65 resultados para galaxies: irregular
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
We propose a restoration algorithm for band limited images that considers irregular(perturbed) sampling, denoising, and deconvolution. We explore the application of a family ofregularizers that allow to control the spectral behavior of the solution combined with the irregular toregular sampling algorithms proposed by H.G. Feichtinger, K. Gr¨ochenig, M. Rauth and T. Strohmer.Moreover, the constraints given by the image acquisition model are incorporated as a set of localconstraints. And the analysis of such constraints leads to an early stopping rule meant to improvethe speed of the algorithm. Finally we present experiments focused on the restoration of satellite images, where the micro-vibrations are responsible of the type of distortions we are considering here. We will compare results of the proposed method with previous methods and show an extension tozoom.
We present a set of photometric data concerning two distant clusters of galaxies: Cl 1613+3104 (z=0.415) and Cl 1600+4109 (z=0.540). The photometric survey extends to a field of about 4' x 3'. It was performed in 3 filters: Johnson B, and Thuan-Gunn g and r. The sample includes 679 objects in the field of Cl 1613+3104 and 334 objects in Cl 1600+4109.
Redshifts for 100 galaxies in 10 clusters of galaxies are presented based on data obtained between March 1984 and March 1985 from Calar Alto, La Palma, and ESO, and on data from Mauna Kea. Data for individual galaxies are given, and the accuracy of the velocities of the four instruments is discussed. Comparison with published data shows the present velocities to be shifted by + 4.0 km/s on average, with a standard deviation in the difference of 89.7 km/s, consistent with the rms of redshift measurements which range from 50-100 km/s.
Spectroscopic and photometric observations in a 6 arcmin x 6 arcmin field centered on the rich cluster of galaxies Abell 2390 are presented. The photometry concerns 700 objects and the spectroscopy 72 objects. The redshift survey shows that the mean redshift of the cluster is 0.232. An original method for automatic determination of the spectral type of galaxies is presented.
We present new photometric and spectroscopic observations of objects in the field of the cluster of galaxies Abell 2218. The photometric survey, centered on the cluster core, extends to a field of about 4 x 4 arcmin. It was performed in 5 bands (B,g,r,i and z filters). This sample, which includes 729 objects, is about three times larger than the survey made by Butcher and collaborators (Butcher et al., 1983, Butcher and Oemler, 1984) in the same central region of the field. Only 228 objects appear in both catalogues since our survey covers a smaller region. The spectral range covered by our filters is wider and the photometry is much deeper, up to magnitude 27 in r. The spectroscopic survey concerns 66 objects, on a field comparable to that of Butcher and collaborators. From our observations we calculate the mean redshift of the cluster, 0.1756, and its velocity dispersion, 1370 km/s. The spectral types are determined for many galaxies in the sample by comparing their spectra with synthetic ones from Rocca-Volmerange and Guiderdoni (1988).
From the point of view of uniform bounds for the birationality of pluricanonical maps, irregular varieties of general type and maximal Albanese dimension behave similarly to curves. In fact Chen-Hacon showed that, at least when their holomorphic Euler characteristic is positive, the tricanonical map of such varieties is always birational. In this paper we study the bicanonical map. We consider the natural subclass of varieties of maximal Albanese dimension formed by primitive varieties of Albanese general type. We prove that the only such varieties with non-birational bicanonical map are the natural higher-dimensional generalization to this context of curves of genus $2$: varieties birationally equivalent to the theta-divisor of an indecomposable principally polarized abelian variety. The proof is based on the (generalized) Fourier-Mukai transform.
From the point of view of uniform bounds for the birationality of pluricanonical maps, irregular varieties of general type and maximal Albanese dimension behave similarly to curves. In fact Chen-Hacon showed that, at least when their holomorphic Euler characteristic is positive, the tricanonical map of such varieties is always birational. In this paper we study the bicanonical map. We consider the natural subclass of varieties of maximal Albanese dimension formed by primitive varieties of Albanese general type. We prove that the only such varieties with non-birational bicanonical map are the natural higher-dimensional generalization to this context of curves of genus $2$: varieties birationally equivalent to the theta-divisor of an indecomposable principally polarized abelian variety. The proof is based on the (generalized) Fourier-Mukai transform.
This paper enquires into whether economic sanctions are effective in destabilizing authoritarian rulers. We argue that this effect is mediated by the type of authoritarian regime against which sanctions are imposed. Thus, personalist regimes and monarchies, which are more dependent on aid and resource rents to maintain their patronage networks, are more likely to be affected by sanctions. In contrast, single-party and military regimes are able to maintain (and even increase) their tax revenues and to reallocate their expenditures and so increase their levels of cooptation. Data on sanction episodes, authoritarian rulers and regimes covering the period 1946–2000 have allowed us to test our hypotheses. To do so, duration models have been run, and the results confirm that personalist autocrats are more vulnerable to foreign pressure. Concretely, the analysis of the modes of exit reveals that sanctions increase the likelihood of an irregular change of ruler, such as a coup. Sanctions are basically ineffective when targeting single-party or military regimes.
We examine the timing of firms' operations in a formal model of labor demand. Merging a variety of data sets from Portugal from 1995-2004, we describe temporal patterns of firms' demand for labor and estimate production-functions and relative labor-demand equations. The results demonstrate the existence of substitution of employment across times of the day/week and show that legislated penalties for work at irregular hours induce firms to alter their operating schedules. The results suggest a role for such penalties in an unregulated labor market, such as the United States, in which unusually large fractions of work are performed at night and on weekends.
This paper examines whether human rights naming and shaming destabilizes the rule of authoritarian leaders. We argue that human rights shaming can destabilize autocratic leaders by signaling international disapproval to elites in the targeted country, increasing their capacity to replace the incumbent. In personalist regimes, shaming increases the risk of irregular exit because regime elite do not have a means to peacefully replace the incumbent. Shaming campaigns also decrease foreign aid and international trade in personalist regimes, denying the leader access to resources to pay his coalition – further destabilizing his rule. In non-personalist regimes where parties or the military allow elites to peacefully replace incumbents, human rights shaming increases the risk of regular turnover of power, but has little effect on the risk of irregular exit or international flows of aid and trade. These findings have implications for understanding when and where shaming campaigns are likely to reduce or deter repression.
Desde los años noventa del pasado siglo estamos asistiendo a la proliferación de estudios que se centran en el análisis de los conflictos bélicos más recientes y sobre todo desde el 11 de septiembre de 2001, también el fenoméno terrorista. Términos como "guerra asimétrica", "guerra irregular", "guerra sin restricciones", "guerras de cuarta generación" han pasado a formar parte del lenguaje común de políticos, militares y analistas. Igualmente, expresiones como "nuevas guerras", "nuevos conflictos" y otras similares han adquirido casi la categoria de auténticos "comodines" empleados de forma tan recurrente que no utilizarlos empieza a ser síntoma de excentricidad. Cabe aducir dos objeciones relevantes a esta proliferación conceptual. En primer lugar, que los diversos conceptos con que se intentan definir las guerras y conflictos más recientes, tienden a llamar de otra manera a lo que tradicionalmente se ha denominado "guerra irregular". En segundo lugar, la insistencia en el uso de adjetivo "nuevo" releva un a carencia en esta clase de estudios.
La virtualització és una técnica que té els seus origens a la dècada dels seixanta i que s’ha anat desenvolupant d’una manera desigual fins als nostres dies. Amb ella es pot simular diverses màquines dintre d’un mateix computador. Durant el transcurs d’aquest projecte, es veurà l’estat actual d’aquesta tecnologia, es farà un estudi de rendiment de diferents components del hardware del nostre computador i per últim, es mostrarà l’aplicació que s’ha desenvolupat per treure profit de les característiques de les màquines virtuals, mitjançant la creació, gestió i modificació a partir d’un interface Web.
L’objecte de la recerca és analitzar l’aplicació a Catalunya de la mesura d’expulsió prevista a l’article 89 del Codi penal en el cas de les dones penades, fer-ne la valoració corresponent i, si s’escau, plantejar alternatives d’actuació. La recerca constata les dificultats d’aplicació del principi constitucional de reinserció i d’altres de previstos a la legislació penitenciària en relació amb el col•lectiu de penats estrangers en situació irregular. La pràctica penitenciària observada a Catalunya en els darrers anys ha fet una aposta clara per l’acolliment dels penats estrangers en el territori, en general, amb independència de la seva situació administrativa. Aquesta pràctica ha generat una important expectativa de romandre en el territori per part de bona part d’aquests penats. Per la seva banda, els jutges i tribunals han obviat en general i sota diversos arguments i fonaments el mandat del legislador en les diverses ocasions en què aquest ha fet l’aposta per l’expulsió dels penats estrangers en situació irregular. Aquesta posició oficial majoritària contrària a l’expulsió ha coincidit plenament amb el desig de la majoria de la població reclusa estrangera clarament contrària a la seva expulsió. Les diverses opcions legals que poden implicar el retorn del penat al seu país de residència resulten estranyament aplicades per part dels tribunals i en menor mesura per la mateixa Administració penitenciària. Aquesta no-actuació i la manca d’alternatives legals provoquen situacions divergents de caràcter negatiu que atempten clarament contra el principi d’igualtat, contra la finalitat reinsertadora de les penes i poden resultar generadores d’inseguretat pública. Conscients i coneixedors de les dificultats actuals, els autors estableixen diverses vies d’actuació en la línia de superar aquesta situació. Es proposa una reforma en profunditat de l’art. 89 del Codi penal i s’obre la via favorable a l’establiment d’una nova llibertat condicional per a penats estrangers en situació irregular i que han assolit el compliment de la meitat de la pena privativa imposada.
En los últimos años se constata el difícil ensamblaje del colectivo de penados extranjeros en situación irregular dentro del actual marco penal-penitenciario. El instrumento consistente en sustituir en estos casos la pena por la expulsión ha resultado un fracaso. Resulta necesario buscar alternativas.
This paper discusses the use of probabilistic or randomized algorithms for solving combinatorial optimization problems. Our approach employs non-uniform probability distributions to add a biased random behavior to classical heuristics so a large set of alternative good solutions can be quickly obtained in a natural way and without complex conguration processes. This procedure is especially useful in problems where properties such as non-smoothness or non-convexity lead to a highly irregular solution space, for which the traditional optimization methods, both of exact and approximate nature, may fail to reach their full potential. The results obtained are promising enough to suggest that randomizing classical heuristics is a powerful method that can be successfully applied in a variety of cases.