7 resultados para vertebrate hosts
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Complexity of biological function relies on large networks of interacting molecules. However, the evolutionary properties of these networks are not fully understood. It has been shown that selective pressures depend on the position of genes in the network. We have previously shown that in the Drosophila insulin/target of rapamycin (TOR) signal transduction pathway there is a correlation between the pathway position and the strength of purifying selection, with the downstream genes being most constrained. In this study, we investigated the evolutionary dynamics of this well-characterized pathway in vertebrates. More specifically, we determined the impact of natural selection on the evolution of 72 genes of this pathway. We found that in vertebrates there is a similar gradient of selective constraint in the insulin/TOR pathway to that found in Drosophila. This feature is neither the result of a polarity in the impact of positive selection nor of a series of factors affecting selective constraint levels (gene expression level and breadth, codon bias, protein length, and connectivity). We also found that pathway genes encoding physically interacting proteins tend to evolve under similar selective constraints. The results indicate that the architecture of the vertebrate insulin/TOR pathway constrains the molecular evolution of its components. Therefore, the polarity detected in Drosophila is neither specific nor incidental of this genus. Hence, although the underlying biological mechanisms remain unclear, these may be similar in both vertebrates and Drosophila.
Low-complexity regions (LCRs) in proteins are tracts that are highly enriched in one or a few aminoacids. Given their high abundance, and their capacity to expand in relatively short periods of time through replication slippage, they can greatly contribute to increase protein sequence space and generate novel protein functions. However, little is known about the global impact of LCRs on protein evolution. We have traced back the evolutionary history of 2,802 LCRs from a large set of homologous protein families from H.sapiens, M.musculus, G.gallus, D.rerio and C.intestinalis. Transcriptional factors and other regulatory functions are overrepresented in proteins containing LCRs. We have found that the gain of novel LCRs is frequently associated with repeat expansion whereas the loss of LCRs is more often due to accumulation of amino acid substitutions as opposed to deletions. This dichotomy results in net protein sequence gain over time. We have detected a significant increase in the rate of accumulation of novel LCRs in the ancestral Amniota and mammalian branches, and a reduction in the chicken branch. Alanine and/or glycine-rich LCRs are overrepresented in recently emerged LCR sets from all branches, suggesting that their expansion is better tolerated than for other LCR types. LCRs enriched in positively charged amino acids show the contrary pattern, indicating an important effect of purifying selection in their maintenance. We have performed the first large-scale study on the evolutionary dynamics of LCRs in protein families. The study has shown that the composition of an LCR is an important determinant of its evolutionary pattern.
Genome duplications increase genetic diversity and may facilitate the evolution of gene subfunctions. Little attention, however, has focused on the evolutionary impact of lineage-specific gene loss. Here, we show that identifying lineage-specific gene loss after genome duplication is important for understanding the evolution of gene subfunctions in surviving paralogs and for improving functional connectivity among human and model organism genomes. We examine the general principles of gene loss following duplication, coupled with expression analysis of the retinaldehyde dehydrogenase Aldh1a gene family during retinoic acid signaling in eye development as a case study. Humans have three ALDH1A genes, but teleosts have just one or two. We used comparative genomics and conserved syntenies to identify loss of ohnologs (paralogs derived from genome duplication) and to clarify uncertain phylogenies. Analysis showed that Aldh1a1 and Aldh1a2 form a clade that is sister to Aldh1a3-related genes. Genome comparisons showed secondarily loss of aldh1a1 in teleosts, revealing that Aldh1a1 is not a tetrapod innovation and that aldh1a3 was recently lost in medaka, making it the first known vertebrate with a single aldh1a gene. Interestingly, results revealed asymmetric distribution of surviving ohnologs between co-orthologous teleost chromosome segments, suggesting that local genome architecture can influence ohnolog survival. We propose a model that reconstructs the chromosomal history of the Aldh1a family in the ancestral vertebrate genome, coupled with the evolution of gene functions in surviving Aldh1a ohnologs after R1, R2, and R3 genome duplications. Results provide evidence for early subfunctionalization and late subfunction-partitioning and suggest a mechanistic model based on altered regulation leading to heterochronic gene expression to explain the acquisition or modification of subfunctions by surviving ohnologs that preserve unaltered ancestral developmental programs in the face of gene loss.
Previous genetic studies have demonstrated that natal homing shapes the stock structure of marine turtle nesting populations. However, widespread sharing of common haplotypes based on short segments of the mitochondrial control region often limits resolution of the demographic connectivity of populations. Recent studies employing longer control region sequences to resolve haplotype sharing have focused on regional assessments of genetic structure and phylogeography. Here we synthesize available control region sequences for loggerhead turtles from the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic, and western Indian Ocean basins. These data represent six of the nine globally significant regional management units (RMUs) for the species and include novel sequence data from Brazil, Cape Verde, South Africa and Oman. Genetic tests of differentiation among 42 rookeries represented by short sequences (380 bp haplotypes from 3,486 samples) and 40 rookeries represented by long sequences (~800 bp haplotypes from 3,434 samples) supported the distinction of the six RMUs analyzed as well as recognition of at least 18 demographically independent management units (MUs) with respect to female natal homing. A total of 59 haplotypes were resolved. These haplotypes belonged to two highly divergent global lineages, with haplogroup I represented primarily by CC-A1, CC-A4, and CC-A11 variants and haplogroup II represented by CC-A2 and derived variants. Geographic distribution patterns of haplogroup II haplotypes and the nested position of CC-A11.6 from Oman among the Atlantic haplotypes invoke recent colonization of the Indian Ocean from the Atlantic for both global lineages. The haplotypes we confirmed for western Indian Ocean RMUs allow reinterpretation of previous mixed stock analysis and further suggest that contemporary migratory connectivity between the Indian and Atlantic Oceans occurs on a broader scale than previously hypothesized. This study represents a valuable model for conducting comprehensive international cooperative data management and research in marine ecology.
Recerca paleontològica als jaciments maastrichtians continentals de l'àrea de Fumanya (Alt Berguedà)
Memòria de la recerca realitzada a Vallcebre durant el 2006. S’ha estudiat el registre fòssil de l'àrea del sinclinal d’aquesta població de vertebrats i paleobotànic, concretament dels materials maastrichtians d'origen continental que hi afloren. S'han realitzat excavacions per recuperar restes òssies de vertebrats (per exemple dinosaures sauròpodes i cocodrils eosuquis) i cartografies d'icnites i rastres de titanosaure i de restes vegetals als megajaciments de Fumanya sud i Mina Esquirol. També s'ha avançat en l'estudi de postes de titanosaure excavades en campanyes d'anys anteriors. El treball realitzat està permeten acumular dades que seran de gran utilitat i rellevança científica per entendre com vivien els darrers dinosaures pirinencs.La recerca del projecte s'està realitzant en col•laboració amb l'Institut Català de Paleontologia, el Departament d'Estratigrafia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, el Departament d'Estratigrafia, Paleontologia i Geociències Marines de la Universitat de Barcelona i el Departament de Geociències de la Universitat de Rennes (França).
In the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, besides the country-versus-country typical showdown in the backdrop of Olympics, and the economic and political impulses for the host city, there was a third factor complicating the celebration: rivalry between the Catalan hosts and the Spanish state. By guiding the development of and eventual Olympic projection of national identity, Catalan and Spanish politicians hoped to create a resounding rallying point around which they could unite disparate individuals. The text is made up of: an introduction, five paragraphs on the different political perspective, conclusions, a commentary on the tallying of score and a note section with bibliographical references.
El litoral comprés entre els municipis de Torredembarra, Creixell i Roda de Berà és una platja sorrenca situada al nord de la comarca del Tarragonès. Aquest espai allotja la platja natural protegida més ben conservada entre el Delta del Llobregat i el Delta de l'Ebre, sent caracteritzada per les seves dunes de sorra i les llacunes salabroses. Al ser una zona costanera el principal problema són els impactes generats per la freqüentació turística que s'han avaluat en el present treball. La freqüentació ha generat nombrosos petits camins entre les dunes, afavorint la fragmentació, el sorgiment de la vegetació al·lòctona i la molèstia i canvi de comportament a espècies de fauna importants com el corriol camanegre (Charadrius alexandrinus).