87 resultados para finite integral transform technique

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Motivated by the work of Mateu, Orobitg, Pérez and Verdera, who proved inequalities of the form $T_*f\lesssim M(Tf)$ or $T_*f\lesssim M^2(Tf)$ for certain singular integral operators $T$, such as the Hilbert or the Beurling transforms, we study the possibility of establishing this type of control for the Cauchy transform along a Lipschitz graph. We show that this is not possible in general, and we give a partial positive result when the graph is substituted by a Jordan curve.


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We design optimal band pass filters for electrons in semiconductor heterostructures, under a uniform applied electric field. The inner cells are chosen to provide a desired transmission window. The outer cells are then designed to transform purely incoming or outgoing waves into Bloch states of the inner cells. The transfer matrix is interpreted as a conformal mapping in the complex plane, which allows us to write constraints on the outer cell parameters, from which physically useful values can be obtained.


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In this work we develop the canonical formalism for constrained systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom by making use of the PoincarCartan integral invariant method. A set of variables suitable for the reduction to the physical ones can be obtained by means of a canonical transformation. From the invariance of the PoincarCartan integral under canonical transformations we get the form of the equations of motion for the physical variables of the system.


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In multiobject pattern recognition the height of the correlation peaks should be controlled when the power spectrum of ajoint transform correlator is binarized. In this paper a method to predetermine the value of detection peaks is demonstrated. The technique is based on a frequency-variant threshold in order to remove the intraclass terms and on a suitable factor to normalize the binary joint power spectrum. Digital simulations and experimental hybrid implementation of this method were carried out.


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We consider the asymptotic behaviour of the realized power variation of processes of the form ¿t0usdBHs, where BH is a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H E(0,1), and u is a process with finite q-variation, q<1/(1¿H). We establish the stable convergence of the corresponding fluctuations. These results provide new statistical tools to study and detect the long-memory effect and the Hurst parameter.


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The problem of synthetic aperture radar interferometric phase noise reduction is addressed. A new technique based on discrete wavelet transforms is presented. This technique guarantees high resolution phase estimation without using phase image segmentation. Areas containing only noise are hardly processed. Tests with synthetic and real interferograms are reported.


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The inversion problem concerning the windowed Fourier transform is considered. It is shown that, out of the infinite solutions that the problem admits, the windowed Fourier transform is the "optimal" solution according to a maximum-entropy selection criterion.


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In this paper we propose the use of the independent component analysis (ICA) [1] technique for improving the classification rate of decision trees and multilayer perceptrons [2], [3]. The use of an ICA for the preprocessing stage, makes the structure of both classifiers simpler, and therefore improves the generalization properties. The hypothesis behind the proposed preprocessing is that an ICA analysis will transform the feature space into a space where the components are independent, and aligned to the axes and therefore will be more adapted to the way that a decision tree is constructed. Also the inference of the weights of a multilayer perceptron will be much easier because the gradient search in the weight space will follow independent trajectories. The result is that classifiers are less complex and on some databases the error rate is lower. This idea is also applicable to regression


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Rotation distance quantifies the difference in shape between two rooted binary trees of the same size by counting the minimum number of elementary changes needed to transform one tree to the other. We describe several types of rotation distance, and provide upper bounds on distances between trees with a fixed number of nodes with respect to each type. These bounds are obtained by relating each restricted rotation distance to the word length of elements of Thompson's group F with respect to different generating sets, including both finite and infinite generating sets.


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We explore which types of finiteness properties are possible for intersections of geometrically finite groups of isometries in negatively curved symmetric rank one spaces. Our main tool is a twist construction which takes as input a geometrically finite group containing a normal subgroup of infinite index with given finiteness properties and infinite Abelian quotient, and produces a pair of geometrically finite groups whose intersection is isomorphic to the normal subgroup.


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El recurs als professionals sanitaris es sols una part de totes aquelles iniciatives, actuacions o creences que els nostres avantpassats van desenvolupar per conservar o millorar la salut, prevenir la malaltia o recuperar la salut. El recurs a altres tipus d'instàncies assistencials o terapèutiques, que es coneix com "pluralisme assistencial", sol ser la norma més que l'excepció. Per a enfocar adequadament aquest problema, cal centrar la indagació històrica sobre aquells -les persones malaltes o sanes- que volien i buscaven la salut. Aquests tipus d'acostaments pretenen tenir en compte totes les possibilitats a les quals es va recórrer en el passat per tal d'afrontar els problemes de salut.


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"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del fitxer adjunt."


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In 1749, Jacques de Vaucanson patented his or tour pour tirer la soie or spindle for silk reeling. In that same year he presented his invention to the Academy of the Sciences in Paris, of which he was a member1. Jacques de Vaucanson was born in Grenoble, France, in 1709, and died in Paris in 1782. In 1741 he had been appointed inspector of silk manufactures by Louis XV. He set about reorganizing the silk industry in France, in considerable difficulty at the time due to foreign competition. Given Vaucanson’s position, his invention was intended to replace the traditional Piémontes method, and had an immediate impact upon the silk industry in France and all over Europe.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a l’ Imperial College London, entre juliol i novembre de 2006. En aquest treball s’ha investigat la geometria més apropiada per a la caracterització de la tenacitat a fractura intralaminar de materials compòsits laminats amb teixit. L’objectiu és assegurar la propagació de l’esquerda sense que la proveta falli abans per cap altre mecanisme de dany per tal de permetre la caracterització experimental de la tenacitat a fractura intralaminar de materials compòsits laminats amb teixit. Amb aquesta fi, s’ha dut a terme l’anàlisi paramètrica de diferents tipus de provetes mitjançant el mètode dels elements finits (FE) combinat amb la virtual crack closure technique (VCCT). Les geometries de les provetes analitzades corresponen a la proveta de l’assaig compact tension (CT) i diferents variacions com la extended compact tension (ECT), la proveta widened compact tension (WCT), tapered compact tension (TCT) i doubly-tapered compact tension (2TCT). Com a resultat d’aquestes anàlisis s’han derivat diferents conclusions per obtenir la geometria de proveta més apropiada per a la caracterització de la tenacitat a fractura intralaminar de materials compòsits laminats amb teixit. A més, també s’han dut a terme una sèrie d’assaigs experimentals per tal de validar els resultats de les anàlisis paramètriques. La concordança trobada entre els resultats numèrics i experimentals és bona tot i la presència d’efectes no previstos durant els assaigs experimentals.