84 resultados para industrialized countries
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al Finnish Cancer Registry a Helsinki, Finlandia entre setembre i novembre del 2006. Davant l’increment dels tumors hepàtics en països industrialitzats, s’avaluen les tendències temporals de la malaltia hepàtica a Catalunya durant el període 1983-2002 i s’estima la tendència futura a partir de l’any 2005. L’estudi s’ha basat en dades del Registre de Mortalitat de Catalunya i de l’Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya. La malaltia hepàtica inclou diverses tipologies de tumors hepàtics i la cirrosi hepàtica. Els models edad-període-cohort s’han emprat per estimar els efectes període de mortalitat i cohort de naixement. Els resultats han mostrat que les taxes de mortalitat per cirrosi han disminuït en ambdós sexes, exceptuant els homes d’entre els 35-50 anys, pels quals la mortalitat es mantingué estable. S’han observat increments en la mortalitat per carcinoma hepatocel•lular i en els tumors de vies biliars intrahepàtiques, mentre que les projeccions mostren estabilitat en la tendència d’aquestes malalties durant el període 2005-2009. Les tendències de la mortalitat per malaltia hepàtica constatades poden ser degudes a la implementació de teràpies noves, nous mètodes de diagnòstic, infecció pel virus de l’hepatitis C d’altres factors desconeguts.
This research primarily analyses relevant climate bargaining dynamics that have been informed by a North-South impasse. This working paper argues that the first stage of negotiations for a climate convention indeed witnessed a North-South divide which became institutionalized in the Framework Convention on Climate Change. However, in subsequent negotiation rounds the key loci of bargaining struggles was centered between developed countries, in which relevant North-South cooperation dynamics were also present. Finally, this paper assesses the unfinished post-Kyoto bargaining process in which two trends are already being observed: both the emergence of a new geopolitics between the United States and major developing countries, and a fragmentation process within the South, in which the Copenhagen Accord itself has begun to institutionalize such fragmentation.
Aquesta recerca se centra en les grans dinàmiques de les negociacions sobre el canvi climàtic, caracteritzades per un punt mort Nord-Sud. El working paper sosté que la primera fase de les negociacions va ser l’escenari d’una divisió Nord-Sud que s’institucionalitzà en la Convenció Marc sobre el Canvi Climàtic. Tanmateix, en rondes posteriors de negociació, els principals antagonismes passaren a tenir el seu centre entre els països desenvolupats, amb una presència de dinàmiques de cooperació Nord-Sud. Finalment, aquest article avalua el procés inacabat post-Kyoto, caracteritzat per dues tendències que ja s’han posat de manifest: d’una banda, el sorgiment d’una nova geopolítica entre els Estats Units i els principals països en vies de desenvolupament i, de l’altra, entre els països del Sud, un procés de fragmentació que el mateix Acord de Copenhaguen ha començat a institucionalitzar.
La recerca té l’objectiu de conèixer quines són les variables que expliquen i prediuen la victimització mitjançant anàlisis de regressió logística. L’estudi s’ha dut a terme a partir d’una mostra de 39.517 registres procedents de 17 països industrialitzats (inclosa Catalunya), que pertanyen a 17 enquestes sobre la victimització l’any 1999, totes elles realitzades amb els mateixos paràmetres metodològics. Les variables dependents (o tipus de victimització) que s’estudien són: robatori del/en el cotxe, robatori o temptativa de robatori en el domicili, delictes menors, delictes contra la propietat, delictes amb violència, agressions sexuals i delictes de contacte. Les variables independents són: país, hàbits de sortida nocturns, edat, nombre d’habitants de la ciutat o municipi, ocupació, anys d’estudi, ingressos, estat civil i sexe. Algunes conclusions són: (1) les variables país i edat són les que amb més força expliquen la victimització; (2)quant a les agressions sexuals, la variable que més explica la victimització és l’estat civil, seguit de l’edat i el país; (3) la variable país està present en totes i cada una de les equacions obtingudes de les regressions logístiques, la qual cosa vol dir que en tots els casos explica la victimització i, és més, té la capacitat de predir-la; (4) l’estat civil i nombre d’habitants estan presents en totes les equacions de regressió logística llevat de la referida als delictes contra els cotxes; (5) l’edat està present en 6 de les 8 equacions de regressió logística, no es presenta en els delictes contra els domicilis ni en els delictes amb violència, per la qual cosa no és útil a l’hora de predir-ne la victimització; (5) pel que fa al país, el fet de viure a Catalunya és un factor de protecció envers el delicte, llevat dels fets contra els vehicles.
Background: Despite the fact that labour market flexibility has resulted in an expansion of precarious employment in industrialized countries, to date there is limited empirical evidence about its health consequences. The Employment Precariousness Scale (EPRES) is a newly developed, theory-based, multidimensional questionnaire specifically devised for epidemiological studies among waged and salaried workers. Objective: To assess acceptability, reliability and construct validity of EPRES in a sample of waged and salaried workers in Spain. Methods: Cross-sectional study, using a sub-sample of 6.968 temporary and permanent workers from a population-based survey carried out in 2004-2005. The survey questionnaire was interviewer administered and included the six EPRES subscales, measures of the psychosocial work environment (COPSOQ ISTAS21), and perceived general and mental health (SF-36). Results: A high response rate to all EPRES items indicated good acceptability; Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, over 0.70 for all subscales and the global score, demonstrated good internal consistency reliability; exploratory factor analysis using principal axis analysis and varimax rotation confirmed the six-subscale structure and the theoretical allocation of all items. Patterns across known groups and correlation coefficients with psychosocial work environment measures and perceived health demonstrated the expected relations, providing evidence of construct validity. Conclusions: Our results provide evidence in support of the psychometric properties of EPRES, which appears to be a promising tool for the measurement of employment precariousness in public health research.
Background: Awareness of the negative effects of smoking on children's health prompted a decrease in the self-reporting of parental tobacco use in periodic surveys from most industrialized countries. Our aim is to assess changes between ETS exposure at the end of pregnancy and at 4 years of age determined by the parents' self-report and measurement of cotinine in age related biological matrices.Methods: The prospective birth cohort included 487 infants from Barcelona city (Spain). Mothers were asked about maternal and household smoking habit. Cord serum and children's urinary cotinine were analyzed in duplicate using a double antibody radioimmunoassay. Results: At 4 years of age, the median urinary cotinine level in children increased 1.4 or 3.5 times when father or mother smoked, respectively. Cotinine levels in children's urine statistically differentiated children from smoking mothers (Geometric Mean (GM) 19.7 ng/ml; 95% CI 16.83–23.01) and exposed homes (GM 7.1 ng/ml; 95% CI 5.61–8.99) compared with non-exposed homes (GM 4.5 ng/ml; 95% CI 3.71–5.48). Maternal self-reported ETS exposure in homes declined in the four year span between the two time periods from 42.2% to 31.0% (p < 0.01). Nevertheless, most of the children considered non-exposed by their mothers had detectable levels of cotinine above 1 ng/mL in their urine.Conclusion: We concluded that cotinine levels determined in cord blood and urine, respectively, were useful for categorizing the children exposed to smoking and showed that a certain increase in ETS exposure during the 4-year follow-up period occurred.
The aim of this paper is to test formally the classical business cycle hypothesis, using data from industrialized countries for the time period since 1960. The hypothesis is characterized by the view that the cyclical structure in GDP is concentrated in the investment series: fixed investment has typically a long cycle, while the cycle in inventory investment is shorter. To check the robustness of our results, we subject the data for 15 OECD countries to a variety of detrending techniques. While the hypothesis is not confirmed uniformly for all countries, there is a considerably high number for which the data display the predicted pattern. None of the countries shows a pattern which can be interpreted as a clear rejection of the classical hypothesis.
This paper shows that an open economy Solow model provides a good description of international investment positions in industrialized countries. More than half of the variation of net foreign assets in the 1990's can be attributed to cross country differences in the savings rate, population and productivity growth. Furthermore, these factors seem to be an important channel through which output and wealth affect international investment positions. We interpret this funding as evidence that decreasing returns are an important source of international capital movements. The savings rate (andpopulation growth) influence the composition of country portfolios through their downward (upward) pressure on the marginal productivity of capital.
This paper formally examines the implications of international consumptionrisk sharing for a panel of industrialized countries. We theoretically derivethe international consumption insurance proposition in a simple setup and showhow it should be modified in more complicated models. We empirically analyzethe implications of the theory for pairs of countries across frequencies of thespectrum and find that aggregate domestic consumption is almost completelyinsured against idiosyncratic real, demographic, fiscal and monetary shocksover short cycles, but that it covaries with these variables over medium andlong cycles. The cross equation restrictions imposed by the theory are, ingeneral, rejected. The policy implications of the results are discussed.
The aim of this paper is to test formally the classical business cyclehypothesis, using data from industrialized countries for the timeperiod since 1960. The hypothesis is characterized by the view that the cyclical structure in GDP is concentrated in the investment series: fixed investment has typically a long cycle, while the cycle in inventory investment is shorter. To check the robustness of our results, we subject the data for 15 OECD countries to a variety of detrending techniques. While the hypothesis is not confirmed uniformly for all countries, there is a considerably high number for which the data display the predicted pattern. None of the countries shows a pattern which can be interpreted as a clear rejection of the classical hypothesis.
This paper adds some new arguments to the thesis that the responsibility forbanking supervision should be assigned to an agency formally separated bythe Central bank. We also provide some additional evidence on the macroand microeconomic performance of OECD countries whose banking systems areclassified according to the regulatory regime in place. We find that theinflation rate is considerably higher and more volatile in countries wherethe Central bank acts as a monopolist in banking supervision. Besides,although banks seem to be more profitable when Central banks supervise them,they incur into higher costs and rely more on deposits with respect to moresophisticated liabilities as a funding source.The data are not definitively in favor of functional separation. However, we argue that the evolution of financial intermediaries, moral hazard problems and especially cost accountability seem to suggest that separation would be a better solution for industrialized countries.We also critically discuss the current arrangement of financial regulationand supervision in the EMU: our proposal is to establish an independentEuropean System of Financial Supervisors (ESFS) structured similarly to theESCB.
El presente trabajo traslada el debate académico alrededor del mayor riesgo de pobreza que afrontan las mujeres en relación a los hombres al contexto español. Tras una breve revisión bibliográfica de los datos disponibles sobre la pobreza femenina en países industrializados y sus posibles causantes, se ponen a prueba esos mismos factores potencialmente culpables en el caso español. Del EU-SILC de 2010 se ha sacado una muestra formada únicamente por mujeres y hombres que o bien viven solos o con hijos a su cargo y, partiendo de ella, el método de la regresión logística ha concluido que hay factores exclusivamente explicativos de la pobreza femenina. Ser madre soltera, ser joven (entre 16 y 25 años) y no haber nacido en España tienen una importante capacidad explicativa de la pobreza femenina mientras no son significativas como explicación de la pobreza masculina. Si a estos factores añadimos no tener un trabajo, un bajo logro educativo y no recibir ningún subsidio individual, obtenemos un conjunto de factores que explican un 26.8% de los casos de mujeres españolas pobres que viven solas o son madres solteras. Estos datos ponen de relieve la necesidad de más investigaciones al respecto que consigan un mayor poder explicativo.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd) is a major cause of illness and death throughout the world. It affects about 10% of the general population, but its prevalence among heavy smokers can reach 50%.COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in most industrialized countries, and it is projected to be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2020. Tobacco smoking is the primary risk factor for the development of COPD, but other factors, such as burning biomass fuels for cooking and heating, are important causes of COPD in many developing countries....
"Social metabolism" is a notion that links up the natural sciences and the social sciences, and also human history. Work has been done by some groups in Europe in order to operationalize the old idea of looking at the economy from the point of view of "social metabolism". This paper is an attempt to consider the links between each society’s characteristic metabolic profile and the ecological distribution conflicts, at different scales (international, national, regional).
This paper presents a general equilibrium model of money demand where the velocity of money changes in response to endogenous fluctuations in the interest rate. The parameter space can be divided into two subsets: one where velocity is constant as in standard cash-in-advance models, and another one where velocity fluctuates as in Baumol (1952). The model provides an explanation of why, for a sample of 79 countries, the correlation between the velocity of money and the inflation rate appears to be low, unlike common wisdom would suggest. The reason is the diverse transaction technologies available in different economies.