48 resultados para service product definition

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Understanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for the regulation of the transcriptome present in eukaryotic cells isone of the most challenging tasks in the postgenomic era. In this regard, alternative splicing (AS) is a key phenomenoncontributing to the production of different mature transcripts from the same primary RNA sequence. As a plethora ofdifferent transcript forms is available in databases, a first step to uncover the biology that drives AS is to identify thedifferent types of reflected splicing variation. In this work, we present a general definition of the AS event along with anotation system that involves the relative positions of the splice sites. This nomenclature univocally and dynamically assignsa specific ‘‘AS code’’ to every possible pattern of splicing variation. On the basis of this definition and the correspondingcodes, we have developed a computational tool (AStalavista) that automatically characterizes the complete landscape of ASevents in a given transcript annotation of a genome, thus providing a platform to investigate the transcriptome diversityacross genes, chromosomes, and species. Our analysis reveals that a substantial part—in human more than a quarter—ofthe observed splicing variations are ignored in common classification pipelines. We have used AStalavista to investigate andto compare the AS landscape of different reference annotation sets in human and in other metazoan species and found thatproportions of AS events change substantially depending on the annotation protocol, species-specific attributes, andcoding constraints acting on the transcripts. The AStalavista system therefore provides a general framework to conductspecific studies investigating the occurrence, impact, and regulation of AS.


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The User-centered design (UCD) game is a tool forhuman-computer interaction practitioners to demonstrate the key user-centered design methodsand how they interrelate in the design process in an interactive and participatory manner. The target audiences are departments and institutions unfamiliar with UCD but whose work is related to the definition, creation, and update of a product or service.


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The User-centered design (UCD) Gymkhana is a tool for human-computer interaction practitioners to demonstrate through a game the key user-centered design methods and how they interrelate in the design process.The target audiences are other organizational departments unfamiliar with UCD but whose work is related to the definition, cretaion, and update of a product service.


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Traditionally, researchers have considered the innovation process as being gender neutral. However, recently some studies have begun to take gender diversity into account as a determinant of firms’ innovation. This paper aims to analyse how the effect of gender diversity on innovation output at firm level is sensitive to team size. Using the Spanish PITEC (Panel de Innovación Tecnológica) from 2007 to 2012 for innovative manufacturing and service firms, we estimate a multivariate probit model to analyse how gender diversity both in R&D teams and in the total workforce affect product, process, marketing and organizational innovations. Our results show that gender-diverse teams increase the probability of innovating, and this capacity is positively related team size. Gender diversity, in both the R&D department and the total workforce, has a larger positive impact on the probability of carrying out product and organizational innovations in larger teams than it does in smaller teams. This effect is less clear-cut in the case of marketing and process innovation, where the impact is only significant for micro and small firms. Finally, size effects are of greater importance when we distinguish between the manufacturing and service sectors. JEL Code: O30, O31, J16


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The purpose of this article is to introduce a Cartesian product structure into the social choice theoretical framework and to examine if new possibility results to Gibbard's and Sen's paradoxes can be developed thanks to it. We believe that a Cartesian product structure is a pertinent way to describe individual rights in the social choice theory since it discriminates the personal features comprised in each social state. First we define some conceptual and formal tools related to the Cartesian product structure. We then apply these notions to Gibbard's paradox and to Sen's impossibility of a Paretian liberal. Finally we compare the advantages of our approach to other solutions proposed in the literature for both impossibility theorems.


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Labour market reforms face very often opposition from the employed workers, because it normally reduces their wages. Also product market regulations are regularly biased towards too much benefitting the firms. As a result there remain many frictions in both the labour and product markets that hinder an optimal functioning of the economy. These issues have recently received a lot of attention in the economics literature and scholars have been looking for politically viable reforms in both markets. However, despite its potential importance, there has been done virtually no research on the interaction between reforms in product and labour markets. We find that when combining reforms, the opposition for reforms decreases considerably. This is because there exist complementarities and the gains in total welfare can be more evenly distributed over the interest groups. Moreover, the interaction of reforms offers a way out for the so-called 'sclerosis' effect.


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The Hausman (1978) test is based on the vector of differences of two estimators. It is usually assumed that one of the estimators is fully efficient, since this simplifies calculation of the test statistic. However, this assumption limits the applicability of the test, since widely used estimators such as the generalized method of moments (GMM) or quasi maximum likelihood (QML) are often not fully efficient. This paper shows that the test may easily be implemented, using well-known methods, when neither estimator is efficient. To illustrate, we present both simulation results as well as empirical results for utilization of health care services.


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In 1749, Jacques de Vaucanson patented his or tour pour tirer la soie or spindle for silk reeling. In that same year he presented his invention to the Academy of the Sciences in Paris, of which he was a member1. Jacques de Vaucanson was born in Grenoble, France, in 1709, and died in Paris in 1782. In 1741 he had been appointed inspector of silk manufactures by Louis XV. He set about reorganizing the silk industry in France, in considerable difficulty at the time due to foreign competition. Given Vaucanson’s position, his invention was intended to replace the traditional Piémontes method, and had an immediate impact upon the silk industry in France and all over Europe.


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The goal of this paper is to study the role of multi-product firms in the market provision of product variety. The analysis is conducted using the spokes model of non-localized competition proposed by Chen and Riordan (2007). Firstly, we show that multi-product firms are at a competitive disadvantage vis-a-vis single-product firms and can only emerge if economies of scope are sufficiently strong. Secondly, under duopoly product variety may be higher or lower with respect to both the first best and the monopolistically competitive equilibrium. However, within a relevant range of parameter values duopolists drastically restrict their product range in order to relax price competition, and as a result product variety is far below the efficient level.


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Aquest projecte es basa en la implantació del mòdul Oracle Service del producte de CRM d'Oracle. Aquest mòdul ens proporciona la funcionalitat necessària per gestionar tot allò relacionat amb el Servei d’Atenció a l'Usuari. Mirarem d'oferir una visió àmplia basada en el concepte de CRM i en les seves claus d’èxit, així com en la importància de l'organització i de la reestructuració empresarial que se'n deriva. Utilitzarem l'estratègia d’implantació ràpida que proporciona Oracle i descriurem la manera de parametritzar el mòdul Oracle Service amb la finalitat de portar l’estandard a la solució desitjada pel client de manera ràpida i eficaç.


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The following paper presents an overview of the Ph.D Thesis1 presented in [1], which compiles all the research done during the period of time between 2004-2007. In that dissertation the relay-assisted transmission with half-duplex relays is analyzed from different points of view. This study is motivated by the necessity of finding innovative solutions to cope with the requirements of next generation wireless services, and with current radio technology. The use of relayed communications represents a change of paradigm of conventional communications, and requires the definition and evaluation of protocols to be applied to single or multiple-user relay communication. With the two fold goal of enhancing spectral efficiency and homogenize service in cellular communications, system design is investigated at physical (type of transmissions of the relay, decoding mode, ..) and upper layers (resource allocation, dynamic link control).


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En el present projecte s’analitza el turisme i la seva relació amb la figura del Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu (a partir d’ara PNAP). A la zona d’estudi el turisme és una de les principals activitats econòmiques, donat el notable valor ecologico-cultural de l’indret. L’activitat turística al PNAP és molt diversa, és per aquest motiu que s’observen diverses repercussions en l’entorn segons la tipologia de turisme que es doni. Donada aquesta realitat, l’estudi que es presenta està centrat en el sector hoteler de l’àmbit d’influència del PNAP. D’aquesta forma, s’analitza i diagnostica l’estat de qualitat ambiental dels hotels i pensions que componen el sector. Les eines emprades en aquest estudi han estat dues. Primerament, s’avalua la implantació del Distintiu de Garantia de Qualitat Ambiental (a partir d’ara DGQA). El DGQA és una ecoetiqueta de serveis, de recent creació, que atorga la Generalitat de Catalunya a partir de la revisió de l’establiment per mitjà d’un tècnic autoritzat. En segon terme, s’ha creat i emprat un producte anomenat Enquesta Bàsica d’Auto-xequeig de Qualitat Ambiental (a partir d’ara EBAQA). L’EBAQA té una doble finalitat. Per una banda respon a la necessitat d’autodiagnosi que tenen els propietaris, al ser aquests qui realitzen l’enquesta. Per altra banda, permet determinar quin és l’estat de qualitat ambiental del sector hoteler a la zona d’estudi a partir de l’avaluació de 35 dels 67 establiments existents a l’àmbit d’influència del PNAP, el qual representa una mostra del 61%.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Universitat de Toronto, Canadà, des d’octubre del 2006 a febrer del 2007. El projecte Barchito és un projecte Interrnacional que va involucrar tres universitats: La Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, la Universitat de Toronto (Canadà) i la Universitat de Roosevelt (USA). El seu objectiu principal era posar en contacte estudiants de les tres universitats (de tres cursos diferents) per discutir al voltant de temes com ara l'ensenyament/aprenentatge i elements culturals de cada país. Aquest projecte presenta la natura de l'experiència des de la visió dels participants: alumnat i professorat. Superant diferències inicials de llengua, els participants van aprendre d'altra cultura, van aprendre sobre altres maneres d'ensenyar i van aprendre, en definitiva, sobre ells mateixos. L'eina d'aprenentatge col.laboratiu els va ajudar a sobrepassar el context immediat, emprant per això, l'eina tecnològica anomenada: Knowledge Forum.


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This paper analyzes both theoretically and empirically the relationship between distance and frequency of scheduled transportation services. We study the interaction between a monopoly firm providing high-speed scheduled service and personal trans- portation (i.e., car). Most interestingly, the carrier chooses to increase frequency of service on longer routes when competing with personal transportation because provid- ing a higher frequency (at extra cost) it can also charge higher fares that can boost its profits. However, when driving is not a relevant option, frequency of service de- creases for longer flights consistently with prior studies. An empirical application of our analysis to the European airline industry con?rms the predictions of our theoretical model.