45 resultados para paint packages

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Es un proyecto para la creación de una herramienta aplicable al uso de pizarras digitales. Pintar sobre el escritorio o aplicaciones abiertas.


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A new analytical method was developed to non-destructively determine pH and degree of polymerisation (DP) of cellulose in fibres in 19th 20th century painting canvases, and to identify the fibre type: cotton, linen, hemp, ramie or jute. The method is based on NIR spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis, while for calibration and validation a reference collection of 199 historical canvas samples was used. The reference collection was analysed destructively using microscopy and chemical analytical methods. Partial least squares regression was used to build quantitative methods to determine pH and DP, and linear discriminant analysis was used to determine the fibre type. To interpret the obtained chemical information, an expert assessment panel developed a categorisation system to discriminate between canvases that may not be fit to withstand excessive mechanical stress, e.g. transportation. The limiting DP for this category was found to be 600. With the new method and categorisation system, canvases of 12 Dalí paintings from the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí (Figueres, Spain) were non-destructively analysed for pH, DP and fibre type, and their fitness determined, which informs conservation recommendations. The study demonstrates that collection-wide canvas condition surveys can be performed efficiently and non-destructively, which could significantly improve collection management.


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This technical report is a document prepared as a deliverable [D4.3 Report of the Interlinkages and forecasting prototype tool] of a EU project – DECOIN Project No. 044428 - FP6-2005-SSP-5A. The text is divided into 4 sections: (1) this short introductory section explains the purpose of the report; (2) the second section provides a general discussion of a systemic problem found in existing quantitative analysis of sustainability. It addresses the epistemological implications of complexity, which entails the need of dealing with the existence of Multiple-Scales and non-equivalent narratives (multiple dimensions/attributes) to be used to define sustainability issues. There is an unavoidable tension between a “steady-state view” (= the perception of what is going on now – reflecting a PAST --& PRESENT view of the reality) versus an “evolutionary view” (= the unknown transformation that we have to expect in the process of becoming of the observed reality and in the observer – reflecting a PRESENT --& FUTURE view of the reality). The section ends by listing the implications of these points on the choice of integrated packages of sustainability indicators; (3) the third section illustrates the potentiality of the DECOIN toolkit for the study of sustainability trade-offs and linkages across indicators using quantitative examples taken from cases study of another EU project (SMILE). In particular, this section starts by addressing the existence of internal constraints to sustainability (economic versus social aspects). The narrative chosen for this discussion focuses on the dark side of ageing and immigration on the economic viability of social systems. Then the section continues by exploring external constraints to sustainability (economic development vs the environment). The narrative chosen for this discussion focuses on the dark side of current strategy of economic development based on externalization and the “bubbles-disease”; (4) the last section presents a critical appraisal of the quality of energy data found in energy statistics. It starts with a discussion of the general goal of statistical accounting. Then it introduces the concept of multipurpose grammars. The second part uses the experience made in the activities of the DECOIN project to answer the question: how useful are EUROSTAT energy statistics? The answer starts with an analysis of basic epistemological problems associated with accounting of energy. This discussion leads to the acknowledgment of an important epistemological problem: the unavoidable bifurcations in the mechanism of accounting needed to generate energy statistics. By using numerical example the text deals with the following issues: (i) the pitfalls of the actual system of accounting in energy statistics; (ii) a critical appraisal of the actual system of accounting in BP statistics; (iii) a critical appraisal of the actual system of accounting in Eurostat statistics. The section ends by proposing an innovative method to represent energy statistics which can result more useful for those willing develop sustainability indicators.


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In this study we propose an application of the MuSIASEM approach which is used to provide an integrated analysis of Laos across different scales. With the term “integrated analysis across scales” we mean the generation of a series of packages of quantitative indicators, characterizing the performance of the socioeconomic activities performed in Laos when considering: (i) different hierarchical levels of organization (farming systems described at the level of household, rural villages, regions of Laos, the whole country level); and (ii) different dimensions of analysis (economic dimension, social dimension, ecological dimension, technical dimension). What is relevant in this application is that the information carried out by these different packages of indicators is integrated in a system of accounting which establishes interlinkages across these indicators. This is a essential feature to study sustainability trade-offs and to build more robust scenarios of possible changes. The multi-scale integrated representation presented in this study is based on secondary data (gathered in a three year EU project – SEAtrans and integrated by other available statistical sources) and it is integrated in GIS, when dealing with the spatial representation of Laos. However, even if we use data referring to Laos, the goal of this study is not that of providing useful information about a practical policy issue of Laos, but rather, to illustrate the possibility of using a multipurpose grammar to produce an integrated set of sustainability indicators at three different levels: (i) local; (ii) meso; (iii) macro level. The technical issue addressed is the simultaneous adoption of two multi-level matrices – one referring to a characterization of human activity over a set of different categories, and another referring to a characterization of land uses over the same set of categories. In this way, it becomes possible to explain the characteristics of Laos (an integrated set of indicators defining the performance of the whole country) in relation to the characteristics of the rural Laos and urban Laos. The characteristics of rural Laos, can be explained using the characteristics of three regions defined within Laos (Northern Laos, Central Laos and Southern Laos), which in turn can be defined (using an analogous package of indicators), starting from the characteristics of three main typologies of farming systems found in the regions.


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El treball realitzat en aquest projecte es basa en l'implementació d'un demostrador wireless, i més específicament, en l'estudi de les tècniques network coding i virtualització. Network coding és un nou mètode de transmissió de dades que es basa en la codificació de paquets per incrementar el rendiment fins ara obtingut als mètodes de transmissió convencionals. La virtualització és una tècnica que consisteix en compartir de forma més eficient els recursos d'un sistema. En el nostre cas s'utilitzarà la virtualització per dividir una interfície sense fils en diferents usuaris virtuals transmetent i rebent dades simultàniament. L'objectiu del projecte és realitzar un seguit de proves i estudis per veure els avantatges d'aquestes dues tècniques.


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La plataforma d’e-learning: COMalaWEB és una eina multimedia de suport a l’estudi, l’experimentació i l’adquisició de tècniques d’autoaprenentatge. COMalaWEB s’ofereix com a punt de trobada entre estudiants, professors i altres professionals relacionats amb el mon de les telecomunicacions i/o de la docència universitària. Mitjançant el present projecte s’ha dut a terme la consolidació de la plataforma COMalaWEB com a eina WWW d'autoaprenentatge per a l'EEES (Estudis de Bachelor i de Màster): Dins de la plataforma s’hi ha integrat un Laboratori Virtual per a comunicacions analògiques i digitals (LaViCAD) que ofereix activitats experimentals amb un gran ventall de possibilitats que van des de les demostracions teòriques fins a l’emulació de sistemes de comunicacions quotidians com per exemple la televisió digital o el sistema Wifi dels sistemes WLAN. L’altre gran component de la plataforma es la base de dades de continguts empaquetada en unitats bàsiques anomenades objectes de coneixement, organitzada en cursos, integren tant continguts teòrics com un conjunt d’exercicis proposats per a aprofundir cadascun dels temes tractats. Amb l’actual projecte s’ha treballat en les següents línies d’actuació: - Integració dels simuladors del laboratori LAVICAD a la plataforma d’autoaprenentatge. - Creació de base de dades de recursos docents basats en paquets SCORM per a oferir materials docents de tipus teòric i col·leccions d’exercicis resolts en el marc de les diferents assignatures participants en el projecte. - Creació de base de dades de tipus qüestionari per a oferir exercicis a treballar en el marc de les diferents assignatures participants en el projecte. - Inserció de metodologies docents basades en els anteriors recursos en diferents assignatures d’estudis d’enginyeria i de màster.


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La validació de mètodes és un dels pilars fonamentals de l’assegurament de la qualitat en els laboratoris d’anàlisi, tal i com queda reflectit en la norma ISO/IEC 17025. És, per tant, un aspecte que cal abordar en els plans d’estudis dels presents i dels futurs graus en Química. Existeix molta bibliografia relativa a la validació de mètodes, però molt sovint aquesta s’utilitza poc, degut a la dificultat manifesta de processar tota la informació disponible i aplicar-la al laboratori i als problemes concrets. Una altra de les limitacions en aquest camps és la manca de programaris adaptats a les necessitats del laboratori. Moltes de les rutines estadístiques que es fan servir en la validació de mètodes són adaptacions fetes amb Microsoft Excel o venen incorporades en paquets estadístics gegants, amb un alt grau de complexitat. És per aquest motiu que l’objectiu del projecte ha estat generar un programari per la validació de mètodes i l’assegurament de la qualitat dels resultats analítics, que incorporés únicament les rutines necessàries. Específicament, el programari incorpora les funcions estadístiques necessàries per a verificar l’exactitud i avaluar la precisió d’un mètode analític. El llenguatge de programació triat ha estat el Java en la seva versió 6. La part de creació del programari ha constat de les següents etapes: recollida de requisits, anàlisi dels requisits, disseny del programari en mòduls, programació d les funcions del programa i de la interfície gràfica, creació de tests d’integració i prova amb usuaris reals, i, finalment, la posada en funcionament del programari (creació de l’instal·lador i distribució del programari).


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Aplicació de gestió per al manteniment dels paquets de software distribuïts als usuaris de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona. El treball consisteix en el disseny i anàlisi de la base de dades, juntament amb el desenvolupament de l'aplicació.


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El treball presentat fa l'estudi i l'anàlisi per a la implementació d'un sistema de gestió integrat ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) a l'empresa TEXFIL, centrat únicament en solucions empresarials estàndards de paquets integrats per a la planificació dels recursos de l'empresa. Tot i que al llarg del document es fa esment de diferents fabricants de sistemes ERP, nosaltres, a petició del nostre client, ens hem centrat bàsicament en el sistema SAP R/3.


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El projecte té com idea fonamental crear un programari que permeti la instal·lació de paquets per mitjà de la xarxa en diverses màquines que es trobin registrades en la Base de dades, i a la vegada, es tenen dos mòduls un per a l'aplicació servidor i altre per a l'aplicació client.


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R from http://www.r-project.org/ is ‘GNU S’ – a language and environment for statistical computingand graphics. The environment in which many classical and modern statistical techniques havebeen implemented, but many are supplied as packages. There are 8 standard packages and many moreare available through the cran family of Internet sites http://cran.r-project.org .We started to develop a library of functions in R to support the analysis of mixtures and our goal isa MixeR package for compositional data analysis that provides support foroperations on compositions: perturbation and power multiplication, subcomposition with or withoutresiduals, centering of the data, computing Aitchison’s, Euclidean, Bhattacharyya distances,compositional Kullback-Leibler divergence etc.graphical presentation of compositions in ternary diagrams and tetrahedrons with additional features:barycenter, geometric mean of the data set, the percentiles lines, marking and coloring ofsubsets of the data set, theirs geometric means, notation of individual data in the set . . .dealing with zeros and missing values in compositional data sets with R procedures for simpleand multiplicative replacement strategy,the time series analysis of compositional data.We’ll present the current status of MixeR development and illustrate its use on selected data sets


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The statistical analysis of compositional data is commonly used in geological studies.As is well-known, compositions should be treated using logratios of parts, which aredifficult to use correctly in standard statistical packages. In this paper we describe thenew features of our freeware package, named CoDaPack, which implements most of thebasic statistical methods suitable for compositional data. An example using real data ispresented to illustrate the use of the package


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The statistical analysis of compositional data should be treated using logratios of parts,which are difficult to use correctly in standard statistical packages. For this reason afreeware package, named CoDaPack was created. This software implements most of thebasic statistical methods suitable for compositional data.In this paper we describe the new version of the package that now is calledCoDaPack3D. It is developed in Visual Basic for applications (associated with Excel©),Visual Basic and Open GL, and it is oriented towards users with a minimum knowledgeof computers with the aim at being simple and easy to use.This new version includes new graphical output in 2D and 3D. These outputs could bezoomed and, in 3D, rotated. Also a customization menu is included and outputs couldbe saved in jpeg format. Also this new version includes an interactive help and alldialog windows have been improved in order to facilitate its use.To use CoDaPack one has to access Excel© and introduce the data in a standardspreadsheet. These should be organized as a matrix where Excel© rows correspond tothe observations and columns to the parts. The user executes macros that returnnumerical or graphical results. There are two kinds of numerical results: new variablesand descriptive statistics, and both appear on the same sheet. Graphical output appearsin independent windows. In the present version there are 8 menus, with a total of 38submenus which, after some dialogue, directly call the corresponding macro. Thedialogues ask the user to input variables and further parameters needed, as well aswhere to put these results. The web site http://ima.udg.es/CoDaPack contains thisfreeware package and only Microsoft Excel© under Microsoft Windows© is required torun the software.Kew words: Compositional data Analysis, Software


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Given an observed test statistic and its degrees of freedom, one may compute the observed P value with most statistical packages. It is unknown to what extent test statistics and P values are congruent in published medical papers. Methods:We checked the congruence of statistical results reported in all the papers of volumes 409–412 of Nature (2001) and a random sample of 63 results from volumes 322–323 of BMJ (2001). We also tested whether the frequencies of the last digit of a sample of 610 test statistics deviated from a uniform distribution (i.e., equally probable digits).Results: 11.6% (21 of 181) and 11.1% (7 of 63) of the statistical results published in Nature and BMJ respectively during 2001 were incongruent, probably mostly due to rounding, transcription, or type-setting errors. At least one such error appeared in 38% and 25% of the papers of Nature and BMJ, respectively. In 12% of the cases, the significance level might change one or more orders of magnitude. The frequencies of the last digit of statistics deviated from the uniform distribution and suggested digit preference in rounding and reporting.Conclusions: this incongruence of test statistics and P values is another example that statistical practice is generally poor, even in the most renowned scientific journals, and that quality of papers should be more controlled and valued


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In much of the western world, and particularly in Europe, there is a widespread perception that multiculturalism has ‘failed’ and that governments who once embraced a multicultural approach to diversity are turning away, adopting a strong emphasis on civic integration. This reaction, we are told, “reflects a seismic shift not just in the Netherlands, but in other European countries as well” (JOPPKE 2007). This paper challenges this view. Drawing on an updated version of the Multiculturalism Policy Index introduced earlier (BANTING and KYMLICKA 2006), the paper presents an index of the strength of multicultural policies for European countries and several traditional countries of immigration at three points in time (1980, 2000 and 2010). The results paint a different picture of contemporary experience in Europe. While a small number of countries, including most notably the Netherlands, have weakened established multicultural policies during the 2000s, such a shift is the exception. Most countries that adopted multicultural approaches in the later part of the twentieth century have maintained their programs in the first decade of the new century; and a significant number of countries have added new ones. In much of Europe, multicultural policies are not in general retreat. As a result, the turn to civic integration is often being layered on top of existing multicultural programs, leading to a blended approach to diversity. The paper reflects on the compatibility of multiculturalism policies and civic integration, arguing that more liberal forms of civic integration can be combined with multiculturalism but that more illiberal or coercive forms are incompatible with a multicultural approach.