25 resultados para frivillig revision
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Duro and Esteban (1998) proposed an additive decomposition of Theil populationweighted index by four income multiplicative factors (in spatial contexts). This note makes some additional methodological points: first, it argues that interaction effects are taken into account in the factoral indexes although only in a fairly restrictive way. As a consequence, we suggest to rewrite the decomposition formula as a sum of strict Theil indexes plus the interactive terms; second, it might be instructive to aggregate some of the initial factors; third, this decomposition can be immediately extended to the between- and within-group components.
In the literature on risk, one generally assume that uncertainty is uniformly distributed over the entire working horizon, when the absolute risk-aversion index is negative and constant. From this perspective, the risk is totally exogenous, and thus independent of endogenous risks. The classic procedure is "myopic" with regard to potential changes in the future behavior of the agent due to inherent random fluctuations of the system. The agent's attitude to risk is rigid. Although often criticized, the most widely used hypothesis for the analysis of economic behavior is risk-neutrality. This borderline case must be envisaged with prudence in a dynamic stochastic context. The traditional measures of risk-aversion are generally too weak for making comparisons between risky situations, given the dynamic �complexity of the environment. This can be highlighted in concrete problems in finance and insurance, context for which the Arrow-Pratt measures (in the small) give ambiguous.
The objective of this paper is to re-evaluate the attitude to effort of a risk-averse decision-maker in an evolving environment. In the classic analysis, the space of efforts is generally discretized. More realistic, this new approach emploies a continuum of effort levels. The presence of multiple possible efforts and performance levels provides a better basis for explaining real economic phenomena. The traditional approach (see, Laffont, J. J. & Tirole, J., 1993, Salanie, B., 1997, Laffont, J.J. and Martimort, D, 2002, among others) does not take into account the potential effect of the system dynamics on the agent's behavior to effort over time. In the context of a Principal-agent relationship, not only the incentives of the Principal can determine the private agent to allocate a good effort, but also the evolution of the dynamic system. The incentives can be ineffective when the environment does not incite the agent to invest a good effort. This explains why, some effici
Understanding how best to support immature writers in the development of their understanding of the writing process is an important concern for researchers and teachers. Social technologies have become key features of leisure and work place writing, yet knowledge about how to design educational settings that take full advantage of the affordances of web 2.0 technologies to support early writing is scarce. This paper presents a small scale study that investigated how writing in a wiki environment might facilitate and support students’ use of composition and revision strategies. Our findings show that wiki can enlarge young writers’ experience of the process of composition and revision both through their own efforts and by observing the process in others. In this study students employed a wide range of types of revisions both surface and text based changes. These revisions took place during the process of composition as well as at the end. It is argued here that writing in a wiki not only provides young writers with experience of a mode of composition prevalent in the contemporary work environment, but breaks up the process of writing in a way that may support students’ understanding of the processes of composition and revision.
A study on the taxonomy, morphology and anatomy of the lichenicolous species of the genus Cercidospora (Dothideales, incertae sedis) growing on lichens of the genera Lecanora (Lecanoraceae), specifically of the L. polytropa group and the L. saxicola group (i.e. L. muralis sensu auct. group, Protoparmeliopsis spp.), Rhizoplaca (Lecanoraceae) and Squamarina (Stereocaulaceae) is presented. The following species are proposed as new: Cercidospora barrenoana on Rhizoplaca peltata, and C. melanophthalmae on Rhizoplaca melanophthalma. C. stenotropae is proposed provisionally; this fungus grows on Lecanora stenotropa and other taxa of the L. polytropa group. A key for the species of the genus Cercidospora treated is provided.
Control of brown spot of pear requires fungicide treatments of pear trees during the growing season. Scheduling fungicide sprays with the Brown spot of pear forecasting system (BSPcast) provides significantfungicide savings but does not increase the efficacy of disease control. Modifications in BSPcast wereintroduced in order to increase system performance. The changes consisted of: (1) the use of a daily infectionrisk (Rm≥0.2) instead of the 3-day cumulative risk (CR≥0.4) to guide the fungicide scheduling, and (2) theinclusion of the effect of relative humidity during interrupted wetness periods. Trials were performed during2 years in an experimental pear orchard in Spain. The modifications introduced did not result in increaseddisease control efficacy, compared with the original BSPcast system. In one year, no reduction in the numberof fungicide applications was obtained using the modified BSPcast system in comparison to the original system, but in the second year the number of treatments was reduced from 15 to 13. The original BSPcast model overestimated the daily infection risk in 6.5% of days with wetness periods with low relative humidity during the wetness interruption, and in these cases the modified version was more adequate
Typically, conflicts in world environmental negotiations are related, amongst other aspects, to the level of polarization of the countries in groups with conflicting interests. Given the predictable relationship between polarization and conflict, it would seem logical to evaluate the degree to which the distribution of countries – for example, in terms of their CO2 emissions per capita – would be structured through groups which in themselves are antagonistic, as well as their evolution over time. This paper takes the concept of polarization to explore this distribution for the period 1992-2010, looking at different analytic approaches related to the concept. Specifically, it makes a comparative evaluation of the results associated with endogenous multi-polarization measures (i.e. EGR and DER indices), exogenous measures (i.e. Z-K or multidimensional index) and strict bipolarization measures (i.e. Wolfson’s measure). Indeed, the interest lies not only in evaluating the global situation of polarization by comparing the different approaches and their temporal patterns, but also in examining the explanatory capacity of the different proxy groups used as a possible reference for designing global environmental policy from a group premise. JEL codes: D39; Q43; Q56. Key words: polarization; carbon emissions; conflict;
This article reviews the methodological aspects of the revaluation index of Spanish pensions developed following Law 23/2013 which regulates the sustainability factor and revaluation index of the Social Security pension system. From a gradual breakdown of the elements that make up the revaluation index, an exposition is given of the formal and implementation problems it involves. Finally, its use is illustrated with numerical results.
This article reviews the methodological aspects of the revaluation index of Spanish pensions developed following Law 23/2013 which regulates the sustainability factor and revaluation index of the Social Security pension system. From a gradual breakdown of the elements that make up the revaluation index, an exposition is given of the formal and implementation problems it involves. Finally, its use is illustrated with numerical results.
Oral implantology is a common procedure in dentistry, especially for fully or partially edentulous patients. The implants must be placed in the best location from both the aesthetic and functional point of view. Because of this it is increasingly more frequent to resort to regeneration techniques that use substitutes of the bone itself, in order to be able to insert the implants in the most appropriate location. Material and Methodology: A review was performed on the literature from the last ten years based on the following search limitations: "graft materials', 'allograft', 'xenograft', 'autologous graft" and 'dentistry". Results: 241 works were obtained that after reading their respective summaries, they were reduced to 38, and 9 previous works were included in order to summarize the concepts. Discussion: Autologous grafts are the 'gold standard' of the bone regeneration. They have obvious advantages, but they also have drawbacks. This is why allogeneic and xenogeneic tissues are used. The former because of their clear similarity with the recipient's tissue and the latter due to their wide availability. Given that these grafts also have drawbacks, the industry has developed synthetic materials that have properties similar to those of human bone tissue. However, as of today, the ideal material to substitute human bone has not yet been found. In recent years the tendency has been to combine these synthetic materials with the patient's own bone, which is extracted during drilling in implant placement, with bone marrow aspiration, or with bone morphogenetic proteins. Thus the intention is to equip these substances with the osteogenic capacity. Conclusions: There is currently no ideal graft material, with the exception of those materials that come directly from the patient. We hope that in the coming years we will have products that will allow us to perform rehabilitations with better results and provide a better quality of life for our patients, especially those who have more complex situations to resolve, like the patients that are operated on for head and neck cancer
This study presents a research about the participation of psicomotricist in the play with children to find out what kind of conditions improve the development of their capacitys of relathionship. The research has four parts: 1) A teoretical revision about the terms of game, social participation and relathionship; 2) A case study based on different interviews with experts, psicomotricists and the observed psicomotricist and 4 deep observations 3) The categories of analysis from the triangulation of teoretical and case study sources of information; 4) Discussion and conclusions about general actuations of the psicomotricist, about specifical actuations with the children and about psicomotricist’s believes.
En l’article es fa una revisió actual de les unions temporals d’empreses (UTE), per tal de veure si la informació comptable que presenten és fidedigne. En primer lloc, es defineix la unió temporal d’empreses, i es detalla l’origen històric, les característiques i els objectius de l’UTE. Seguidament es presenta la regulació comptable i fiscal que afecta a les UTE, i es detalla el que pauta l’adaptació del Pla general comptable de les empreses constructores en relació amb les UTE i la problemàtica derivada de les operacions en empreses d’aquest sector que tantes UTE realitzen. També es ressalta en l’article la responsabilitat de l’UTE i les Normes comptables internacionals relacionades amb les UTE. Finalment es presenten els resultats d’una anàlisi d’estats financers de trenta empreses constructores que habitualment realitzen UTE, per comprovar el seguiment que fan de l’adaptació sectorial del Pla general comptable de les empreses constructores i la informació que donen de les UTE. L’última part de l’article fa referència a les conclusions, i és en aquesta part on s’apunta que la informació comptable de les UTE ha de millorar notablement, ja que actualment és una informació poc transparent, insuficient i dispersa.
En aquest article es resumeixen els resultats més destacats del projecte dut a terme pel grup Projecte Biomassa. Aquest estudi té per objectiu l’avaluació de la viabilitat energètica, econòmica i ambiental de l’aprofitament de la biomassa forestal com a recurs energètic a les forests d’Arestui, Baiasca, Montenartró i Virós situades dins el Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu (PNAP). En el projecte s’ha fet una revisió dels Plans d’Ordenació Forestal (POF’s) de les esmentades forests per tal d’adequar-les als requeriments del PNAP i així obtenir resultats sobre el potencial de biomassa sosteniblement extraïble, sobre el seu potencial energètic i plantejar un escenari d’aprofitament a mode de cas pràctic. A més a més, s’han realitzat també un balanç socioeconòmic, un balanç d’emissions de CO2 i una avaluació d’impacte ambiental per tal de determinar la viabilitat de l’ús de biomassa al PNAP com a recurs energètic. Com a resultat final s’ha obtingut que el procés d’aprofitament de la biomassa per a la producció d’energia calorífica esdevé una opció de futur viable i positiva ja que la implantació del nou procés comporta beneficis a nivell social, econòmic i ambiental.
Este proyecto consiste en la implantación de un sistema SCADA en una planta piloto de fabricación y envasado de líquidos. En este documento se muestra toda la información que ha sido necesaria para realizar el sistema de automatización en los tres niveles propios de un SCADA: nivel de campo, nivel de control y nivel de supervisión. El trabajo de campo ha sido, típicamente de revisión, puesto que el Departament de Telecomunicació i d’Enginyeria de Sistemes ya poseía la planta totalmente equipada, mientras que el sistema de control y el sistema de supervisión se han implantado totalmente.
En primer lloc els objectius que s’estableixen en aquest estudi són: Valorar la importància de la melodia, dels accents i la musicalitat del text en les cançons traduïdes analitzades. Plantejar la necessitat de la traducció de cançons infantils. Analitzar les traduccions existents de l’anglès al català del repertori de cançons infantils que es canten a les corals infantils. Relacionar poesia infantil i cançó. Visualitzar l’ús de la cançó infantil per a l’ensenyament dels infants, tant pel que fa a la transmissió de valors com per a l’ensenyament de llengües. La metodologia utilitzada fa referència a dos aspectes. El mètode qualitatiu amb la lectura d’articles i la bibliografia seleccionada i el mètode quantitatiu amb l’anàlisi de tres entrevistes i vint-i-una enquestes a responsables de corals infantils. En aquest estudi ofereixo l’estat de la qüestió sobre la traducció de cançons, amb especial atenció a la traducció de cançons per ser cantades. Després s’aborda la traducció de cançons infantils per ser cantades, per acabar especificant el tema d’aquest treball d’investigació en concret: la traducció de cançons infantils per ser cantades, amb l’estudi de traduccions de l’anglès al català de cançons cantades per corals infantils de Catalunya, i se n’ubica el context: el moviment coral infantil a Catalunya. Per a la confecció d’aquest estudi s’ha fet un recull de vint-i-set cançons traduïdes (anglès-català) que canten les corals infantils de Catalunya aplegades en el Secretariat de Corals Infantils de Catalunya (SCIC). Se n’ha seleccionat les cançons traduïdes de l’anglès al català, incloent-hi la partitura, la lletra original i la traducció. Aquest recull permet establir un lligam entre la traducció, la música i la pedagogia musical a Catalunya, els tres eixos principals d’aquest treball. D’aquestes cançons se n’han analitzat tres seguint els criteris establerts per autors com Peter Low, per la seva àmplia experiència en la traducció de música vocal. Els criteris són referents al ritme, rima, cantabilitat, naturalitat i sentit. Per tal de fer aquest estudi es van portar a terme tres entrevistes a traductors de cançons infantils: Enriqueta Anglada, Maria Martorell i Josep Vigo. Per valorar l’ús de cançons traduïdes dins del moviment coral infantil en l’actualitat i de manera més global, el treball inclou una enquesta, adreçada a directors de cors infantils, resposta per 21 cors. Aquestes enquestes palesen els canvis produïts amb el temps respecte a la necessitat de traduir cançons, ja que actualment la traducció no és tant important tot i que es continua valorant la seva importància, sobretot per afavorir la comprensió del que es canta. Però alhora es referma el desig de cantar en l’idioma original (especialment en el cas de l’anglès), quan aquest idioma l’entén qui dirigeix o interpreta la cançó, quan aquest fet es veu com a repte, o quan es prioritza la relació original entre música i text.