137 resultados para Alternative Party


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Recent studies have started to use media data to measure party positions and issue salience. The aim of this article is to compare and cross-validate this alternative approach with the more commonly used party manifestos, expert judgments and mass surveys. To this purpose, we present two methods to generate indicators of party positions and issue salience from media coverage: the core sentence approach and political claims analysis. Our cross-validation shows that with regard to party positions, indicators derived from the media converge with traditionally used measurements from party manifestos, mass surveys and expert judgments, but that salience indicators measure different underlying constructs. We conclude with a discussion of specific research questions for which media data offer potential advantages over more established methods.


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Les schistosomiases sont des maladies parasitaires causées par des helminthes du genre Schistosoma (S.) qui touchent 200 millions de personnes dans le monde, mais restent rares chez le voyageur. Contrairement à S. heamatobium, agent de la bilharziose urinaire, S. mansoni, présent en Afrique subsaharienne, en Egypte ainsi qu'aux Antilles, au Surinam et dans le nordest du Brésil, est responsable des formes hépato-intestinales de la maladie. Les larves, vivant en eaux douces contaminées par des selles infectées, peuvent pénétrer la peau des baigneurs sans que l'individu ne s'en rende compte. Les parasites adultes s'établissent dans le système veineux digestif où ils se reproduisent et excrètent des oeufs qui migreront dans la lumière intestinale. Cette revue systématique évalue les effets des médicaments antibilharziens, utilisés seuls ou en association, pour traiter l'infection à S. mansoni.


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Functional characterization of transformed or natively present bacterial virulence proteins can be achieved employing various model systems. A prerequisite is to verify the correct expression of the transformed protein or the presence of the native protein in the microbe. Traditionally, antibodies are raised against the protein or a peptide thereof, followed by Western blot analysis or by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Alternatively, the protein-coding gene can be fused with a downstream reporter gene, the expression of which reports the simultaneous expression of the upstream recombinant protein. Although being powerful, these methods are time consuming, especially when multiple proteins must be assessed. Here we describe a novel way to validate the expression of Gram-positive surface proteins covalently attached to the peptidoglycan. Eighteen out of the 21 known LPXTG-motif carrying cell wall-associated proteins of Staphylococcus aureus were cloned in Lactoccocus lactis either alone, in combinations or as truncated forms, and their correct expression was assessed by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The method is rapid, sensitive and precise. It can identify multiple proteins in transformed constructs without the time and cost needed for raising and testing multiple sets of antibodies.


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BACKGROUND: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with an inadequate response to TNF antagonists (aTNFs) may switch to an alternative aTNF or start treatment from a different class of drugs, such as rituximab (RTX). It remains unclear in which clinical settings these therapeutic strategies offer most benefit. OBJECTIVE: To analyse the effectiveness of RTX versus alternative aTNFs on RA disease activity in different subgroups of patients. METHODS: A prospective cohort study of patients with RA who discontinued at least one aTNF and subsequently received either RTX or an alternative aTNF, nested within the Swiss RA registry (SCQM-RA) was carried out. The primary outcome, longitudinal improvement in 28-joint count Disease Activity Score (DAS28), was analysed using multivariate regression models for longitudinal data and adjusted for potential confounders. RESULTS: Of the 318 patients with RA included; 155 received RTX and 163 received an alternative aTNF. The relative benefit of RTX varied with the type of prior aTNF failure: when the motive for switching was ineffectiveness to previous aTNFs, the longitudinal improvement in DAS28 was significantly better with RTX than with an alternative aTNF (p = 0.03; at 6 months, -1.34 (95% CI -1.54 to -1.15) vs -0.93 (95% CI -1.28 to -0.59), respectively). When the motive for switching was other causes, the longitudinal improvement in DAS28 was similar for RTX and alternative aTNFs (p = 0.40). These results were not significantly modified by the number of previous aTNF failures, the type of aTNF switches, or the presence of co-treatment with a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug. CONCLUSION: This observational study suggests that in patients with RA who have stopped a previous aTNF treatment because of ineffectiveness changing to RTX is more effective than switching to an alternative aTNF.


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Inbreeding generally results in deleterious shifts in mean fitness. If the fitness response to increasing inbreeding coefficient is non-linear, this suggests a contribution of epistasis to inbreeding depression. In a cross-breeding experiment, Salathe & Ebert (2003. J. Evol. Biol. 16: 976-985) tested and found the presence of this non-linearity in Daphnia magna. They argue that epistatic interactions cause this non-linearity. We argue here that their experimental protocol does not allow disentangling the effect of synergistic epistasis from two alternative hypotheses, namely hybrid vigour and statistical non-independence of data.


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This article analyses stability and volatility of party preferences using data from the Swiss Household-Panel (SHP), which, for the first time, allow studying transitions and stability of voters over several years in Switzerland. Analyses cover the years 1999- 2007 and systematically distinguish changes between party blocks and changes within party blocks. The first part looks at different patterns of change, which show relatively high volatility. The second part tests several theories on causes of such changes applying a multinomial random-effects model. Results show that party preferences stabilise with their duration and with age and that the electoral cycle, political sophistication, socio-structural predispositions, the household-context as well as party size and the number of parties each explain part of electoral volatility. Different results for withinand between party-block changes underlie the importance of that differentiation.


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Glucose production by liver is a major physiological function, which is required to prevent development of hypoglycemia in the postprandial and fasted states. The mechanism of glucose release from hepatocytes has not been studied in detail but was assumed instead to depend on facilitated diffusion through the glucose transporter GLUT2. Here, we demonstrate that in the absence of GLUT2 no other transporter isoforms were overexpressed in liver and only marginally significant facilitated diffusion across the hepatocyte plasma membrane was detectable. However, the rate of hepatic glucose output was normal. This was evidenced by (i) the hyperglycemic response to i.p. glucagon injection; (ii) the in vivo measurement of glucose turnover rate; and (iii) the rate of release of neosynthesized glucose from isolated hepatocytes. These observations therefore indicated the existence of an alternative pathway for hepatic glucose output. Using a [14C]-pyruvate pulse-labeling protocol to quantitate neosynthesis and release of [14C]glucose, we demonstrated that this pathway was sensitive to low temperature (12 degreesC). It was not inhibited by cytochalasin B nor by the intracellular traffic inhibitors brefeldin A and monensin but was blocked by progesterone, an inhibitor of cholesterol and caveolae traffic from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane. Our observations thus demonstrate that hepatic glucose release does not require the presence of GLUT2 nor of any plasma membrane glucose facilitative diffusion mechanism. This implies the existence of an as yet unsuspected pathway for glucose release that may be based on a membrane traffic mechanism.


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We analyze here the relation between alternative splicing and gene duplication in light of recent genomic data, with a focus on the human genome. We show that the previously reported negative correlation between level of alternative splicing and family size no longer holds true. We clarify this pattern and show that it is sufficiently explained by two factors. First, genes progressively gain new splice variants with time. The gain is consistent with a selectively relaxed regime, until purifying selection slows it down as aging genes accumulate a large number of variants. Second, we show that duplication does not lead to a loss of splice forms, but rather that genes with low levels of alternative splicing tend to duplicate more frequently. This leads us to reconsider the role of alternative splicing in duplicate retention.