16 resultados para fluorescent-quenched peptides
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Departament d’Enginyeria Química del Massachusetts Institute of Technology entre abril i octubre del 2006. S’ha dissenyat i sintetitzat uns nous films polimèrics, amb aplicacions en l’àmbit de l’enginyeria de teixits, utilitzant la tècnica anomenada iCVD (initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition), prèviament desenvolupada pel grup receptor. Es tracta d’uns hidrogels superficials de gruix controlable, que incorporen un monòmer fluorat, el qual s’havia estudiat extensament en el grup d’origen. Aquest monòmer es caracteritza per reaccionar molt fàcilment amb pèptids, de manera que aquests queden units covalentment a la superfície. Diferents estratègies pel desenvolupament d’aquests copolímers han estat avaluades, tant des del punt de vista purament sintètic com de la pròpia aplicació. Les condicions de polimerització han estat optimitzades i els hidrogels s’han caracteritzat químicament per tècniques espectroscòpiques (FTIR, XPS), i físicament per angle de contacte i el·lipsometria. D’aquesta manera, s’ha estudiat la capacitat dels hidrogels d’absorbir aigua i alhora augmentar el seu gruix, depenent de la quantitat d’agent reticulant introduït i de la incorporació del nou monòmer. A continuació, s’han optimitzat les condicions de reacció d’aquestes superfícies amb pèptids que incorporen una molècula fluorescent, la qual permet detectar fàcilment per microscòpia de fluorescència si la reacció ha tingut lloc. Una vegada la plataforma ha estat posada a punt, s’han iniciat assajos cel·lulars tant amb fibroblasts embriònics de ratolí com amb cèl·lules humanes umbilicals. Els resultats preliminars suggereixen una morfologia diferent de les cèl·lules segons si es cultiven sobre films modificats amb pèptids que promouen l’adhesió cel·lular o sobre les seves seqüències permutades no actives. Però, el més interessant és que també s’han observat certes diferències depenent si els films contenen el component hidrogel o no, fet que suggeriria un paper actiu d’aquests noves superfícies en el comportament cel·lular.
The mechanism of action of antimicrobial peptides is, to our knowledge, still poorly understood. To probe the biophysical characteristics that confer activity, we present here a molecular-dynamics and biophysical study of a cyclic antimicrobial peptide and its inactive linear analog. In the simulations, the cyclic peptide caused large perturbations in the bilayer and cooperatively opened a disordered toroidal pore, 1–2 nm in diameter. Electrophysiology measurements confirm discrete poration events of comparable size. We also show that lysine residues aligning parallel to each other in the cyclic but not linear peptide are crucial for function. By employing dual-color fluorescence burst analysis, we show that both peptides are able to fuse/aggregate liposomes but only the cyclic peptide is able to porate them. The results provide detailed insight on the molecular basis of activity of cyclic antimicrobial peptides
Carbohydrates are considered as promising templates for the display of multiple copies of antimicrobial peptides. Herein, wedescribe the design and synthesis of chimeric structures containing two or four copies of the antimicrobial peptidesKKLFKKILKYL-NH2 (BP100) and KKLfKKILKYL-NH2 (BP143) attached to the carbohydrate template cyclodithioerythritol(cDTE) or α-D-galactopyranoside (Galp). The synthesis involved the preparation of the corresponding peptide aldehyde followedby coupling to an aminooxy-functionalized carbohydrate template. After purification, the multivalent display systems were obtainedin high purities (90–98%) and in good yields (42–64%). These compounds were tested against plant and human pathogenic bacteriaand screened for their cytotoxicity on eukaryotic cells. They showed lower MIC values than the parent peptides against the bacteriaanalyzed. In particular, the carbopeptides derived from cDTE and Galp, which contained two or four copies of BP100, respectively,were 2- to 8-fold more active than the monomeric peptide against the phytopathogenic bacteria. These results suggest thatpreassembling antimicrobial peptides to multimeric structures is not always associated with a significant improvement of theactivity. In contrast, the carbopeptides synthesized were active against human red blood cells pointing out that peptide preassemblyis critical for the hemolytic activity. Notably, peptide preassembly resulted in an enhanced bactericidal effect
The kinetic roughening of a stable oil-air interface moving in a Hele-Shaw cell that contains a quenched columnar disorder (tracks) has been studied. A capillary effect is responsible for the dynamic evolution of the resulting rough interface, which exhibits anomalous scaling. The three independent exponents needed to characterize the anomalous scaling are determined experimentally. The anomalous scaling is explained in terms of the initial acceleration and subsequent deceleration of the interface tips in the tracks coupled by mass conservation. A phenomenological model that reproduces the measured global and local exponents is introduced.
We make an experimental characterization of the effect that static disorder has on the shape of a normal Saffman-Taylor finger. We find that static noise induces a small amplitude and long wavelength instability on the sides of the finger. Fluctuations on the finger sides have a dominant wavelength, indicating that the system acts as a selective amplifier of static noise. The dominant wavelength does not seem to be very sensitive to the intensity of static noise present in the system. On the other hand, at a given flow rate, rms fluctuations of the finger width, decrease with decreasing intensity of static noise. This might explain why the sides of the fingers are flat for typical Saffman-Taylor experiments. Comparison with previous numerical studies of the effect that temporal noise has on the Saffman-Taylor finger, leads to conclude that the effect of temporal noise and static noise are similar. The behavior of fluctuations of the finger width found in our experiments, is qualitatively similar to one recently reported, in the sense that, the magnitude of the width fluctuations decays as a power law of the capillary number, at low flow rates, and increases with capillary number for larger flow rates.
The study of proteins has been a key element in biomedicine and biotechnology because of their important role in cell functions or enzymatic activity. Cells are the basic unit of living organisms, which are governed by a vast range of chemical reactions. These chemical reactions must be highly regulatedin order to achieve homeostasis. Proteins are polymeric molecules that havetaken on the evolutionary process the role, along with other factors, of controlthese chemical reactions. Learning how proteins interact and control their up anddown regulations can teach us how living cells regulate their functions, as well asthe cause of certain anomalies that occur in different diseases where proteins areinvolved. Mass spectrometry (MS) is an analytical widely used technique to studythe protein content inside the cells as a biomarker point, which describesdysfunctions in diseases and increases knowledge of how proteins are working.All the methodologies involved in these descriptions are integrated in the fieldcalled Proteomics.
Introduction: Evidence suggests that citrullinated fibrin(ogen) may be a potential in vivo target of anticitrullinated protein/peptide antibodies (ACPA) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We compared the diagnostic yield of three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests by using chimeric fibrin/filaggrin citrullinated synthetic peptides (CFFCP1, CFFCP2, CFFCP3) with a commercial CCP2-based test in RA and analyzed their prognostic values in early RA. Methods: Samples from 307 blood donors and patients with RA (322), psoriatic arthritis (133), systemic lupus erythematosus (119), and hepatitis C infection (84) were assayed by using CFFCP- and CCP2-based tests. Autoantibodies also were analyzed at baseline and during a 2-year follow-up in 98 early RA patients to determine their prognostic value. Results: With cutoffs giving 98% specificity for RA versus blood donors, the sensitivity was 72.1% for CFFCP1, 78.0% for CFFCP2, 71.4% for CFFCP3, and 73.9% for CCP2, with positive predictive values greater than 97% in all cases. CFFCP sensitivity in RA increased to 80.4% without losing specificity when positivity was considered as any positive anti-CFFCP status. Specificity of the three CFFCP tests versus other rheumatic populations was high (> 90%) and similar to those for the CCP2. In early RA, CFFCP1 best identified patients with a poor radiographic outcome. Radiographic progression was faster in the small subgroup of CCP2-negative and CFFCP1-positive patients than in those negative for both autoantibodies. CFFCP antibodies decreased after 1 year, but without any correlation with changes in disease activity. Conclusions: CFFCP-based assays are highly sensitive and specific for RA. Early RA patients with anti-CFFCP1 antibodies, including CCP2-negative patients, show greater radiographic progression.
Cyclic peptides and peptoids were prepared using the thiolene Michael-type reaction. The linear precursors were provided with additional functional groups allowing for subsequent conjugation: an orthogonally protected thiol, a protected maleimide, or an alkyne. The functional group for conjugation was placed either within the cycle or in an external position. The click reactions employed for conjugation with suitably derivatized nucleoside or oligonucleotides were either cycloadditions (Diels-Alder, Cu(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne) or the same Michael-type reaction as for cyclization.
The present study was designed to investigate the efficacy of the fluorescent dyes Fast Blue (FB), Fluoro-Gold (FG), and Diamidino Yellow (DY) for retrograde tracing of lumbar dorsal root ganglia after their subcutaneous injection into different hindlimb digits. Injection of equal volumes (0.5 mu l) of 5% FB or 2% FG resulted in similar mean numbers of sensory neurones labelled by each tracer. Injection of equal volumes (0.5 mu l) of FB or FG in a single digit followed 10 days later by a second injection of the same volume of 5% DY into the same digit resulted in similar mean numbers of labelled sensory neurones for each of the three tracers. Furthermore, on average, 75% of all the FB-labelled cells and 74% of all FC-labelled cells also contained DY. Repeating the same experiment with an increased volume of DY (1.5 mu l) resulted in an increase in the mean number of double-labelled profiles to 82 and 84% for FB and FG, respectively. The results show that FB, FG and DY label similar numbers of cutaneous afferents and that a high level of double labelling may be obtained after sequential injections in digits. These properties make them suitable candidates in investigations where a combination of tracers with similar labelling efficacies is needed.
Introduction: Evidence suggests that citrullinated fibrin(ogen) may be a potential in vivo target of anticitrullinated protein/peptide antibodies (ACPA) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We compared the diagnostic yield of three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests by using chimeric fibrin/filaggrin citrullinated synthetic peptides (CFFCP1, CFFCP2, CFFCP3) with a commercial CCP2-based test in RA and analyzed their prognostic values in early RA. Methods: Samples from 307 blood donors and patients with RA (322), psoriatic arthritis (133), systemic lupus erythematosus (119), and hepatitis C infection (84) were assayed by using CFFCP- and CCP2-based tests. Autoantibodies also were analyzed at baseline and during a 2-year follow-up in 98 early RA patients to determine their prognostic value. Results: With cutoffs giving 98% specificity for RA versus blood donors, the sensitivity was 72.1% for CFFCP1, 78.0% for CFFCP2, 71.4% for CFFCP3, and 73.9% for CCP2, with positive predictive values greater than 97% in all cases. CFFCP sensitivity in RA increased to 80.4% without losing specificity when positivity was considered as any positive anti-CFFCP status. Specificity of the three CFFCP tests versus other rheumatic populations was high (> 90%) and similar to those for the CCP2. In early RA, CFFCP1 best identified patients with a poor radiographic outcome. Radiographic progression was faster in the small subgroup of CCP2-negative and CFFCP1-positive patients than in those negative for both autoantibodies. CFFCP antibodies decreased after 1 year, but without any correlation with changes in disease activity. Conclusions: CFFCP-based assays are highly sensitive and specific for RA. Early RA patients with anti-CFFCP1 antibodies, including CCP2-negative patients, show greater radiographic progression.
Identification of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes has traditionally relied upon testing of overlapping peptide libraries for their reactivity with T cells in vitro. Here, we pursued deep ligand sequencing (DLS) as an alternative method of directly identifying those ligands that are epitopes presented to CTLs by the class I human leukocyte antigens (HLA) of infected cells. Soluble class I HLA-A*11:01 (sHLA) was gathered from HIV-1 NL4-3-infected human CD4+ SUP-T1 cells. HLA-A*11:01 harvested from infected cells was immunoaffinity purified and acid boiled to release heavy and light chains from peptide ligands that were then recovered by size-exclusion filtration. The ligands were first fractionated by high-pH high-pressure liquid chromatography and then subjected to separation by nano-liquid chromatography (nano-LC)–mass spectrometry (MS) at low pH. Approximately 10 million ions were selected for sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). HLA-A*11:01 ligand sequences were determined with PEAKS software and confirmed by comparison to spectra generated from synthetic peptides. DLS identified 42 viral ligands presented by HLA-A*11:01, and 37 of these were previously undetected. These data demonstrate that (i) HIV-1 Gag and Nef are extensively sampled, (ii) ligand length variants are prevalent, particularly within Gag and Nef hot spots where ligand sequences overlap, (iii) noncanonical ligands are T cell reactive, and (iv) HIV-1 ligands are derived from de novo synthesis rather than endocytic sampling. Next-generation immunotherapies must factor these nascent HIV-1 ligand length variants and the finding that CTL-reactive epitopes may be absent during infection of CD4+ T cells into strategies designed to enhance T cell immunity.
Monomers allowing for the introduction of [2,5-dimethylfuran]-protected maleimides into polyamides such as peptides, peptide nucleic acids, and peptoids were prepared, as well as the corresponding oligomers. Suitable maleimide deprotection conditions were established in each case. The stability of the adducts generated by Michael-type maleimide-thiol reaction and Diels-Alder cycloaddition to maleimide deprotection conditions was exploited to prepare a variety of conjugates from peptide and PNA scaffolds incorporating one free and one protected maleimide. The target molecules were synthesized by using two subsequent maleimide-involving click reactions separated by a maleimide deprotection step. Carrying out maleimide deprotection and conjugation simultaneously gave better results than performing the two reactions subsequently.
Cyclic peptide architectures can be easily synthesized from cysteine-containing peptides with appending maleimides, free or protected, through an intramolecular Michael-type reaction. After peptide assembly, the peptide can cyclize either during the trifluoroacetic acid treatment, if the maleimide is not protected, or upon deprotection of the maleimide. The combination of free and protected maleimide moieties and two orthogonally protected cysteines gives access to structurally different bicyclic peptides with isolated or fused cycles.