71 resultados para require solutions
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Some existence results are obtained for periodic solutions of nonautonomous second-order differential inclusions systems with p-Laplacian
Using the nonsmooth variant of minimax point theorems, some existence results are obtained for periodic solutions of nonautonomous second-order differential inclusions systems with p-Laplacian.
We consider multidimensional backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs). We prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions when the coefficient grow super-linearly, and moreover, can be neither locally Lipschitz in the variable y nor in the variable z. This is done with super-linear growth coefficient and a p-integrable terminal condition (p & 1). As application, we establish the existence and uniqueness of solutions to degenerate semilinear PDEs with superlinear growth generator and an Lp-terminal data, p & 1. Our result cover, for instance, the case of PDEs with logarithmic nonlinearities.
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We consider a two dimensional lattice coupled with nearest neighbor interaction potential of power type. The existence of infinite many periodic solutions is shown by using minimax methods.
We prove global well-posedness in the strong sense for stochastic generalized porous media equations driven by locally square integrable martingales with stationary independent increments.
We consider nonlinear elliptic problems involving a nonlocal operator: the square root of the Laplacian in a bounded domain with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions. For positive solutions to problems with power nonlinearities, we establish existence and regularity results, as well as a priori estimates of Gidas-Spruck type. In addition, among other results, we prove a symmetry theorem of Gidas-Ni-Nirenberg type.
This Working Paper was presented at the international workshop "Game Theory in International Relations at 50", organized and coordinated by Professor Jacint Jordana and Dr. Yannis Karagiannis at the Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals on May 22, 2009. The day-long Workshop was inspired by the desire to honour the ground-breaking work of Professor Thomas Schelling in 1959-1960, and to understand where the discipline International Relations lies today vis-à-vis game theory.
A family of nonempty closed convex sets is built by using the data of the Generalized Nash equilibrium problem (GNEP). The sets are selected iteratively such that the intersection of the selected sets contains solutions of the GNEP. The algorithm introduced by Iusem-Sosa (2003) is adapted to obtain solutions of the GNEP. Finally some numerical experiments are given to illustrate the numerical behavior of the algorithm.
A sequence of “inner equations” attached to certain perturbations of the McMillan map was considered in [MSS09], their solutions were used in that article to measure an exponentially small separatrix splitting. We prove here all the results relative to these equations which are necessary to complete the proof of the main result of [MSS09]. The present work relies on ideas from resurgence theory: we describe the formal solutions, study the analyticity of their Borel transforms and use ´Ecalle’s alien derivations to measure the discrepancy between different Borel-Laplace sums.
We study two cooperative solutions of a market with indivisible goods modeled as a generalized assignment game: Set-wise stability and Core. We first establish that the Set-wise stable set is contained in the Core and it contains the non-empty set of competitive equilibrium payoffs. We then state and prove three limit results for replicated markets. First, the sequence of Cores of replicated markets converges to the set of competitive equilibrium payoffs when the number of replicas tends to infinity. Second, the Set-wise stable set of a two-fold replicated market already coincides with the set of competitive equilibrium payoffs. Third, for any number of replicas there is a market with a Core payoff that is not a competitive equilibrium payoff.
Els canvi recents en els plans d’estudis de la UPC i la UOC tenen en compte el nou espai europeu d’educació superior (EEES). Una de les conseqüències directes a aquests canvis es la necessitat d'aprofitar i optimitzar el temps dedicat a les activitats d'aprenentatge que requereixen la participació activa de l’estudiant i que es realitzen de manera continuada durant el semestre. A més, I'EEES destaca la importància de les pràctiques, les relacions interpersonals i la capacitat per treballar en equip, suggerint la reducció de classes magistrals i l’augment d’activitats que fomentin tant el treball personal de l’estudiant com el cooperatiu. En l’àmbit de la docència informàtica d’assignatures de bases de dades el problema és especialment complex degut a que els enunciats de les proves no acostumen a tenir una solució única. Nosaltres hem desenvolupat una eina anomenada LEARN-SQL, l’objectiu de la qual és corregir automàticament qualsevol tipus de sentència SQL (consultes, actualitzacions, procediments emmagatzemats, disparadors, etc.) i discernir si la resposta aportada per l’estudiant és o no és correcta amb independència de la solució concreta que aquest proposi. D’aquesta manera potenciem l’autoaprenentatge i l’autoavaluació, fent possible la semi-presencialitat supervisada i facilitant l’aprenentatge individualitzat segons les necessitats de cada estudiant. Addicionalment, aquesta eina ajuda als professors a dissenyar les proves d’avaluació, permetent també la opció de revisar qualitativament les solucions aportades pels estudiants. Per últim, el sistema proporciona ajuda als estudiants per a que aprenguin dels seus propis errors, proporcionant retroalimentació de qualitat.
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Presentation in CODAWORK'03, session 4: Applications to archeometry