35 resultados para parasite genomics
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a l’Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, França, entre 2007 i 2009. Saccharomyces cerevisiae ha estat el llevat utilitzat durant mil.lenis en l'elaboració de vins. Tot i així, es té poc coneixement sobre les pressions de selecció que han actuat en la modelització del genoma dels llevats vínics. S’ha seqüenciat el genoma d'una soca vínica comercial, EC1118, obtenint 31 supercontigs que cobreixen el 97% del genoma de la soca de referència, S288c. S’ha trobat que el genoma de la soca vínica es diferencia bàsicament en la possessió de 3 regions úniques que contenen 34 gens implicats en funcions claus per al procés fermentatiu. A banda, s’han dut a terme estudis de filogènia i synteny (ordre dels gens) que mostren que una d'aquestes tres regions és pròxima a una espècie relacionada amb el gènere Saccharomyces, mentre que les altres dos regions tenen un origen no-Saccharomyces. S’ha identificat mitjançant PCR i seqüenciació a Zygosaccharomyces bailii, una espècie contaminant de les fermentacions víniques, com a espècie donadora d'una de les dues regions. Les hibridacions naturals entre soques de diferents espècies dins del grup Saccharomyces sensu stricto ja han estat descrites. El treball és el primer que presenta hibridacions entre espècies Saccharomyces i no-Saccharomyces (Z. bailii, en aquest cas). També s’assenyala que les noves regions es troben freqüent i diferencialment presents entre els clades de S. cerevisiae, trobant-se de manera gairebé exclusiva en el grup de les soques víniques, suggerint que es tracta d'una adquisició recent de transferència gènica. En general, les dades demostren que el genoma de les soques víniques pateix una constant remodelació mitjançant l'adquisició de gens exògens. Els resultats suggereixen que aquests processos estan afavorits per la proximitat ecològica i estan implicats en l'adaptació molecular de les soques víniques a les condicions d'elevada concentració en sucres, poc nitrogen i elevades concentracions en etanol.
An Apicomplexan Perkinsus species has been found parasitizing the clam Ruditapes philippinarum (= Tapes semidecussatus) collected on the Mediterranean coast in the region of the Ebro Delta (Tarragona, Spain). Light and transmission electron microscopy were used to study different stages of this parasite during zoosporulation induced by incubation in thioglycollate medium and seawater. During incubation the trophozoites began zoosporulation, which originated prezoosporangia and zoosporangia at different developmental stages. Successive cytokinesis and nucleokinesis gave rise to prezoospores, which became elongate and differentiated in biflagellated zoospores. The latter presented large mitochondria and an apical complex formed by a conoid, polar ring, micronemes, rhophtries and subpellicular microtubules. The zoosporangium wall showed some typical lamosomes and a discharge tube developed in early phases of incubation. Ultrastructural data were compared with the only four species of the genus Perkinsus previously described. The morphological data, the host and the geographic proximity suggest that the species located on the Mediterranean coast was Perkinsus atlanticus.
Complexity of biological function relies on large networks of interacting molecules. However, the evolutionary properties of these networks are not fully understood. It has been shown that selective pressures depend on the position of genes in the network. We have previously shown that in the Drosophila insulin/target of rapamycin (TOR) signal transduction pathway there is a correlation between the pathway position and the strength of purifying selection, with the downstream genes being most constrained. In this study, we investigated the evolutionary dynamics of this well-characterized pathway in vertebrates. More specifically, we determined the impact of natural selection on the evolution of 72 genes of this pathway. We found that in vertebrates there is a similar gradient of selective constraint in the insulin/TOR pathway to that found in Drosophila. This feature is neither the result of a polarity in the impact of positive selection nor of a series of factors affecting selective constraint levels (gene expression level and breadth, codon bias, protein length, and connectivity). We also found that pathway genes encoding physically interacting proteins tend to evolve under similar selective constraints. The results indicate that the architecture of the vertebrate insulin/TOR pathway constrains the molecular evolution of its components. Therefore, the polarity detected in Drosophila is neither specific nor incidental of this genus. Hence, although the underlying biological mechanisms remain unclear, these may be similar in both vertebrates and Drosophila.
Chemoreception is a biological process essential for the survival of animals, as it allows the recognition of important volatile cues for the detection of food, egg-laying substrates, mates or predators, among other purposes. Furthermore, its role in pheromone detection may contribute to evolutionary processes such as reproductive isolation and speciation. This key role in several vital biological processes makes chemoreception a particularly interesting system for studying the role of natural selection in molecular adaptation. Two major gene families are involved in the perireceptor events of the chemosensory system: the odorant-binding protein (OBP) and chemosensory protein (CSP) families. Here, we have conducted an exhaustive comparative genomic analysis of these gene families in twenty Arthropoda species. We show that the evolution of the OBP and CSP gene families is highly dynamic, with a high number of gains and losses of genes, pseudogenes and independent origins of subfamilies. Taken together, our data clearly support the birth-and-death model for the evolution of these gene families with an overall high gene-turnover rate. Moreover, we show that the genome organization of the two families is significantly more clustered than expected by chance and, more important, that this pattern appears to be actively maintained across the Drosophila phylogeny. Finally, we suggest the homologous nature of the OBP and CSP gene families, dating back their MRCA (most recent common ancestor) to 380¿420 Mya, and we propose a scenario for the origin and diversification of these families.
Spermiogenesis and the ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of the bothriocephalidean cestode Clestobothrium crassiceps (Rudolphi, 1819), a parasite of the teleost fish Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758), have been studied by means of transmission electron microscopy. Spermiogenesis involves firstly the formation of a differentiation zone. It is characterized by the presence of two centrioles associated with striated rootlets, an intercentriolar body and an electron-dense material in the apical region of this zone. Later, two flagella develop from the centrioles, growing orthogonally in relation to the median cytoplasmic process. Flagella then undergo a rotation of 90° until they become parallel to the median cytoplasmic process, followed by the proximodistal fusion of the flagella with the median cytoplasmic process. The nucleus elongates and afterwards it migrates along the spermatid body. Spermiogenesis finishes with the appearance of the apical cone surrounded by the single helical crested body at the base of the spermatid. Finally, the narrowing of the ring of arched membranes detaches the fully formed spermatozoon. The mature spermatozoon of C. crassiceps is filiform and contains two axonemes of the 9 + '1' trepaxonematan pattern, a parallel nucleus, parallel cortical microtubules, and electron-dense granules of glycogen. The anterior extremity of the gamete exhibits a short electron-dense apical cone and one crested body, which turns once around the sperm cell. The first axoneme is surrounded by a ring of thick cortical microtubules that persist until the appearance of the second axoneme. Later, these thick cortical microtubules disappear and thus, the mature spermatozoon exhibits two bundles of thin cortical microtubules. The posterior extremity of the male gamete presents only the nucleus. Results are discussed and compared particularly with the available ultrastructural data on the former 'pseudophyllideans'. Two differences can be established between spermatozoa of Bothriocephalidea and Diphyllobothriidea, the type of spermatozoon (II vs I) and the presence/absence of the ring of cortical microtubules.
Objective: The candidate malaria vaccine RTS,S/AS02A is a recombinant protein containing part of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) sequence of Plasmodium falciparum, linked to the hepatitis B surface antigen and formulated in the proprietary adjuvant system AS02A. In a recent trial conducted in children younger than age five in southern Mozambique, the vaccinedemonstrated significant and sustained efficacy against both infection and clinical disease. In a follow-up study to the main trial, breakthrough infections identified in the trial were examined to determine whether the distribution of csp sequences was affected by the vaccine and to measure the multiplicity of infecting parasite genotypes. Design: P. falciparum DNA from isolates collected during the trial was used for genotype studies. Setting: The main trial was carried out in the Manhiça district, Maputo province, Mozambique, between April 2003 and May 2004. Participants: Children from the two cohorts of the main trial provided parasite isolates as follows: children from Cohort 1 who were admitted to hospital with clinical malaria; children from Cohort 1 who were parasite-positive in a cross-sectional survey at study month 8.5; children from Cohort 2 identified as parasite-positive during follow-up by active detection of infection. Outcome: Divergence of DNA sequence encoding the CSP T cell-epitope region sequence from that of the vaccine sequence was measured in 521 isolates. The number of distinct P. falciparum genotypes was also determined. Results: We found no evidence that parasite genotypes from children in the RTS,S/AS02A arm were more divergent than those receiving control vaccines. For Cohort 1 (survey at studymonth 8.5) and Cohort 2, infections in the vaccine group contained significantly fewer genotypes than those in the control group, (p 1/4 0.035, p 1/4 0.006), respectively, for the two cohorts. This was not the case for children in Cohort 1 who were admitted to hospital (p 1/4 0.478). Conclusions: RTS,S/AS02A did not select for genotypes encoding divergent T cell epitopes in the C-terminal region of CSP in this trial. In both cohorts, there was a modest reduction in the mean number of parasite genotypes harboured by vaccinated children compared with controls, but only among those with asymptomatic infections.
The fundamentals of Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction,Automated capillary electrophoresis -Sanger sequencing and Fragmentanalysis- and "Next-generation" sequencing are reviewed. An overview ofapplications is presented using our own examples carried out in our facility.
Spermiogenesis and the ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of the bothriocephalidean cestode Clestobothrium crassiceps (Rudolphi, 1819), a parasite of the teleost fish Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758), have been studied by means of transmission electron microscopy. Spermiogenesis involves firstly the formation of a differentiation zone. It is characterized by the presence of two centrioles associated with striated rootlets, an intercentriolar body and an electron-dense material in the apical region of this zone. Later, two flagella develop from the centrioles, growing orthogonally in relation to the median cytoplasmic process. Flagella then undergo a rotation of 90° until they become parallel to the median cytoplasmic process, followed by the proximodistal fusion of the flagella with the median cytoplasmic process. The nucleus elongates and afterwards it migrates along the spermatid body. Spermiogenesis finishes with the appearance of the apical cone surrounded by the single helical crested body at the base of the spermatid. Finally, the narrowing of the ring of arched membranes detaches the fully formed spermatozoon. The mature spermatozoon of C. crassiceps is filiform and contains two axonemes of the 9 + '1' trepaxonematan pattern, a parallel nucleus, parallel cortical microtubules, and electron-dense granules of glycogen. The anterior extremity of the gamete exhibits a short electron-dense apical cone and one crested body, which turns once around the sperm cell. The first axoneme is surrounded by a ring of thick cortical microtubules that persist until the appearance of the second axoneme. Later, these thick cortical microtubules disappear and thus, the mature spermatozoon exhibits two bundles of thin cortical microtubules. The posterior extremity of the male gamete presents only the nucleus. Results are discussed and compared particularly with the available ultrastructural data on the former 'pseudophyllideans'. Two differences can be established between spermatozoa of Bothriocephalidea and Diphyllobothriidea, the type of spermatozoon (II vs I) and the presence/absence of the ring of cortical microtubules.
This is the first TEM examination of vitellogenesis in the cestode Aporhynchus menezesi, a parasite of the velvet belly lanternshark Etmopterus spinax and a member of a little-studied trypanorhynch family, the Aporhynchidae. The synthetic activity of vitellocytes plays two important functions in the developmental biology of cestodes: (1) their shell-globules serve in eggshell formation; and (2) their accumulated reserves of glycogen and lipids represent a food source for the developing embryo. In A. menezesi, vitelline follicles consist of cells at various stages of development, from peripheral, immature cells of the gonial type to mature cells towards the centre of the follicle. These stages are: (I) immature; (II) early differentiation; (III) advanced maturation; and (IV) mature. Gradual changes involved in this process occur within each stage. Vitellogenesis involves: (1) an increase in cell volume; (2) the development of a smooth endoplasmic reticulum and an accelerated formation and accumulation of both unsaturated and saturated lipid droplets, along with their continuous enlargement and fusion; (3) the formation of individual β-glycogen particles and their accumulation in the form of glycogen islands scattered among lipid droplets in the cytoplasm of maturing and mature vitellocytes; (4) the rapid accumulation of large, moderately saturated lipid droplets accompanied by dense accumulations of β-glycogen along with proteinaceous shell-globules or shell-globule clusters in the peripheral layer during the advanced stage of maturation; (5) the development of cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum that produce dense, proteinaceous shell-globules; (6) the development of Golgi complexes engaged in the packaging of this material; and (7) the progressive and continuous enlargement of shell-globules into very large clusters in the peripheral layer during the advanced stage of maturation. Vitellogenesis in A. menezesi, only to some extent, resembles that previously described for four other trypanorhynchs. It differs in: (i) the reversed order of secretory activities in the differentiating vitellocytes, namely the accumulation of large lipid droplets accompanied by glycogenesis or β-glycogen formation during early differentiation (stage II), i.e. before the secretory activity, which is predominantly protein synthesis for shell-globule formation (stage III); (ii) the very heavy accumulation of large lipid droplets during the final stage of cytodifferentiation (stage IV); and (iii) the small number of β-glycogen particles present in mature vitellocytes. Ultracytochemical staining with PA-TCH-SP for glycogen proved positive for a small number of β-glycogen particles in differentiating and mature vitellocytes. Hypotheses, concerning the interrelationships of patterns of vitellogenesis, possible modes of egg formation, embryonic development and life-cycles, are commented upon.
This is the first TEM examination of vitellogenesis in the cestode Aporhynchus menezesi, a parasite of the velvet belly lanternshark Etmopterus spinax and a member of a little-studied trypanorhynch family, the Aporhynchidae. The synthetic activity of vitellocytes plays two important functions in the developmental biology of cestodes: (1) their shell-globules serve in eggshell formation; and (2) their accumulated reserves of glycogen and lipids represent a food source for the developing embryo. In A. menezesi, vitelline follicles consist of cells at various stages of development, from peripheral, immature cells of the gonial type to mature cells towards the centre of the follicle. These stages are: (I) immature; (II) early differentiation; (III) advanced maturation; and (IV) mature. Gradual changes involved in this process occur within each stage. Vitellogenesis involves: (1) an increase in cell volume; (2) the development of a smooth endoplasmic reticulum and an accelerated formation and accumulation of both unsaturated and saturated lipid droplets, along with their continuous enlargement and fusion; (3) the formation of individual β-glycogen particles and their accumulation in the form of glycogen islands scattered among lipid droplets in the cytoplasm of maturing and mature vitellocytes; (4) the rapid accumulation of large, moderately saturated lipid droplets accompanied by dense accumulations of β-glycogen along with proteinaceous shell-globules or shell-globule clusters in the peripheral layer during the advanced stage of maturation; (5) the development of cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum that produce dense, proteinaceous shell-globules; (6) the development of Golgi complexes engaged in the packaging of this material; and (7) the progressive and continuous enlargement of shell-globules into very large clusters in the peripheral layer during the advanced stage of maturation. Vitellogenesis in A. menezesi, only to some extent, resembles that previously described for four other trypanorhynchs. It differs in: (i) the reversed order of secretory activities in the differentiating vitellocytes, namely the accumulation of large lipid droplets accompanied by glycogenesis or β-glycogen formation during early differentiation (stage II), i.e. before the secretory activity, which is predominantly protein synthesis for shell-globule formation (stage III); (ii) the very heavy accumulation of large lipid droplets during the final stage of cytodifferentiation (stage IV); and (iii) the small number of β-glycogen particles present in mature vitellocytes. Ultracytochemical staining with PA-TCH-SP for glycogen proved positive for a small number of β-glycogen particles in differentiating and mature vitellocytes. Hypotheses, concerning the interrelationships of patterns of vitellogenesis, possible modes of egg formation, embryonic development and life-cycles, are commented upon.
BACKGROUND: Candida glabrata follows C. albicans as the second or third most prevalent cause of candidemia worldwide. These two pathogenic yeasts are distantly related, C. glabrata being part of the Nakaseomyces, a group more closely related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although C. glabrata was thought to be the only pathogenic Nakaseomyces, two new pathogens have recently been described within this group: C. nivariensis and C. bracarensis. To gain insight into the genomic changes underlying the emergence of virulence, we sequenced the genomes of these two, and three other non-pathogenic Nakaseomyces, and compared them to other sequenced yeasts. RESULTS: Our results indicate that the two new pathogens are more closely related to the non-pathogenic N. delphensis than to C. glabrata. We uncover duplications and accelerated evolution that specifically affected genes in the lineage preceding the group containing N. delphensis and the three pathogens, which may provide clues to the higher propensity of this group to infect humans. Finally, the number of Epa-like adhesins is specifically enriched in the pathogens, particularly in C. glabrata. CONCLUSIONS: Remarkably, some features thought to be the result of adaptation of C. glabrata to a pathogenic lifestyle, are present throughout the Nakaseomyces, indicating these are rather ancient adaptations to other environments. Phylogeny suggests that human pathogenesis evolved several times, independently within the clade. The expansion of the EPA gene family in pathogens establishes an evolutionary link between adhesion and virulence phenotypes. Our analyses thus shed light onto the relationships between virulence and the recent genomic changes that occurred within the Nakaseomyces.
The present study describes the ultrastructure of the mature spermatozoon of Lecithocladium excisum (Rudolphi, 1819) (Digenea: Hemiuroidea: Hemiuridae) from the stomach of the marine teleost Scomber japonicus Houttuyn (Scombridae) captured in the Atlantic Ocean, off Dakar (Senegal). The ultrastructural organization of the spermatozoon of L. excisum follows the general model described in most digeneans. It presents two axonemes of the 9+'1' pattern of the Trepaxonemata, nucleus, mitochondrion and parallel cortical microtubules, among other characters. However, some particularities of the spermatozoon of L. excisum are (i) the presence of a membranous ornamentation not associated with cortical microtubules in its anterior extremity, (ii) the presence of a very reduced number of cortical microtubules located only in the ventral side of the spermatozoon and (iii) the absence of several structures described in most digeneans such as spine-like bodies and cytoplasmic expansions.
Spermatological characters of the liver fluke Mediogonimus jourdanei Mas-Coma et Rocamora, 1978 were studied by means of transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Spermiogenesis begins with the formation of the differentiation zone containing two centrioles associated with striated rootlets and an intercentriolar body. These two centrioles originate two free flagella that undergo a 90 degrees rotation before fusing with the median cytoplasmic process. Both nuclear and mitochondrial migrations toward the median cytoplasmic process occur before the proximodistal fusion of flagella. Finally, the constriction of the ring of arched membranes gives rise to the young spermatozoon. The mature sperm of M. jourdanei measures about 260 microm and presents two axonemes of different lengths with the typical pattern of the Trepaxonemata, two bundles of parallel cortical microtubules, one mitochondrion, a nucleus and granules of glycogen. An analysis of all the microphalloidean species studied to date emphasised some differences in certain characters found in Maritrema linguilla Jägerskiöld, 1908 and Ganeo tigrinum Mehra et Negi, 1928 in comparison to those in the remaining microphalloideans. The presence and variability of such ultrastructural characters according to family, superfamily or order have led several authors to propose their use in the analysis of trematode relationships and phylogeny. Therefore, apart from producing new data on the family Prosthogonimidae, the present study also compares the spermatological organization of M jourdanei with other available ultrastructural studies focusing on the Microphalloidea.