12 resultados para thyroid scintiscanning

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Segons resultats de fases II amb inhibidors tirosina quinasa i el coneixement de les alteracions moleculars de la carcinogènesis tiroïdal, es va dissenyar un estudi retrospectiu de pacients amb càncer de tiroide metastàtic tractats amb sorafenib. S’analitzaren la taxa de respostes, toxicitat, supervivència i la correlació amb els marcadors tumorals de 34 pacients. Segons subtipus histològic, la taxa de respostes va ser 47% en medul•lars, 19% en diferenciats i 33% en anaplàsics. La mitjana de supervivència-lliure-de-progressió va ser 13.5, 10.5 i 4.4 mesos, respectivament. Es va observar correlació significativa entre la reducció dels nivells de marcador tumoral i la resposta. El perfil de toxicitat va ser favorable.


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The development of nuclear hormone receptor antagonists that directly inhibit the association of the receptor with its essential coactivators would allow useful manipulation of nuclear hormone receptor signaling. We previously identified 3-(dibutylamino)-1-(4-hexylphenyl)-propan-1-one (DHPPA), an aromatic β-amino ketone that inhibits coactivator recruitment to thyroid hormone receptor β (TRβ), in a high-throughput screen. Initial evidence suggested that the aromatic β-enone 1-(4-hexylphenyl)-prop-2-en-1-one (HPPE), which alkylates a specific cysteine residue on the TRβ surface, is liberated from DHPPA. Nevertheless, aspects of the mechanism and specificity of action of DHPPA remained unclear. Here, we report an x-ray structure of TRβ with the inhibitor HPPE at 2.3-Å resolution. Unreacted HPPE is located at the interface that normally mediates binding between TRβ and its coactivator. Several lines of evidence, including experiments with TRβ mutants and mass spectroscopic analysis, showed that HPPE specifically alkylates cysteine residue 298 of TRβ, which is located near the activation function-2 pocket. We propose that this covalent adduct formation proceeds through a two-step mechanism: 1) β-elimination to form HPPE; and 2) a covalent bond slowly forms between HPPE and TRβ. DHPPA represents a novel class of potent TRβ antagonist, and its crystal structure suggests new ways to design antagonists that target the assembly of nuclear hormone receptor gene-regulatory complexes and block transcription.


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The development of nuclear hormone receptor antagonists that directly inhibit the association of the receptor with its essential coactivators would allow useful manipulation of nuclear hormone receptor signaling. We previously identified 3-(dibutylamino)-1-(4-hexylphenyl)-propan-1-one (DHPPA), an aromatic β-amino ketone that inhibits coactivator recruitment to thyroid hormone receptor β (TRβ), in a high-throughput screen. Initial evidence suggested that the aromatic β-enone 1-(4-hexylphenyl)-prop-2-en-1-one (HPPE), which alkylates a specific cysteine residue on the TRβ surface, is liberated from DHPPA. Nevertheless, aspects of the mechanism and specificity of action of DHPPA remained unclear. Here, we report an x-ray structure of TRβ with the inhibitor HPPE at 2.3-Å resolution. Unreacted HPPE is located at the interface that normally mediates binding between TRβ and its coactivator. Several lines of evidence, including experiments with TRβ mutants and mass spectroscopic analysis, showed that HPPE specifically alkylates cysteine residue 298 of TRβ, which is located near the activation function-2 pocket. We propose that this covalent adduct formation proceeds through a two-step mechanism: 1) β-elimination to form HPPE; and 2) a covalent bond slowly forms between HPPE and TRβ. DHPPA represents a novel class of potent TRβ antagonist, and its crystal structure suggests new ways to design antagonists that target the assembly of nuclear hormone receptor gene-regulatory complexes and block transcription.


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Bone metastases are the result of a primary cancer invasion which spreads into the bone marrow through the lymphogenous or hematogenous pathways. Bone metastases are a common complication of cancer.The primary cancers that most frequently metastasize to bone are breast and prostate cancer (65 - 75 %) amongst many others (thyroid 42 %, lung 36 % or kidney 35 %) (Suva et al., 2011). Although the exact incidence of bone metastases is unknown given its dependence on the type of primary cancer, it is estimated that 350,000 people die of bone metastases annually in the United States.


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El exceso de paratirina (PTH) en el hiperparatiroidismo primario (HPTP) provoca un aumento del remodelado óseo con pérdida de densidad mineral en el hueso. El presente estudio pretende evaluar la evoluctón de distintos Marcadores del remodelado óseo (MRO): fosfatasa alcalina (FA) y osteocalcina...


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La paratirina actúa sobre el hueso, aumentando su resorción y movilizando iones calcio. En pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario (HPTP) se produce un aumento excesivo de la resorción del hueso con pérdida de la densidad mineral ósea. Por ello, para un control evolutivo más exhaustivo del paciente paratiroidectomizado puede hacerse uso, además de la medición de las concentraciones de paratirina y calcio (II), de marcadores óseos como: osteocalcina (OC), C-telopéptido isomerizado del colágeno de tipo I (CTx), fosfatasa alcalina (ALP), el propéptido aminoterminal del colágeno de tipo I {P1NP), entre otros.


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Para diagnosticar la hipocalcemia, que a veces se presenta tras una tiroidectomia, habitualmente se recurre a la medida del ion calcio y a la evaluación de síntomas específicos de hipocalcemia (tetania, signo de Trousseau) o inespecíficos (parestesia, vómitos, etc) en los días posteriores a la intervención. Sería ideal que existiesen magnitudes bioquímicas que permitieran diagnosticar precozmente esta hipocalcemia y sintomatologia. Recientemente, se ha demostrado que las concentraciones intraoperatorias de paratirina (PTH) informan sobre el estado funcional de las glándulas paratiroides tras la tiroidectomia, por lo que éstas serian las magnitudes ideales que buscamos.


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Recientemente se ha demostrado que la concentración intraoperatoria de paratirina 10 minutos después de la exéresis (PTH-post) y la diferencia relativa porcentual entre las concentraciones de PTH intraoperatorias preexéresis y 10 minutos después de la exéresls (PTH-decay), parecen predecir el estado funcional de las glándulas paratiroideas tras la tiroidectomía


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El hiperparatiroidismo (HPT) se caracteriza por el aumento de la secreción de la paratirina (PTH) y se manifiesta por la descalcificación ósea e hipercalcemia. Aunque se desconocen la mayoría de los procesos implicados en la patogenia de esta lesión, diversos autores han descrito una asociación entre los polimorfismos del gen VDR con la presencia de esta enfermedad. El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar si los polimorfismos del gen VDR se asocian a la presencia de HPT.


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This study investigates the effect of thyroid hormones on the morphology of hippocampal neurons in adult rats. Hypo- and hyperthyroidism were induced by adding 0.02% methimazole and 1% l-thyroxine, in drinking water from 40 days of age, respectively. When the rats were 89 days old their brains were removed and stained by a modified Golgi method and blood samples were collected in order to measure T4 serum levels. Neurons were selected and drawn using a camera lucida. Our results show that methimazole administration reduces the dendritic branching of the apical shafts of CA3 and CA1 pyramidal neurons mainly by increasing the distance to the first branch point in both types of neurons, and reducing branch points in the radius of 50 μm from the soma in CA1 neurons. Nevertheless, it was observed an increase of apical spine density in CA3 neurons from this group. Thyroxine reduces apical and basal tree of CA3 pyramidal neurons increasing the distance to the first branch point, reducing branch points in the radius of 50 μm from the soma and increases their apical and basal spine density. In CA1 field, thyroxine reduces the number of basal branch points. Both treatments seems to provoke alterations in the same direction reducing the dendritic branching and increasing spine density, although no significances appeared in some of the parameters analyzed. The effects are more evident in thyroxine than methimazole group; and in CA3 neurons than in CA1 neurons. In discussion it is pointed that the increase of spine density could be a mechanism to compensate the functionality reduction that can be provoke by the treatment effect on dendritic branching.


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The Class IIa histone deacetylases (HDAC)4 and HDAC5 play a role in neuronal survival and behavioral adaptation in the CNS. Phosphorylation at 2/3 N-terminal sites promote their nuclear export. We investigated whether non-canonical signaling routes to Class IIa HDAC export exist because of their association with the co-repressor Silencing Mediator Of Retinoic And Thyroid Hormone Receptors (SMRT). We found that, while HDAC5 and HDAC4 mutants lacking their N-terminal phosphorylation sites (HDAC4(MUT), HDAC5(MUT)) are constitutively nuclear, co-expression with SMRT renders them exportable by signals that trigger SMRT export, such as synaptic activity, HDAC inhibition, and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) signaling. We found that SMRT's repression domain 3 (RD3) is critical for co-shuttling of HDAC5(MUT), consistent with the role for this domain in Class IIa HDAC association. In the context of BDNF signaling, we found that HDAC5(WT), which was more cytoplasmic than HDAC5(MUT), accumulated in the nucleus after BDNF treatment. However, co-expression of SMRT blocked BDNF-induced HDAC5(WT) import in a RD3-dependent manner. In effect, SMRT-mediated HDAC5(WT) export was opposing the BDNF-induced HDAC5 nuclear accumulation observed in SMRT's absence. Thus, SMRT's presence may render Class IIa HDACs exportable by a wider range of signals than those which simply


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Transcriptional coactivators and corepressors often have multiple targets and can have opposing actions on transcription and downstream physiological events. The coactivator peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator (PGC)-1α is under-expressed in Huntington's disease and is a regulator of antioxidant defenses and mitochondrial biogenesis. We show that in primary cortical neurons, expression of PGC-1α strongly promotes resistance to excitotoxic and oxidative stress in a cell autonomous manner, whereas knockdown increases sensitivity. In contrast, the transcriptional corepressor silencing mediator of retinoic acid and thyroid hormone receptors (SMRT) specifically antagonizes PGC-1α-mediated antioxidant effects. The antagonistic balance between PGC-1α and SMRT is upset in favor of PGC-1α by synaptic activity. Synaptic activity triggers nuclear export of SMRT reliant on multiple regions of the protein. Concommitantly, synaptic activity post-translationally enhances the transactivating potential of PGC-1α in a p38-dependent manner, as well as upregulating cyclic-AMP response element binding protein-dependent PGC-1α transcription. Activity-dependent targeting of PGC-1α results in enhanced gene expression mediated by the thyroid hormone receptor, a prototypical transcription factor coactivated by PGC-1α and repressed by SMRT. As a consequence of these events, SMRT is unable to antagonize PGC-1α-mediated resistance to oxidative stress in synaptically active neurons. Thus, PGC-1α and SMRT are antagonistic regulators of neuronal vulnerability to oxidative stress. Further, this coactivatorcorepressor antagonism is regulated by the activity status of the cell, with implications for neuronal viability.