60 resultados para psychological tests
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Una aproximació a la psicologia de la recepció de l'obra d'art a partir dels tests projectius.
In most psychological tests and questionnaires, a test score is obtained bytaking the sum of the item scores. In virtually all cases where the test orquestionnaire contains multidimensional forced-choice items, this traditionalscoring method is also applied. We argue that the summation of scores obtained with multidimensional forced-choice items produces uninterpretabletest scores. Therefore, we propose three alternative scoring methods: a weakand a strict rank preserving scoring method, which both allow an ordinalinterpretation of test scores; and a ratio preserving scoring method, whichallows a proportional interpretation of test scores. Each proposed scoringmethod yields an index for each respondent indicating the degree to whichthe response pattern is inconsistent. Analysis of real data showed that withrespect to rank preservation, the weak and strict rank preserving methodresulted in lower inconsistency indices than the traditional scoring method;with respect to ratio preservation, the ratio preserving scoring method resulted in lower inconsistency indices than the traditional scoring method
Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Human System Audit Short-Scale of Transformational Leadership
The aim of this research is to examine the psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the Human System Audit transformational leadership short-scale (HSA-TFL-ES). It is based on the concept of Bass developed in 1985. The HSA-TFL is a part of the wider Human System Audit frame. We analyzed the HSA-TFL-ES in five different samples with a total number of 1,718 workers at five sectors. Exploratory Factor Analysis corroborated a single factor in all samples that accounted for 66% to 73% of variance. The internal consistency in all samples was good (α = .92 - .95). Evidence was found for the convergent validity of the HSA-TFL-ES and the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. These results suggested that the HSA-TFL short-scale is a psychometrically sound measure of this construct and can be used for a combined and first overall measurement.
El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Voluntad de Trabajo adaptado a una muestra de estudiantes universitarios españoles, tanto en su versión de autoinforme como en la versión destinada a evaluar los pares. Los participantes de este estudio son 194 estudiantes de la Universidad de Barcelona, a los que se aplicaron tanto el cuestionario de Voluntad de Trabajo (CVT) como su versión para evaluar a los pares (CVT-P), así como las subescalas de Perseverancia y Distorsión del Big Factor Questionnaire. Los resultados sugieren la eliminación de dos de los ítems de los cuestionarios CVT y CVT-P. Las correlaciones ítem-total corregidas y la consistencia interna fue adecuada para ambos, y el análisis factorial confirmatorio confirma su unidimensionalidad. La relación entre la escala CVT y las demás medidas criterio es adecuada. En conclusión, podemos afirmar que las escalas CVT y CVT-P obtuvieron unas adecuadas propiedades psicométricas tras la depuración de las mismas.
The operational aspects of psychological assessment are well documented (e.g. Murphy and Davidshofer, 1994). Essentially, the process involves the administration of one or more valid psychological tests in order to assess a person’s suitability to a task or situation. The resulting data and report are then used by police psychologists to assist in determining the suitability of the applicant for police duties. In Catalunya, this task is carried out during basic training for police career agent in the evaluation of psychological conditions for the use of the weapon. Police work can be one of the most stressful jobs, and it frequently leads to the development of burnout syndrome. In their day-to-day tasks, police officers are constantly subjected to various stressors (de la Fuente, Aguayo, Vargas and Cañadas, 2013). The most widely accepted definition of the burnout syndrome is one that describes it as a response to chronic work stress made up of three components: emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and low personal accomplishment (Maslach & Jackson, 1981). Some studies showed that personality characteristics, and positive and negative affectivity explained significant variance in each of the burnout dimensions (Alarcon, Eschleman and Bowling, 2009).
BACKGROUND: Circulating progenitor cells (CPC) treatments may have great potential for the recovery of neurons and brain function. OBJECTIVE: To increase and maintain CPC with a program of exercise, muscle electro-stimulation (ME) and/or intermittent-hypobaric-hypoxia (IHH), and also to study the possible improvement in physical or psychological functioning of participants with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). METHODS: Twenty-one participants. Four groups: exercise and ME group (EEG), cycling group (CyG), IHH and ME group (HEG) and control group (CG). Psychological and physical stress tests were carried out. CPC were measured in blood several times during the protocol. RESULTS: Psychological tests did not change. In the physical stress tests the VO2 uptake increased in the EEG and the CyG, and the maximal tolerated workload increased in the HEG. CPC levels increased in the last three weeks in EEG, but not in CyG, CG and HEG. CONCLUSIONS: CPC levels increased in the last three weeks of the EEG program, but not in the other groups and we did not detect performed psychological test changes in any group. The detected aerobic capacity or workload improvement must be beneficial for the patients who have suffered TBI, but exercise type and the mechanisms involved are not clear.
An extensive literature suggests a link between executive functions and aggressive behavior in humans, pointing mostly to an inverse relationship, i.e., increased tendencies toward aggression in individuals scoring low on executive function tests. This literature is limited, though, in terms of the groups studied and the measures of executive functions. In this paper, we present data from two studies addressing these issues. In a first behavioral study, we asked whether high trait aggressiveness is related to reduced executive functions. A sample of over 600 students performed in an extensive behavioral test battery including paradigms addressing executive functions such as the Eriksen Flanker task, Stroop task, n-back task, and Tower of London (TOL). High trait aggressive participants were found to have a significantly reduced latency score in the TOL, indicating more impulsive behavior compared to low trait aggressive participants. No other differences were detected. In an EEG-study, we assessed neural and behavioral correlates of error monitoring and response inhibition in participants who were characterized based on their laboratory-induced aggressive behavior in a competitive reaction time task. Participants who retaliated more in the aggression paradigm and had reduced frontal activity when being provoked did not, however, show any reduction in behavioral or neural correlates of executive control compared to the less aggressive participants. Our results question a strong relationship between aggression and executive functions at least for healthy, high-functioning people.
The satisfaction of consumers and users with the products and services is an issue that in recent years has been taking more and more importance and now it even reaches psychotherapy. This paper presents the Spanish adaptation of the Consumer Reports Effectiveness Scale (CRES-4)consisting of four items designed to evaluate whether patients are satisfied with the therapy they have received and if it has been perceived as effective or not. Its global score is intended to reflect treatment effectiveness as percived by the patient. Existing studies suggest that the CRES-4 is a good complementary tool to judge, in particular, satisfaction with treatment received.
The Hausman (1978) test is based on the vector of differences of two estimators. It is usually assumed that one of the estimators is fully efficient, since this simplifies calculation of the test statistic. However, this assumption limits the applicability of the test, since widely used estimators such as the generalized method of moments (GMM) or quasi maximum likelihood (QML) are often not fully efficient. This paper shows that the test may easily be implemented, using well-known methods, when neither estimator is efficient. To illustrate, we present both simulation results as well as empirical results for utilization of health care services.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at Albert Einstein Institut in Germany, from April to July 2006.
Article providing the athlete perspective on Olympic Villages. This article was published in the book entitled "Olympic Villages: a hundred years of urban planning and shared experiences" compiling the papers given at the 1997 International Symposium on International Chair in Olympism (IOC-UAB).
This paper tests for real interest parity (RIRP) among the nineteen major OECD countries over the period 1978:Q2-1998:Q4. The econometric methods applied consist of combining the use of several unit root or stationarity tests designed for panels valid under cross-section dependence and presence of multiple structural breaks. Our results strongly support the fulfillment of the weak version of the RIRP for the studied period once dependence and structural breaks are accounted for.
Aquest projecte consisteix en la creació d’una eina que permeti automatitzar els tests que s’han de fer a una aplicació comercial j2ee, amb el propòsit de facilitar i estalviar feina a les persones encarregades de testejar aquesta aplicació, ajudant-les així en la seva tasca de cerca d’errors. Concretament, s’ha creat una aplicació construïda per capes, modulable i fàcilment ampliable, la qual arriba més enllà de l’automatització dels tests més habituals, permetent executar un conjunt de tests per tal de validar si la versió de l’aplicació a testejar és vàlida o no.
We explore in depth the validity of a recently proposed scaling law for earthquake inter-event time distributions in the case of the Southern California, using the waveform cross-correlation catalog of Shearer et al. Two statistical tests are used: on the one hand, the standard two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is in agreement with the scaling of the distributions. On the other hand, the one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic complemented with Monte Carlo simulation of the inter-event times, as done by Clauset et al., supports the validity of the gamma distribution as a simple model of the scaling function appearing on the scaling law, for rescaled inter-event times above 0.01, except for the largest data set (magnitude greater than 2). A discussion of these results is provided.