114 resultados para ARTICULATION PROBLEMS
Nombre de femmes paysannes haïtiennes migrent vers Port-au-Prince où elles deviennent travailleuses domestiques. Leur service domestique permet aux femmes qui les emploient de s'investir dans le travail non-domestique et de pouvoir accéder ainsi à la migration internationale. En France, ces migrantes deviennent à leur tour travailleuses domestiques, ce qui permet aux femmes françaises de s'investir dans le travail non-domestique. Ces phénomènes témoignent de l'existence d'une chaîne de travail et de migration où s'articulent les rapports sociaux de sexe, de classe, de race et les confrontations Nord/Sud, au coeur de la mondialisation néolibérale. Quelques-unes de ces femmes racontent leur histoire qui exprime à la fois la violence des rapports sociaux et leurs stratégies pour devenir sujet. Pour penser ces « Sujettes », je propose une approche qui croise la recherche féministe et la sociologie clinique sur les plans théorique, méthodologique et épistémologique. -- Many rural Haitian women migrate to Port-au-Prince and become domestic workers. Their domestic service allows other women to invest in the non-domestic work and access to international migration as well. In France, these Haitian migrants become domestic workers in turn, which allows French women to invest in the non-domestic work. These phenomena demonstrate the existence of a global work and migration chain where gender, class, race and the North/South confrontations are articulated, in the neoliberal globalization. Some of these women tell their life story which expresses both the violence of social problems and their strategies to become subject. To think these "subjects" I propose to cross feminist research and clinical sociology on the theoretical, methodological and epistemological point of view. Intersectionality among gender, race and class, North / South confrontations, productive and reproductive labour , domestic work, domestic service, care work , internal and international migration, neoliberal globalization, clinical sociology.
Shrews of the genus Crocidura from Sicily revealed a new karyotype from Europe: 2n = 36, NF = 56, NFa = 52. With reference to the revision of Vesmanis (1976), this shrew is provisionally attributed to C. caudata Miller, 1901 and it is proposed to call it the "Sicilian shrew". Its chromosome complement is similar to that of shrews from Canary Islands and a species from Burundi (Central Africa), suggesting that it might have split off from a line of Paleotropical origin. Following these findings, the modern concept of Mediterranean island colonization by shrews must be revised. The distinctive characteristics of Mediterranean shrews should also be revised.
Schizophrenia has long been considered with pessimism, but the recent interest in the early phase of psychotic disorders has modified this often unjustified perception. Literature has demonstrated the benefit of the development of programs specialised in the treatment of early psychosis, which tend to be developed in many countries. It is however important to match them to local needs as well as to the structure of local health services. This paper reviews elements that justify such a development in Lausanne, Switzerland, and describe its various elements.
Résumé Avec 8% des accidents en Suisse, le genou est une articulation fréquemment blessée. Si la majorité des traumatismes surviennent lors de la pratique du sport, les conséquences sur la reprise de l'activite professionnelle sont relativement méconnues. Pourtant, en 2002, un quart des patients hospitalises dans le service de rééducation de l'appareil locomoteur de la CRR, présentait une lésion du genou responsable d'une limitation fonctionnelle significative. Les diagnostics principaux sont les entorses graves et les lésions dégénératives. Une majorité de patients est issue du secteur secondaire et exerce souvent une profession exigeante d'un point de vue physique. Le but de cet article est d'une part de présenter aux praticiens des repères utiles à la compréhension de cette problématique particulière; d'autre part d'initier une reflexion pratique sur la réadaptation professionnelle de ces patients, par la discussion d'un cas clinique. From approximately 8% of the accidents in Switzerland, the knee is a frequently wounded articulation. If the majority of the traumas occur whilst playing sport, the effects on the resumption of professional activity are relatively ignored. However, in 2002, a quarter of the patients hospitalized in the locomotor service of rehabilitation at the CRR, presented a lesion of the knee as factor most commonly responsible for their functional limitations. The principal diagnoses consisted of serious distorsions and degenerative lesions. A majority of patients come from industry which, from a physical point of view, is generally a demanding occupation. The goals of this article are to present information concerning the comprehension of these particular problems as well as to initiate practises for the vocational rehabilitation of these patients, by the discussion of a clinical case.
Résumé Ce travail a commencé avec une confrontation entre les pensées de P. Ricoeur et E. Levinas sur le thème du rapport à autrui, cette confrontation portant particulièrement sur la place accordée par Levinas, dans son éthique, au thème de la vulnérabilité (ainsi que sur celui de la passivité), tandis que P. Ricoeur reste, selon moi, prioritairement un philosophe de l'activité et qui met, dans la question du rapport à autrui, l'accent sur la reconnaissance de l'autre dans l'empire de ses capacités. Ce débat, et les points qui retenaient en particulier mon attention, m'ont semblé pouvoir être inséré dans le contexte plus large d'une opposition entre éthique de l'autonomie et éthique de la vulnérabilité sur la base de lectures que j'effectuais par ailleurs dans le domaine des éthiques féminines, ou de ce que l'on appelle les éthiques du « care ». Les éthiques féminines, qui se sont développées les 30 dernières années, veulent revenir sur ce qu'elles identifient comme le modèle anthropologique de la modernité, qui privilégie une approche de l'homme en termes d'activité, de rationalité et d'autonomie au mépris d'autres traits comme la passivité, l'affectivité, la dépendance ou la vulnérabilité. Sans nier la rationalité ou l'autonomie de l'homme, elles veulent plutôt compléter une image qu'elles considèrent comme étant incomplète. Sur la base de leur anthropologie alternative, les auteurs qui appartiennent à ce courant proposent une nouvelle définition de l'éthique. Les éthiques du « care » se situent d'une manière générale dans une relation critique avec les éthiques de la justice comme avec les conceptions de l'agent et du patient moral héritées de la philosophie kantienne. Disons brièvement que, plutôt que de faire de l'autonomie et de son respect l'axe de leur réflexion morale, les éthiciennes du « care » insistent sur la signification morale de nos rapports de responsabilité ou de sollicitude à l'égard des personnes vulnérables. Dans la première partie de ma thèse, je reviens sur la genèse de la notion d'autonomie dans la philosophie morale et politique de la pré-modernité, en mettant le développement de ce concept en lien non seulement avec ce que J. Scheewind appelle les « morales de l'autogouvernement », mais aussi avec la naissance des philosophies du sujet et un mouvement général d'intériorisation des sources morales. J'essaye ensuite de dégager le sens de l'idée d'autonomie, sur la base de la notion de liberté positive élaborée par Berlin, avant de distinguer ses différentes significations (autonomie politique, personnelle, morale/autonomie procédurale vs substantielle, autonomie comme capacité, comme droit ou comme idéal). Je me concentre particulièrement sur la conception hiérarchique de l'autonomie personnelle développée par Frankfurt et Dworkin, avant de revenir à la conception kantienne de l'autonomie morale. Je consacre ensuite une section aux conceptions relationnelles de l'autonomie, ce qui me permet de faire le lien avec le thème de la vulnérabilité. Pour le développement historique de cette notion dans la pensée contemporaine, j'insiste, outre sur les éthiques du « care », sur les développements de la bioéthique et la philosophie de H. Jonas. Après un travail de définition du concept de vulnérabilité, j'élabore les éléments d'une éthique de la vulnérabilité que j'essaie d'articuler à la notion d'autonomie. Dans la deuxième partie, je confronte les éthiques de Ricoeur et de Levinas dans la perspective de l'opposition autonomie/vulnérabilité, en montrant leurs limites respectives.
A study on lead pollution was carried out on a sample of ca. 300 city children. This paper presents the errors producing bias in the sample. It is emphasized that, in Switzerland, the difference between the Swiss and the migrant population (the latter being mainly Italian and Spanish) must be taken into account.
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of melatonin on sleep problems in children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and fragile X syndrome (FXS). METHODS: A 4-week, randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design was conducted following a 1-week baseline period. Either melatonin, 3 mg, or placebo was given to participants for 2 weeks and then alternated for another 2 weeks. Sleep variables, including sleep duration, sleep-onset time, sleep-onset latency time, and the number of night awakenings, were recorded using an Actiwatch and from sleep diaries completed by parents. All participants had been thoroughly assessed for ASD and also had DNA testing for the diagnosis of FXS. RESULTS: Data were successfully obtained from the 12 of 18 subjects who completed the study (11 males, age range 2 to 15.25 years, mean 5.47, SD 3.6). Five participants met diagnostic criteria for ASD, 3 for FXS alone, 3 for FXS and ASD, and 1 for fragile X premutation. Eight out of 12 had melatonin first. The conclusions from a nonparametric repeated-measures technique indicate that mean night sleep duration was longer on melatonin than placebo by 21 minutes (p = .02), mean sleep-onset latency was shorter by 28 minutes (p = .0001), and mean sleep-onset time was earlier by 42 minutes (p = .02). CONCLUSION: The results of this study support the efficacy and tolerability of melatonin treatment for sleep problems in children with ASD and FXS.
There is an increasing awareness that the articulation of forensic science and criminal investigation is critical to the resolution of crimes. However, models and methods to support an effective collaboration between these partners are still poorly expressed or even lacking. Three propositions are borrowed from crime intelligence methods in order to bridge this gap: (a) the general intelligence process, (b) the analyses of investigative problems along principal perspectives: entities and their relationships, time and space, quantitative aspects and (c) visualisation methods as a mode of expression of a problem in these dimensions. Indeed, in a collaborative framework, different kinds of visualisations integrating forensic case data can play a central role for supporting decisions. Among them, link-charts are scrutinised for their abilities to structure and ease the analysis of a case by describing how relevant entities are connected. However, designing an informative chart that does not bias the reasoning process is not straightforward. Using visualisation as a catalyser for a collaborative approach integrating forensic data thus calls for better specifications.
BACKGROUND: Among young people, about one in three females and one in five males report experiencing emotional distress but 65-95% of them do not receive help from health professionals. AIM: To assess the differences among young people who seek help and those who do not seek help for their psychological problems, considering the frequency of consultations to their GP and their social resources. DESIGN OF STUDY: School survey. SETTING: Post-mandatory school. METHOD: Among a Swiss national representative sample of 7429 students and apprentices (45.6% females) aged 16-20 years, 1931 young people reported needing help for a problem of depression/sadness (26%) and were included in the study. They were divided into those who sought help (n = 256) and those who did not (n = 1675), and differences between them were assessed. RESULTS: Only 13% of young people needing help for psychological problems consulted for that reason and this rate was positively associated with the frequency of consultations to the GP. However, 80% of young people who did not consult for psychological problems visited their GP at least once during the previous year. Being older or a student, having a higher depression score, or a history of suicide attempt were linked with a higher rate of help seeking. Moreover, confiding in adults positively influenced the rate of help seeking. CONCLUSION: The large majority of young people reporting psychological problems do not seek help, although they regularly consult their GP. While young people have difficulties in tackling issues about mental health, GPs could improve the situation by systematically inquiring about this issue.
Indirect calorimetry based on respiratory exchange measurement has been successfully used from the beginning of the century to obtain an estimate of heat production (energy expenditure) in human subjects and animals. The errors inherent to this classical technique can stem from various sources: 1) model of calculation and assumptions, 2) calorimetric factors used, 3) technical factors and 4) human factors. The physiological and biochemical factors influencing the interpretation of calorimetric data include a change in the size of the bicarbonate and urea pools and the accumulation or loss (via breath, urine or sweat) of intermediary metabolites (gluconeogenesis, ketogenesis). More recently, respiratory gas exchange data have been used to estimate substrate utilization rates in various physiological and metabolic situations (fasting, post-prandial state, etc.). It should be recalled that indirect calorimetry provides an index of overall substrate disappearance rates. This is incorrectly assumed to be equivalent to substrate "oxidation" rates. Unfortunately, there is no adequate golden standard to validate whole body substrate "oxidation" rates, and this contrasts to the "validation" of heat production by indirect calorimetry, through use of direct calorimetry under strict thermal equilibrium conditions. Tracer techniques using stable (or radioactive) isotopes, represent an independent way of assessing substrate utilization rates. When carbohydrate metabolism is measured with both techniques, indirect calorimetry generally provides consistent glucose "oxidation" rates as compared to isotopic tracers, but only when certain metabolic processes (such as gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis) are minimal or / and when the respiratory quotients are not at the extreme of the physiological range. However, it is believed that the tracer techniques underestimate true glucose "oxidation" rates due to the failure to account for glycogenolysis in the tissue storing glucose, since this escapes the systemic circulation. A major advantage of isotopic techniques is that they are able to estimate (given certain assumptions) various metabolic processes (such as gluconeogenesis) in a noninvasive way. Furthermore when, in addition to the 3 macronutrients, a fourth substrate is administered (such as ethanol), isotopic quantification of substrate "oxidation" allows one to eliminate the inherent assumptions made by indirect calorimetry. In conclusion, isotopic tracers techniques and indirect calorimetry should be considered as complementary techniques, in particular since the tracer techniques require the measurement of carbon dioxide production obtained by indirect calorimetry. However, it should be kept in mind that the assessment of substrate oxidation by indirect calorimetry may involve large errors in particular over a short period of time. By indirect calorimetry, energy expenditure (heat production) is calculated with substantially less error than substrate oxidation rates.
Representational strategies of emotion regulation during play are believed to protect children against behaviour problems. Yet, before the age of 4, it appears that children rely more on their attachment figure than on representational strategies to assuage distress. The study was aimed at testing whether 3-year-olds' narrative features during the Attachment Story Completion Task (ASCT) could predict concurrent internalizing problems assessed by the mothers' and fathers' ratings of the child, using the Child Behaviour Checklist Regression analyses including gender, IQ, socio-economic status and ASCT dimensions revealed that representations of supportive caregiving predicted mother-reported internalizing problems (negative association), whereas positive resolution and attachment strategies (security, deactivation, hyperactivation, disorganization) did not. Results were interpreted with reference to Bowlby's hypotheses regarding the aetiology of depression and anxiety disorders. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2007 APA, all rights reserved)