5 resultados para scholarships
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
How should scholarships be distributed among the (public) higher education students? We raise this situation as a redistribution problem. Following the approach developed in Fleurbaey (1994) and Bossert (1995), redistribution should be based on the notion of solidarity and it re-allocates resources taking into account only agents’ relevant characteristics. We also follow Luttens (2010a), who considers that compensation of relevant characteristics must be based on a lower bound on what every individual deserves. In doing so, we use the so-called fair bound (Moulin (2002)) to define an egalitarian redistribution mechanism and characterize it in terms of non-negativity, priority in lower bound and solidarity. Finally, we apply our approach to the scholarships redistribution problem. Keywords: Redistribution mechanism, Lower bounds, Scholarship, Solidarity. JEL classification: C71, D63, D71
Background: Despite the fact that labour market flexibility has resulted in an expansion of precarious employment in industrialized countries, to date there is limited empirical evidence about its health consequences. The Employment Precariousness Scale (EPRES) is a newly developed, theory-based, multidimensional questionnaire specifically devised for epidemiological studies among waged and salaried workers. Objective: To assess acceptability, reliability and construct validity of EPRES in a sample of waged and salaried workers in Spain. Methods: Cross-sectional study, using a sub-sample of 6.968 temporary and permanent workers from a population-based survey carried out in 2004-2005. The survey questionnaire was interviewer administered and included the six EPRES subscales, measures of the psychosocial work environment (COPSOQ ISTAS21), and perceived general and mental health (SF-36). Results: A high response rate to all EPRES items indicated good acceptability; Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, over 0.70 for all subscales and the global score, demonstrated good internal consistency reliability; exploratory factor analysis using principal axis analysis and varimax rotation confirmed the six-subscale structure and the theoretical allocation of all items. Patterns across known groups and correlation coefficients with psychosocial work environment measures and perceived health demonstrated the expected relations, providing evidence of construct validity. Conclusions: Our results provide evidence in support of the psychometric properties of EPRES, which appears to be a promising tool for the measurement of employment precariousness in public health research.
El objetivo del artículo es analizar el impacto del aumento de tasas universitarias del 66% que se implementó en Cataluña en el cuso 2012-13 y el papel de las becas provenientes del gobierno central. Se analizan los datos de los estudiantes de nuevo acceso de dos universidades catalanas, considerando clase social, titulación elegida y solicitud de beca, y se compara el año anterior y posterior al aumento de las tasas. Se constata cómo hay una diferente composición social en las diferentes titulaciones según coste de la matrícula y dificultad de superar los créditos. Así se muestra una estratificación en las universidades analizadas y un aumento de ésta en los cursos analizados, alejando así el sistema universitario de la equidad participativa de los estudiantes.
The Erasmus Mundus Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL) is a two-year Joint Master Degree. The course is funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Programme, providing a number of attractive scholarships for European and non-European students. EMQAL prepares professionals for analytical laboratories, focusing on laboratory management and quality systems, along with complementing their technical knowledge. The EMQAL aims at training students in the most relevant issues concerning quality systems and management in analytical laboratories, and to become an expert in: Quality management, Analytical methods and Data Analysis. EMQAL promotes mobility. The students will attend one academic year of lectures in one of the European universities of the EMQAL consortium, and a 12 months master thesis at other European university, with the possibility to spend three-months in one of the non-EU partners. The language of instruction and examination is English. Further information is available at www.emqal.org.
El govern espanyol va decidir, contra l'opinió de tothom, augmentar l'exigència per obtenir una beca universitària. Deien que això milloraria l'ús dels recursos i que això no atempta contra la igualtat d'oportunitats. Els rectors opinen el contrari, jo també. D'arguments, n'hi ha de tots colors i d'ideologies també. L'Estat espanyol i, especialment, Catalunya tenen uns preus de matrícula alts, molt alts a Catalunya. Una 'rara avis' a Europa, amb un sistema de beques miserable tot i el programa de beques Equitat de la Generalitat