25 resultados para steam explosion

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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The main objective of this study was to explore the suitability of Vitis vinifera as a raw material and alkaline lignin as a natural binder for fiberboard manufacturing. In the first step, Vitis vinifera was steam- exploded through a thermo-mechanical vapor process in a batch reactor, and the obtained pulp was dried, ground, and pressed to produce the boards. The effects of pretreatment factors and pressing conditions on the chemical composition of the fibers and the physico-mechanical properties of binderless fiberboards were evaluated, and the conditions that optimize these properties were found. A response surface method based on a central composite design and multiple-response optimization was used. The variables studied and their respective variation ranges were: pretreatment temperature (Tr: 190-210ºC), pretreatment time (tr: 5-10 min), pressing temperature (Tp: 190-210ºC), pressing pressure (Pp: 8-16MPa), and pressing time (tp: 3-7min). The results of the optimization step show that binderless fiberboards have good water resistance and weaker mechanical properties. In the second step, fiberboards based on alkaline lignin and Vitis vinifera pulp produced at the optimal conditions determined for binderless fiberboards were prepared and their physico-mechanical properties were tested. Our results show that the addition of about 15% alkaline lignin leads to the production of fiberboards that fully meet the requirements of the relevant standard specifications


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Les piles de combustible permeten la transformació eficient de l’energia química de certs combustibles a energia elèctrica a través d’un procés electroquímic. De les diferents tecnologies de piles de combustible, les piles de combustible de tipus PEM són les més competitives i tenen una gran varietat d’aplicacions. No obstant, han de ser alimentades únicament per hidrogen. Per altra banda, l’etanol, un combustible interessant en el marc dels combustibles renovables, és una possible font d’hidrogen. Aquest treball estudia la reformació d’etanol per a l’obtenció d’hidrogen per a alimentar piles de combustible PEM. Només existeixen algunes publicacions que tractin l’obtenció d’hidrogen a partir d’etanol, i aquestes no inclouen l’estudi dinàmic del sistema. Els objectius del treball són el modelat i l’estudi dinàmic de reformadors d’etanol de baixa temperatura. Concretament, proposa un model dinàmic d’un reformador catalític d’etanol amb vapor basat en un catalitzador de cobalt. Aquesta reformació permet obtenir valors alts d’eficiència i valors òptims de monòxid de carboni que evitaran l’enverinament d’una la pila de combustible de tipus PEM. El model, no lineal, es basa en la cinètica obtinguda de diferents assaigs de laboratori. El reformador modelat opera en tres etapes: deshidrogenació d’etanol a acetaldehid i hidrogen, reformat amb vapor d’acetaldehid, i la reacció WGS (Water Gas Shift). El treball també estudia la sensibilitat i controlabilitat del sistema, caracteritzant així el sistema que caldrà controlar. L’anàlisi de controlabilitat es realitza sobre la resposta de dinàmica ràpida obtinguda del balanç de massa del reformador. El model no lineal és linealitzat amb la finalitat d’aplicar eines d’anàlisi com RGA, CN i MRI. El treball ofereix la informació necessària per a avaluar la possible implementació en un laboratori de piles de combustibles PEM alimentades per hidrogen provinent d’un reformador d’etanol.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la National University of Singapore Singapur, entre juliol i octubre del 2007. Donada l'explosió de la música a l'internet i la ràpida expansió de les col•leccions de música digital, un repte clau en l'àrea de la informació musical és el desenvolupament de sistemes de processament musical eficients i confiables. L'objectiu de la investigació proposada ha estat treballar en diferents aspectes de l'extracció, modelatge i processat del contingut musical. En particular, s’ha treballat en l'extracció, l'anàlisi i la manipulació de descriptors d'àudio de baix nivell, el modelatge de processos musicals, l'estudi i desenvolupament de tècniques d'aprenentatge automàtic per a processar àudio, i la identificació i extracció d'atributs musicals d'alt nivell. S’han revisat i millorat alguns components d'anàlisis d'àudio i revisat components per a l'extracció de descriptors inter-nota i intra-nota en enregistraments monofónics d'àudio. S’ha aplicat treball previ en Tempo a la formalització de diferents tasques musicals. Finalment, s’ha investigat el processat d'alt nivell de música basandonos en el seu contingut. Com exemple d'això, s’ha investigat com músics professionals expressen i comuniquen la seva interpretació del contingut musical i emocional de peces musicals, i hem usat aquesta informació per a identificar automàticament intèrprets. S’han estudiat les desviacions en paràmetres com to, temps, amplitud i timbre a nivell inter-nota i intra-nota.


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La televisió està en crisi. Les noves tecnologies i els dispositius han fragmentat les audiències de televisió en segments més petits. En aquest informe, Marissa Gluck i Meritxell Roca Sales examinen l'explosió dels mitjans de comunicació que han impulsat aquesta fragmentació.


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L’empresa RUSCALLEDA, S.L., ubicada a la localitat de Vic, es dedica a l’elaboració deproductes alimentaris. La instal·lació actual de generació de calor utilitza una caldera antiga de combustible líquid i té una capacitat de producció de vapor de 1.500 kg/h. A causa de la demanda creixent de productes semielaborats, l'empresa vol instal·lar tres unitats noves de la línia final de productes semielaborats. Aquestes noves unitats tindrien un considerable consum d’energia calorífica en forma de vapor i requeririen actualitzar la instal·lació actual de producció i distribució de calor. L’objecte del projecte és la instal·lació d’un segon generador de vapor que sigui capaç d’alimentar la instal·lació actual més l’ampliació, quedant el generador actual en paral·lel per ser utilitzat en cas d’emergència


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Background: Searching for associations between genetic variants and complex diseases has been a very active area of research for over two decades. More than 51,000 potential associations have been studied and published, a figure that keeps increasing, especially with the recent explosion of array-based Genome-Wide Association Studies. Even if the number of true associations described so far is high, many of the putative risk variants detected so far have failed to be consistently replicated and are widely considered false positives. Here, we focus on the world-wide patterns of replicability of published association studies.Results: We report three main findings. First, contrary to previous results, genes associated to complex diseases present lower degrees of genetic differentiation among human populations than average genome-wide levels. Second, also contrary to previous results, the differences in replicability of disease associated-loci between Europeans and East Asians are highly correlated with genetic differentiation between these populations. Finally, highly replicated genes present increased levels of high-frequency derived alleles in European and Asian populations when compared to African populations. Conclusions: Our findings highlight the heterogeneous nature of the genetic etiology of complex disease, confirm the importance of the recent evolutionary history of our species in current patterns of disease susceptibility and could cast doubts on the status as false positives of some associations that have failed to replicate across populations.


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This paper presents new estimates of total factor productivity growth in Britain for the period 1770-1860. We use a dual technique recently popularized by Hsieh (1999), and argue that the estimates we derive from factor prices are of similar quality to quantity-based calculations. Our results provide further evidence, derived from this independent set of sources, that productivity growth during the British Industrial Revolution was relatively slow. During the years 1770-1800, TFP growth was close to zero, according to our estimates. The period 1800-1830 experienced an acceleration of productivity growth. The Crafts-Harley view of the Industrial Revolution is thus reinforced. We also consider alternative explanations of slow productivity growth, and reject the interpretation that focuses on the introduction of steam as a general purpose technology.


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In this paper we attempt to describe the general picture reasons behind the world population explosion during the 20th century. In general we comment that if, according to some, at the end of the 20th century there were too many people, this was has a consequence of scientific innovation, circulation of information, and economic growth, leading to a dramatic improvement in life expectancies. Nevertheless, a crucial variable shaping differences in demographic growth is fertility. In this paper we identify as important exogenous variables affecting fertility female education levels, infant mortality, and racial identity and diversity. It is estimated that three additional years of schooling for mothers leads on average (at the world level ) to one child less per couple. Even if we can identify a worldwide trend towards convergence in demographic trends, the African case needs to be given more attention, not only because of its different demographic patterns, but also because this is the continent where the worldwide movement towards a higher quality of life has not yet been achieved for an important share of the world's population.


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Latin America participated in the electric revolution which profoundly transformed the most developed Western economies between 1880 and 1930. The electrification of Latin America began relatively soon after these economies, but it was incapable of keeping up with them. Public electric lighting was introduced early in the big Latin American cities, where electric trams started running at almost the same time as in Europe, and electricity spread rapidly in the mining sector. In the most advanced countries or areas in the region, the manufacturing industry substituted the steam engine with the electric motor, following the example of industry in the United States and Europe. Nevertheless, towards 1930 electricity consumption per inhabitant for Latin America was far below that of the more advanced economies, and only the Latin American countries which lead the process of electrification had reached levels of electric consumption that were similar to those of the late industrialised European countries. One of the most striking features of the electric revolution in Latin America is rooted precisely in the enormous national differences. These differences are indicative of the great economic inequalities existing in the heart of the region and these nations highly diverse capacity for economic modernisation.


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Why was England first? And why Europe? We present a probabilistic model that builds on big-push models by Murphy, Shleifer and Vishny (1989), combined with hierarchical preferences. The interaction of exogenous demographic factors (in particular the English low-pressure variant of the European marriage pattern)and redistributive institutions such as the old Poor Law combined to make an Industrial Revolution more likely. Essentially, industrialization is the result of having a critical mass of consumers that is rich enough to afford (potentially) mass-produced goods. Our model is then calibrated to match the main characteristics of the English economy in 1750 and the observed transition until 1850.This allows us to address explicitly one of the key features of the British IndustrialRevolution unearthed by economic historians over the last three decades the slowness of productivity and output change. In our calibration, we find that the probability of Britain industrializing is 5 times larger than France s. Contrary to the recent argument by Pomeranz, China in the 18th century had essentially no chance to industrialize at all. This difference is decomposed into a demographic and a policy component, with the former being far more important than the latter.


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Major bubble episodes are rare events. In this paper, we examine what factors might cause some asset price bubbles to become very large. We recreate, in a laboratory setting, some of the specific institutional features investors in the South Sea Company faced in 1720. Several factors have been proposed as potentially contributing to one of the greatest periods of asset overvaluation in history: an intricate debt-for-equity swap, deferred payment for these shares, and the possibility of default on the deferred payments. We consider which aspect might have had the most impact in creating the South Sea bubble. The results of the experiment suggest that the company?s attempt to exchange its shares for government debt was the single biggest contributor to the stock price explosion, because of the manner in which the swap affected fundamental value. Issuing new shares with only partial payments required, in conjunction with the debt-equity swap, also had a significant effect on the size of the bubble. Limited contract enforcement, on the other hand, does not appear to have contributed significantly.


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El Hospital Punta de Europa en Algeciras (Cádiz), centro sanitario del Servicio Andaluz de Salud, desea optimizar la gestión de sus instalaciones de generación de energía térmica (vapor, agua caliente sanitaria y agua caliente de calefacción) y adecuarlas a la normativa vigente así como la sustitución de bajantes del edificio, para lo cual sacará a concurso público la licitación para la concesión de dominio público de dichas instalaciones. Para definir el alcance y condiciones de la citada concesión, el Hospital Punta de Europa (Algeciras) del Servicio Andaluz de Salud ha solicitado a Pedro Alonso Martín el estudio para la reforma y adecuación de las instalaciones productoras de energía térmica del citado Hospital. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es hacer un estudio, propuesta y valoración de las actuaciones necesarias para la reforma y mejora de la explotación de las instalaciones generadoras de energía térmica y de la red saneamiento interior del Hospital Punta de Europa de Algeciras (Cádiz). Las actuales instalaciones de generación térmica consumidoras de energía del hospital dentro del alcance de este Proyecto son: Generación de vapor (lavandería y esterilización). Producción de agua caliente sanitaria (ACS). Producción de agua caliente de calefacción. La mayoría de los equipos productores de energía datan del año 1975, por lo que en la mayoría de los casos se ha cumplido su plazo de amortización y periodo de vida útil. Se hace necesaria la instalación de gas natural, debido a que se tendrá que abastecer a todas las calderas de la central térmica. El diseño del sistema de producción de agua caliente sanitaria garantiza el máximo confort y economía del usuario, compatible con el máximo ahorro energético y la protección del medio ambiente, cubriendo las necesidades de agua caliente sanitaria mediante la combinación de un sistema de calderas a gas con los colectores solares.


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After a rockfall event, a usual post event survey includes qualitative volume estimation, trajectory mapping and determination of departing zones. However, quantitative measurements are not usually made. Additional relevant quantitative information could be useful in determining the spatial occurrence of rockfall events and help us in quantifying their size. Seismic measurements could be suitable for detection purposes since they are non invasive methods and are relatively inexpensive. Moreover, seismic techniques could provide important information on rockfall size and location of impacts. On 14 February 2007 the Avalanche Group of the University of Barcelona obtained the seismic data generated by an artificially triggered rockfall event at the Montserrat massif (near Barcelona, Spain) carried out in order to purge a slope. Two 3 component seismic stations were deployed in the area about 200 m from the explosion point that triggered the rockfall. Seismic signals and video images were simultaneously obtained. The initial volume of the rockfall was estimated to be 75 m3 by laser scanner data analysis. After the explosion, dozens of boulders ranging from 10¿4 to 5 m3 in volume impacted on the ground at different locations. The blocks fell down onto a terrace, 120 m below the release zone. The impact generated a small continuous mass movement composed of a mixture of rocks, sand and dust that ran down the slope and impacted on the road 60 m below. Time, time-frequency evolution and particle motion analysis of the seismic records and seismic energy estimation were performed. The results are as follows: 1 ¿ A rockfall event generates seismic signals with specific characteristics in the time domain; 2 ¿ the seismic signals generated by the mass movement show a time-frequency evolution different from that of other seismogenic sources (e.g. earthquakes, explosions or a single rock impact). This feature could be used for detection purposes; 3 ¿ particle motion plot analysis shows that the procedure to locate the rock impact using two stations is feasible; 4 ¿ The feasibility and validity of seismic methods for the detection of rockfall events, their localization and size determination are comfirmed.


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Heavy-ion reactions and other collective dynamical processes are frequently described by different theoretical approaches for the different stages of the process, like initial equilibration stage, intermediate locally equilibrated fluid dynamical stage, and final freeze-out stage. For the last stage, the best known is the Cooper-Frye description used to generate the phase space distribution of emitted, noninteracting particles from a fluid dynamical expansion or explosion, assuming a final ideal gas distribution, or (less frequently) an out-of-equilibrium distribution. In this work we do not want to replace the Cooper-Frye description, but rather clarify the ways of using it and how to choose the parameters of the distribution and, eventually, how to choose the form of the phase space distribution used in the Cooper-Frye formula. Moreover, the Cooper-Frye formula is used in connection with the freeze-out problem, while the discussion of transition between different stages of the collision is applicable to other transitions also. More recently, hadronization and molecular dynamics models have been matched to the end of a fluid dynamical stage to describe hadronization and freeze-out. The stages of the model description can be matched to each other on space-time hypersurfaces (just like through the frequently used freeze-out hypersurface). This work presents a generalized description of how to match the stages of the description of a reaction to each other, extending the methodology used at freeze-out, in simple covariant form which is easily applicable in its simplest version for most applications.