10 resultados para pulmonary arterial hypertension
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome. Most morbidity associated with the metabolic syndrome is related to vascular complications, in which endothelial dysfunction is a major pathogenic factor. However, whether NAFLD is associated with endothelial dysfunction within the hepatic vasculature is unknown. The aims of this study were to explore, in a model of diet-induced overweight that expresses most features of the metabolic syndrome, whether early NAFLD is associated with liver endothelial dysfunction. Wistar Kyoto rats were fed a cafeteria diet (CafD; 65% of fat, mostly saturated) or a control diet (CD) for 1 month. CafD rats developed features of the metabolic syndrome (overweight, arterial hypertension, hypertryglyceridemia, hyperglucemia and insulin resistance) and liver steatosis without inflammation or fibrosis. CafD rats had a significantly higher in vivo hepatic vascular resistance than CD. In liver perfusion livers from CafD rats had an increased portal perfusion pressure and decreased endothelium-dependent vasodilation. This was associated with a decreased Akt-dependent eNOS phosphorylation and NOS activity. In summary, we demonstrate in a rat model of the metabolic syndrome that shows features of NAFLD, that liver endothelial dysfunction occurs before the development of fibrosis or inflammation.
La hipertensión arterial (HTA) constituye uno de los problemas de salud pública más importantes por su elevada prevalencia, sus complicaciones, alta mortalidad y morbilidad y el coste que determina su control y tratamiento. Es un factor de riesgo importante para la enfermedad cardiovascular y cerebro vascular, ya que favorece la formación de placas ateroscleróticas. La HTA está presente en ambos sexos y a cualquier edad provocando una disminución en la expectativa de vida. El hábito tabáquico, la hipertensión arterial, los niveles de colesterol, la obesidad y la inactividad física, el estrés, alcohol y consumo de sal, son considerados factores de riesgo modificables. El control de la hipertensión arterial, junto con los demás factores de riesgo que provocan alteraciones cardiovasculares, es probablemente uno de los mayores problemas de salud pública en el mundo. El objetivo de este trabajo es concienciar a los pacientes hipertensos que acuden al centro de salud de Fraga sobre la importancia de adoptar hábitos de vida saludable y de evitar factores de riesgo que empeoran su enfermedad, a través de la creación de un programa de educación sanitaria.
Objectives: The ortopantomography (OPG) can be a valuable way for an early detection of calcified atheroma plaques, thus contributing for a preliminary stroke risk evaluation. The study looks for the existence of calcified atheroma plates through the use of OPG, comparing the results with the stenosis percentage found through eco-doppler. It has been analyzed the correlation of the number of years as a smoker, arterial hypertension and body mass index, against the risk of having calcified atheroma plaques. Study Design: Observational, transversal and prospective study with 84 patients from the Dental Center of Hospital Particular de Lisboa. First the patients answered to an inquiry and them they were submitted to an OPG and an eco-doppler. Results and Conclusions: It is possible to detect calcified atheroma plaques in the carotid artery through an OPG and patients who have them have got a fifteen fold greater risk of suffering from carotid stenosis. In this study, it has been confirmed the increase in carotid stenosis for long term smokers (OR = 1,033, n=18, 42,9%). The study results show that hypertension patients have a probability 5,426 greater than normal of developing atheroma plaques (with sig=0,049). Amid analyzed patients, the correlation between obesity and the existence of carotid atheroma plaques was significant, although negative (sig=0,047). OPG can help find patients with higher risk of isquemic stroke
Background: Gender-related differences are seen in multiple aspects of both health and illness. Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a pathology in which diagnostic, treatment and prognostic differences are seen between sexes, especially in the acute phase and in the hospital setting. The objective of the present study is to analyze whether there are differences between men and women when examining associated cardiovascular risk factors and secondary pharmacological prevention in the primary care setting. Methods: Retrospective descriptive observational study from January to December of 2006, including 1907 patients diagnosed with ischemic heart disease in the city of Lleida, Spain. The clinical data were obtained from computerized medical records and pharmaceutical records of medications dispensed in pharmacies with official prescriptions. Data was analyzed using bivariate descriptive statistical analysis as well as logistic regression. Results: There were no gender-related differences in screening percentages for arterial hypertension, diabetes, obesity, dyslipemia, and smoking. A greater percentage of women were hypertensive, obese and diabetic compared to men. However, men showed a tendency to achieve control targets more easily than women, with no statistically significant differences. In both sexes cardiovascular risk factors control was inadequate, between 10 and 50%. For secondary pharmaceutical prevention, the percentages of prescriptions were greater in men for anticoagulants, beta-blockers, lipid-lowering agents and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin II receptor blockers, with age group variations up to 10%. When adjusting by age and specific diagnoses, differences were maintained for anticoagulants and lipid-lowering agents. Conclusion: Screening of cardiovascular risk factors was similar in men and women with IHD. Although a greater percentage of women were hypertensive, diabetic or obese, their management of risk factors tended to be worse than men. Overall, a poor control of cardiovascular risk factors was noted. Taken as a whole, more men were prescribed secondary prevention drugs, with differences varying by age group and IHD diagnosis.
Objectives: General population studies have shown associations between copy number variation (CNV) of the LPA gene Kringle-IV type-2 (KIV-2) coding region, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs6415084 in LPA and coronary heart disease (CHD). Because risk factors for HIV-infected patients may differ from the general population, we aimed to assess whether these potential associations also occur in HIV-infected patients. Methods: A unicenter, retrospective, case-control (1:3) study. Eighteen HIV-patients with confirmed diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were adjusted for age, gender, and time since HIV diagnosis to 54 HIV-patients without CHD. After gDNA extraction from frozen blood, both CNV and SNP genotyping were performed using real-time quantitative PCR. All genetic and non-genetic variables for AMI were assessed in a logistic regression analysis. Results: Our results did not confirm any association in terms of lipoprotein(a) LPA structural genetic variants when comparing KIV-2 CNV (p = 0.67) and SNP genotypes (p = 0.44) between AMI cases and controls. However, traditional risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and CD4(+) T cell count showed association (p < 0.05) with CHD. Conclusion: Although significant associations of AMI with diabetes, hypertension and CD4(+) T cell count in HIV-patients were found, this study could not confirm the feasibility neither of KIV-2 CNV nor rs6415084 in LPA as genetic markers of CHD in HIV-infected patients.Highlights:● Individuals with HIV infection are at higher risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) than the non-infected population.● Our results showed no evidence of LPA structural genetic variants associated with CHD in HIV-1-infected patients.● Associations were found between diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, CD4(+) T cell count, and CHD.● The clinical usefulness of these biomarkers to predict CHD in HIV-1-infected population remains unproven.● Further studies are needed to assess the contribution of common genetic variations to CHD in HIV-infected individuals.
Se lleva a cabo un ensayo clínico en un grupo de 72 pacientes no hipertensos seleccionados entre los pacientes de un gabinete odontoestomatológico a fin de intentar determinar si la utilización de irrigadores de bicarbonato y la consiguiente sobrecarga de sodio, absorbido a través de la mucosa bucal y del surco gingival, son capaces de originar aumentos significativos de la presión arterial en los pacientes. Secundariamente trataremos de determinar si el grado de enfermedad periodontal que presenten los sujetos es un factor determinante en las posibles modificaciones que se puedan producir. De los resultados obtenidos podemos afirmar que la absorción del sodio proyectado por los irrigadores no es capaz de traducirse en alteraciones significativas de la presión arterial de los pacientes y que las modificaciones que se aprecian en la misma durante el tratamiento serían mayormente consecuencia del stress que originamos al paciente. El grado de enfermedad periodontal tampoco parece influir especialmente en las modificaciones tensionales.
Fonaments: La hipertensió és una malaltia crònica amb alta prevalença al món. Els estils de vidasaludables es relacionen directament amb aquesta patologia pel que el rol de la infermeria és clauen el desenvolupament d'eines i intervencions per millorar l'autocontrol dels pacients hipertensosmitjançant l'educació sanitària.Objectiu: És valorar l'eficàcia de les intervencions en consultes d'infermera per a l'autocontrol dela tensió arterial en pacients amb hipertensió arterial respecte al seguiment habitual d'aquestspacients en consultes mèdiques.Mètode: S'estudiaran a 34 adults hipertensos mitjançant un assaig clínic aleatoritzat en dos grupsde 17 pacients hipertensos. El grup experimental serà objecte d'unes intervencions educativessobre la hipertensió i la repercussió dels estils de vida pel control d'aquesta patologia per partd'infermeria, a més a més, d'un control rutinari mèdic. Mentre que el grup control solamentassistirà als controls rutinaris mèdics sobre la hipertensió i no rebrà intervencions infermeres. Enl'avaluació de les dades es tindran en compte les variables de la mesura de la tensió arterial, ladieta, l'exercici físic i el seguiment del tractament, a més de diferents variablessociodemogràfiques com són l'edat, el gènere i el nivell socioeconòmic. Les dades s'analitzaranmitjançant Chi Cuadrat per a les variables qualitatives, la Correlació de Pearson i la de Spearmanper a les variables quantitatives i, finalment, la T de Student per a la comparació de la mitja de lesdues mostres independents.Conclusió: Amb l'assaig clínic es pretés demostrar que les intervencions d’infermeria en consultesmilloren l'autocontrol dels pacients amb hipertensió arterial, és a dir, són eficaces.
La Hipertensión Arterial (HTA) es uno de los principales factores de riesgo de morbilidad y mortalidad cardíaca y cerebrovascular, que afecta mundialmente, por lo que conlleva a un problema de salud pública universal. Es por ello que, el JNC7 recomienda una serie de actividades de autocuidado (AC), que se dividen en el tratamiento farmacológico y no-farmacológico, en el que deberá intervenir el personal sanitario, entre ellos, enfermería, para lograr el control de la enfermedad y evitar complicaciones.
Increased production of vasoconstrictive prostanoids, such as thromboxane A2 (TXA2 ), contributes to endothelial dysfunction and increased hepatic vascular tone in cirrhosis. TXA2 induces vasoconstriction by way of activation of the thromboxane-A2 /prostaglandin-endoperoxide (TP) receptor. This study investigated whether terutroban, a specific TP receptor blocker, decreases hepatic vascular tone and portal pressure in rats with cirrhosis due to carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ) or bile duct ligation (BDL). Hepatic and systemic hemodynamics, endothelial dysfunction, liver fibrosis, hepatic Rho-kinase activity (a marker of hepatic stellate cell contraction), and the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) signaling pathway were measured in CCl4 and BDL cirrhotic rats treated with terutroban (30 mg/kg/day) or its vehicle for 2 weeks. Terutroban reduced portal pressure in both models without producing significant changes in portal blood flow, suggesting a reduction in hepatic vascular resistance. Terutroban did not significantly change arterial pressure in CCl4 -cirrhotic rats but decreased it significantly in BDL-cirrhotic rats. In livers from CCl4 and BDL-cirrhotic terutroban-treated rats, endothelial dysfunction was improved and Rho-kinase activity was significantly reduced. In CCl4 -cirrhotic rats, terutroban reduced liver fibrosis and decreased alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), collagen-I, and transforming growth factor beta messenger RNA (mRNA) expression without significant changes in the eNOS pathway. In contrast, no change in liver fibrosis was observed in BDL-cirrhotic rats but an increase in the eNOS pathway. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that TP-receptor blockade with terutroban decreases portal pressure in cirrhosis. This effect is due to decreased hepatic resistance, which in CCl4 -cirrhotic rats was linked to decreased hepatic fibrosis, but not in BDL rats, in which the main mediator appeared to be an enhanced eNOS-dependent vasodilatation, which was not liver-selective, as it was associated with decreased arterial pressure. The potential use of terutroban for portal hypertension requires further investigation.
Hypertension (HT) is the most prevalent cardiovascular risk factor associated with dementia and Alzheimer disease (AD). The evidence about the association within hight blood pressure (BP) level in the middle age and dementia and Alzheimer’s disease incidence in the advanced age has increased. Longitudinal studies show that in the previous years of onset AD, BP is similar or lower in the patients who develop AD with regard to those who not develop. When patients has developed AD the case is the same that the previous one. Most studies show that BP reduction is beneficious to prevent cognitive impairment, dementia and AD. Is spite of some discordant studies, health authorities recommend to treat isolated systolic HT with an ‘A’ evidence degree, level 1, to prevent AD. Animal experimentation prove different ways to act of antihypertensive drugs in the AD prevention and has established the pathophysiological bases in this relation, until now only showed through various clinical studies