70 resultados para D-glucosamine
Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the major causes of pain and of outpatient's clinics. 15 years ago, physiopathology of OA and its potential therapeutic targets were announced to be better understood, but the results of therapeutic trials were finally not as convincing as expected. Slow Acting Drugs (SADs) are part of the treatments evaluated in OA. Even if evidence based medicine is low, positive effects of SADs have been observed. We can reasonably propose these treatments for a short test period. It can sometimes enable us to decrease the dosage of others treatment such as NSAIDs. In any case, the physician must properly inform the patient about products available in Switzerland and must be aware of degrees of purity and costs of the products available on the intemet.
Background: It has been previously demonstrated that short-fiber poly-N-acetyl-glucosamine (sNAG) nanofibers specifically interact with platelets, are hemostatic, and stimulate diabetic wound healing by activating angiogenesis, cell proliferation, and reepithelialization. Platelets play a significant physiologic role in wound healing. The influence of altered platelet function by treatment with the ADP inhibitor Clopidogrel (CL) on wound healing and the ability of sNAG to repair wounds in diabetic mice treated with CL were studied.Methods: Dorsal 1 cm2 skin wounds were excised on genetically diabetic 8-week to 12-week-old, Lep/r-db/db male mice, and wound healing kinetics were determined. Microscopic analysis was performed for angiogenesis (PECAM-1) and cell proliferation (Ki67). Mice were either treated with CL (P2Y12 ADP receptor antagonist, CL) or saline solution (NT). CL wounds were also treated with either a single application of topical sNAG (CL-sNAG) or were left untreated (CL-NT).Results: CL treatment did not alter wound healing kinetics, while sNAG induced faster wound closure in CL-treated mice compared with controls. CL treatment of diabetic mice caused an augmentation of cell proliferation and reduced angiogenesis compared with nontreated wounds. However, sNAG reversed the effects of CL on angiogenesis and partially reversed the effect on cell proliferation in the wound beds. The sNAG-treated wounds in CL-treated mice showed higher levels of cell proliferation and not did inhibit angiogenesis.Conclusions: CL treatment of diabetic mice decreased angiogenesis and increased cell proliferation in wounds but did not influence macroscopic wound healing kinetics. sNAG treatment did not inhibit angiogenesis in CL-treated mice and induced faster wound closure; sNAG technology is a promising strategy to facilitate the healing of complex bleeding wounds in CL-treated diabetic patients.
BACKGROUND: Vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) has become the preferred modality to treat many complex wounds but could be further improved by methods that minimize bleeding and facilitate wound epithelialization. Short fiber poly-N-acetyl glucosamine nanofibers (sNAG) are effective hemostatic agents that activate platelets and facilitate wound epithelialization. We hypothesized that sNAG used in combination with the VAC device could be synergistic in promoting wound healing while minimizing the risk of bleeding. METHODS: Membranes consisting entirely of sNAG nanofibers were applied immediately to dorsal excisional wounds of db/db mice followed by application of the VAC device. Wound healing kinetics, angiogenesis, and wound-related growth factor expression were measured. RESULTS: The application of sNAG membranes to wounds 24 hours before application of the VAC device was associated with a significant activation of wounds (expression of PDGF, TGFβ, EGF), superior granulation tissue formation rich in Collagen I as well as superior wound epithelialization (8.6% ± 0.3% vs. 1.8% ± 1.1% of initial wound size) and wound contraction. CONCLUSIONS: The application of sNAG fiber-containing membranes before the application of the polyurethane foam interface of VAC devices leads to superior healing in db/db mice and represents a promising wound healing adjunct that can also reduce the risk of bleeding complications.
The wound healing promoting effect of negative wound pressure therapies (NPWT) takes place at the wound interface. The use of bioactive substances at this site represents a major research area for the development of future NPWT therapies. To assess wound healing kinetics in pressure ulcers treated by NPWT with or without the use of a thin interface membrane consisting of poly-N-acetyl glucosamine nanofibers (sNAG) a prospective randomized clinical trial was performed. The safety of the combination of NPWT and sNAG was also assessed in patients treated with antiplatelet drugs. In the performed study, the combination of NPWT and sNAG in 10 patients compared to NPWT alone in 10 patients promoted wound healing due to an improved contraction of the wound margins (p = 0.05) without a change in wound epithelization. In 6 patients treated with antiplatelet drugs no increased wound bleeding was observed in patients treated by NPWT and sNAG. In conclusion, the application of thin membranes of sNAG nanofibers at the wound interface using NPWT was safe and augmented the action of NPWT leading to improved wound healing due to a stimulation of wound contraction.
PURPOSE: To evaluate a diagnostic strategy for pulmonary embolism that combined clinical assessment, plasma D-dimer measurement, lower limb venous ultrasonography, and helical computed tomography (CT). METHODS: A cohort of 965 consecutive patients presenting to the emergency departments of three general and teaching hospitals with clinically suspected pulmonary embolism underwent sequential noninvasive testing. Clinical probability was assessed by a prediction rule combined with implicit judgment. All patients were followed for 3 months. RESULTS: A normal D-dimer level (<500 microg/L by a rapid enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) ruled out venous thromboembolism in 280 patients (29%), and finding a deep vein thrombosis by ultrasonography established the diagnosis in 92 patients (9.5%). Helical CT was required in only 593 patients (61%) and showed pulmonary embolism in 124 patients (12.8%). Pulmonary embolism was considered ruled out in the 450 patients (46.6%) with a negative ultrasound and CT scan and a low-to-intermediate clinical probability. The 8 patients with a negative ultrasound and CT scan despite a high clinical probability proceeded to pulmonary angiography (positive: 2; negative: 6). Helical CT was inconclusive in 11 patients (pulmonary embolism: 4; no pulmonary embolism: 7). The overall prevalence of pulmonary embolism was 23%. Patients classified as not having pulmonary embolism were not anticoagulated during follow-up and had a 3-month thromboembolic risk of 1.0% (95% confidence interval: 0.5% to 2.1%). CONCLUSION: A noninvasive diagnostic strategy combining clinical assessment, D-dimer measurement, ultrasonography, and helical CT yielded a diagnosis in 99% of outpatients suspected of pulmonary embolism, and appeared to be safe, provided that CT was combined with ultrasonography to rule out the disease.
Les études de cas en psychothérapie connaissent une phase de renouveau auprès des chercheurs en psychothérapie et des psychothérapeutes. L'auteur discute de deux paradigmes qui ont grandement influencé ce nouvel intérêt : le paradigme pragmatique et le paradigme qui vise la construction d'une théorie. L'article présente les origines, les développements et les concepts clés des deux paradigmes et leurs spécificités méthodologiques et éthiques. Des exemples d'études de cas ou de modèles au sein des paradigmes sont évoqués. L'influence différentielle des courants postmodernes sur les deux paradigmes, et leurs apports respectifs dans le champ des méthodes d'études de cas, sont discutés et évalués par rapport aux implications pour le chercheur et le psychothérapeute.
The unresolved issue of false-positive D-dimer results in the diagnostic workup of pulmonary embolism Pulmonary embolism (PE) remains a difficult diagnosis as it lacks specific symptoms and clinical signs. After the determination of the pretest PE probability by a validated clinical score, D-dimers (DD) is the initial blood test in the majority of patients whose probability is low or intermediate. The low specificity of DD results in a high number of false-positives that then require thoracic angio-CT. A new clinical decision rule, called the Pulmonary Embolism Rule-out criteria (PERC), identifies patients at such low risk that PE can be safely ruled-out without a DD test. Its safety has been confirmed in US emergency departments, but retrospective European studies showed that it would lead to 5-7% of undiagnosed PE. Alternative strategies are needed to reduce the proportion of false-positive DD results.
Le rôle d'une « communauté de planification » dans la réaffectation d'une zone industrielle à Zurich