69 resultados para spermatozoa, microtubular defect
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Ran, the small, predominantly nuclear GTPase, has been implicated in the regulation of a variety of cellular processes including cell cycle progression, nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of RNA and protein, nuclear structure, and DNA synthesis. It is not known whether Ran functions directly in each process or whether many of its roles may be secondary to a direct role in only one, for example, nuclear protein import. To identify biochemical links between Ran and its functional target(s), we have generated and examined the properties of a putative Ran effector mutation, T42A-Ran. T42A-Ran binds guanine nucleotides as well as wild-type Ran and responds as well as wild-type Ran to GTP or GDP exchange stimulated by the Ran-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, RCC1. T42A-Ran·GDP also retains the ability to bind p10/NTF2, a component of the nuclear import pathway. In contrast to wild-type Ran, T42A-Ran·GTP binds very weakly or not detectably to three proposed Ran effectors, Ran-binding protein 1 (RanBP1), Ran-binding protein 2 (RanBP2, a nucleoporin), and karyopherin ß (a component of the nuclear protein import pathway), and is not stimulated to hydrolyze bound GTP by Ran GTPase-activating protein, RanGAP1. Also in contrast to wild-type Ran, T42A-Ran does not stimulate nuclear protein import in a digitonin permeabilized cell assay and also inhibits wild-type Ran function in this system. However, the T42A mutation does not block the docking of karyophilic substrates at the nuclear pore. These properties of T42A-Ran are consistent with its classification as an effector mutant and define the exposed region of Ran containing the mutation as a probable effector loop.
Defects in SnO2 nanowires have been studied by cathodoluminescence, and the obtained spectra have been compared with those measured on SnO2 nanocrystals of different sizes in order to reveal information about point defects not determined by other characterization techniques. Dependence of the luminescence bands on the thermal treatment temperatures and pre-treatment conditions have been determined pointing out their possible relation, due to the used treatment conditions, with the oxygen vacancy concentration. To explain these cathodoluminescence spectra and their behavior, a model based on first-principles calculations of the surface oxygen vacancies in the different crystallographic directions is proposed for corroborating the existence of surface state bands localized at energy values compatible with the found cathodoluminescence bands and with the gas sensing mechanisms. CL bands centered at 1.90 and 2.20 eV are attributed to the surface oxygen vacancies 100° coordinated with tin atoms, whereas CL bands centered at 2.37 and 2.75 eV are related to the surface oxygen vacancies 130° coordinated. This combined process of cathodoluminescence and ab initio calculations is shown to be a powerful tool for nanowire defect analysis.
We study the dynamics of annihilation of point defects in Langmuir monolayers. The absence of hydrodynamic effects allows us to quantitatively relate the asymmetry in defect mobility to the elastic anisotropy of the material, which in turn can be varied through the control of the surface pressure applied to the monolayer. Using the proposed theoretical analysis, we are able to obtain rather elusive equilibrium properties out of relatively simple dynamical measurements. In particular, we measure the elastic constants and their pressure dependence.
We study the dynamics of Staffman-Taylor fingering in terms of topological defects of the flow field. The defects are created and/or annihilated at the interface. The route towards the single-finger steady state is characterized by a detailed mechanism for defect annihilation. For small viscosity contrast this mechanism is impeded, and creation of new defects leads the system away from a single-finger solution. Strong evidence for a drastic reduction of the basin of attraction of the Saffman-Taylor finger is presented.
We study the dynamics of annihilation of point defects in Langmuir monolayers. The absence of hydrodynamic effects allows us to quantitatively relate the asymmetry in defect mobility to the elastic anisotropy of the material, which in turn can be varied through the control of the surface pressure applied to the monolayer. Using the proposed theoretical analysis, we are able to obtain rather elusive equilibrium properties out of relatively simple dynamical measurements. In particular, we measure the elastic constants and their pressure dependence.
Wolfram syndrome is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder transmitted in an autosomal recessive mode. We report two Wolfram syndrome families harboring multiple deletions of mitochondrial DNA. The deletions reached percentages as high as 85-90% in affected tissues such as the central nervous system of one patient, while in other tissues from the same patient and from other members of the family, the percentages of deleted mitochondrial DNA genomes were only 1-10%. Recently, a Wolfram syndrome gene has been linked to markers on 4p16. In both families linkage between the disease locus and 4p16 markers gave a maximum multipoint lod score of 3.79 at theta = 0 (Pi<0.03) with respect to D4S431. In these families, the syndrome was caused by mutations in this nucleus-encoded gene which deleteriously interacts with the mitochondrial genome. This is the first evidence of the implication of both genomes in a recessive disease.
Wolfram syndrome is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder transmitted in an autosomal recessive mode. We report two Wolfram syndrome families harboring multiple deletions of mitochondrial DNA. The deletions reached percentages as high as 85-90% in affected tissues such as the central nervous system of one patient, while in other tissues from the same patient and from other members of the family, the percentages of deleted mitochondrial DNA genomes were only 1-10%. Recently, a Wolfram syndrome gene has been linked to markers on 4p16. In both families linkage between the disease locus and 4p16 markers gave a maximum multipoint lod score of 3.79 at theta = 0 (Pi<0.03) with respect to D4S431. In these families, the syndrome was caused by mutations in this nucleus-encoded gene which deleteriously interacts with the mitochondrial genome. This is the first evidence of the implication of both genomes in a recessive disease.
We have investigated doped and undoped layers of microcrystalline silicon prepared by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition optically, electrically and by means of transmission electron microscopy. Besides needle-like crystals grown perpendicular to the substrate's surface, all of the layers contained a noncrystalline phase with a volume fraction between 4% and 25%. A high oxygen content of several per cent in the porous phase was detected by electron energy loss spectrometry. Deep-level transient spectroscopy of the crystals suggests that the concentration of electrically active defects is less than 1% of the undoped background concentration of typically 10^17 cm -3. Frequency-dependent measurements of the conductance and capacitance perpendicular to the substrate surface showed that a hopping process takes place within the noncrystalline phase parallel to the conduction in the crystals. The parasitic contribution to the electrical circuit arising from the porous phase is believed to be an important loss mechanism in the output of a pin-structured photovoltaic solar cell deposited by hot-wire CVD.
The optical and electrical recovery processes of the metastable state of the EL2 defect artificially created in n‐type GaAs by boron or oxygen implantation are analyzed at 80 K using optical isothermal transient spectroscopy. In both cases, we have found an inhibition of the electrical recovery and the existence of an optical recovery in the range 1.1-1.4 eV, competing with the photoquenching effect. The similar results obtained with both elements and the different behavior observed in comparison with the native EL2 defect has been related to the network damage produced by the implantation process. From the different behavior with the technological process, it can be deduced that the electrical and optical anomalies have a different origin. The electrical inhibition is due to the existence of an interaction between the EL2 defect and other implantation‐created defects. However, the optical recovery seems to be related to a change in the microscopic metastable state configuration involving the presence of vacancies
Automated Fiber Placement is being extensively used in the production of major composite components for the aircraft industry. This technology enables the production of tow-steered panels, which have been proven to greatly improve the structural efficiency of composites by means of in-plane stiffness variation and load redistribution. However, traditional straight-fiber architectures are still preferred. One of the reasons behind this is related to the uncertainties, as a result of process-induced defects, in the mechanical performance of the laminates. This experimental work investigates the effect of the fiber angle discontinuities between different tow courses in a ply on the un-notched and open-hole tensile strength of the laminate. The influence of several manufacturing parameters are studied in detail. The results reveal that 'ply staggering' and '0% gap coverage' is an effective combination in reducing the influence of defects in these laminates
We introduce a method for surface reconstruction from point sets that is able to cope with noise and outliers. First, a splat-based representation is computed from the point set. A robust local 3D RANSAC-based procedure is used to filter the point set for outliers, then a local jet surface - a low-degree surface approximation - is fitted to the inliers. Second, we extract the reconstructed surface in the form of a surface triangle mesh through Delaunay refinement. The Delaunay refinement meshing approach requires computing intersections between line segment queries and the surface to be meshed. In the present case, intersection queries are solved from the set of splats through a 1D RANSAC procedure
This study describes spermatogenesis in a majid crab (Maja brachydactyla) using electron microscopy and reports the origin of the different organelles present in the spermatozoa. Spermatogenesis in M. brachydactyla follows the general pattern observed in other brachyuran species but with several peculiarities. Annulate lamellae have been reported in brachyuran spermatogenesis during the diplotene stage of first spermatocytes, the early and mid-spermatids. Unlike previous observations, a Golgi complex has been found in midspermatids and is involved in the development of the acrosome. The Golgi complex produces two types of vesicles: light vesicles and electron-dense vesicles. The light vesicles merge into the cytoplasm, giving rise to the proacrosomal vesicle. The electron-dense vesicles are implicated in the formation of an electron-dense granule, which later merges with the proacrosomal vesicle. In the late spermatid, the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex degenerate and form the structures–organelles complex found in the spermatozoa. At the end of spermatogenesis, the materials in the proacrosomal vesicle aggregate in a two-step process, forming the characteristic concentric three-layered structure of the spermatozoon acrosome. The newly formed spermatozoa from testis show the typical brachyuran morphology.
This study describes the morphology of the sperm cell of Maja brachydactyla, with emphasis on localizing actin and tubulin. The spermatozoon of M. brachydactyla is similar in appearance and organization to other brachyuran spermatozoa. The spermatozoon is a globular cell composed of a central acrosome, which is surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm and a cup-shaped nucleus with four radiating lateral arms. The acrosome is a subspheroidal vesicle composed of three concentric zones surrounded by a capsule. The acrosome is apically covered by an operculum. The perforatorium penetrates the center of the acrosome and has granular material partially composed of actin. The cytoplasm contains one centriole in the subacrosomal region. A cytoplasmic ring encircles the acrosome in the subapical region of the cell and contains the structures-organelles complex (SO-complex), which is composed of a membrane system, mitochondria with few cristae, and microtubules. In the nucleus, slightly condensed chromatin extends along the lateral arms, in which no microtubules have been observed. Chromatin fibers aggregate in certain areas and are often associated with the SO-complex. During the acrosomal reaction, the acrosome could provide support for the penetration of the sperm nucleus, the SO-complex could serve as an anchor point for chromatin, and the lateral arms could play an important role triggering the acrosomal reaction, while slightly decondensed chromatin may be necessary for the deformation of the nucleus.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, entre 2007 i 2009. Aquest projecte descriu la síntesi i aplicació de nous tipus de membranes compòsit basades en xarxes metal•loorgàniques (MOFs). Aquestes es van seleccionar tenint en compte les seves propietats estructurals per tal de discriminar les espècies a separar en funció de la seva mida molecular. Les membranes obtingudes s'han aplicat satisfactòriament tant en separacions líquides, concretament en nanofiltració resistent a dissolvents (SRNF), i en separació de parells de gasos com CO2/CH4, CO2/N2 i H2/CO2. Els resultats obtinguts posen de manifest l'obtenció de membranes sense defectes i amb rendiments prometedors, en la majoria dels casos, amb permeabilitats i selectivitats superiors a membranes purament polimèriques. Tanmateix s'ha desenvolupat un nou equipament d'alt rendiment (HT) per a separacions de gasos que inclou un mòdul que permet realitzar 16 experiments simultàniament. Els resultats obtinguts amb el nou equip són comparables amb els obtinguts amb mòduls convencionals, i alhora presenten una millor reproduïbilitat. Finalment, s'ha establert un nou mètode per a obtenir membranes per a SRNF, que han estat aplicades en processos de separació de catalitzadors homogenis en dissolvents polars apròtics i s'han caracteritzat emprant la tècnica d'espectroscòpia d'annihilació de positrons, que ha permès establir per primer cop una relació entre les propietats estructurals de les membranes a nivell molecular i el seu rendiment en les aplicacions anteriors.
The females of the bluemouth rockfish, Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus (DelaRoche, 1809), store sperm within their ovaries for periods of up to 10 months. Twenty six females with standard lengths between 152 and 257 mm and six males with standard lengths between 253 and 209 mm were caught storage crypts with stored spermatozoa and to describe their evolution over the year. After internal fertilization and once sperm reaches the ovary, a crypt forms probably by an epithelial inclusion at the base of the lamellae of one or several spermatozoa groups that are floating freely in the interlamellar space of the ovarian lumen. Stored spermatozoa have a large cytoplasm bag surrounding their heads. This bag could serve as a nutritive reservoir during the long storage period. Many desmosonal and tight junctions between the crypt cells ensure tha male sex cells are protected against the female immune system