16 resultados para Fontaine Modulen, F-T-Kristall


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EXPERIMENTATION GENERIQUE ET DIALOGISME INTERTEXTUEL: PERRAULT, LA FONTAINE, APULEIUS, STRAPAROLA AND BASILE. Les contes en vers et en prose de Perrault relèvent, selon l'hypothèse présentée dans cette étude, d'un dialogisme intertextuel très complexe avec les formes génériques du conte déjà existantes dans les littératures européennes. L'académicien s'adonne à une véritable «expérimentation générique » au cours de laquelle il crée de nouvelles formes génériques, de nouvelles intrigues et de nouvelles figures à partir de la fabella de Psyché enchâssée dans les Métamorphoses d'Apulée, et de sa récriture galante par La Fontaine dans Les Amours de Psiché et de Cupidon en 1669. Ce double dialogue intertextuel est encore sous-tendu par le recours aux favole de Straparola (Le Piacevole notti) et aux cunti (Lo cunto de li cunti) de Basile, célèbres narrateurs italiens, qui avaient déjà reconfiguré de façon originale certains épisodes et personnages de la fabella de Psyché. Ce processus dialogique complexe est ici mis en évidence par l'analyse (inter)textuelle successive des trois premiers contes en prose, La Belle au bois dormant, Le Petit Chaperon rouge et La Barbe bleue. L'analyse comparative montre que Perrault les invente à partir des trois moments successifs de l'épreuve la plus difficile que Vénus inflige à Psyché, celle de la descente aux Enfers. En introduisant des différences significatives par rapport aux textes latins, italiens et français, l'académicien parvient à créer une nouvelle variation générique : le conte pseudo-naïf doté d'un sens crypté qui se découvre « plus ou moins selon le degré de pénétration de ceux qui les lisent ».GENERIC EXPERIMENTATION AND INTERTEXTUAL DIALOGISM: PERRAULT, LA FONTAINE, APULEIUS, STRAPAROLA AND BASILEAccording to Ute Heidmann, Perrault's tales have very complex inter- textual relations with other generic forms which already existed in other European literatures. Heidmann demonstrates here how Perrault experi- ments "generically" with the fairy tale and how he creates new generic forms from other tales by Apuleus, Straparola, Basile, or La Fontaine. This dialogic process is here underlined by the analysis of three particular fairy tales, Sleeping Beauty in the Woods, Little Red Riding Hood and Blue Beard. Heidmann shows how, by introducing key differences with the Latin, Italian and French models, Perrault succeeds in creating a new generic variation of the fairy tale: "the pseudo-naïve fairy tale".


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Polymorphisms in IL28B were shown to affect clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in genome-wide association (GWA) studies. Only a fraction of patients with chronic HCV infection develop liver fibrosis, a process that might also be affected by genetic factors. We performed a 2-stage GWA study of liver fibrosis progression related to HCV infection. We studied well-characterized HCV-infected patients of European descent who underwent liver biopsies before treatment. We defined various liver fibrosis phenotypes on the basis of METAVIR scores, with and without taking the duration of HCV infection into account. Our GWA analyses were conducted on a filtered primary cohort of 1161 patients using 780,650 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We genotyped 96 SNPs with P values <5 × 10(-5) from an independent replication cohort of 962 patients. We then assessed the most interesting replicated SNPs using DNA samples collected from 219 patients who participated in separate GWA studies of HCV clearance. In the combined cohort of 2342 HCV-infected patients, the SNPs rs16851720 (in the total sample) and rs4374383 (in patients who received blood transfusions) were associated with fibrosis progression (P(combined) = 8.9 × 10(-9) and 1.1 × 10(-9), respectively). The SNP rs16851720 is located within RNF7, which encodes an antioxidant that protects against apoptosis. The SNP rs4374383, together with another replicated SNP, rs9380516 (P(combined) = 5.4 × 10(-7)), were linked to the functionally related genes MERTK and TULP1, which encode factors involved in phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by macrophages. Our GWA study identified several susceptibility loci for HCV-induced liver fibrosis; these were linked to genes that regulate apoptosis. Apoptotic control might therefore be involved in liver fibrosis.


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Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) represents a well established procedure in the treatment of critical ischemia of the extremities. The knowledge and distribution of SCS in Austria are still poor despite satisfactory data. The evaluations and recommendations from the consensus group demonstrate that SCS might represent a suitable additional treatment option for selected patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) when performed in experienced centers under clear indications. The complication rate is low and mainly due to device-related problems. There are valid scientific criteria proving that SCS treatment can reduce the risk of amputation, decrease pain and improve wound healing in patients with non-reconstructable, non-unstable PAD in stages IV and V according to Rutherford (stages III and IV according to Fontaine).This effect is more evident when patient selection is based on tcPO(2) measurements. A careful selection of patients is essential for the success of this neuromodulatory treatment, in addition a certain degree of patient compliance in terms of perception and understanding of the therapy is mandatory.


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In vitro studies suggested that sub-millisecond pulses of radiation elicit less genomic instability than continuous, protracted irradiation at the same total dose. To determine the potential of ultrahigh dose-rate irradiation in radiotherapy, we investigated lung fibrogenesis in C57BL/6J mice exposed either to short pulses (≤ 500 ms) of radiation delivered at ultrahigh dose rate (≥ 40 Gy/s, FLASH) or to conventional dose-rate irradiation (≤ 0.03 Gy/s, CONV) in single doses. The growth of human HBCx-12A and HEp-2 tumor xenografts in nude mice and syngeneic TC-1 Luc(+) orthotopic lung tumors in C57BL/6J mice was monitored under similar radiation conditions. CONV (15 Gy) triggered lung fibrosis associated with activation of the TGF-β (transforming growth factor-β) cascade, whereas no complications developed after doses of FLASH below 20 Gy for more than 36 weeks after irradiation. FLASH irradiation also spared normal smooth muscle and epithelial cells from acute radiation-induced apoptosis, which could be reinduced by administration of systemic TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-α) before irradiation. In contrast, FLASH was as efficient as CONV in the repression of tumor growth. Together, these results suggest that FLASH radiotherapy might allow complete eradication of lung tumors and reduce the occurrence and severity of early and late complications affecting normal tissue.


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Objectifs: Evaluer l'intérêt d'une double infiltration sous guidage scanner épiduro-foraminale versus foraminale seule dans les conflits disco -radiculaires. Matériels et méthodes: Etude randomisée prospective monocentrique portant sur 110 patients évaluant à J1, J7 et J30 l'évolution clinique par EVA, ODI et prise antalgiques. L'ensembledes interventions est réalisé sous guidage scanner avec opacification de la zone traitée pour confirmer le bon positionnement des corticoïdes . Résultats: Une différence significative (p<0,04) est montrée pour les hernies postéro-latérales avec une meilleure efficacité de l'injection double épidurale et foraminale.Aucune complication majeure n'a été constatée sur les 400 patients eligibles. Conclusion: Les infiltrations sous scanner sont des interventions efficaces et sûres . Le double abord épidural et foraminal présente un intérêt dans les herniespostéro-latérales.


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In Europe, acute diarrhea, particularly caused by rotavirus are frequently the cause of epidemics in nurseries, schools, and even hospitals. Studies in many developing countries show that taking 10 to 20 mg per day of zinc for 10 to 14 days, during and after diarrhea, decreases the severity and reduces the number of episodes of diarrhea occurring within 2 to 3 months following the intake of zinc. However, the few studies conducted in developed countries do not confirm or deny its effectiveness in these countries, thereby limiting the global implementation of WHO recommendations for acute diarrhea. The ongoing study at the HEL (Children hospital - Lausanne) aims to promote this additional therapy in children under 5 years of age, perhaps allowing the helvetic application of the new WHO recommendations.


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Comment aider professionnellement tout en respectant l'autre, sans être intrusif, sans faire à la place de l'autre? Il ne suffit pas de maîtriser son art comme par exemple celui du soutien psychosocial ou neuropsychologique, il est aussi essentiel de maîtriser l'art de l'intervention aidante. Par exemple, aider l'autre consiste souvent à permettre à l'autre d'apprendre quelque chose de nouveau pour qu'il se sente mieux, que ce soit au plan physique, affectif ou cognitif. Comment favoriser chez son client l'envie d'apprendre et de changer? Dans cet ouvrage, nous montrons que le paradigme cognitivo-comportemental est intéressant pour développer cet art de l'intervention aidante. En effet, cette approche est pour l'essentiel construite autour des notions d'apprentissage et d'adaptation: en particulier l'apprentissage de nouvelles façons d'agir, de penser et de se représenter le monde (Ladouceur et al. 2001; Fontaine et al. 1984; Cottraux, 2004). Nous montrons comment les outils utilisés dans l'approche cognitivo-comportementale peuvent aisément s'adapter dans des cadres professionnels fondés sur une relation d'aide mais autres que la psychothérapie. Des exemples concrets documentent comment utiliser ces outils.


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Ute Heidmann Le dialogisme intertextuel des contes des Grimm Préalables pour une enquête à mener « Le caractère le plus important de l'énoncé, ou en tous les cas le plus ignoré, est son dialogisme, c'est-à-dire sa dimension intertextuelle », constate Todorov en référence à la conception dialogique du langage proposée par Bakthine. Cet article introductif postule que ce constat s'applique aussi aux contes des Grimm. En partant des recherches déjà menées sur Apulée, Straporola, Basile, Perrault, La Fontaine et Lhéritier*, il présente des concepts (réponse intertextuelle, reconfiguration générique et scénographie en trompe-l'oeil) dont il illustre l'efficacité pour l'analyse des Kinder- und Hausmärchen. L'analyse de la préface de 1812 montre que les Grimm créent une scénographie pour légitimer le genre des Kinder- und Hausmärchen en les présentant comme des contes "d'origine" qui auraient "poussé" comme des plantes dans leur région et qu'ils n'auraient fait que "collecter". Cette scénographie en trompe-l'oeil permet de dissimuler le fort impact des contes européens et notamment français sur les Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Leurs commentaires paratextuels permettent en revanche de retracer ces dialogues intertextuels qui ne se limitent pas à imiter les "voix déjà présentes dans le choeur complexe" des narrateurs des contes déjà racontés, mais qui créent des effets de sens nouveaux et significativement différents en guise de réponse aux "histoires ou contes du passé", comme l'avaient déjà fait Charles Perrault avant eux. *(dans Féeries 8 et Textualité et intertextualité des contes, Editions Classiques Garnier 2010) "The most important feature of the utterance, or at least the most neglected, is its dialogism, that is, its intertextual dimension" states Todorov in reference to Bakthin's dialogical conception of human speech. Ute Heidmann's introductory essay argues that this applies also to the Grimm's tales. Extending her former theoretical and intertextual investigation on Apuleius, Straporala, Basile, Perrault, La Fontaine and Lhéritier*, she proposes a series of conceptual options (as intertextual response, scenography, trompe l'oeil, generic reconfiguration, discursive strategy) that can efficiently be used for the work on the Kinder- und Hausmärchen, gesammelt durch die Brüder Grimm. The article shows how the Grimms skilfully construct a highly suggestive scenography and topography for the new generic form thus creating the idea of a genuine tale, having grown naturally in the earth of their own region and how it is efficiently used to dissimulate the strong impact of the European and namely the French fairy tales on the Grimm's tales. The extensive paratextual commentaries are shown to serve the same purpose. Once these strategies are "deconstructed" as such, the way is free to trace the very complex intertextual dialogues with already existing Italian, French, German tales, that underlie the Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Comparative textual analysis can then make us discover, that these dialogues are from just "imitating" "the many other voices already present in the complex chorus" of fairy tale writers and narrators: they actually create new and different meaning by responding to them. * (in Féeries 8, Textualité et intertextualité des contes, Classiques Garnier 2010)


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PURPOSE: Transferrin (Tf) expression is enhanced by aging and inflammation in humans. We investigated the role of transferrin in glial protection. METHODS: We generated transgenic mice (Tg) carrying the complete human transferrin gene on a C57Bl/6J genetic background. We studied human (hTf) and mouse (mTf) transferrin localization in Tg and wild-type (WT) C57Bl/6J mice using immunochemistry with specific antibodies. Müller glial (MG) cells were cultured from explants and characterized using cellular retinaldehyde binding protein (CRALBP) and vimentin antibodies. They were further subcultured for study. We incubated cells with FeCl(3)-nitrilotriacetate to test for the iron-induced stress response; viability was determined by direct counting and measurement of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. Tf expression was determined by reverse transcriptase-quantitative PCR with human- or mouse-specific probes. hTf and mTf in the medium were assayed by ELISA or radioimmunoassay (RIA), respectively. RESULTS: mTf was mainly localized in retinal pigment epithelium and ganglion cell layers in retina sections of both mouse lines. hTf was abundant in MG cells. The distribution of mTf and hTf mRNA was consistent with these findings. mTf and hTf were secreted into the medium of MG cell primary cultures. Cells from Tg mice secreted hTf at a particularly high level. However, both WT and Tg cell cultures lose their ability to secrete Tf after a few passages. Tg MG cells secreting hTf were more resistant to iron-induced stress toxicity than those no longer secreted hTf. Similarly, exogenous human apo-Tf, but not human holo-Tf, conferred resistance to iron-induced stress on MG cells from WT mice. CONCLUSIONS: hTf localization in MG cells from Tg mice was reminiscent of that reported for aged human retina and age-related macular degeneration, both conditions associated with iron deposition. The role of hTf in protection against toxicity in Tg MG cells probably involves an adaptive mechanism developed in neural retina to control iron-induced stress.