test and a TST. Concordance between test results and predictors of a discordant result were determined. Of the 153 evaluable patients, 37 (24.2%) had a positive TST and 34 (22.2%) had a positive QFT-G. Overall agreement between tests was 85.1% (kappa= 0.60, p < 0.0001). Discordant test results were seen in 12 TST positive/QFT-G negative patients and in 9 TST negative/QFT-G positive patients. Prior BCG vaccination was not associated with discordant test results. Twelve patients (7.8%), all with a negative TST, had an indeterminate result of the QFT-G and this was more likely in patients with a low lymphocyte count (p = 0.01) and a high MELD score (p = 0.001). In patients awaiting liver transplantation, both the TST and QFT-G were comparable for the diagnosis of LTBI with reasonable concordance between tests. Indeterminate QFT-G result was more likely in those with more advanced liver disease.
INTRODUCTION: Spectral frequencies of the surface electromyogram (sEMG) increase with contraction force, but debate still exists on whether this increase is affected by various methodological and anatomical factors. This study aimed to investigate the influence of inter-electrode distance (IED) and contraction modality (step-wise vs. ramp) on the changes in spectral frequencies with increasing contraction strength for the vastus lateralis (VL) and vastus medialis (VM) muscles. METHODS: Twenty healthy male volunteers were assessed for isometric sEMG activity of the VM and VL, with the knee at 90° flexion. Subjects performed isometric ramp contractions in knee extension (6-s duration) with the force gradually increasing from 0 to 80 % MVC. Also, subjects performed 4-s step-wise isometric contractions at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 % MVC. Interference sEMG signals were recorded simultaneously at different IEDs: 10, 20, 30, and 50 mm. The mean (F mean) and median (F median) frequencies and root mean square (RMS) of sEMG signals were calculated. RESULTS: For all IEDs, contraction modalities, and muscles tested, spectral frequencies increased significantly with increasing level of force up to 50-60 % MVC force. Spectral indexes increased systematically as IED was decreased. The sensitivity of spectral frequencies to changes in contraction force was independent of IED. The behaviour of spectral indexes with increasing contraction force was similar for step-wise and ramp contractions. CONCLUSIONS: In the VL and VM muscles, it is highly unlikely that a particular inter-electrode distance or contraction modality could have prevented the observation of the full extent of the increase in spectral frequencies with increasing force level.
This work is part of a continuing goal to improve the multimetal deposition technique (MMD), as well as the single-metal deposition (SMD), to make them more robust, more user-friendly, and less labour-intensive. Indeed, two major limitations of the MMD/SMD were identified: (1) the synthesis of colloidal gold, which is quite labour-intensive, and (2) the sharp decrease in efficiency observed when the pH of the working solution is increased above pH 3. About the synthesis protocol, it has been simplified so that there is no more need to monitor the temperature during the synthesis. The efficiency has also been improved by adding aspartic acid, conjointly with sodium citrate, during the synthesis of colloidal gold. This extends the range of pH for which it is possible to detect fingermarks in the frame of the MMD/SMD. The operational range is now extended from 2 to 6.7, compared to 2-3 for the previous formulations. The increased robustness of the working solution may improve the ability of the technique to process substrates that tend to increase the pH of the solution after their immersion.
Linking the structural connectivity of brain circuits to their cooperative dynamics and emergent functions is a central aim of neuroscience research. Graph theory has recently been applied to study the structure-function relationship of networks, where dynamical similarity of different nodes has been turned into a "static" functional connection. However, the capability of the brain to adapt, learn and process external stimuli requires a constant dynamical functional rewiring between circuitries and cell assemblies. Hence, we must capture the changes of network functional connectivity over time. Multi-electrode array data present a unique challenge within this framework. We study the dynamics of gamma oscillations in acute slices of the somatosensory cortex from juvenile mice recorded by planar multi-electrode arrays. Bursts of gamma oscillatory activity lasting a few hundred milliseconds could be initiated only by brief trains of electrical stimulations applied at the deepest cortical layers and simultaneously delivered at multiple locations. Local field potentials were used to study the spatio-temporal properties and the instantaneous synchronization profile of the gamma oscillatory activity, combined with current source density (CSD) analysis. Pair-wise differences in the oscillation phase were used to determine the presence of instantaneous synchronization between the different sites of the circuitry during the oscillatory period. Despite variation in the duration of the oscillatory response over successive trials, they showed a constant average power, suggesting that the rate of expenditure of energy during the gamma bursts is consistent across repeated stimulations. Within each gamma burst, the functional connectivity map reflected the columnar organization of the neocortex. Over successive trials, an apparently random rearrangement of the functional connectivity was observed, with a more stable columnar than horizontal organization. This work reveals new features of evoked gamma oscillations in developing cortex.
Objectif : Etudier les résultats cliniques du traitement de patients atteints pai- une épilepsie mésiale du lobe temporal (MTLE) réfractaire, par stimulation cérébrale profonde (DBS) de l'hippocampe, en fonction de l'emplacement de l'électrode. Méthodes : Huit patients atteints de MTLE implantés dans l'hippocampe et stimulés par DBS à haute fréquence ont été inclus dans cette étude. Cinq ont subi des enregistrements invasifs avec des électrodes profondes dans le but d'estimer la localisation du foyer ictal avant de procéder à une DBS chronique. La position des contacts actifs de l'électrode a été mesurée en utilisant une imagerie post-opératoire. Les distances par rapport au foyer ictal ont été calculées, et les structures hippocampiques influencées par la stimulation ont été identifiées au moyen d'un atlas neuro-anatomique. Ces deux paramètres ont été corrélés avec la réduction de la fréquence d'apparition des crises. Résultats : Les distances entre la localisation estimée des contacts actifs de l'électrode et le foyer ictal étaient respectivement 11.0 +/- 4.3 ou 9.1 +/- 2.3 mm pour les patients présentant une réduction de > 50% ou < 50% de la fréquence des crises. Chez les patients (N = 6) montrant une réduction de > 50% de la fréquence des crises, 100% avaient des contacts actifs situés à < 3 mm du subiculum (p < 0,05). Les 2 patients ne répondant pas au traitement étaient stimulés par des contacts situés à > 3mm du subiculum. Conclusion : La diminution de l'activité épileptogène induite par DBS sur l'hippocampe dans les cas de MTLE réfractaires : 1) ne semble pas directement liée à la proximité des contacts actifs de l'électrode au foyer ictal déterminé par les enregistrements invasifs ; 2) pourrait être obtenue par une neuro-modulation du subiculum.
The Mantoverde iron oxide copper-gold (IOCC) district, northern Chile, is known for its Cu production from supergene ores. Recently, exploration outlined an additional hypogene ore resource of 440 Mt with 0.56 percent Cu, and 0.12 g/t An. The hypogene sulfide mineralization occurs mainly as chalcopyrite and pyrite, typically in specularite or magnetite-cemented breccias and associated stockworks. The host rocks underwent variably intense K feldspar alteration, chloritization, sericitization, silicification, and/or carbonatization. A district scale Na(-Ca) alteration is absent. The IOCC mineralization in the district shows a strong tectonic control by northwest- to north-northwest-trending brittle structures. Large Cu sulfide-rich veins or Cu sulfide-cemented breccias are absent. Therefore, head grades of 4 percent Cu are an exception. There is a positive correlation between Cu and An grades. Gold is probably contained mostly in chalcopyrite and pyrite. Elevated concentrations of light rare-earth elements (LREE) occur locally but are attributed to redistribution of LREE within the deposits rather than to derivation from external sources. The Cu-Au ores in the Mantoverde district are low in and have relatively low contents in heavy metals that are potentially hazardous to the environment, such as As (avg 14 ppm), Hg (<5 ppm), or Cd (<0.2 ppm). The sulfur isotope ratios of chalcopyrite from the IOCC deposits lie between -5.6 and 8.9 per mil delta(34)S(VCDT). They show systematic variations within the district, which are interpreted to reflect relative distance to inferred fluid conduits and the level of deposition within the hydrothermal system. Most initial (87)Sr/(86)Sr values of altered volcanic rocks and hydrothermal calcite from the Mantoverde district are between 0.7031 and 0.7060 and are similar to those of the igneous rocks of the region. Lead isotope ratios of chalcopyrite are consistent with Pb (and by inference Cu) derived from Early Cretaceous magmatism. The sulfur, strontium, and lead isotope data of chalcopyrite, calcite gangue, or altered host rocks, respectively, are compatible with a genetic model that involves cooling of metal and sulfur-bearing magmatic-hydrothermal fluids that mix with meteoric waters or seawater at relatively shallow crustal levels. An additional exotic sulfur input is likely, though not required, for the copper mineralization. Apart from the IOCC. deposits, there are a number of smaller magnetite(-apatite) bodies in the district. These are geologically similar to the Cu-Au-bearing magnetite bodies, but are related to splays of the north-south-trending Atacama fault zone and differ in alteration and texture.
Purpose. This study was conducted to determine whether newer infrared or laser welding technologies created joints superior to traditional furnace or torch soldering methods of joining metals. It was designed to assess the mechanical resistance, the characteristics of the fractured surfaces, and the elemental diffusion of joints obtained by four different techniques: (1) preceramic soldering with a propane-oxygen torch, (2) postceramic soldering with a porcelain furnace, (3) preceramic and (4) postceramic soldering with an infrared heat source, and (5) laser welding. Material and methods. Mechanical resistance was determined by measuring the ultimate tensile strength of the joint and by determining their resistance to fatigue loading. Elemental diffusion to and from the joint was assessed with microprobe tracings. Scanning electron microscopy micrographs of the fractured surface were also obtained and evaluated. Results. Under monotonic tensile stress, three groups emerged: The laser welds were the strongest, the preceramic joints ranged second, and the postceramic joints were the weakest. Under fatigue stress, the order was as follows: first, the preceramic joints, and second, a group that comprised both postceramic joints and the laser welds. Inspection of the fractographs revealed several fracture modes but no consistent pattern emerged. Microprobe analyses demonstrated minor diffusion processes in the preceramic joints, whereas significant diffusion was observed in the postceramic joints. Clinical Implications. The mechanical resistance data conflicted as to the strength that could be expected of laser welded joints. On the basis of fatigue resistance of the joints, neither infrared solder joints nor laser welds were stronger than torch or furnace soldered joints.