24 resultados para heavy metals interaction
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The relevancy of parasites as potential indicators of environmental quality has been increasing over the last years, mostly due to the variety of ways in which they respond to anthropogenic pollution. The use of fish parasites as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems has been widely studied. However, little information concerning terrestrial habitats is presently available. In fact, in the last two decades several studies have been performed worldwide in different habitats and/or conditions (theoretically both in polluted and unpolluted terrestrialecosystems, but mainly in aquatic ecosystems) in order to investigate heavy metal pollution using parasitological models. Different groups of vertebrates (mainly fish, mammals and birds) and several parasitological models have been tested involving acanthocephalans mostly, but also cestodes and nematodes. It is not the aim of this chapter to do a complete revision of the availabledata concerning this subject. Instead, we emphasize some general aspects and compile a mini-review of the work performed in this field by our research group. The results obtained until now allow confirming several parasitic models as promising bioindicator systems to evaluate environmental cadmium and mainly lead pollution in terrestrial non-urban habitats, as it was already demonstrated for aquatic ecosystems. The present knowledge also allows confirming that parasites can reveal environmental impact. Environmental parasitology is an interdisciplinary field, which needs simultaneous expertise from toxicology, environmental chemistry and parasitology. Furthermore, environmental parasitology should be taken into account in order to increase the efficiency of environmental monitoring programs.
The relevancy of parasites as potential indicators of environmental quality has been increasing over the last years, mostly due to the variety of ways in which they respond to anthropogenic pollution. The use of fish parasites as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems has been widely studied. However, little information concerning terrestrial habitats is presently available. In fact, in the last two decades several studies have been performed worldwide in different habitats and/or conditions (theoretically both in polluted and unpolluted terrestrialecosystems, but mainly in aquatic ecosystems) in order to investigate heavy metal pollution using parasitological models. Different groups of vertebrates (mainly fish, mammals and birds) and several parasitological models have been tested involving acanthocephalans mostly, but also cestodes and nematodes. It is not the aim of this chapter to do a complete revision of the availabledata concerning this subject. Instead, we emphasize some general aspects and compile a mini-review of the work performed in this field by our research group. The results obtained until now allow confirming several parasitic models as promising bioindicator systems to evaluate environmental cadmium and mainly lead pollution in terrestrial non-urban habitats, as it was already demonstrated for aquatic ecosystems. The present knowledge also allows confirming that parasites can reveal environmental impact. Environmental parasitology is an interdisciplinary field, which needs simultaneous expertise from toxicology, environmental chemistry and parasitology. Furthermore, environmental parasitology should be taken into account in order to increase the efficiency of environmental monitoring programs.
We analysed concentrations of cadmium, lead, mercury and selenium in blood from males and females of the 2 sibling species of giant petrels, the northern Macronectes halli and the southern M. giganteus, breeding sympatrically at Bird Island (South Georgia, Antarctica). Blood samples were collected in 1998 during the incubation period, from 5 November to 10 December. Between species, cadmium and lead concentrations were significantly higher for northern than for southern giant petrels, which probably resulted from northern giant petrels wintering in more polluted areas (mainly on the Patagonian Shelf and Falkland Islands) compared to southern giant petrels (wintering mainly around South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands). Between sexes, cadmium concentrations were significantly higher for females than for males in both species, corresponding to the more pelagic habits of females compared to the more scavenging habits of males. Lead and cadmium concentrations in circulating blood decreased significantly over the incubation period, suggesting that when breeding at Bird Island, exposure to the source of pollution had ended, and these metals had been cleared from the blood and excreted, or rapidly transferred to other tissues. Association of lead and cadmium with a common source of pollution was further corroborated by a significant positive correlation between the levels of the 2 elements found. Mercury levels were similar between the species, but showed an opposite trend between sexes, with males showing higher levels than females in northern giant petrels, and the opposite was true in southern giant petrels, with no changes throughout incubation. Selenium levels were similar between sexes, but significantly greater for northern than for southern giant petrels. Moreover, there was a significant increase in the selenium levels over the incubation period in northern giant petrels. Age of adult birds did not affect metal concentrations. Coefficients of variation of metal levels were consistently lower for northern than for southern giant petrels, particularly for mercury, suggesting that the former species is more dietary specialised than the latter. Contaminant analyses, when combined with accurate information on seabird movements, obtained through geolocation or satellite tracking, help us to understand geographic variation of pollution in the marine environment.
La distribución de alimentos líquidos al ganado porcino es un sistema alternativo en el cual el alimento se prepara y distribuye a través de un equipo totalmente informatizado y automatizado. Además de materias primas y piensos permite también el uso de co-productos líquidos de la industria agroalimentaria o productos fermentados. Su utilización evita el coste de su transformación o eliminación permitiendo rebajar el coste de producción del cerdo porque su precio es altamente competitivo. La aplicación de alimentos líquidos fermentados tiene efectos benéficos sobre el epitelio intestinal, la microflora digestiva y el estado sanitario de los lechones, reduciendo la morbilidad y aumentando los resultados de crecimiento. Este sistema de alimentación facilita igualmente la aplicación de programas multifase ajustando diariamente el aporte a las necesidades en nutrientes del cerdo reduciendo la excreción (N, P, metales pesados) y con ello, el riesgo de contaminación medioambiental. The distribution of liquid diets for swine is an alternative system where feed is prepared and distributed by an automatic computerized device. In addition to feedstuffs and complementary dry feed, this system allows the use of fresh or fermented agri-food liquid by-products. These products are cheaper and its use as feed avoids the cost of its transformation or elimination, reducing the environmental load and the cost per kg of pig meat. The fermented liquid feed protects the intestinal epithelium, helps to control digestive microflora and animal health improving piglet growth performance after weaning. This feeding device also helps implementation of multiphase feeding programs, adjusting nutrient supplies to requirements daily, and consequently reducing the nutrient excretion (N, P, heavy metals) and the risk of environmental pollution.
En aquest estudi s’ha determinat la deposició atmosfèrica de metalls pesants a partir dels bioindicadors Xanthoria parietina (liquen) i Hypnum cupressiforme (molsa), en 16 punts de mostreig repartits per la zona on s’ubicarà el futur parc natural de les Muntanyes de Prades (Tarragona). A partir de la comparació de les concentracions obtingudes en aquest treball amb les d’altres estudis de plantejament equiparable, es va comprovar que la majoria de valors de concentració dels metalls eren similars als d’altres zones geogràfiques estudiades, a excepció del crom i el níquel, que presentaven valors clarament més elevats. A partir de proves estadístiques (ANOVA, regressions múltiples) es va determinar que existien diferències significatives entre les concentracions de metalls dels diferents punts de mostreig. També es van detectar correlacions significatives entre les concentracions dels punts de mostreig i la distància d’aquests respecte els focus potencials de contaminació que s’havien considerat prèviament. Amb les dades obtingudes a partir un petit anàlisi de la riquesa liquènica dels punts de mostreig, es va disposar d’informació extra per poder avaluar les fonts i el patró de distribució d’aquests contaminants.
Els sediments del fons marí són molt importants en els ecosistemes aquàtics. Aquests sediments són considerats absorbents naturals, ja que s’hi acumulen moltes substàncies nocives, com ara metalls pesants i contaminants orgànics persistents (COPs). En aquest estudi s’han analitzat mostres de sediments del mar Mediterrani amb la finalitat d’examinar els COPs i la possible procedència d’hidrocarburs derivats del petroli. Les mostres han estat extretes davant de la desembocadura del riu Besòs (se n’ha fet una extracció a 8 km i una altra a 54 km de distància respecte la costa) i davant del municipi català anomenat Vilanova i la Geltrú (se n’ha fet, també, una extracció a 8-10 km i una altra a 30-40 km de distància respecte la costa). D’aquestes mostres, obtingudes per perforació, se n’han analitzat el primer i segon centímetres. S’han quantificat els hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics (PAHs), els bifenils policlorats (PCBs) i els compostos organoclorats (OCPs) utilitzats antigament com a pesticides. S’ha posat de manifest que en les zones més properes a la costa, les concertacions COPs són més elevades a la regió més meridional, tot i estar davant de la desembocadura del riu Besòs. Segurament això és degut a la influència de la deriva litoral (corrent costaner marí en direcció NE-SW). Finalment, l’índex Phytane/Pristane, l’índex de preferència de carboni o, en anglès Carbon Preference Index (CPI) i la barreja complexa sense resoldre o, en anglès, Unresolved Complex Mixture (UCM) apunten a la conclusió que l’origen dels hidrocarburs analitzats (n-alcans) podria ser petrogènic.
L’explotació minera, especialment la mineria metàl•lica, ha estat sempre associada ariscos de contaminació ambiental de sòls, aigües i vegetació, originats per l’activitatextractiva, les operacions de concentració dels minerals i pels emplaçaments de residusminers sense una gestió adequada. En molts casos els residus miners s’abocavendirectament a rius i rierols o s’acumulaven en piles pròximes a centres habitats iactivitats agrícoles. Concretament s’estudia els cas de les mines d’Osor. Donada la possible presència de quantitats elevades de metalls pesants en aquests sòlses decideix avaluar una tècnica de remediació de sòls lleugera com la fitoextracció. Lafitoextracció es basa en l’ús de plantes bioacumuladores que absorbeixen metalls delsòl. Aquesta tècnica permet una descontaminació del sòl no agressiva i de baix cost peròrequereix un tractament de llarga durada
Proposta del procés d’electròlisi com a mètode de recuperació de metalls pesants presents en les aigües de rentat de la indústria galvànica i l’obtenció de l’energia necessària a través de l’energia solar fotovoltaica
L’objectiu d’aquest estudi ha estat avaluar l’efecte que té sobre algunes propietats fisicoquímiques del sòl i el creixement de plantes, l’adició del producte compostat obtingut a partir de la fracció orgànica dels residus sòlids urbans de recollida no selectiva, material anomenat bioestabilitzat. S’ha dut a terme un bioassaig amb blat (Triticum aestivum), utilitzant bioestabilitzat procedent de dues plantes de tractament mecànic i biològic, Vacarisses i Mataró, que s’ha aplicat a diferents dosis en un sòl de baixa qualitat. S’ha observat una relació positiva entre el creixement del blat i la dosis de bioestabilitzat aplicada. Pel que fa a la germinació, ha estat lleugerament estimulada per les dosis intermèdies de bioestabilitzat assajades. En quant a les propietats fisicoquímiques del sòl, s’ha observat un increment de la salinitat en funció de la dosis de bioestabilitzat aplicada, que en les més elevades podria ser problemàtica. També, el contingut de matèria orgànica ha augmentat de manera proporcional a la dosis, cosa que ha millorat les propietats físiques del sòl. Per altra banda, s’han trobat continguts d’impropis (vidre, plàstic ...) i concentracions d’alguns metalls pesants bastant elevades, així com una considerable variabilitat entre les partides de bioestabilitzat. Finalment, es conclou que abans de permetre l’aplicació de bioestabilitzat per a la rehabilitació de sòls degradats, cal aprofundir més en l’estudi d’aquest material.
The main goal of this paper is to obtain a granular material formulated with Municipal Solid Waste Incinerarion (MSWI) bottom ash (BA) and air pollution control (APC) ash to be used as secondary building material. Previously, an optimum concrete mixture using both MSWI residues as aggregates was formulated. A compromise between the environmental behaviour and the economy of the process was considered. Unconfined compressive strength and abrasion resistance values were measured in order to evaluate the mechanical properties. From these results, the granular mixture was not suited for certain applications owing to the high BA/APC content and low cement percentages used to reduce the costs of the final product. Nevertheless, the leaching test performed showed that the concentrations of all heavy metals were below the limits established by the current Catalan legislation for their reutilization. Therefore, the material studied might be mainly used in embankments, where high mechanical properties are not needed and environmental safety is assured.
Manufacturing of glass from tin mining tailings in Bolivia Tailings from mining activities in Bolivia represent an environmental problem. In the vicinity of the tin mines of Llallagua,Potosí department, there are large dumps and tailings. We present a study of the use of these wastes as raw materials for the manufacture of glass. This procedure aims to contribute to environmental remediation of mining areas through the vitrification, a process which offers an alternative for stabilization of hazardous waste. In addition, the marketing of the obtained product would provide an additional income to the mining areas. For this study three samples of mining waste, with grain size between sand and silt, were used. The chemical composition of these raw materials, determined by X-ray fluorescence, is granitic, with high contents of heavy metals. On the basis of its composition, glass were made from silica glass by adding CaCO3 and Na2CO3. The thermal cycle has been determined from TDA. Tg values of glass range from 626º to 709 °C. Leaching tests of the obtained glasses confirm their capacity to retain heavy metals.
Manufacturing of glass from tin mining tailings in Bolivia Tailings from mining activities in Bolivia represent an environmental problem. In the vicinity of the tin mines of Llallagua,Potosí department, there are large dumps and tailings. We present a study of the use of these wastes as raw materials for the manufacture of glass. This procedure aims to contribute to environmental remediation of mining areas through the vitrification, a process which offers an alternative for stabilization of hazardous waste. In addition, the marketing of the obtained product would provide an additional income to the mining areas. For this study three samples of mining waste, with grain size between sand and silt, were used. The chemical composition of these raw materials, determined by X-ray fluorescence, is granitic, with high contents of heavy metals. On the basis of its composition, glass were made from silica glass by adding CaCO3 and Na2CO3. The thermal cycle has been determined from TDA. Tg values of glass range from 626º to 709 °C. Leaching tests of the obtained glasses confirm their capacity to retain heavy metals.
A plot study was conducted to assess changes in Cd phytoavailability to a tomato cultivar in an agricultural soil in Southeastern Spain amended in two different ways (A and B), under controlled conditions. The experimental soil corresponded to a fine-loamy carbonatic thermic Calcidic Haploxeroll (Soil Survey Staff, 1998). A) Soil was amended with a single application of sewage sludge from a municipal source that had a total Cd concentration of 0.5 mg kg-1 at a rate that represented a final average concentration in the mixture of soil and sludge of less than 50 µg Cd kg-1. B) The amendment consisted of the addition of a mineral fertiliser with the same amount of NPK as in the sewage sludge application. The final levels of Cd were supposed to be negligible. A plot series without amendments was also performed (C). DTPA plus triethanolamine, and ammonium acetate extractable fractions in soils were analysed for all the plots. The time-dependent Cd accumulation in different parts of the tomato plants was studied by means of a Cd salt treatment. For each block (A, B, and C) four levels of Cd (0, 3, 30, 100 mg kg-1) were added as CdCl2. There was a significant increase in plant Cd after the initial cropping. Tomato stems, leaves and fruits were analysed separately for Cd determination. Differential Cd distribution and accumulation in tomato parts was detected.
The main goal of this paper is to obtain a granular material formulated with Municipal Solid Waste Incinerarion (MSWI) bottom ash (BA) and air pollution control (APC) ash to be used as secondary building material. Previously, an optimum concrete mixture using both MSWI residues as aggregates was formulated. A compromise between the environmental behaviour and the economy of the process was considered. Unconfined compressive strength and abrasion resistance values were measured in order to evaluate the mechanical properties. From these results, the granular mixture was not suited for certain applications owing to the high BA/APC content and low cement percentages used to reduce the costs of the final product. Nevertheless, the leaching test performed showed that the concentrations of all heavy metals were below the limits established by the current Catalan legislation for their reutilization. Therefore, the material studied might be mainly used in embankments, where high mechanical properties are not needed and environmental safety is assured.
Aquest projecte forma part d’un estudi sobre l’eliminació de metalls pesants utilitzant com aadsorbents residus d’indústries agroalimentàries, que des de fa uns quants anys està duent aterme el grup de Metalls i Medi Ambient (MiMA) del Departament d’Enginyeria Química,Agrària i Tecnologia Agroalimentària de la Universitat de Girona. L’objecte del treball és parametritzar un procés basat en marro de cafè que inclouetapes de reducció/adsorció i precipitació per al tractament d’aigües residuals quecontenen Cr(VI) i altres metalls. La parametrització permetrà conèixer en quinmoment s’ha assolit la reducció total del Cr(VI) en la primera etapa del tractament perpoder passar a una segona etapa d’eliminació de la resta dels metalls presents en solució