203 resultados para Evaluation Studies as Topic
Attitudinal and behavioural change among gay men in Switzerland was measured between 1987 and 1990 to evaluate the effectiveness of AIDS prevention activities. The methodology used included a self-administered questionnaire published in Swiss gay magazines and distributed by gay organizations (N = 795 in 1987, N = 720 in 1990) and in-depth interviews with men recruited through advertisements and through the questionnaire (N = 42 in 1987, N = 24 in 1990). The two independent sampling procedures yielded similar samples with regard to socio-demographic characteristics, allowing comparisons to be made between the 1987 and 1990 data. Personal confrontation with AIDS (knowing someone who is HIV-positive, or who is ill or dead from AIDS) increased significantly during the period but more adequate ways of coping developed. Behavioural change towards safer sex began well before the first study. The majority of responding homosexuals have adapted their sexual behaviour to the new situation created by AIDS and generally maintain a protective behaviour. However, "exceptions" (condom rupture or episodes of non-protection) are not infrequent and should deserve more attention. Three indicators of sexual behaviour (number of sexual partners, anal sex and use of condom and oral sex with ejaculation), reported for the last 3 months before each study, exhibit few changes between 1987 and 1990: number of partners remained stable, unprotected oral sex decreased. Anal sex slightly increased, the use of condoms remaining stable. Sixty-seven percent of the sample knew their serostatus in 1990 (57% in 1987), and 13% of these stated that they were HIV+ (14% in 1987).
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVE:. The information assessment method (IAM) permits health professionals to systematically document the relevance, cognitive impact, use and health outcomes of information objects delivered by or retrieved from electronic knowledge resources. The companion review paper (Part 1) critically examined the literature, and proposed a 'Push-Pull-Acquisition-Cognition-Application' evaluation framework, which is operationalized by IAM. The purpose of the present paper (Part 2) is to examine the content validity of the IAM cognitive checklist when linked to email alerts. METHODS: A qualitative component of a mixed methods study was conducted with 46 doctors reading and rating research-based synopses sent on email. The unit of analysis was a doctor's explanation of a rating of one item regarding one synopsis. Interviews with participants provided 253 units that were analysed to assess concordance with item definitions. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The content relevance of seven items was supported. For three items, revisions were needed. Interviews suggested one new item. This study has yielded a 2008 version of IAM.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In bladder cancer, conventional white light endoscopic examination of the bladder does not provide adequate information about the presence of "flat" urothelial lesions such as carcinoma in situ. In the present investigation, we examine a new technique for the photodetection of such lesions by the imaging of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) fluorescence following topical application of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Several hours after bladder instillation of an aqueous solution of ALA in 34 patients, a Krypton ion laser or a filtered Xenon arc-lamp was used to excite PpIX fluorescence. Tissue samples for histological analysis were taken while observing the bladder wall either by means of a video camera, or by direct endoscopic observation. RESULTS: A good correlation was found between the PpIX fluorescence and the histopathological diagnosis. On a total of 215 biopsies, 143 in fluorescent and 72 in nonfluorescent areas, all visible tumors on white light cytoscopy appeared in a bright red fluorescence with the photodetection technique. In addition, this method permitted to discover 47 unsuspected carcinomatous lesions on white light observation, among which 40% were carcinoma in situ. CONCLUSION: PpIX fluorescence induced by instillation into the bladder of 5-ALA is an efficient method of mapping the mucosa in bladder carcinoma.
37 insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetics answered a multiple-choice questionnaire during inpatient educational sessions. 12 dietetic and 12 pathophysiologic questions had to be answered. Statistical analysis of factors influencing the number of errors can be summed up as follows: there is a direct correlation between age of the patient and number of errors; the older the patient, the greater the number of errors. However, insulin-dependent diabetics committed fewer errors than non-insulin-dependent subjects of the same age, which suggests greater motivation in the first group due to their treatment. The test likewise affords the patients an opportunity of reviewing unclear topics and enables the educational team to adapt their teaching to the patients.
A fluconazole 25 microg disk diffusion test was used to test 2230 consecutively isolated Candida strains from 42 different hospital laboratories in 23 countries. Ninety seven percent of 1634 Candida albicans isolates and 83.4% of 596 non-Candida albicans isolates were susceptible to fluconazole, applying the proposed breakpoints (> or = 26 mm for susceptible strains and 18-25 mm for dose-dependent susceptible strains). This is the first hospital laboratory study to evaluate a large number and wide range of sequential Candida isolates from patients with all types of hospital infections. The fluconazole disk diffusion test appears to be a low-cost, reproducible, and accurate means of assessing the in vitro susceptibility of Candida isolates.
[Table des matières] 1. Méthodes d'évaluation. 2. Le Passage et le Point d'eau. 2.1. Historique et objectifs. 2.2. Etapes de la mise en route. 3.1. Professionnels salariés. 3.2. Bénévoles professionnels. 3.3. Bénévoles d'accueil. 4.1. Activités de la structure. 4.2. Accueil (animations, repas, collations). 4.3. L'offre socio-éducative. 4.4. L'offre sanitaire. 4.5. La distribution du matériel stérile. 5.1. Prestations d'hygiène. 5.2. Soins somatiques. 5.3. Activité sportive. 6.1. Profil des usagers. 6.2. Indicateurs socio-démographiques et d'intégration sociale. 6.3. Etat de santé perçu. 6.4. Fréquentation du réseau (dispositif bas seuil et autre) et de Point d'eau. 7. Consommation de drogues illégales. 8. Fréquentation de la structure. 9.1. Méthodes d'évaluation utilisées. 9.2. Evaluation du Passage et du Point d'eau.
OBJECTIVE: To test the accuracy of a new pulse oximeter sensor based on transmittance and reflectance. This sensor makes transillumination of tissue unnecessary and allows measurements on the hand, forearm, foot, and lower limb. DESIGN: Prospective, open, nonrandomized criterion standard study. SETTING: Neonatal intensive care unit, tertiary care center. PATIENTS: Sequential sample of 54 critically ill neonates (gestational age 27 to 42 wks; postnatal age 1 to 28 days) with arterial catheters in place. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: A total of 99 comparisons between pulse oximetry and arterial saturation were obtained. Comparison of femoral or umbilical arterial blood with transcutaneous measurements on the lower limb (n = 66) demonstrated an excellent correlation (r2 = .96). The mean difference was +1.44% +/- 3.51 (SD) % (range -11% to +8%). Comparison of the transcutaneous values with the radial artery saturation from the corresponding upper limb (n = 33) revealed a correlation coefficient of 0.94 with a mean error of +0.66% +/- 3.34% (range -6% to +7%). The mean difference between noninvasive and invasive measurements was least with the test sensor on the hand, intermediate on the calf and arm, and greatest on the foot. The mean error and its standard deviation were slightly larger for arterial saturation values < 90% than for values > or = 90%. CONCLUSION: Accurate pulse oximetry saturation can be acquired from the hand, forearm, foot, and calf of critically ill newborns using this new sensor.
Ambulatory blood pressure (BP) was recorded in hypertensive patients whose physicians had been asked to reduce diastolic pressure measured in the office to 90 mm Hg or less. 34 hypertensive patients with a diastolic pressure measured by their physician of 95 mm Hg or more despite antihypertensive therapy had their treatment changed with the aim of achieving this pre-set goal within 3 months. At the beginning and the end of the study, ambulatory BP was monitored during the daytime with a portable non-invasive recorder. The results of the ambulatory recordings were not made available to the physicians until completion of the study. In half the patients the ambulatory diastolic pressure was already 90 mm Hg or less at the start. In these patients, treatment adjustment did not further decrease ambulatory BP. In contrast, patients who initially had an ambulatory diastolic pressure above 90 mm Hg had a significantly decreased ambulatory BP at the end of the study. Intensifying the therapy of hypertensive patients who have a normal ambulatory BP may result in overtreatment without any real gain in BP control.
A survey was undertaken among a representative sample of the female population, aged 20 to 74, of the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland (total population 550,000) to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of women in respect to breast cancer and its prevention. The present study focuses on access by women to medical preventive measures (breast examination by physician and information on breast self-examination). The data are analyzed in relation to the individual risk factors affecting women, in particular age. While with age the risk of breast cancer grows in a linear fashion, the proportion of women having their breast examined by a physician declines. Women over 50 who had no children before the age of 30 constitute an especially high risk category, with the lowest access to information and prevention. This is explained in large part by the fact that they consult gynecologists less often. In this regard it should be noted that a visit to a gynecologist's office is associated much more often with breast examination than a visit to a family physician. It is important to take such findings into account in providing more appropriate and complete care for those groups. This involves sensitization of the physician and improved information for the women themselves.
In 58 newborn infants a new iridium oxide sensor was evaluated for transcutaneous carbon dioxide (tcPCO2) monitoring at 42 degrees C with a prolonged fixation time of 24 hours. The correlation of tcPCO2 (y; mm Hg) v PaCO2 (x; mm Hg) for 586 paired values was: y = 4.6 + 1.45x; r = .89; syx = 6.1 mm Hg. The correlation was not influenced by the duration of fixation. The transcutaneous sensor detected hypocapnia (PaCO2 less than 35 mm Hg) in 74% and hypercapnia (PCO2 greater than 45 mm Hg) in 74% of all cases. After 24 hours, calibration shifts were less than 4 mm Hg in 90% of the measuring periods. In 86% of the infants, no skin changes were observed; in 12% of infants, there were transitional skin erythemas and in 2% a blister which disappeared without scarring. In newborn infants with normal BPs, continuous tcPCO2 monitoring at 42 degrees C can be extended for as many as 24 hours without loss of reliability or increased risk for skin burns.
To determine the value of immunoscintigraphy (IS) with antigranulocyte monoclonal antibodies (Mab) in the diagnosis of subacute or chronic infection of hip prostheses, we prospectively studied 57 patients (23 women and 34 men; age 29-92 years, mean 72.7 years) sent to our institution in the past 6 years for clinical suspicion of septic loosening of a hip prosthesis. Nineteen patients had bilateral prostheses and one of them was studied twice. A total of 78 prostheses were examined. All patients had three-phase bone scans followed by IS with technetium-99m antigranulocyte Mab BW 250/183. Intervals between bone scans and IS varied from 2 days to 4 weeks. Final diagnosis was assessed by culture in 48 cases (articular puncture or intraoperative sampling) and by clinical follow-up of at least 8 months in 30 cases. Twelve prostheses were considered septic and 66 non-septic. The overall sensitivity and specificity were 92% and 64% respectively for bone scans, 67% and 75% for IS and 67% and 84% for both modalities together. In three cases, IS was doubtful and the final clinical diagnosis was negative for infection. False-positive results were observed in the presence of massive loosening of the prosthesis or in association with metaplastic peri-articular bone formation. In three of the four false-negative results, infection was proven only after enrichment of the culture, and the bacterium was Staphylococcus epidermidis. In 12/33 (36%) positive bone scans IS allowed the diagnosis of infection to be excluded. Overall accuracy of both modalities together was 81% and the negative predictive value was 93%, which compares favourably with the results reported for other non-invasive methods.
The use of cages of different material and shapes for cervical discectomy with fusion (ACDF) has increased during the last few years. The use of additional osteogenic material is controversial. We prospectively evaluated an empty, Plasmapore-covered titanium cage (PCTC) in 45 patients undergoing 58 ACDFs. Patients were evaluated using standard clinical and radiological criteria. Good to excellent outcome was achieved in 93%, 78% and 75% after 3, 12 and 48 months, respectively. Sixty-five percent of patients could resume their prior work after 48 months. Disc space height and lordosis could be preserved in all cases. Two percent of the treated levels showed subsidence and 2% increased segmental motion. There were no procedure-related complications. Implantation of an empty PCTC after microsurgical anterior cervical discectomy is a safe procedure with good results and low incidence of complications. Disc height and lordosis can be preserved with low incidence of subsidence and good fusion rates.