184 resultados para Dorsal root ganglia
Using autoradiographic techniques carried out under precise conditions we previously demonstrated that both sensory neurons and peripheral glial cells in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) or sciatic nerve, possess specific [125I]-labeled T3 binding sites. Thyroid hormone receptors (TR) include several isoforms (TR alpha(1), TR alpha(2), TR beta(1), TR beta(2...)) The present study demonstrates that while sensory neurons and peripheral glial cells both possess functional TR, they express a differential expression of TR isoforms. Using a panel of antisera to specific for the TR alpha-common (alpha(1) and alpha(2)), TR alpha-1 or TR beta-1 isoforms, we detected TRs isoform localization at the cellular level during DRG and sciatic nerve development and regeneration. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that during embryonic life, sensory neurons express TR alpha-common and TR beta-1 rather than TR alpha-1. The number of TR alpha-common and TR beta-1 positive neurons as well as the intensity of labeling increased during the first two postnatal weeks and remained more or less stable in adult life. TR alpha-1 immunoreactivity, which was undetectable in embryonic sensory neurons, became discreetly visible in neurons after birth. In developing DRG and sciatic nerves, Schwann cells exhibited TR alpha-common and TR alpha-1 rather than TR beta-1 immunolabeling. The appearance of TR alpha-common and alpha-1 isoform immunoreactivity in the sciatic nerve was restricted to a short period ranging from E17 up to two postnatal weeks. By comparing TR alpha-common and TR alpha-1 immunostaining we can deduce that Schwann cells primarily express TR alpha-1. Afterwards, in adult rat sciatic nerve TR alpha isoforms was no more detected. However transection of sciatic nerve caused a reexpression of TR alpha isoforms in degenerating nerve. The prevalence of TR alpha in Schwann cells in vivo was correlated with in vitro results. The differential expression of TR alpha and beta by sensory neurons and Schwann cells indicates that the feedback regulation of circulating thyroid hormone could occur by binding to either the alpha or beta TR isoforms. Moreover, the presence of multiple receptor isoforms in developing sensory neurons suggests that thyroid hormone uses multiple signaling pathways to regulate DRG and sciatic nerve development.
To determine the type and the relative amount of prostaglandins (PGs) synthesized by various neural tissues, homogenates of meninges, dorsal root ganglia (DRG) capsules, decapsulated DRG, and unsheathed sciatic nerves were incubated with [1-14C]arachidonic acid. Homogenates of cultured cells (meningeal cells, fibroblasts, and nonneuronal or neuronal DRG cells) were used to specify the cells producing particular PGs. The highest synthetic capacity was found in fibroblast-rich tissues (meninges and DRG capsules) and in cultures of meningeal cells or fibroblasts. Two major cyclooxygenase products were formed: [14C]PGE2 and an unusual 14C-labeled compound, Y. The accumulation of compound Y, corresponding probably to 15-hydroperoxy PGE2, was completely impaired by addition of exogenous GSH, which conversely enhanced the synthesis of [14C]PGE2 and promoted the formation of [14C]PGD2. In contrast, decapsulated DRG or unsheathed sciatic nerves displayed a 10-20 times lower capacity to synthesize PGs than fibroblast-rich tissues and produced mainly [14C]PGE2 and [14C]PGD2. In this case, [14C]PGE2 or [14C]PGD2 synthesis was neither enhanced nor promoted by addition of exogenous GSH. Neuron-enriched DRG cell cultures allowed us to specify that [14C]PGD2 is the major prostanoid produced by primary sensory neurons as compared with nonneuronal DRG cells. Because PGD2 synthesis in DRG and more specifically in DRG neurons does not depend on exogenous GSH and differs from PGD2 synthesis in fibroblast-rich tissues, it is concluded that at least two distinct enzymatic processes contribute to PGD2 formation in the nervous system.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The expression of substance P (SP) was studied in sensory neurons of developing chick lumbosacral dorsal root ganglia (DRG) by using a mixture of periodic acid, lysine and paraformaldehyde as fixative and a monoclonal antibody for SP-like immunostaining. The first SP-like-immunoreactive DRG cells appeared first at E5, then rapidly increased in number to reach a peak (88% of ganglion cells) at E8, and finally declined (59% at E12, 51% after hatching). The fall of the SP-like-positive DRG cells resulted from two concomitant events affecting a subset of small B-neurons: a loss of neuronal SP-like immunoreactivity and cell death. After one hindlimb resection at an early (E6) or late (E12) stage of development (that is before or after establishment of peripheral connections), the DRG were examined 6 days later. In both cases, a drastic neuronal death occurred in the ispilateral DRG. However, the resection at E6 did not change the percentage of SP-like-positive neurons, while the resection at E12 severely reduced the proportion of SP-like-immunoreactive DRG cells (25%). In conclusion, connections established between DRG and peripheral target tissues not only promote the survival of sensory neurons, but also control the maintenance of SP-like-expression. Factors issued from innervated targets such as NGF would support the survival of SP-expressing DRG cells and enhance their SP content while other factors present in skeletal muscle or skin would hinder SP expression and therefore lower SP levels in a subset of primary sensory neurons.
We have shown that a local administration of thyroid hormones (T3) at the level of transected rat sciatic nerve induced a significant increase in the number of regenerated axons. To address the question of whether local administration of T3 rescues the axotomized sensory neurons from death, in the present study we estimated the total number of surviving neurons per dorsal root ganglion (DRG) in three experimental group animals. Forty-five days following rat sciatic nerve transection, the lumbar (L4 and L5) DRG were removed from PBS-control, T3-treated as well as from unoperated rats, and serial sections (1 microm) were cut. The physical dissector method was used to estimate the total number of sensory neurons in the DRGs. Our results revealed that in PBS-control rats transection of sciatic nerve leads to a significant (P < 0.001) decrease in the mean number of sensory neurons (8743.8 +/- 748.6) compared with the number of neurons in nontransected ganglion (mean 13,293.7 +/- 1368.4). However, administration of T3 immediately after sciatic nerve transection rescues a great number of axotomized neurons so that their mean neuron number (12,045.8 +/- 929.8) is not significantly different from the mean number of neurons in the nontransected ganglion. In addition, the volume of ganglia showed a similar tendency. These results suggest that T3 rescues a high number of axotomized sensory neurons from death and allows these cells to grow new axons. We believe that the relative preservation of neurons is important in considering future therapeutic approaches of human peripheral nerve lesion and sensory neuropathy.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a protein capable of supporting the survival and fiber outgrowth of peripheral sensory neurons. It has been argued that histological detection of BDNF has proven difficult because of its low molecular weight and relatively low expression. In the present study we report that rapid removal of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) from the rat, followed by rapid freezing and appropriate fixation with cold acetone, preserves BDNF in situ without altering protein antigenicity. Under these conditions, specific BDNF-like immunoreactivity was detected in DRG both in vivo and in vitro. During DRG development in vivo, BDNF-like immunoreactivity (BDNF-LI) was observed only in a subset of sensory neurons. BDNF-LI was confined to small neurons, after neurons became morphologically distinct on the basis of size. BDNF-L immunoprecipitate was detected only in neuronal cells, and not in satellite or Schwann cells. While in vivo BDNF localization was restricted to small neurons, practically all neurons in DRG cell culture displayed BDNF-LI. Small or large primary afferent neurons exhibited a faint but clear BDNF-LI during the whole life span of cultures. Again, non-neuronal cells were devoid of BDNF-LI. In conclusion, in DRG in vivo, specific BDNF-LI was confined to small B sensory neurons. In contrast, all DRG sensory neurons displayed BDNF-LI in vitro. The finding that BDNF expressed in all DRG neurons in vitro but not in vivo suggests that BDNF expression may be modulated by environmental factors.
Neuronal hyperexcitability following peripheral nerve lesions may stem from altered activity of voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs), which gives rise to allodynia or hyperalgesia. In vitro, the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 is a negative regulator of VGSC α-subunits (Na(v)), in particular Na(v)1.7, a key actor in nociceptor excitability. We therefore studied Nedd4-2 in rat nociceptors, its co-expression with Na(v)1.7 and Na(v)1.8, and its regulation in pathology. Adult rats were submitted to the spared nerve injury (SNI) model of neuropathic pain or injected with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA), a model of inflammatory pain. L4 dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were analyzed in sham-operated animals, seven days after SNI and 48h after CFA with immunofluorescence and Western blot. We observed Nedd4-2 expression in almost 50% of DRG neurons, mostly small and medium-sized. A preponderant localization is found in the non-peptidergic sub-population. Additionally, 55.7±2.7% and 55.0±3.6% of Nedd4-2-positive cells are co-labeled with Na(v)1.7 and Na(v)1.8 respectively. SNI significantly decreases the proportion of Nedd4-2-positive neurons from 45.9±1.9% to 33.5±0.7% (p<0.01) and the total Nedd4-2 protein to 44%±0.13% of its basal level (p<0.01, n=4 animals in each group, mean±SEM). In contrast, no change in Nedd4-2 was found after peripheral inflammation induced by CFA. These results indicate that Nedd4-2 is present in nociceptive neurons, is downregulated after peripheral nerve injury, and might therefore contribute to the dysregulation of Na(v)s involved in the hyperexcitability associated with peripheral nerve injuries.
The physical disector is a method of choice for estimating unbiased neuron numbers; nevertheless, calibration is needed to evaluate each counting method. The validity of this method can be assessed by comparing the estimated cell number with the true number determined by a direct counting method in serial sections. We reconstructed a 1/5 of rat lumbar dorsal root ganglia taken from two experimental conditions. From each ganglion, images of 200 adjacent semi-thin sections were used to reconstruct a volumetric dataset (stack of voxels). On these stacks the number of sensory neurons was estimated and counted respectively by physical disector and direct counting methods. Also, using the coordinates of nuclei from the direct counting, we simulate, by a Matlab program, disector pairs separated by increasing distances in a ganglion model. The comparison between the results of these approaches clearly demonstrates that the physical disector method provides a valid and reliable estimate of the number of sensory neurons only when the distance between the consecutive disector pairs is 60 microm or smaller. In these conditions the size of error between the results of physical disector and direct counting does not exceed 6%. In contrast when the distance between two pairs is larger than 60 microm (70-200 microm) the size of error increases rapidly to 27%. We conclude that the physical dissector method provides a reliable estimate of the number of rat sensory neurons only when the separating distance between the consecutive dissector pairs is no larger than 60 microm.
Trisomy 13 was detected in 10% of mouse embryos obtained from pregnant females which were doubly heterozygous for Robertsonian chromosomes involving chromosome 13. The developing dorsal root ganglia and spinal cords were examined in trisomy 13 and littermate control mice between days 12 and 18 of gestation (E12-18). The overall size of the dorsal root ganglia and number of ganglion cells within a given ganglion were not altered, but the number of neurons immunoreactive for calbindin and calretinin was reduced. The trisomic spinal cord was reduced in size with neurons lying in a tightly compact distribution in the gray matter. In trisomic fetuses, the extent of the neuropil of the spinal cord was reduced, and may represent a diminished field of interneuronal connectivity, due to reduced arborization of dendritic processes of the neurons present, particularly of calbindin-immunostained neurons. Furthermore, the subpopulation of calretinin-immunoreactive neurons and axons was also reduced in developing trisomic gray and white matter, respectively. Thus, overexpression of genes on mouse chromosome 13 exerts a deleterious effect on the development of neuropil, affecting both dendritic and axonal arborization in the trisomy 13 mouse. The defect of calbindin or calretinin expression by subsets of dorsal root ganglion or spinal cord neurons may result from deficient cell-to-cell interactions with targets which are hypoplastic.
La douleur neuropathique est une forme de douleur chronique apparaissant suite à des lésions du système nerveux somato-sensoriel. Caractérisée par une plasticité neuronale inadapté, elle est très souvent intense, invalidante, associe des symptômes comme l'allodynie ou l' hyperalgésie et reste difficile à traiter avec les agents thérapeutiques actuels. Le thème de mon travail de thèse se concentre sur des mécanismes moléculaires de modulation des canaux sodiques voltage-dépendants suite à une lésion du nerf périphérique. Dans l'article présenté en annexe, j'ai focalisé mon travail sur une protéine, Nedd4-2, qui est une ligase ubiquitine. Elle a pour rôle de réguler et d'internaliser dans la cellule des protéines membranaires dont les canaux sodiques. Suite aux lésions du système nerveux périphérique, il existe une hyperexcitabilité neuronale engendrée notamment par un surplus et une dysrégulation des canaux sodiques à la membrane cellulaire. Dans 1 'hypothèse que l'ubiquitine ligase Nedd4-2 soit présente dans les neurones sensitifs primaires et ait un rôle dans la régulation des canaux sodiques, nous avons identifié cette protéine dans les neurones nociceptifs primaires du rat. En utilisant des techniques de Western Blot et d'immunohistochimie, j'ai trouvé que Nedd4-2 est présente dans presque 50% des neurones du ganglion spinal et ces neurones sont principalement des neurones nociceptifs. Dans un modèle expérimental de douleur neuropathique (SN I, pour spared nerve injury), Nedd4-2 se retrouve significativement diminuée dans le tissu du ganglion spinal. J'ai également investigué 1' expression de 2 isoformes des canaux sodiques connues pour leur implication dans la douleur, Navl.7 et Navl.8, et ces 2 isoformes se retrouvent dans les mêmes neurones que Nedd4-2. La caractérisation détaillée est décrite dans le manuscrit: «Neuronal expression of the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 in rat dorsal root ganglia: modulation in the SNI model of neuropathic pain; Cachemaille M, Laedermann CJ, Pertin M, Abriel H, Gasselin RD, Decosterd 1.» Les résultats obtenus indiquent que Nedd4-2, en étant downrégulé après une lésion nerveuse, pourrait ainsi contribuer à une augmentation des canaux sodiques fonctionnels à la membrane. Ainsi Nedd4-2 pourrait être proposée comme cible thérapeutique de manière alternative aux bloqueurs de canaux sodiques. Ce travail a permis l'initiation d'autres expériences. J'ai contribué activement à la construction de vecteurs viraux type adéno-associé recombinant (rAA V2/6) et surexprimé la protéine in vivo dans les ganglions spinaux. Cette partie de mon travail se trouve intégrée dans d'autres travaux de mon laboratoire d'accueil qui a pu démontrer les effets fonctionnels de cette approche sur les courants sodiques enregistrés par électrophysiologie et une diminution de la douleur neuropathique chez la souris. - Abstract-Neuronal hyperexcitability following peripheral nerve lesions may stem from altered activity of voltagegated sodium channels (VGSCs), which gives rise toallodynia or hyperalgesia. In vitro, the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 is a negative regulator of VGSC a-subunits (Nav), in particular Nav1.7, a key actor in nociceptor excitability. We therefore studied Nedd4-2 in rat nociceptors, its co-expression with Nav1.7 and Nav1.8, and its regulation in pathology. Adult rats were submitted to the spared nerve injury (SNI) model of neuropathic pain or injected with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA), a model of inflammatory pain. L4 dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were analyzed in shamoperated animals, seven days after SNI and 48 h after CFA with immunofluorescence and Western blot. We observed Nedd4-2 expression in almost 50% of DRG neurons, mostly small and medium-sized. A preponderant localization is found in the non-peptidergic sub-population. Additionally, 55.7± 2.7% and 55.0 ±3.6% of Nedd4-2-positive cells are co-labeled with Nav1.7 and Nav1.8 respectively. SNI significantly decreases the proportion of Nedd4-2-positive neurons from 45.9± 1.9% to 33.5± 0.7% (p < 0.01) and the total Nedd4-2 protein to 44%± 0.13% of its basal level (p <0.01, n = 4 animals in each group, mean± SEM). In contrast, no change in Nedd4-2 was found after peripheral inflammation induced by CFA. These results indicate that Nedd4-2 is present in nociceptive neurons, is downregulated after peripheral nerve injury, and might therefore contribute to the dysregulation of Navs involved in the hyperexcitability associated with peripheral nerve injuries.
Brain spectrin, a membrane-related cytoskeletal protein, exists as two isoforms. Brain spectrin 240/235 is localized preferentially in the perikaryon and axon of neuronal cells and brain spectrin 240/235E is found essentially in the neuronal soma and dendrites and in glia (Riederer et al., 1986, J. Cell Biol., 102, 2088 - 2097). The sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia, devoid of any dendrites, make a good tool to investigate such differential expression of spectrin isoforms. In this study expression and localization of both brain spectrin isoforms were analysed during early chicken dorsal root ganglia development in vivo and in culture. Both isoforms appeared at embryonic day 6. Brain spectrin 240/235 exhibited a transient increase during embryonic development and was first expressed in ventrolateral neurons. In ganglion cells in situ and in culture this spectrin type showed a somato - axonal distribution pattern. In contrast, brain spectrin 240/235E slightly increased between E6 and E15 and remained practically unchanged. It was localized mainly in smaller neurons of the mediodorsal area as punctate staining in the cytoplasm, was restricted exclusively to the ganglion cell perikarya and was absent from axons both in situ and in culture. This study suggests that brain spectrin 240/235 may contribute towards outgrowth, elongation and maintenance of axonal processes and that brain spectrin 240/235E seems to be exclusively involved in the stabilization of the cytoarchitecture of cell bodies in a selected population of ganglion cells.
To elucidate the local formation of angiotensin II (Ang II) in the neurons of sensory dorsal root ganglia (DRG), we studied the expression of angiotensinogen (Ang-N)-, renin-, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)- and cathepsin D-mRNA, and the presence of protein renin, Ang II, Substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the rat and human thoracic DRG. Quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) studies revealed that rat DRG expressed substantial amounts of Ang-N- and ACE mRNA, while renin mRNA as well as the protein renin were untraceable. Cathepsin D-mRNA and cathepsin D-protein were detected in the rat DRG indicating the possibility of existence of pathways alternative to renin for Ang I formation. Angiotensin peptides were successfully detected with high performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay in human DRG extracts. In situ hybridization in rat DRG confirmed additionally expression of Ang-N mRNA in the cytoplasm of numerous neurons. Intracellular Ang II staining could be shown in number of neurons and their processes in both the rat and human DRG. Interestingly we observed neuronal processes with angiotensinergic synapses en passant, colocalized with synaptophysin, within the DRG. In the DRG, we also identified by qRT-PCR, expression of Ang II receptor AT(1A) and AT(2)-mRNA while AT(1B)-mRNA was not traceable. In some neurons Substance P and CGRP were found colocalized with Ang II. The intracellular localization and colocalization of Ang II with Substance P and CGRP in the DRG neurons may indicate a participation and function of Ang II in the regulation of nociception. In conclusion, these results suggest that Ang II may be produced locally in the neurons of rat and human DRG and act as a neurotransmitter.
The action of the thyroid hormones on responsive cells in the peripheral nervous system requires the presence of nuclear triiodothyronine receptors (NT3R). These nuclear receptors, including both the alpha and beta subtypes of NT3R, were visualized by immunocytochemistry with the specific 2B3 monoclonal antibody. In the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of rat embryos, NT3R immunoreactivity was first discretely revealed in a few neurons at embryonic day 14 (E14), then strongly expressed by all neurons at E17 and during the first postnatal week; all DRG neurons continued to possess clear NT3R immunostaining, which faded slightly with age. The peripheral glial cells in the DRG displayed a short-lived NT3R immunoreaction, starting at E17 and disappearing from the satellite and Schwann cells by postnatal days 3 and 7 respectively. In the developing sciatic nerve, Schwann cells also exhibited transient NT3R immunoreactivity restricted to a short period ranging from E17 to postnatal day 10; the NT3R immunostaining of the Schwann cells vanished proximodistally along the sciatic nerve, so that the Schwann cells rapidly became free of detectable NT3R immunostaining. However, after the transection or crushing of an adult sciatic nerve, the NT3R immunoreactivity reappeared in the Schwann cells adjacent to the lesion by 2 days, then along the distal segment in which the axons were degenerating, and finally disappeared by 45 days, when the regenerating axons were allowed to re-occupy the distal segment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) are essential components necessary for the early growth process of axons and dendrites, and for the structural organization within cells. Both MAP2 and MAP5 are involved in these events, MAP2 occupying a role predominantly in dendrites, and MAP5 being involved in both axonal and dendritic growth. In the chick dorsal root ganglia, pseudo-unipolar sensory neurons have a T-shaped axon and are devoid of any dendrites. Therefore, they offer an ideal model to study the differential expression of MAPs during DRG development, specifically during axonal growth. In this study we have analyzed the expression and localization of MAP2 and MAP5 isoforms during chick dorsal root ganglia development in vivo, and in cell culture. In DRG, both MAPs appeared as early as E5. MAP2 consists of the 3 isoforms MAP2a, b and c. On blots, no MAP2a could be found at any stage. MAP2b increased between E6 and E10 and thereafter diminished slowly in concentration, while MAP2c was found between stages E6 and E10 in DRG. By immunocytochemistry, MAP2 isoforms were mainly located in the neuronal perikarya and in the proximal portion of axons, but could not be localized to distal axonal segments, nor in sciatic nerve at any developmental stage. On blots, MAP5 was present in two isoforms, MAP5a and MAP5b. The concentration of MAP5a was highest at E6 and then decreased to a low level at E18. In contrast, MAP5b increased between E6 and E10, and rapidly decreased after E14. Only MAP5a was present in sciatic nerve up to E14. Immunocytochemistry revealed that MAP5 was localized mainly in axons, although neuronal perikarya exhibited a faint immunostaining. Strong staining of axons was observed between E10 and E14, at a time coincidental to a period of intense axonal outgrowth. After E14 immunolabeling of MAP5 decreased abruptly. In DRG culture, MAP2 was found exclusively in the neuronal perikarya and the most proximal neurite segment. In contrast, MAP5 was detected in the neuronal cell bodies and all along their neurites. In conclusion, MAP2 seems involved in the early establishment of the cytoarchitecture of cell bodies and the proximal axon segment of somatosensory neurons, while MAP5 is clearly related to axonal growth.
Immunoreactivity to calbindin D-28k, a vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein, is expressed by neuronal subpopulations of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) in the chick embryo. To determine whether the expression of this phenotypic characteristic is maintained in vitro and controlled by environmental factors, dissociated DRG cell cultures were performed under various conditions. Subpopulations of DRG cells cultured at embryonic day 10 displayed calbindin-immunoreactive cell bodies and neurites in both neuron-enriched or mixed DRG cell cultures. The number of calbindin-immunoreactive ganglion cells increased up to 7-10 days of culture independently of the changes occurring in the whole neuronal population. The presence of non-neuronal cells, which promotes the maturation of the sensory neurons, tended to reduce the percentage of calbindin-immunoreactive cell bodies. Addition of horse serum enhanced both the number of calbindin-positive neurons and the intensity of the immunostaining, but does not prevent the decline of the subpopulation of calbindin-immunoreactive neurons during the second week of culture; on the contrary, the addition of muscular extract to cultures at 10 days maintained the number of calbindin-expressing neurons. While calbindin-immunoreactive cell bodies grown in culture were small- or medium-sized, no correlation was found between cell size and immunostaining density. At the ultrastructural level, the calbindin immunoreaction was distributed throughout the neuroplasm. These results indicate that the expression of calbindin by sensory neurons grown in vitro may be modulated by horse serum-contained factors or interaction with non-neuronal cells. As distinct from horse serum, muscular extract is able to maintain the expression of calbindin by a subpopulation of DRG cells.
Counts performed on dissociated cell cultures of E10 chick embryo dorsal root ganglia (DRG) showed after 4-6 days of culture a pronounced decline of the neuronal population in neuron-enriched cultures and a net gain in the number of ganglion cells in mixed DRG cell cultures (containing both neurons and nonneuronal cells). In the latter case, the increase in the number of neurons was found to depend on NGF and to average 119% in defined medium or 129% in horse serum-supplemented medium after 6 days of culture. The lack of [3H]thymidine incorporation into the neuronal population indicated that the newly formed ganglion cells were not generated by proliferation. On the contrary, the differentiation of postmitotic neuroblasts present in the nonneuronal cell compartment was supported by sequential microphotographs of selected fields taken every hour for 48-55 hr after 3 days of culture. Apparently nonneuronal flat dark cells exhibited morphological changes and gradually evolved into neuronal ovoid and refringent cell bodies with expanding neurites. The ultrastructural organization of these evolving cells corresponded to that of primitive or intermediate neuroblasts. The neuronal nature of these rounding up cell bodies was indeed confirmed by the progressive expression of various neuronal cell markers (150 and 200-kDa neurofilament triplets, neuron specific enolase, and D2/N-CAM). Besides a constant lack of immunoreactivity for tyrosine hydroxylase, somatostatin, parvalbumin, and calbindin-D 28K and a lack of cytoenzymatic activity for carbonic anhydrase, all the newly produced neurons expressed three main phenotypic characteristics: a small cell body, a strong immunoreactivity to MAG, and substance P. Hence, ganglion cells newly differentiated in culture would meet characteristics ascribed to small B sensory neurons and more specifically to a subpopulation of ganglion cells containing substance P-immunoreactive material.