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Il lungo e complesso itinerario narrativo di Luigi Meneghello è ben rappresentato dalle migliaia di documenti che compongono il suo Archivio, oggi conservati in varie sedi pubbliche: il Centro Manoscritti dell'Università di Pavia (che ha acquisito la parte più abbondante e notevole delle carte, a partire dal 1983 e grazie soprattutto al lungimirante intervento di Maria Corti) la Biblioteca dell'Università di Reading, il Museo Casabianca di Malo e l''Archivio di Scrittori Vicentini della Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana di Vicenza. Il presente lavoro è il frutto di una ricerca che si è sviluppata in due direzioni strettamente interrelate: la prima parte, di taglio storico-archivistico, riguarda il Fondo Meneghello di Pavia, anche in relazione all'intero Archivio dello scrittore; la seconda parte analizza filologicamente e criticamente il caso specifico della genesi di una delle sue opere maggiori, Pomo pero (Rizzoli, 1974), rivelando e indagando una fitta rete di connessioni nell'intera produzione narrativa. Più nel dettaglio, nel primo capitolo del lavoro (L'ARCHIVIO DI LUIGI MENEGHELLO, pp. 1-92) ho cercato di delineare il quadro complessivo dell'Archivio, segnalando i dati dei diversi Fondi sparsi, per poi concentrare l'attenzione sul Fondo pavese. Di questo Fondo ho tracciato brevemente la storia, fornendo un quadro molto dettagliato delle carte conservate, carte che ho provveduto integralmente a catalogare. La schedatura si trova alle pp. 29-92 ed è divisa in due sezioni: la prima è relativa ai materiali donati dall'autore in vita (a partire dal 1983/4 sino al 2001, per un totale di 36000 documenti); la seconda comprende i conferimenti postumi. Alle pp. 29-33 della tesi ho chiarito preliminarmente i criteri di ordinamento adottati, in gran parte dedotti dalle indicazioni e dalle linee guida del progetto Archivi Letterari Lombardi del Novecento, a cura di Simone Albonico. Il secondo capitolo (UN CASO DI FILOLOGIA D'ARCHIVIO: LA GENESI DI POMO PERO, pp. 93-166) si occupa dell'elaborata vicenda compositiva di Pomo pero, terzo romanzo, e altro scomparto dell'epopea maladense che segue al primo Libera nos a malo, ma anche se ne differenzia per tratti e tonalità non irrilevanti (in Appendice si fornisce trascrizione del testo con indici topografici e cronologici). Ho cercato di seguirne per tappe la formazione alla luce delle numerose testimonianze dell'Archivio, partendo dai primi materiali ancora rintracciabili tra le carte di Libera nos a malo, e individuando progressivamente il filo intricato dell'elaborazione testuale, tra frequenti intrecci con le altre opere e continui ripensamenti e rielaborazioni, dunque in un percorso complessivo che dal 1962 (dunque a monte dell'uscita di Libera nos a malo) va sino al 1974, a ridosso della stampa. Sono emersi anche progetti totalmente sconosciuti di testi inediti, collocabili nel fertile periodo della metà degli anni Sessanta, che conducono alla suggestiva ipotesi di un "cantiere unico" di elaborazione testuale (cfr. cap. III «CONCLUSIONI PROVVISORIE». TRA I PROGETTI DEGLI ANNI SESSANTA; L'ESPEDIENTE DEL FRATELLO; L'IPOTESI DEL CANTIERE UNICO, pp. 167-186).


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Chez les animaux, les jeunes dépendant des parents durant leur développement sont en compétition pour obtenir la nourriture, qu'ils quémandent par des cris et postures ostentatoires et se disputent physiquement. Les frères et soeurs n'ont pas la même compétitivité, en particulier s'ils diffèrent en âge, et leur niveau de faim fluctue dans le temps. Comme dans tout type de compétition, chacun doit ajuster son investissement aux rivaux, c'est à dire aux besoins et comportements de ses frères et soeurs. Dans le contexte de la famille, selon la théorie de sélection de parentèle, les jeunes bénéficient de leur survie mutuelle et donc de la propagation de la part de gènes qu'ils ont en commun. L'hypothèse de la « négociation frères-soeurs » prédit que, sous certaines conditions, les jeunes négocient entre eux la nourriture, ce qui réduit les coûts de compétition et permet de favoriser les frères et soeurs les plus affamés. La littérature actuelle se focalise sur les signaux de quémande entre enfants et parents et les interactions compétitives frères-soeurs sont étudiées principalement au sein de paires, alors que les nichées ou portées en comprennent souvent de nombreux. Cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre comment et jusqu'à quel point plusieurs jeunes ajustent mutuellement leurs signaux de besoin. C'est une question importante, étant donné que cela influence la répartition de nourriture entre eux, donc la résolution du conflit qui les oppose et à terme leur valeur évolutive. Le modèle d'étude est la chouette effraie (Tyto alba), chez laquelle jusqu'à neufs poussins émettent des milliers de cris chacun par nuit. Ils négocieraient entre eux la prochaine proie indivisible rapportée au nid avant que les parents ne reviennent : un poussin affamé crie plus qu'un autre moins affamé, ce qui dissuade ce dernier de crier en retour et par la suite de quémander la nourriture aux parents. L'investissement optimal correspondrait donc à écarter son frère en permanence vu que l'arrivée des parents est imprévisible, mais à moindre coût. Dans un premier axe, nous avons exploré au sein de dyades les mécanismes acoustiques permettant aux poussins de doser leur effort vocal durant les heures de compétition où ils sont laissés seuls au nid. Nous avons trouvé que les poussins évitent de crier simultanément, ce qui optimiserait la discrimination du nombre et de la durée de leurs cris, lesquels reflètent de façon honnête leur niveau de faim et donc leur motivation. L'alternance des cris paraît particulièrement adaptée au fait que les poussins se fient à des variations temporelles subtiles dans le rythme et la durée de leurs vocalisations pour prendre la parole. En particulier, allonger ses cris tout en criant moins dissuade efficacement le rival de répondre, ce qui permet de monopoliser la parole dans de longs « monologues ». Ces règles seraient universelles puisqu'elles ne dépendent pas de la séniorité, de la faim, ni de la parenté et les poussins répondent à un playback de façon similaire à un vrai frère. Tous ces résultats apportent la première preuve expérimentale que les juvéniles communiquent de façon honnête sur leurs besoins, ajustent activement le rythme de leurs cris et utilisent des composantes multiples de leurs vocalisations d'une façon qui réduit le coût de la compétition. De plus, il s'agit de la première démonstration que des règles de conversation régissent de longs échanges vocaux chez les animaux de façon comparable aux règles basiques observées chez l'Homme. Dans un second axe, nous avons exploré les stratégies comportementales que les poussins adoptent pour rivaliser avec plusieurs frères et soeurs, par le biais d'expériences de playback. Nous avons trouvé que les poussins mémorisent des asymétries de compétitivité entre deux individus qui dialoguent et répondent plus agressivement au moins compétitif une fois qu'ils sont confrontés à chacun isolément. Dans la même ligne, quand ils entendent un nombre variable d'individus criant à un taux variable, les poussins investissent le plus contre des rivaux moins nombreux et moins motivés. En accord avec les prédictions des modèles théoriques, les poussins de chouette effraie escaladent donc les conflits pour lesquels leur chance de gagner contrebalance le plus l'énergie dépensée. Nous révélons ainsi que 1) les jeunes frères et soeurs 'espionnent' les interactions de leurs rivaux pour évaluer leur compétitivité relative, ce qui est sans doute moins coûteux qu'une confrontation directe avec chacun, et 2) dosent leur investissement vocal en fonction du nombre de rivaux actuellement en compétition et de leur motivation de façon concomitante. Ces résultats montrent que les interactions entre frères et soeurs au nid reposent sur des mécanismes similaires à ceux observés, mais encore de façon anecdotique, chez les adultes non apparentés qui se disputent les territoires et partenaires sexuels. Cette thèse souligne donc combien il est crucial de considérer dorénavant la famille comme un réseau de communication à part entière pour mieux comprendre comment les jeunes résolvent les conflits autour du partage des ressources parentales. Plus généralement, elle révèle l'importance de la dynamique temporelle des vocalisations dans les conflits et la communication des animaux. A la lumière de nos résultats, la chouette effraie apparaît comme un modèle clé pour de futures recherches sur la résolution des conflits et la communication acoustique. - In species with parental care, offspring contest priority access to food by begging through conspicuous postures and vocalisations and by physically jockeying. Siblings differ in their competitiveness, especially in the case of age and size hierarchies, and their hunger level fluctuates in time. As in competition in general, each individual should adjust its investment to opponents that is to say to its siblings' needs and behaviours. In the particular context of family, according to kin selection theory, siblings derive extra fitness benefits from their mutual survival and hence the spreading of the genes they share. The "sibling negotiation" predicts that, under certain conditions, young would negotiate among them priority access to food, which reduces competition costs and enables promoting the most hungry siblings. To date, the literature focuses on signals of need between parents and offspring and competitive interactions (in particular among siblings) are mostly studied within pairwise interactions, yet they commonly involve more numerous rivals. This PhD aims at better understanding how and the extent to which several young siblings compete through signalling. This is important since this influences how food is allocated among them, thus the outcome of sibling rivalry and ultimately their fitness. I use the barn owl (Tyto alba) as a model, in which the one to nine nestlings emit a simple noisy call thousands of times per night. Thereby, they would negotiate among them priority access to the indivisible food next delivered prior to parents' feeding visits. A hungry nestling emits more calls than a less hungry sibling, which deters it to call in return and ultimately beg food at parents. The optimal investment thus corresponds to constantly deterring the rival to compete, given that parents' arrival is unpredictable, but at the lowest costs. In the first axis of my thesis, we explored within dyads the acoustic mechanisms by which owlets dose vocal effort when competing during the hours they are left alone. We found that owlets avoid overlapping each other's calls. This would enhance the discrimination of both call number and duration, which honestly reflect individuals' hunger level and hence motivation to compete. Such antiphony seems best adapted to the fact that siblings actually use subtle temporal variations in the rhythm and duration of their calls to take or give their turn. Owlets alternate monologs, in which lengthening calls efficiently deters the rival to respond while reducing call number. Such rules depend neither on seniority, hunger level nor kinship since nestlings responded similarly to a live sibling and an unrelated playback individual. Taken together, these findings provide the first experimental proof that dependent young honestly communicate about their need, actively adjust the timing of their calls and use multicomponent signals in a way that reduces vocal costs. Moreover, this is the first demonstration of conversational rules underlying animal long-lasting vocal exchanges comparable to the basic turn-taking signals observed in humans. In the second axis, we focused on the behavioural strategies owlets adopt to compete with more than one sibling, using playback experiments. We found that singleton bystanders memorised competitive asymmetries between two playback individuals dialoguing and responded more aggressively to the submissive one once they later faced each of both alone. Moreover, when hearing a varying number of nestlings calling at varying rates, owlets vocally invested the most towards fewer and less motivated rivals. In line with predictions from models on conflict settlement, barn owls thus escalate contests in which their chance of winning best counterbalances the energy spent. These results reveal that young socially eavesdrop on their siblings' interactions to assess their relative competitiveness at likely lower costs than direct confrontation, and dose vocal effort relative to both their number and motivation. This shows that young siblings' interactions imply mechanisms similar to those observed, yet still anecdotally, in unrelated adults that contest mates and territories. This PhD therefore highlights how crucial it is to further consider family as a communication network to better understand how siblings resolve conflicts over the share of parental resources. More generally, it provides important insights into the role of the temporal dynamics of signalling during animal contests and communication. In the light of our findings, the barn owl emerges as a key model for future research on conflict resolution and acoustic communication in animals.


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La tesi di Dottorato, condotta in accordo di colutela tra l'Università di Roma Tor Vergata e l'UNIL di Losanna, ha affrontato l'analisi di un gruppo di undici disegni custodia presso la National Gallery of Scotland di Edimburgo, copie di alcuni dei più significativi mosaici medioevali delle chiese di Roma, ricostruendone la genesi, quindi le vicende legate alla committenza, e il percorso collezionistico. I disegni scozzesi, oggetto di un importante articolo di Julian Gardner pubblicato sul Burlington Magatine nel 1973, furono commissionati intorno agli anni Settanta del XVII secolo dall'antiquario romano Giovanni Giustino Ciampini (1633-1698) in connessione alla stesura della sua opera di erudizione più avvertita e famosa: i Vetera Mommenta in' quibus praecipue Musiva Opera, sacrarum, profanan,mque, Aedìum structura, ac nonnulli antiqui ritus dissertationibus iconìbusque illustrantur. La composizione dei Vetera Mommenta - un'opera riccamente illustrata che nasce per rispondere alle esigenze della ideologia della Chiesa di Roma in un momento di rinnovata crisi del sistema - impone a Ciampini di porsi da un lato nella prospettiva della più alta tradizione antiquaria cinque e seicentesca, di cui recupera i metodi di lettura e di analisi applicati allo studio delle monete e dei monumenti antichi interpretati quali prove per la ricostruzione storica, e dall'altra, come è emerso dalle mie ricerche, lo pone immediatamente in contatto con gli avamposti del più moderno metodo di indagine storica e filologica applicato alle fonti e ai documenti della storia ecclesiastica, inaugurato dall'ambiente bollandista e inaurino. I monumenti paleocristiani e medioevali assumono in quest'ottica lo status di 'fatti incontestabili', le fonti primarie attraverso le quali Ciampini ricuce le tappe salienti della storia della Chiesa, da Costantino fino al XV secolo. Nel 1700 le copie di Edimburgo arrivano nelle mani del mercante e connoisseur milanese il padre oratoriano Sebastiano Resta (1635-1714), di stanza a Roma presso la Chiesa Nuova della Vallicella dal 1660, che decide di rilegarle tutte insieme in un volume da donare al suo maggiore acquirente e patrono, il vescovo di Arezzo Giovanni Matteo Marchetti. Come spiega Resta in alcune sue lettere, il presente avrebbe dovuto costituire insieme una curiosità ed offrire un confronto: infatti «le copie delli mosaici di Roma che erano di Monsignor Ciampini» - afferma Resta - avrebbero mostrato al Marchetti «le maniere di que' tempi gottici, barbari e divoti de cristiani e [fatto] spiccare i secoli seguenti». Questa indagine infatti ha fatto riemergere aspetti della precoce attenzione di Sebastiano Resta per l'arte dei "secoli bassi", mai debitamente affrontata dagli studi. E' infatti sulla scorta di una profonda conoscenza dei testi della letteratura artistica, e in connessione alla esplosione vivacissima della controversia Malvasia/Baldinucci sul primato del risorgere delle arti in Toscana, che Sebastiano a partire dagli anni Ottanta del Seicento comincia a meditare sul Medioevo artistico con il fine di spiegare l'evoluzione del linguaggio tecnico e formale che ha condotto alla perfezione dell'atte moderna. In questa prospettiva ι disegni del XIV e XV secolo che egli riuscì ad intercettare sul mercato valgono quali testimonianze delle maniere degli artefici più antichi e sono imbastiti nei molteplici album che Resta compone nel rispetto della successione cronologica dei presunti autori, e ordinati in base alle scuole pittoriche di pertinenza. La tesi permette perciò di descrivere nelle loro diverse specificità: da un lato il modo dei conoscitori come Resta, interessati nell'opera al dato stilistico, con immediate e sensibili ricadute sul mercato, e disposti anche con passione a ricercare i documenti relativi all'opera in quanto pressati dall'urgenza di collocarla nella sequenza cronologica dello sviluppo del linguaggio formale e tecnico; dall'altro gli antiquari come Ciampini e come Bianchini, per i quali le opere del passato valgono come prove irrefutabili della ricostruzione storica, e divengono quindi esse stesse, anche nel loro statuto di copia, documento della stona. Sono due approcci che si manifestano nel Seicento, e talvolta in una medesima persona, come mostra il caso anche per questo cruciale di Giovati Pietro Bellori, ma che hanno radici cinquecentesche, di cui i protagonisti di queste vicende sono ben consapevoli: e se dietro Resta c'è palesemente Vasari, dietro Ciampini e soprattutto Bianchini c'è la più alta tradizione antiquaria del XVI secolo, da Antonio Augustin a Fulvio Orsini.


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Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a generic computing language that provides an outstanding case study of commodification of service standards. The development of this language in the late 1990s marked a shift in computer science as its extensibility let store and share any kind of data. Many office suites software rely on it. The chapter highlights how the largest multinational firms pay special attention to gain a recognised international standard for such a major technological innovation. It argues that standardisation processes affects market structures and can lead to market capture. By examining how a strategic use of standardisation arenas can generate profits, it shows that Microsoft succeeded in making its own technical solution a recognised ISO standard in 2008, while the same arena already adopted two years earlier the open source standard set by IBM and Sun Microsystems. Yet XML standardisation also helped to establish a distinct model of information technology services at the expense of Microsoft monopoly on proprietary software


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BACKGROUND: Intra-specific variation in melanocyte pigmentation, common in the animal kingdom, has caught the eye of naturalists and biologists for centuries. In vertebrates, dark, eumelanin pigmentation is often genetically determined and associated with various behavioral and physiological traits, suggesting that the genes involved in melanism have far reaching pleiotropic effects. The mechanisms linking these traits remain poorly understood, and the potential involvement of developmental processes occurring in the brain early in life has not been investigated. We examined the ontogeny of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a state involved in brain development, in a wild population of barn owls (Tyto alba) exhibiting inter-individual variation in melanism and covarying traits. In addition to sleep, we measured melanistic feather spots and the expression of a gene in the feather follicles implicated in melanism (PCSK2). RESULTS: As in mammals, REM sleep declined with age across a period of brain development in owlets. In addition, inter-individual variation in REM sleep around this developmental trajectory was predicted by variation in PCSK2 expression in the feather follicles, with individuals expressing higher levels exhibiting a more precocial pattern characterized by less REM sleep. Finally, PCSK2 expression was positively correlated with feather spotting. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that the pace of brain development, as reflected in age-related changes in REM sleep, covaries with the peripheral activation of the melanocortin system. Given its role in brain development, variation in nestling REM sleep may lead to variation in adult brain organization, and thereby contribute to the behavioral and physiological differences observed between adults expressing different degrees of melanism.


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The hypothesis that extravagant ornaments signal parasite resistance has received support in several species for ornamented males but more rarely for ornamented females. However, recent theories have proposed that females should often be under sexual selection, and therefore females may signal the heritable capacity to resist parasites. We investigated this hypothesis in the socially monogamous barn owl, Tyto alba, in which females exhibit on average more and larger black spots on the plumage than males, and in which males were suggested to choose a mate with respect to female plumage spottiness. We hypothesized that the proportion of the plumage surface covered by black spots signals parasite resistance. In line with this hypothesis, we found that the ectoparasitic fly, Carnus hemapterus, was less abundant on young raised by more heavily spotted females and those flies were less fecund. In an experiment, where entire clutches were cross-fostered between nests, we found that the fecundity of the flies collected on nestlings was negatively correlated with the genetic mother's plumage spottiness. These results suggest that the ability to resist parasites covaries with the extent of female plumage spottiness. Among females collected dead along roads, those with a lot of black spots had a small bursa of Fabricius. Given that parasites bigger the development of this immune organ, this observation further suggests that more spotted females are usually less parasitized. The same analyses performed on male plumage spottiness all provided non-significant results. To our knowledge, this study is the first one showing that a heritable secondary sexual characteristics displayed by females reflects parasite resistance.


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The molecular characterization of balanced chromosomal rearrangements have always been of advantage in identifying disease-causing genes. Here, we describe the breakpoint mapping of a de novo balanced translocation t(7;12)(q11.22;q14.2) in a patient presenting with a failure to thrive associated with moderate mental retardation, facial anomalies, and chronic constipation. The localization of the breakpoints and the co-occurrence of Williams-Beuren syndrome and 12q14 microdeletion syndrome phenotypes suggested that the expression of some of the dosage-sensitive genes of these two segmental aneuploidies were modified in cells of the proposita. However, we were unable to identify chromosomes 7 and/or 12-mapping genes that showed disturbed expression in the lymphoblastoids of the proposita. This case showed that position-effect might operate in some tissues, but not in others. It also illustrates the overlap of phenotypes presented by patients with the recently described 12q14 structural rearrangements.


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Trade-offs between the benefits of current reproduction and the costs to future reproduction and survival are widely recognized. However, such trade-offs might only be detected when resources become limited to the point where investment in one activity jeopardizes investment in others. The resolution of the trade-off between reproduction and self-maintenance is mediated by hormones such as glucocorticoids which direct behaviour and physiology towards self-maintenance under stressful situations. We investigated this trade-off in male and female barn owls in relation to the degree of heritable melanin-based coloration, a trait that reflects the ability to cope with various sources of stress in nestlings. We increased circulating corticosterone in breeding adults by implanting a corticosterone-releasing-pellet, using birds implanted with a placebo-pellet as controls. In males, elevated corticosterone reduced the activity (i.e. reduced home-range size and distance covered within the home-range) independently of coloration, while we could not detect any effect on hunting efficiency. The effect of experimentally elevated corticosterone on female behaviour was correlated with their melanin-based coloration. Corticosterone (cort-) induced an increase in brooding behaviour in small-spotted females, while this hormone had no detectable effect in large-spotted females. Cort-females with small eumelanic spots showed the normal body-mass loss during the early nestling period, while large spotted cort-females did not lose body mass. This indicates that corticosterone induced a shift towards self-maintenance in males independently on their plumage, whereas in females this shift was observed only in large-spotted females.


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ASSOCIATIVE GEOGRAPHY AND SWISS IMPERIALISM. THE EXAMPLE OF GENEVA (1858-1914) − This article is about geographical society of Geneva and its involvement in the 19th century colonial imperialism. Through this society, Swiss bourgeoisie takes part in the exploration and colonization of the world. Is this participation a sign of Swiss imperialism? This issue will be at the heart of this study.


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The work of this thesis would like to investigate two particular questions about the care of underage: on the one hand, the maltreatment, and the mother's desire on the other hand. About the first, this proposal try to underscore the elaborate irregularity and disparity related to this phenomenon and his historical evolution. The objective's thesis propose to underline that the abuse crosses the crisis of educational dimension inside and outside the family. We are talking about a type of crisi that places at the origin of a specific clinic and that it is about the maltreatment designated, at the same time, to cope with the educational void and with the ill-treated under age's hardships. The so-called clinic of the maltreatment horns, therefore, with the purpose to join and to set in order the normative and educational aspects. However, the prescriptive requirement is intended to measure against the same one crisis in a paradoxical way; the laws and the juveniles court must make up for the lack absence of the rules that characterized the maltreatment, getting around to use the typical reference that traditionally were been at the base of the educational way's construction. The same crimes on underage often found in the father the responsibility. The requirements and the therapeutic needs has utilized the theoretical construct of the trauma as the key line of clinical practice. On the one hand, the trauma was been paired controversially to the psychoanalytical concepts as the notion of the phantom, in the same manner that the objective truth is been opposed to the notion of the imagination and fantasy; on the other hand, the trauma was gotten to be the mark and the characteristic that defined the individual identity of the mistreated persons, regardless of the person's clinical structure or, generally, regardless of the their individual position. Both the normative demand and therapeutic converge on the idealization of the imaginary figure that is able to supply to every type of maltreatment: the mother. This position is connected on theoretical construct well-established in the mythology, that associated the mother figure to a natural dimension; this is related to the second point at issue: the mother's desire. The awareness of the mother figure in natural and idealized terms describes accusingly and negatively the trauma, without seeing the difference between trauma that helps to give a structure to the individual position from the trauma solely devastating. The mother's mythology, therefore, is in an evident antagonism with the female figure and woman's sexuality. In these way the maltreatment's clinic suggests that a woman is able to be a mother only when she doesn't appreciate the rule of female. This situation preclusives a comparison with own sexuality and gives to the women a complex of castration. The clinic cases reported highlight as these difficulties are the expression of the familiarity's heredity that wasn't been sufficiently elaborated. This condition (into the relation between mother and his child) turn the infant in the incapacity to symbolized and it doesn't help him to accede to the positive trauma, to the language and to the edipic rule; this is the reason why the child toils difficulties to approach to own personality and to orient himself in the relation with his body, with the body of the adults and the same age children.