92 resultados para 159.953


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Summary Secondary lymphoid organs are sites of antigen presentation, clonal expansion of B and lymphocytes, and affinity maturation of B lymphocytes. In the intestine, these immune functions occur mainly in Peyer's patches (PP). PP develop through the interplay of two main cell types, haematopoietic cells and meserichyrnal cells. One particular haematopoietic cell type was identified as the inductive cell type in the formation of both PP and lymph nodes and was therefore designated as lymphoid tissue inducer cell. For a successful PP organogenesis, the crucial molecular components involved in the crosstalk of inducer cells and their mesenchymal target cells are adhesion molecules, lymphotoxin (LT) family members, and cytokines. In particular, the interleukin 7 receptor (IL-7R) expressed on inducer cells is absolutely required. To investigate the contribution of the ligand for the IL-7R. the cytokine IL-7, in the process of PP formation, we analyzed double transgenic (TG) mice. These mice resulted from an interbreeding of an IL-7TG mouse strain where the transgene is under the control of the MHC class II promoter with a second transgenic mouse strain, which overexpresses a transactivator for MHC class II genes. Double TG offsprings revealed higher levels of IL-7 mRNA occuring earlier in embryogenesis. Consequently, double TG mice showed a striking phenotype with a 3- to 5-fold increase in PP numbers compared to single IL-7TG or control littermates. Analysis of embryonic double TG intestines demonstrated that the process of PP development was already elevated during development as early as the embryonic day 16.5. Importantly, inducer cells were significantly increased in numbers in these embryonic intestines. Furthermore, the expression of LT? mRNA, which at this early time point is exclusively expressed by inducer cells, was also increased in double TG animals. These data clearly indicate a direct influence of IL-7 on the expansion of lymphoid tissue inducer cells and on the availability of LT? leading to a higher frequency of developing PP in fetal life. Interestingly, in addition to an enhanced frequency of PP development, in double TG mice, three additional phenotypic differences were observed. i) Lymphocyte infiltration in various non-lymphoid organs, such as stomach, salivary gland, and liver. Subsequent analysis demonstrated that B lymphocytes were predominant within these tertiary lymphoid structures. ii) Ectopic lymph node-like structures containing both B and T lymphocytes were found near the inguinal lymph node. iii) Double TG mice had a severe bone resorption syndrome most likely as a consequence of the pro-osteoclastic effect of IL-7. Taken together, these results show that IL-7 plays a key role in the homeostasis of inducer cells, in the generation of PP in the gut, in the formation of ectopic lymphoid tissue, and in bone resorption. Résumé Les organes lymphoïdes secondaires sont les lieux de présentation des antigènes aux lymphocytes, permettant l'expansion des lymphocytes B et T et la maturation d'affinité des lymphocytes B. Dans l'intestin, ces fonctions immunitaires se déroulent dans les plaques de Peyer (PP). Ces plaques se développent grâce à l'interaction des cellules hématopoïétiques avec des cellules mésenchymales. Un type particulier de cellules hématopoïétiques a été identifié comme cellule inductrice dans la formation des PP et des ganglions lymphatiques et de ce fait a été désigné cellule inductrice des tissus lymphoïdes. Durant l'organogénèse des PP, les composants moléculaires cruciaux impliqués dans l'interaction des cellules inductrices et des cellules mésenchymales sont les molécules d'adhésion, les membres de la famille des lymphotoxines (LT) et les cytokines. En particulier, le récepteur de l'interleukine 7 (IL-7R) exprimé par les cellules inductrices est absolument nécessaire. Pour étudier le rôle du ligand de l'IL-7R, l'interleukine IL-7, dans la formation des PP, nous avons croisé une lignée de souris transgénique (TG) surexprimant IL-7 sous contrôle du promoteur MHC class Il avec une lignée de souris transgénique surexprimant un transactivateur des genes MHC class II. Les souris doubles TG présentent une concentration élevée d'ARNm de l'IL-7 durant l'embryogénèse, ce qui résulte en une augmentation du nombre de PP de 3 à 5 fois en comparaison aux souris ayant seul le transgène IL-7 et aux souris contrôles. L'analyse des intestins des souris doubles TG démontre que le processus de développement des PP était élevé dès le jour 16.5 du développement embryonnaire. L'augmentation du nombre des cellules inductrices dans ces intestins embryonnaires est signilicative. De plus l'expression de l'ARNm LT?, qui à ce stade précoce est exclusivement exprimé dans les cellules inductrices, est également augmenté dans les doubles TG. Ces résultats indiquent clairement une influence directe d'IL-7 sur l'expansion des cellules inductrices des tissues lymphoïdes et sur la synthèse de LT? induisant une augmentation des PP se développant durant la vie foetale. En plus du développement accru des PP dans les souris doubles TG, trois différences phénotypiques ont été observées. i) L'infiltration lymphocytaire dans différents organes non-lymphoïdes, comme l'estomac, les glandes salivaires et le foie. Des analyses complémentaires ont demontré que les lymphocytes B étaient prédominants dans ces structures lymphoïdes tertiaires. ii) Des structures de ganglions lymphatiques ectopiques contenant des lymphocytes B et T ont été trouvées près des ganglions lymphatiques inguinaux. iii) Les souris doubles TG présentent un syndrome de résorption osseuse sévère probablement dû à l'effet pro-osteoclaste d'IL-7. Globalement, ces résultats montrent que IL-7 joue un rôle clé dans l'homéostasie des cellules inductrices dans la génèse de PP de l'intestin, dans la formation des tissus lymphoïdes ectopiques et dans la résorption osseuse.


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Divergent and convergent margins actualistic models are reviewed and applied to the history of the western Alps. Tethyan rifting history and geometry are analyzed: the northern European margin is considered as an upper plate whereas the southern Apulian margin is a lower plate; the Breche basin is regarded as the former break-away trough; the internal Brianconnais domain represents the northern rift shoulder whilst the more external domains are regarded as the infill of a complex rim basin locally affected by important extension (Valaisan and Vocontain trough). The Schistes lustres and ophiolites of the Tsate nappe are compared to an accretionary prism: the imbrication of this nappe elements is regarded as a direct consequence of the accretionary phenomena already active in early Cretaceous; the Gets/Simme complex could orginate from a more internal part of the accretionary prism. Some eclogitic basements represent the former Apulian margin substratum (Sesia) others (Mont-Rose) are interpreted as the former edge of the European margin. The history of the closing Tethyan domain is analyzed and the remaining problems concerning the cinematics, the presence/absence of a volcanic arc and the eoalpine metamorphism are discussed.


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Hemorrhage and resuscitation (H/R) leads to phosphorylation of mitogen-activated stress kinases, an event that is associated with organ damage. Recently, a specific, cell-penetrating, protease-resistant inhibitory peptide of the mitogen-activated protein kinase c-JUN N-terminal kinase (JNK) was developed (D-JNKI-1). Here, using this peptide, we tested if inhibition of JNK protects against organ damage after H/R. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with D-JNKI-1 (11 mg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle. Thirty minutes later, rats were hemorrhaged for 1 h to a MAP of 30 to 35 mmHg and then resuscitated with 60% of the shed blood and twice the shed blood volume as Ringer lactate. Tissues were harvested 2 h later. ANOVA with Tukey post hoc analysis or Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA on ranks, P < 0.05, was considered significant. c-JUN N-terminal kinase inhibition decreased serum alanine aminotransferase activity as a marker of liver injury by 70%, serum creatine kinase activity by 67%, and serum lactate dehydrogenase activity by 60% as compared with vehicle treatment. The histological tissue damage observed was blunted after D-JNKI-1 pretreatment both for necrotic and apoptotic cell death. Hepatic leukocyte infiltration and serum IL-6 levels were largely diminished after D-JNKI-1 pretreatment. The extent of oxidative stress as evaluated by immunohistochemical detection of 4-hydroxynonenal was largely abrogated after JNK inhibition. After JNK inhibition, activation of cJUN after H/R was also reduced. Hemorrhage and resuscitation induces a systemic inflammatory response and leads to end-organ damage. These changes are mediated, at least in part, by JNK. Therefore, JNK inhibition deserves further evaluation as a potential treatment option in patients after resuscitated blood loss.


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OBJECTIVE: To update trends in mortality from coronary heart diseases (CHD) and cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) over the period 1981-2004 in Europe, the USA, Latin America, Japan and other selected areas of the world. METHODS: Age-standardized mortality rates were derived from the World Health Organization database. Joinpoint analysis was used to identify significant changes in trends. RESULTS: In the European Union (27 countries), CHD mortality in men declined from 139/100,000 in 1985-1989 to 93/100,000 in 2000-2004 (-33%). In women, the fall was from 61/100,000 to 44/100,000 (-27%). In this area, a decline by over 30% was also registered in CVD mortality for both sexes. In the Russian Federation and other countries of the former Soviet Union, CHD rates in 2000-2004 were exceedingly high, around 380/100,000 men and 170/100,000 women in Russia, 430 for men and 240 for women in Ukraine, 420 and 200 in Belarus. For CVD, a similar situation was registered, with mortality rates of 226/100,000 for men and 159/100,000 for women in 2004 in the Russian Federation, and more than 24% increase since the late 1980s for men and 15% for women. CHD and CVD mortality continued to decline in most Latin American countries, Australia and other areas considered, including Asia (even if with marked differences). CONCLUSION: Although mortality from CHD and CVD continues to decline in several areas of the world including most countries of Europe and of the America providing data and Australia, unfavourable trends were still observed in the Russian Federation and other countries of the former Soviet Union, whose recent rates remain exceedingly high.


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BACKGROUND: The correlation between noninvasive markers with endoscopic activity according to the modified Baron Index in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) is unknown. We aimed to evaluate the correlation between endoscopic activity and fecal calprotectin (FC), C-reactive protein (CRP), hemoglobin, platelets, blood leukocytes, and the Lichtiger Index (clinical score). METHODS: UC patients undergoing complete colonoscopy were prospectively enrolled and scored clinically and endoscopically. Samples from feces and blood were analyzed in UC patients and controls. RESULTS: We enrolled 228 UC patients and 52 healthy controls. Endoscopic disease activity correlated best with FC (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient r = 0.821), followed by the Lichtiger Index (r = 0.682), CRP (r = 0.556), platelets (r = 0.488), blood leukocytes (r = 0.401), and hemoglobin (r = -0.388). FC was the only marker that could discriminate between different grades of endoscopic activity (grade 0, 16 [10-30] μg/g; grade 1, 35 [25-48] μg/g; grade 2, 102 [44-159] μg/g; grade 3, 235 [176-319] μg/g; grade 4, 611 [406-868] μg/g; P < 0.001 for discriminating the different grades). FC with a cutoff of 57 μg/g had a sensitivity of 91% and a specificity of 90% to detect endoscopically active disease (modified Baron Index ≥ 2). CONCLUSIONS: FC correlated better with endoscopic disease activity than clinical activity, CRP, platelets, hemoglobin, and blood leukocytes. The strong correlation with endoscopic disease activity suggests that FC represents a useful biomarker for noninvasive monitoring of disease activity in UC patients.


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The crocidurine shrews include the most speciose genus of mammals, Crocidura. The origin and evolution of their radiation is, however, poorly understood because of very scant fossil records and a rather conservative external morphology between species. Here, we use an alignment of 3560 base pairs of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA to generate a phylogenetic hypothesis for the evolution of Old World shrews of the subfamily Crocidurinae. These molecular data confirm the monophyly of the speciose African and Eurasian Crocidura, which also includes the fossorial, monotypic genus Diplomesodon. The phylogenetic reconstructions give further credit to a paraphyletic position of Suncus shrews, which are placed into at least two independent clades (one in Africa and sister to Sylvisorex and one in Eurasia), at the base of the Crocidura radiation. Therefore, we recommend restricting the genus Suncus to the Palaearctic and Oriental taxa, and to consider all the African Suncus as Sylvisorex. Using molecular dating and biogeographic reconstruction analyses, we suggest a Palaearctic-Oriental origin for Crocidura dating back to the Upper Miocene (6.8 million years ago) and several subsequent colonisations of the Afrotropical region by independent lineages of Crocidura.


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Biofilm formation is a multi-step process influenced by surface properties. We investigated early and mature biofilm of Staphylococcus aureus on 4 different biological calcium phosphate (CaP) bone grafts used for filling bone defects. We investigated standardised cylinders of fresh and fresh-frozen human bone grafts were harvested from femoral heads; processed humanand bovine bone grafts were obtained preformed. Biofilm formation was done in tryptic soy broth (TSB) using S. aureus (ATCC 29213) with static conditions. Biofilm density after 3 h (early biofilm) and 24 h (mature biofilm) was investigated by sonication and microcalorimetry. After 3 h, bacterial density was highest on fresh-frozenandfresh bone grafts. After 24 h, biofilm density was lowest on freshbone grafts (p < 0.001) compared to the other 3 materials, which did not differ quantitatively (p > 0.05). The lowest increase in bacterial density was detected on fresh bone grafts (p < 0.001). Despite normal shaped colonies, we found additional small colonies on the surface of the fresh and fresh-frozen samples by sonication. This was also apparent in microcalorimetric heat-flow curves. The four investigated CaP bone grafts showed minor structural differences in architecture but marked differences concerning serum coverage and the content of bone marrow, fibrous tissue and bone cells. These variations resulted in a decreased biofilm density on freshand fresh-frozenbone grafts after 24 h, despite an increased early biofilm formation and might also be responsible for the variations in colony morphology (small colonies). Detection of small colony variants by microcalorimetry might be a new approach to improve the understanding of biofilm formation.


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Genes integrated near the telomeres of budding yeast have a variegated pattern of gene repression that is mediated by the silent information regulatory proteins Sir2p, Sir3p, and Sir4p. Immunolocalization and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) reveal 6-10 perinuclear foci in which silencing proteins and subtelomeric sequences colocalize, suggesting that these are sites of Sir-mediated repression. Telomeres lacking subtelomeric repeat elements and the silent mating locus, HML, also localize to the periphery of the nucleus. Conditions that disrupt telomere proximal repression disrupt the focal staining pattern of Sir proteins, but not necessarily the localization of telomeric DNA. To monitor the telomere-associated pools of heterochromatin-binding proteins (Sir and Rap1 proteins) during mitotic cell division, we have performed immunofluorescence and telomeric FISH on populations of yeast cells synchronously traversing the cell cycle. We observe a partial release of Rap1p from telomeres in late G2/M, although telomeres appear to stay clustered during G2-phase and throughout mitosis. A partial release of Sir3p and Sir4p during mitosis also occurs. This is not observed upon HU arrest, although other types of DNA damage cause a dramatic relocalization of Sir and Rap1 proteins. The observed cell cycle dynamics were confirmed by direct epifluorescence of a GFP-Rap1p fusion. Using live GFP fluorescence we show that the diffuse mitotic distribution of GFP-Rap1p is restored to the interphase pattern of foci in early G1-phase.


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Résumé: Les organismes multicellulaires ont adopté diverses stratégies pour répondre aux stress auxquels ils sont exposés. Cette étude a exploré deux de ces stratégies l'inflammation en réponse à une invasion par un pathogène, et l'apoptose ou la survie en réponse aux dommages à l'ADN. L'interleukine-lß (IL-lß) est une importante cytokine inflammatoire. Elle est synthétisée sous forme d'un précurseur inactif et nécessite un clivage par la caspase-1 pour être activée. La caspase-1 elle-même est activée dans un complexe appelé inflammasome. Certains NLRs (Nod-like receptors), IPAF et les NALPs, sont capables de former des inflammasomes fonctionnels. Cette étude s'est intéressée au rôle d'un autre NLR structurellement proche, la protéine NAIP, dans la régulation de la caspase-1 et la maturation de l'IL-1 ß. NAIP est incorporé à l'inflammasome contenant NALP3 et est capable d'inhiber l'activation de la caspase-1 et la maturation de l'IL-lß. Cette fonction inhibitrice dépend des ses domaines BIR et est inhibée par ses LRRs. Le mécanisme exact d'inhibition reste à définir et la régulation de l'activation de NAIP est discutée. La deuxième partie de cette étude concerne la protéine PIDD. Cette protéine est impliquée avec RAIDD dans l'activation de la caspase-2, et est aussi capable, avec l'aide de RIP et de NEMO, d'activer NF-κB en réponse aux dommages à l'ADN. Deux isoformes de PIDD ont déjà été décrites dans la littérature, PIDD (isoforme 1) et LRDD (isoforme 2) et une troisième isoforme est rapportée ici. L'étude de l'expression de ces isoformes a montré qu'elles sont exprimées différemment dans les tissus et dans les lignées cellulaires, et que l'isoforme 3 est induite en réponse à un stress génotoxique. La caractérisation fonctionnelle a établi que les trois isoformes sont capables d'activer NF-κB, donc la survie, mais que seule l'isoforme 1 peut interagir avec RAIDD pour activer la caspase-2 et sensibiliser les cellules à la mort induite par un stress génotoxique. Le domaine intermédiaire de PIDD, situé entre le deuxième ZU5 et le DD est essentiel pour l'interaction entre PIDD et RAIDD et l'activation de la caspase-2 qui en découle. En conclusion, l'épissage différentiel de l'ARNm de PIDD permet la production d'au moins trois protéines possédant des fonctions agonistes ou antagonistes et qui peuvent participer au choix cellulaire entre survie et apoptose en réponse aux dommages à l'ADN. Summary: Multicellular organisms have evolved several strategies to cope with the stresses they encounter. The present study has explored two of these strategies: inflammation in response to a pathogenic invasion, and apoptosis or repair/survival in response to DNA damage. Interleukin-lß (IL-lß) is a key mediator of inflammation. It is synthesized as an inactive precursor and requires cleavage by caspase-1 to be activated. caspase-1 itself is activated in molecular platforms called inflammasomes, which can be formed by members of the NOD-like receptors (NLR) family, like IPAF and NALPs. This study has investigated the role of another NLR, the structurally related protein NAIP, in the regulation of caspase-1 activation and IL-lß maturation. An inhibitory role of NAIP on caspase-1 activation and IL-lß maturation was demonstrated, as well as NAIP incorporation in the NALP3 inflammasome. This inhibitory property relies on NAIP BIR domains and is inhibited by NAIP LRRs. The exact mechanism of NAIP-mediated caspase-1 activation remains to be elucidated and the regulation of NAIP activation is discussed. The second part of this study focused on the caspase-2 activating protein PIDD. This protein is known to mediate caspase-2 activation via RAIDD and to signal NF-κB via RIP and NEMO in response to DNA damage. Two isoforms of PIDD, PIDD (isoform 1) and LRDD (isoform 2), have already been reported and a third isoform is described here. Investigation of the expressional regulation of these isoforms indicated that they are differentially expressed in tissues and cell lines, and that isoform 3 mRNA levels are upregulated in response to genotoxic stress. Functional studies demonstrated that all three isoforms can activate NF-κB in response to DNA damage, but only isoform 1 is able to interact with RAIDD and activate caspase-2, sensitizing cells to genotoxic stress-induced cell death. The intermediate domain located between the second ZUS and the DD is essential for the interaction of PIDD and RAIDD and the subsequent caspase-2 activation. Thus the differential splicing of PIDD mRNA leads to the formation of at least thrée proteins with antagonizing/agonizing functions that could participate in determining cell fate in response to DNA damage.


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